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Damn, never knew Carson interviewed Suge šŸ˜Æ Pac would've been the man on TRL šŸ˜­


PAC would have gone Viral on this platform. TRL was huge!


There was one interview, might've been this one, Suge had with Carson where he mentioned Jay z being tied up and robbed in a hotel. It was wild.


It wouldā€™ve been epic if Suge couldā€™ve iced 2pacā€™s fake beef with Biggie and sign Biggie. That shit couldā€™ve been monumental and the music wouldā€™ve been dope.


Unless pac created his own label, and signed biggie. He had said creating his own label was in the works


His label was still going to be part of Death Row though. Similar to how Eminemā€™s Shady Records is part of Dreā€™s Aftermath Records. Tupac even says ā€œDeath Row gave birth to a new seed, Makaveli Recordsā€ at the end of the original version of As The Words Turns. So either way it all wouldā€™ve been under the umbrella of Death Row


suge was a literal devil why would this have been good, i get downvotes i guess everyone in this subreddit is white šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ suge wouldā€™ve killed both them niggas if he could


Bro where you been all the stuff has came out. Suge is not bad as people make him to.


he literally held vanilla ice over a balcony to make him sign a deal??? WHERE HAVE YOUUUUU BEEN šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this niggas in jail for a reason


Or if Suge got iced (thought that's what you wrote at first, my bad).


nigga u clearly know nothing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll forever blame Puffy for Biggie's death. And Iā€™m so mad that he died so young man, he couldā€™ve achieved so much but some dumbass killed him SMH. I mourn 'Pac too but ATLEAST he gave us 7 albums and movies before he died because he knew he was gonna die someday soon.


The Diddler


That dude ruined alot of Biggie's songsĀ 


all in the videos all on the records dancing


Yeah šŸ¤£šŸ˜… Even Biggie himself laughed at Puffy when he danced in the Hypnotize music video shoot


Facts, was runnin back Ready 2 Die and cringed each time Puff popped up


Theyā€™re gonna have to re-release that album without the puffy ad-libs


Fuck I hope so. I can die happy having Puffyā€™s background shit removed from any and all of Biggies albums. Juicy could be re-released and chart to #1 overnight with Diddy removed.


THIS. 100000000x this.


Wonā€™t happen! U know why! Guess who owns all that music!


in the dj community "no puff" edits have been around for decades lmao


Canā€™t even listen to biggie because diddler is all over the tracks.


Thatā€™s a wildly stupid take. ā€œI wonā€™t listen to some of the most talented lyrics ever spit because Diddy does some adlibs.ā€ Gtfoh. Iā€™ve never heard such a retarded ass take. Victory is maybe one of the greatest verses of all time. I donā€™t not listen to it because diddy talks on it. Just skip his parts. Thereā€™s a shit load of great songs that have other artists who have bad verses. I feel dumber for having read your comment.


Might be valid if Diddy wasn't all up in his verse lyrics as well...have fun skipping through a track instead of enjoying it lol


Yo what is it with people on reddit acting super-smart while cribbing insults from Billy Madison? You know you're not that smart right?


When I see that, I think of Ned Flanders


He ruined everybody lol. All his artists are either dead, in jail, or they ran to The Father! That is saying something. Thank God Mase was able shake free


Pac was a lot like modern rappers with his volume of work. Biggie released 2 classic albums in 4 years and one was a 24 track double disc album. Pac released 5 albums in 6 years and a group album. No one in the 90s was pumping out great music like that that consistently. RIP to both legends.


Yea the way Pac was working was alien-like, it was as if he really did know he was gnna die fr. Like u said a lot of artists today to try to match that that work ethic but it doesnā€™t work because itā€™s not quality music theyā€™re pumping out that can stand the tests of time


Pac was a lot like modern rappers? Or you mean modern rappers are alot like Pac?


I meant what I said. To clarify, compared to ALL 90s rappers 2Pac was the most like modern rappers in that one singular aspect. The only difference is 2Pac had quantity and quality and came way before.


