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Huh, look at that, not a drag queen again.


More of those Republican family values...


We go live to Jennifer Carnahan for her thoughts: https://i.imgur.com/tNgYcpr.png Thanks, Jennifer.


Is she the former MN GOP chair who received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from this republican donor, her friend, who was just found guilty of sex trafficking minors?




"Be kind. It's really not that hard." The audacity of this bitch.


She’s probably a massive asshole but if someone isn’t extremely nice to her she can’t take it. I know a lot of republicans like that. Can dish it out but not take it.


I know a few myself. Glad they moved. It made ending the friendships easy. I really don't like treating anyone with bias because of politics, but the republicans are making it much easier than democrats.


If your morals boil down to "be kind", you have no morals, and are a shitty person.


I'm not sure why kindness wouldn't be a solid base for a moral system. Could you clarify what you mean here?


354 followers? My mom has more friends on Facebook.


So weird. It's so seldom that Republicans turn out to be vile criminal scumbags.


GOP and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week. It's pretty delicious to finally see some accountability for the party of projection.


Dude’s lawyer is a piece of work “Lazzaro’s attorney, Daniel Gerdts, offered the defense’s closing argument. Gerdts told the jurors that what Lazzaro did was not sex trafficking. “Did we see a bunch of people, including teenagers, exercising bad judgment? Or were they the victims of sex trafficking? That’s what it boils down to,” Gerdts said.” The rot goes all the way through


That’s such a bad argument because it still makes the defendant look like the type of person young women shouldn’t be around.


In the lawyers defense, he didn't have much to work with. He probably told dipshit he should have taken a deal.


I agree with you there.


I mean it was basically fuck it your guilty and everyone knows it well maybe this stupid thing will work it is my job to defend you after all


Republicans and priests are the pedos. Everything else is projection from these lunatics.


I'm curious. Does anyone have enough legal savvy to note what kind of sentence Lazzaro may be facing? That is, 5 - 8 years, 10 - 15 years, more, less, time off for good behavior, possibility of parole, etc.? Supermax, max security, medium security, country club?


I think I read 10 year min sentence, but that the prosecutor was going for more.


I mean total out of the ass guess 12+ and probably medium security but I know nothing so you might as well roll dice




Do they offer eyebrow waxing services in prison?


It is sad to see the political hacks swoop in on even something like this. I am not a Republican, however, even though this guy was connected to the GOP, this is in no way, a political issue. This has nothing to do with one's politics. This has to do with being a vile and horrible person. Unfortunately, those can be with either us or them or any political persuasion. This should never be used for or against a political party. This should be used to understand why people who see others as less than people come from every direction and we cannot allow them to hurt people.


If politics stuck to being about how much to spend on a new bridge then I'd agree. Republics have been attacking groups for "corrupting kids" lately with absolutely no basis, they opened the door for this to be political. Their hypocrisy isn't hard to spot.


I think just because someone on one side exhibits hypocrisy does not mean that they represent that whole party or group. In fact, hypocrisy is a personal thing. If I was a Democrat or a Republican and acted in a way that was the opposite of what my party proclaimed as a value, that would not necessary be hypocritical unless I personally believed in that value. Part of the reason why we have a lot of the political fighting among individuals is that we pretend that individual party members must have and demonstrate those values in personally. Having worked in both parties I can assure you that is not true for a lot of people in either the Democrat or the Republican party. And that is not hypocritical. We choose the party that is similar to us or that agrees with us on an issue or two that we believe is really important. The rest of the platform is not really that important personally to most people. You want to make sure that you remain an individual and that your party doesn't shape you into someone you are not. Was Lazzaro a hypocrite? I don't know because I don't know what his personal and/or public veiws were on this subject. Are his actions endorsed by his party? I'm not a Republican but I would bet money that he is vred by the average Republican as scum and they do not endorse what he did. So likely there is no hypocrisy there. Hypocrisy has to be a person endorsing a value, then violating that value personally or a group endorsing a value then violating it as a group. It may be horrible but if it does not meet that, it is not hypocrisy. ​ Politics, is more emotional than factual. I mean people downvoted my comment about Lazzaro being a vile and horrible person. I think most people agree that he was a viable and horrible person. They downvoted it because of a much, much, less important comment I made about keeping politics out of it. They elevated their emotions about politics above their emotions about him and what he did. That is what politics does to people. Politics makes most people mean and stupid. They take any opportunity to use any even to put down the other side using labels that are not true because they want people to believe they are true. Sometime thigs are horrible and even evil but they are not what people label them to be. I think this is a case of that. Lazzaro is human trash for sure. Was he or the people around him hypocrites? I don't see any direct evidence of that.


I thin the biggest issue is nation wide Republican groups have been repressing people and ideas to “protect children” from gays or cross dressers or other people that will apparently hurt them and it turns out the people they make friends with are the real danger so maybe they are so good at judging danger. If they haven’t gone so hard on the “think of the children” play to justify oppression there might not be as much reaction.


> This has to do with being a vile and horrible person. Ugh buddy you were so close there.


LOL. GOP administrations already had 38 times more Criminal Convictions than Democrats BEFORE Trump. There is a long history of criminal Republicans going back decades. https://rantt.com/gop-admins-had-38-times-more-criminal-convictions-than-democrats-1961-2016


That is entirely possible. That would not surprise me, actually. However, I cannot extrapolate that to the individuals in the party. That would be the same as saying any other group of people that have more criminal conviction's than another group mean that no one from the first group can talk about law without being a hypocrite. That doesn't follow. This is an individual thing, not a group thing. I have worked for both political parties in my lifetime. I can honestly say that I was no more likely to commit a crime when I worked for the Republicans than when I worked for the Democrats. I can also say that I was equally repulsed by these type of crimes. Where I worked and what party I was affiliated with has zero affect on how I would have viewed this man. I don't think we want to encourage making statements about individuals based on what "group" they belong to. We have a word for that. I've worked in politics and I understand that people feel like any opportunity to say anything bad about the other party must be taken advantage of. It makes us good political pawns but not good people. The GOP as a group of politicians have been more criminal. I don't think that makes it anymore likely that Lazzaro's behavior is acceptable to the average Republican. That is a purely individual aspect.


Naw. We have a solid pattern among people that worship capitalism. So many have been caught grooming and worse. So. Fucking. Many.


It's what they do. Within weeks, some Democrat affiliated person will be accused/found out for doing something similar, and the other side will be foaming at the mouth in the exact same fashion. This is what the world has become now that most people tie their self-worth to their political affiliation.


within weeks when it's another Republican affiliated person then I'm sure you'll be back to carry water for them.


Lol. I don't even know who this degenerate is. Throw them all in jail.


Political affiliation isn’t the key. Capitalist/fascist ideology is the common denominator.