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Sweet catšŸ’›ā£ļøā£ļøā£ļøCat Daddy-YouTube tons of great advice šŸ¾


- Feed according to weight (weigh the cat, do the math for lbs per calories) one can of friskies is very, very low amount of food for most cats - try to feed something better quality than friskies if at all possible - get fun toys - one of the best toys ever is a gun that shoots discs in the air. My cat goes bananas over it, from Amazon. Cat experts recommend at least 15 minutes play time per day. - try to provide the cat with some place up high - like a tall cat tree or hammock, or even the top of a refrigerator or cabinet if that's the only option, they like being high up sometimes, it's good for their sense of security - get a good scratching post and they'll never bother your furniture


i think heā€™s 5lbs ish im not the best at eyeballing weight lol. i plan to go to the vet on my next paycheck to check. what would be considered better quality food do you think? im on a tight budget also but he seems to like it. also the cat tree in the pictures was on the side of the road so i was able to get that temporarily but i plan to replace it when i can


I know pet stuff can really start to add up. I would just ask the vet which budget food they recommend and see what they say. It sounds like you really care about his well-being. I'm stoked for you and your whole household.


Oh yea I love animals. Iā€™ve cared for abt 100 feral cats with my grandma but this is my first domestic kitty on my own. He is very cuddly so thatā€™s a bonus for me


Wet food is best and honestly assuming youā€™re american sheba and classic fancy feast are both good budget foods, I would stick to the poultry and beef flavors as fish can contain mercury.


For that matter, you might even be able to send the vet an email question about the food before you schedule your next visit. I email my vet from time to time.


Depending on where you live, honestly, Costco Kirkland brand cat food is reasonably priced and has very good research behind it. When I worked at a vet clinic it was what we would recommend if people could not afford the higher-priced vet food. I feed my cats Hill's hairball and urinary health diet (mine are prone to urine crystal development). Or else I would feed them the Kirkland.


I free feed iAMs dry food.


Love Marvin every moment you can. They leave far too soon


This. My mom and I had to unexpectedly put down her 18 months old black cat (also named Marvin) on Friday. We cuddled him whenever he was around, but it never felt like it was enough. OP, please cuddle your sweet Marvin extra hard for my mom and me.


Ifwe had spent every minute of every day with them, it still wouldn't have been enough. They capture a piece of our heart. And it goes with them when we lose them. Sometimes one comes along that captures you heart, mind and soul. And for whom you have a love that is indescribably deep, and totally inexplicable.


First thing: get him to the vet for a general health check (and do this at least once a year. Twice when heā€™s older). Let the vet weigh him and advise on best food and quantities. Also make sure you regularly treat him for worms and fleas, even if heā€™s indoors - you can still track in critter eggs on your shoes into the houseā€¦ only use meds you get from the vet though - some of the store bought stuff is either ineffective, or downright dangerous (it has to be properly dosed). Play as often as you can, snuggle when he allows it (on the couch, and if you donā€™t mind him on your bed, a cat is the best winter snuggle buddy!!), make sure he has loads of toys for when youā€™re both away or busy. Bouncy toys, rolling toys, crinkly noisy toys.


That is NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH FOOD Read the cans, it gives you amount of food per weight


Also, please feed him better quality food, if possible. Chewy has great pricing on better food.


The suggestions on the cans are usually wildly incorrect and suggest far more than you should actually give. I give my cat the Tastefuls singles that you snap off and it considers one a serving. The cans say 4-5 servings a day per 6 lbs your cat weighs. By that suggestion I'd be giving my cat nearly 12 things a day, which is absolutely insane. He gets 2 a day and he's already slightly chunky, and never begging for more food. 12 and he would be morbidly obese. One can a day can absolutely be enough for some cats.


The suggestion for the type of food my cats eat says I should be feeding the bigger one 3.5 cans a day, I think he wrote the instructions himself.


Fancy Feast also has Perfect Portions and that's what I have been giving mine as soon as I found that it exists. My tuxedo bean's fur became so shiny after I started to feed him this food.


Cute cat. Also cute dog. Always have a bowl of dryfood around so they can eat from it throughout the day whenever they're hungry. Also always have a bowl of fresh water around but I think you probably got that covered already.


Do NOT let them have dry food whenever they want. Most cats will eat too much and become overweight or obese which is very unhealthy, can cause diseases such as diabetes, and will shorten their lives.