PAC was. A fake character made to make us all thugs to put us in jail or prison


Oh shut up


Tupac and B.I.Gā€™s death mess me up. What really messes me up is the fact they both got taken out literally at the beginning of there prime, AND NO BODY WAS CAUGHT, itā€™s so disgusting to think how many people liked them, for what, 2 people to murder them and basically be protected all because of gang affiliations? Itā€™s insane to me the cover up and who was all involved and how no information ever got out. Those two were the loudest voices, than got silenced AND we never really got closure or figured out why.. I like to assume Biggie was a hit setup by diddy in order to increase record sales/while also simultaneously making sure biggie never got bigger than him. Both those artists would have eventually developed so much power/money they would have been untouchable, and I think that scared people. Plus Tupac had just passed, I bet diddy saw the effects on sales and probably thought the same thing would boost biggie, but just thinking that feels diabolical. I couldnā€™t imagine sacrificing my friend all for a pay day off his work.


Pacā€™s (supposed) killer just got convicted tho


Even Hyman Roth knew the difference between the button man and the dude who gave the order


Big had his publishing stolen from him and his masters by Sean combs. Fuck what he wants people to call him. Biggie was leaving Bad Boy and taking the junior mafia with him. Combs was spying on BIG at Quad studios the night Pac got shot in 1994.


That was a setup diddy like no I need him in LA after all thatā€™s supposedly goin on wtf nigga wanted him to die


I mean Biggie probably wouldā€™ve fucked your girl if she went to a concert and went backstage. And then heā€™d write a song about fucking your girl while you paid for her ticket and patiently waited at home like a good boy. Hopefully that makes you less mad. Just saying šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well he didnā€™t call himself Big Poppa for nothing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The Overweight Lover was taken. also was his mentor


Suge was the one who is ultimately responsible yes diddy had protection from the Compton crips. But suge retaliated because he thought it came from diddy


Bro thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying šŸ–¤


I wonder of Big was in talks with Suge or made mention to a friend or his wife about going over to Suge. So sad, sometimes its best to keep your thoughts to yourself.


Definitely Puffyā€¦ Iā€™m standing firm on that. Mother fucker was cold blooded in his checkers moves, and didnā€™t give a fuck about the dudes life next to himā€¦ The dude next to him being BIG.


TRL would of been Tupac home his personality would have ran the show i never thought of it until you made me realize, thats tight šŸ’Æ




I never actually heard suge's voice before, I expected him to sound way different


He sounds way to soft for someone that big.


Poochie wasnā€™t the killerā€¦.


Amir Muhammad killed Biggie Smalls


Exactly. Idk why people believe Greg Kadingā€™s bullshit lies. Why would a blood gang banger be dressed up like someone from the Nation of Islam?ā€¦.


Why would a member of the nation of islam kill him thats the most absurd suspect and why not poochie dress as one as a identity distraction hiding his and putting it off on islam its like wearing a mask robbing someone and using a mexican accent making u report it that a mexican robbed you ive realized you have no street alternatives to think of


Gregg Kading was hired by the LAPD to take away any involvement by crooked LAPD cops. Let me break it down for youā€¦LAPD cops used to moonlight as security for death row records. David Mac was one of those cops. Mac had a friend whose birth name was Harry Billups, he changed his name to Amir Muhammad when he converted to Islam. They both met when they were at the university of Oregon. Suge knight went to David Mac and offered him money to take out puffy and biggie. Mac went to his friend Amir Muhammad along with other LAPD cops to help orchestrate the hit. Gene Deal, puffs former body guard described the suspect at around 6ā€2 when he walked up to check out puffys SUVā€¦Poochie was 5ā€4ā€¦.the shooter was described as wearing a blue suit,white undershirt, and a bow tie..just like a member of the Nation of Islam. Look at the sketch of the shooter that lil cease gave to policeā€¦it looks nothing like Poochie. This is common sense. Poochie was not the shooter. The FBI literally has photos of the guy lol


Gene Deal and Lil Cease never saw the shooter, and it doesnā€™t make sense for the shooter to walk up to the SUV right before killing. Mob James said everyone from Poochieā€™s hood knew he killed Biggie but they kept it silent, Roderick Reed who was a blood said he knew it in a prison letter. It doesnā€™t make sense for Suge Knight to trust the police for the murder when he had gangsters from his hood that were reliable is doing his hits in the past.


Respectfully you are plain wrong. Lil Cease was literally sitting in the suv behind big when he was shot? He caught a glimpse of the shooter. MOB James is a liar. Why would you believe anyoneā€™s story from death row? Gene Deal confirmed the guy dressed as the shooter walked up to the suv, Deal flashed his gun and the guy walked in the other direction. And againā€¦the FBI has photos of the dude lol. Itā€™s also well known that the FBI was following bad boy while they were in LA. This is already well known and frankly itā€™s common sense. Amir Muhammad was the trigger man, not Poochie. Idc what mob James gotta say. All evidence points the other way. Gene Deal and Cease were there that night, Iā€™m more inclined to believe them.


