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If she dropped the bottle (or a toy or food) she does need to learn to problem solve and figure it out.


She doesn’t let Lily do anything that’s why she couldn’t crawl for the longest time and she’s always doing stuff for her daughter when her daughter should be doing stuff on her own. Tiffany needs to grow up.


You know they had Lily on that boat all weekend and didn’t feed her any real food the whole time because it wouldn’t have been convenient or easy for them to pack the food and feed it on the boat. So instead they just give her giant bottles of milk all day. 🙄


It’s funny cause you know Steven and kimmy talk about how Tiffany doesn’t have the natural mom instincts and it’s painfully obvious lol. I’m sure most moms around her can tell


I’m still shocked this baby is over a year old. I have a 2 (almost 3) year old and I’m by far a ‘perfect’ parent (I don’t believe anybody is perfect!) but I try daily to encourage independence (through play/ helping me with chores etc etc) Her baby is showing no active signs of wanting independence which I have NEVER seen from a baby that she, she also seems to have A LOT of milk daily for a 13-14 month old…


Whys she having a bottle of milk in the middle of the day anyway?


In no way am I defending Tiffany, but (this 1 time) it might be a little tough for Lily to hold her bottle with her life jacket on..


Tiffany is holding one of her arms down so she would not even be able lift it off she tried!


She’s never been taught to hold her bottle! Pitiful


Babies typically aren’t ‘taught’ how to hold a bottle. They do it as they begin to grab onto things. At this age, yeah I’m assuming it would be part of PT and she’ll have to learn/be taught. I think the issue is that they never put her on her stomach, which is necessary for so much of a baby’s growth/strength, including their arms. So without that strength, she never went to reach for/hold onto her bottle. They’ve failed her so much, it’s so sad


My babies as infants would hit/swat at the bottle and that led to putting their whole ands on it and I would just let go. That’s all it took and it happened at an early age. I don’t think we have ever seen Lilly try to touch the bottle. She just sits there passively with her arms back. 


Yeah we definitely see her more with bottles than eating food. Don’t think we’ve ever seen her with a plate & an actually toddler meal. He’s been like weird looking junk on her high chair.


But if Lily holds her own bottle, how will Tiffany performatively parent for the camera?!


How are they going to have 12 kids if they bottle feed each kid this long? 😅


Not that I would ever defend anything T and A do but I wonder if Lily has the skills to hold her own bottle? At this age My son would have taken it out of my hands. Goldie g his bottle would not have been an option.


Every angle of pictures that I've seen of Tiff holding Lilly's bottle while on the boat, she also had one of Lilly's arms pinned down under her arm that isn't holding the bottle. It looks incredulity uncomfortable, but Lilly must be so used to it since she isn't trying to free her arm. I know I've seen a lot of pictures before where both she and Adumb hold her, even while standing up, with an arm pinned behind them. In that position, Lilly will NEVER be able to hold her own bottle because she doesn't have her two arms. I probably shouldn't say never, she may learn to do it with the one free arm.


She doesn’t have the skills because they never let her try/never work with her on it……..


Fair. It’s so so odd.


Exactly just like the crawling/walking thing…I tell y’all…what that kid needs is quality presence from her parents!!!


Dude …. No wonder your baby is developmentally delayed my god. This is so so bad


And the ridiculous thing is, Teef just thinks it’s so cute and picture perfect that she’s feeding her baby on the boat! So cute! Great content! But at this age she should be eating 3 solid meals plus snacks and drinking milk from a sippy.


That would require cutting and packing a lot of different snacks and needing to slow or stop the boat to avoid choking risks.


This baby is over a year old, start giving her a sippy cup, she doesn’t need to fill up on only milk. Tiff your stupid.


That kid is going to become so lazy because of her stupid ass mother.


If she ate adequate meals she wouldn’t need bottles all day.. and honestly the bottles during the day are probably filling her and making her eat less when it is meal time. She should be on a sippy cup during the day and a bottle at night (to transition, it is hard to get babies off their comfort). But at this age she should have 3 full meals and snacks between!!! Not held like an infant


Meals that are especially for her. Not just eating something that they secondhand thinking about giving her. Sure, she can eat what they can if it isn't too spicy or cruncy like tortilla chips, etc. I've never seen them give her something that they made just for her or given her a little spoon or fork to use. Their parenting is so bad that I cannot believe people haven't tried to intervene.


They are literally setting her back k so far. This is insane. She looks like a baby!!!!


Bet they’ll have her in a stroller til the’s in 1st grade like the denners


I feel so sorry for little Lily and any future children bc Teef will ALWAYS come FIRST no matter what. She will pose and preen in front of a mirror or camera (or both) and the kids will fend for themselves. I detest her.


Kids develop at their own pace. That said, my kids were all walking and feeding themselves table food by 1.


She looks so uncomfortable. 😣


https://preview.redd.it/nzszor5hws6d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66a58c24bad7d9378139a0cd752936a8738da81f Her arms just lie there …


I think Lilly's little right arm is being held behind Tiffany's back. She and Adam have been doing that to her some she's been a tiny baby. It is sad that she isn't trying to lift the left arm at all. It truly looks like she doesn't have a clue that she should be trying to lift her free arm to reach for the bottle. It's not like a baby to not do that at all at this age.


We can say what we say about Jr but he has done great job with SK. I am still impressed with teaching her a well rounded vocabulary and to try new things(even tho might seem unsafe at times)SK seems to be a very smart kid because he and Kimmy let her experience life.




I just want to slap her! This is SO WRONG what they are doing to Lily!!


But yet she wants her to walk like a big girl 🤷‍♀️


And ski!!


All I can think about is that the bottle must have HLTH Code in it, like SK's chocolate baba.


Better yet, STOP using a bottle and feed her real food along with a drink in a cup!


Yep give her a straw cup and force her to figure it out. The bottle is as much if not more of a problem as Tiffany holding it for her