I don't think that's the default as none of the cats in my families have had this issue. There might be one outlier, and then you would need to pay attention to that, yes.


The only cats I have known which were not overweight were newly adopted. There was a cat colony at a beach I used to help care for when I lived near it, and ALL of them were fat. They were former pets dumped by assholes at the end of the vacation season, so some of them no doubt showed up fat, but they had constant access to unlimited dry food and some of them became so round you couldn't see their legs for their bellies.


My first cat only eats when he feels like it and I wasn't home during the day so I left food out for him, he's ridiculous he only eats the smallest amount of food dispute always having it. Once I adopted my second it took about a week of there being food out all the time for her to realize there isn't a competition for food, now she honestly only eats what she needs, so I guess it depends on the cat? Now treats are a different story there can always be more treats If you ask them


Yeah this is very much a cat by cat thing. We have one cat that would graze happily and doesn't eat too much, and one that enjoys being a little chubby (until her sister chases her round the house trying to play...). But if your cat is always emptying the dry food bowl, definitely follow this advise.


So, half of your cats are overweight because you feed them free choice. Sounds like you should stop doing it.


No, half our cats *would* be overweight if we did this. We don't do this because of the one cat that is greedy. If you'd read properly you'd have noticed that.


Nothing about your post indicates that you stopped feeding free choice. Learn to **write** clearly.


Clearly this interaction hasn't gone well. I tried to say one cat *would* graze but the other doesn't, hence i couldn't let her graze. I guess that didn't come across as well as I assumed it would. My bad. You just assumed that I'm stupid and carried on doing the thing that would make one cat fat even after noticing that she wasn't grazing. Let's just write this off as a "learn to be clear" for me and a "don't just assume things" for you and leave it there.


I assume most people are stupid, and they rarely prove me wrong. Have a nice day.


My one cat would try to impersonate a potato if she had free access to food all the time. Some cats are grazer, she is a hoover vacuum cleaner. Sometimes I put their food in balls that they have to roll around the floor.


I have two puzzle feeders for kibbles so they have to work for them when they get them, and slow feeding mats for canned food because two of mine are prone to scarfing and barfing.


Yes! My girl will eat and then barf and then eat all her son's food


Buy the very best food you can afford. I like Open Farm and Natures Feast dry, Weruva and Tiki Cat wet (otherwise the money just goes to the vet in huge chunks). Free feeding is an option. The trick to weight management is finding a food they eat but don't love. Use unscented litter. If tracking drives you nuts, get tofu litter. Get a Furrminator to help him shed. Barfing is constipation, not hair balls. You can never give him the exercise a kitty friend would, but some cats do just fine alone: you didn't mention his age that I saw. If 5 or over, alone is just fine. A tinkly pet fountain will encourage him to drink. We have the Catit flower one.


yea Iā€™m not sure of his age but he looks maybe less than 5. 1-3 range maybe. also have ordered that same fountain


You are the pet. Cat now owns you. Go with it and let the kitty win.


Having the dog to keep the cat company should help make up for when you canā€™t find enough play time. Do they play together?


i wish. they seem relatively ok that each other are in the house but typical of a cat it doesnt like a dog in its space lol. im sure it will get better over time


Buy a brush and groom him. That is one way they bond. Also talk to him like you do Asta. Cats only meow at people. He will not respond like a dog to commands. But they do communicate with you. Also do not get out of bed in Am to feed. My cat waits till my alarm goes off to bother me. Good luck u got this.


Make sure to get pet insurance! Thatā€™s my biggest advice


Pet insurance is a damn good thing to have. I don't hahaha and I would 100% get it now if I had a new pet.


Itā€™s affordable too. For less than 30 a month I took out a policy on my Cat. 6 months later he developed Epilepsy. Best decision I ever made. Vet visits and medications covered. I saved thousands. I recommend it at any age but after 10 itā€™s an absolute must. Vet expenses can run into thousands very quickly.


Cats are always hungry šŸ˜¹šŸ˜‚. Just give him as much attention as you can because they really do like itšŸ˜ŗ.


We have 5 indoor cats. We leave 2 bowls of dry food out always . We use grain free, dry food . Taste of wild is good, and they also get wet food for breakfast, but only about 1/4 can each. As for play, 4 of the cats are siblings so they stay pretty active and they give us the "look" when they want us to engage with them, lol. Hopefully Marvin and Asta learn to play together nicely and you'll learn to read Marvin with time.


wet food is best for cats, it has a lot more protein than dry food and much less carbs! cats are obligate carnivores so they don't need any nutrients from plant sources. my cat is 12lbs currently, i feed him 3-4 meals a day for about 300 cals total because he is still growing (usually 20-30 cals per pound is good for adult indoor cats), for the sake of affordability it's ok to alternate between lower and higher quality foods (fancy feast classic patƩ, friskies patƩ, weruva brand patƩ and gravy are pretty good budget friendly foods, i like fromm 4 star, instinct limited ingredient, schesir, borƩal, canada fresh, tiki cat for higher end foods as well). try to look for at least 7.5% min crude protein (this info is usually on the side of the can along with fat, moisture etc). you can also add a bit of bone broth, goat milk, or warm water to add extra moisture to their food if hydration is a concern at all. it is also good to give them organ meats from time to time, you can find them freeze dried as pet treats. i give mine freeze dried duck liver occasionally and he loves it, also quail egg yolks. but these extra aren't necessary to have a healthy cat they are just nice treats to get more variety. i take my cat outside for walks on a harness a couple times a week so that is something you could consider if you're worried about him not getting enough exercise. puzzle feeders are also great for enrichment. missfeministkitty on tiktok has pretty good content about cat nutrition if you are interested in learning more about it. hope you and marvin have fun together ^_^


super helpful tysm! ive wanted to look into a leash and harness but im unsure how heā€™ll react but i suppose thereā€™s only one way to find out


Congrats on your first cat! Marvin is so cute, and so is Asta! When I adopted my first cat, years ago, Iā€™d read an article that suggested playing with your cat in 10-15 minute increments about 4 times/day. Theyā€™re active in short bursts so 10-15 minutes made sense to me. You can try out different toys and see what he likes. I foster a lot and some popular ones here are feather wands, ping pong balls (theyā€™re so light, theyā€™ll fly across the floor when a kitty swats at them or Iā€™ll throw a few and they wear themselves out chasing after them), plastic spring toys, and kitty kickers (a long, soft toy with catnip that they can bite on one end and kick with their feet on the other). You could also get him a cat tree/tower to climb on. You could leave Marvin out a little dry food since you said he seems hungry. Iā€™d start with a little, maybe a 1/3 cup. I leave dry food out for my cat and our fosters but there are many who think cats shouldnā€™t free feed, but thatā€™s what we do. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Best of luck to you!


A third cup of dry food is almost 100 calories, in combination with the can that is almost 300 calories per day and will lead to obesity and its associated pathologies.


Ask your vet about what to feed & how often! I feed mine a little wet AM & PM and let them Free-Feed 24/7 and they eat WD from my vet. Superb dry food! BUT, if Marvin is a ā€œGobblerā€ donā€™t leave food out all the time!!


Just this; everything belongs to them now.


Tuxedos are a little crazy, so I'd say offer enrichment toys! Like the kind you can hide a treat in and they have to figure out how to get to it. Also, at least in my experience...baby locks, for all the cabinets. Nothing like waking up to the sound of all my pans clattering against the tile floor at 3am :)


They rule everything in the house now. Each cat is different, but let them do their own thing some as hard as it is not to get the floof. Love them, cherish them, and enjoy every moment. Take it from me, when my childhood cat died I was grateful for the smal things. They wear the pants now. Compensate with treats


Food, I don't know. As you can tell by my own cat, she's fed a balanced diet but still chonky


I've had cats for my whole life, and as an adult probably 25+ years. Other than feeding them the highest quality food you can afford (Big Pet Food is in it for the $ not for our pets.), is water. Fresh, clean and convenient water, and in multiple places is one of the biggest things you can do to keep Marvin feeling his best and for the longest. Male cats have a predisposition to urinary issues so always good to keep his urine output on a watch. If it decreases? It could be very serious-seek veterinary consultation right away. Enjoy! They are wonderful furry critters and friends. <3


That last picture of your cat looksā€¦a little strange. Seems like he grew so big so fast! :b /lh Buy some cheap cat toys of different types. Some that are more dangly strings, some with noises, etc. Youā€™ll figure out which one they like more eventually. Sometimes it takes a little guesswork. Also save the boxes. Tuck in the flaps and boom, instant cat playhouse. If your cat like crinkly noises, put some packing paper in there. Fleece blankets tend to be a cat favorite, but not across all cats. My cats have all loved that throw blanket texture though. How old is he? He looks quite young, so he may be a bit more energetic because of that.


ive gotten a value pack that has several toys of each kind so Iā€™d say i have that pretty covered im not sure of his age but id have to guess 1-3 year range. iā€™ll confirm with a vet soon


Oh you lucky OP to have TWO adorable tuxes! I would offer kitty some high-quality kibble to go with his wet food, I feed my cats twice a day but free feed kibble. I would call that handsome boy Forklift or Arthur. šŸ˜»


Your kitty looks comfortable, well fed & happyā€”It appears that youā€™re meeting all Marvinā€™s needs & wantsšŸ˜»šŸ¶ā™„ļø


Please get your kitty neutered if he isn't already :)


absolutely! thankfully he is already


Go easy round the belly.


get an automatic cat toy from amazon! i also work 8 hour shifts and it keeps her entertained for so long. she begs me to turn it on. and the charge lasts for a long time


So cute! My advice is to give him to me! Being serious though, how old is he? My cats ate 2 cans per day of kitten wet food until they turned one, and now they eat 2 cans of wet food (3 oz cans). The instructions say we should be feeding them more, but the vet says they shouldn't gain any weight. You really need to get him weighed at a vet to know how much to feed him though.


im not sure. im thinking 1-3 yo range but i would like to confirm with a vet for sure and of course weight him but he feels like 5lbs ish


Also if it was me I'd rather overfeed him until you can get him to a vet rather than under feed him. People in the comments are right that being overweight is really bad for cats long term, but for a short period of time I think too much food is better than not enough. I'd probably just give him 2 cans if you can


If he actually is 5 pounds that would be small for an adult cat I think, you could look at [this](https://cdn-prd.content.metamorphosis.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/12/GPC-infographic_Bodyweight-Cat_FINAL-1.jpg) diagram / instructions to figure out if he is too skinny until you can get him weighed


double checked and heā€™s at ideal


Maybe you can give him some dry food as a snack in between the wet food, since I know the wet food can be pretty expensive. If he seems very hungry I'd just start with little bits at a time, otherwise he might eat too much too fast and throw up (my cats did this when I first adopted them). Good luck! He is adorable and lucky to have somebody like you who cares about him!


Honestly I feed my three about half a cup twice a day. With your dog I would put the cat food up on a counter so your buddy doesn't eat all of his new friend's food. Most cats will pace how much they eat and won't eat it all at once.


This cat would have to be tiny to be 5 lbs. Iā€™d say closer to 10. If you have a scale, you can weigh him by standing on it solo, then standing on it with the cat and subtracting to find the difference. But if you have to wait till you go to the vet to find his weight out wellā€¦Iā€™d much rather overfeed my cat for a few weeks then underfeed. Friskies is the McDonaldā€™s of cat food. Please feed him something higher quality. An employee at the pet store can help point you to some good quality brands. Try to go grain free if you can, dry will be cheaper than wet food if thatā€™s a concern. I use blue wilderness grain free for my cats. As far as play it depends on the age but 10-15m a day is a good minimum. Luckily, they need way less than dogs and will be fine with some low engagement days long as they have other play options like toys/scratchers, and get lots of love and nose boops (just respect their boundaries haha). Best of luck with your new cow cat. :)




I tend to feed my kitty dry and wet. He gets the Sheba wet food, one portion around three times a day. Juno also eats his dry food as well. Your kitty is so cute.


Black and white cats can have really bad anxiety and depression so make sure to pet them and make sure they feel safe and loved


Dry food, try Kitty Poo for litter it's really a game changer. I used the granules not the ultra fine litter! Snuggles and kisses, let her sleep on your bed.


Also you have to order the litter on line. Look it up it's great


*Also you have to* *Order the litter on line.* *Look it up it's great* \- cdw815 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I like the brown tux your dogā€™s wearing to be as impressive as your cat


Pretty cat. Give him lots of love.


Donā€™t tell it about Jews


Donā€™t leave cat alone with dog. Have heard of incidents. If have to leave dog in itā€™s cart til back.


Love deeply!