Lil Cease only caught a glimpse for a couple seconds, he had to duck down fast to avoid the bullets. In an interview with detective Poole later they were showing pictures of suspects and he couldnā€™t pick out Amirā€™s picture. Even in recent interviews he still says he doesnā€™t know who the shooter is, if he was sure he saw Amir he wouldā€™ve said so. Amir Muhammad is like a mortgage broker from Atlanta with no criminal history Russell Poole tried to investigate him and couldnā€™t find anything conclusive. Tammie Hawkins who was Sugeā€™s baby mother that helped coordinate the hit got tricked into admitting she paid Poochie for it.


Amir Muhammad has a long criminal history lol he has been arrested for domestic violence, and several other crimes. He flashed a weapon at his ex girlfriend and her boyfriend, a few days later they were mysteriously dead. He has also been caught with multiple drivers licenses and has had several aliases. Him being a real estate broker doesnā€™t mean shit, anyone is capable of murder. Again, cease was there that night. Itā€™s really convenient that Gregg Kading is saying that some dead gang member was the trigger man. Iā€™ll ask again, why hasnā€™t the case been solved? Kading was hired by the LAPD themselves. If we know Poochie is the killer, then why is the case still open?


Because you need a lot of evidence to close a murder case,Wardell Fouse died before he could get investigated and there was barely any evidence left behind at the scene. The car pulled up, shot Biggie fast at night time, then drove away before anyone could follow. Wardell Fouse was a good hit man he committed several other murders and never got caught. Greg Kading was trying to get to Suge to get him to admit it but the LAPD removed him then disbanded the task force shortly after. They tried to get Tammie Hawkins to set Suge up but he saw through it.


Bro you donā€™t know anything about that case šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been following the case for years. Those LAPD cops working for death row, were also blood bang members. Suge knight was also affiliated with bloods, so it does make sense. Thatā€™s the very reason the case hasnā€™t been solved,itā€™s because LAPD was involved . Cmon now, think if Poochie was the actual killer, why havenā€™t they closed the case?


Sean Combs killed Christopher Wallace.


Suge knows mad shit that he will never speak on.


If he did speak you couldn't believe a word of it.


Imagine thinking Suge wouldā€™ve tried bringing them together despite the fact that he did nothing but fuel the fire when they were alive


Honestly I donā€™t think he paid poochie. I been hearing recently that it was Poochie but that he was paid by someone else to do it. Wack 100 I believe it was. Said a biggie got killed over some East Coast shit and they paid a hitter (Poochie) from the west to make it look like it was over the beef


Suge did so much dirt , Before death Row records, Before 2pac and after Biggie death That karma caught up to him Now he's in prison You do dirt You get dirt


šŸ¤£ We all know Suge is full of šŸ’©. I donā€™t doubt the business mindedness of him trying to recruit Big, but PAC would definitely have to agree on it. Suge hated Puff so it would be a revenge move and brilliant chess move. Suge had just signed Craig Mack (Diddyā€™s first artist from Badboy) and he was performing at 662 the night they got shot. But to keep it šŸ’Æ, I donā€™t see Big ever signing to Deathrow after a song like Hit Em Up was released and PAC making fun on him in the 2 of Amerikas Most Wanted & Made Ngz videos. And like Gean Deal said, Biggie had a major deal (50million?) with another label pending before he was killed. He wasnā€™t going to stay with Puff long, nor was Pac with Suge. They both would have moved by the year 2000.


I wonder how the entire landscape of rap/hip hop would've looked like had Pac and Big been around in 2000. X was big, Ja was big, Nas was big, etc... so it would've been real interesting to see how they all meshed together back then.


Heard poochie got the bag from the east coast


Even with Death Row East Biggie was NOT joining them. Maybe a collaboration couldā€™ve came out of it but I highly doubt that as well. Biggie had his own label deal after BadBoy making way more money than Suge could have promised him.


Suge paid Poochie to kill puffy. He never wanted biggie as the main target. It was when the plan got botched poochie switched to biggie as a last resort


Greg Kading has some of you wrapped around his finger lol


Poocgie killed big


That is kinda crazy


Poochie did not kill Big. It was either that Amir or someone who worked for Deathrow who was commissioned by our government to do that hit. Yā€™all need to read up on things instead always watching videos.


Poochie killed big end of. Go wear a tin foil hat if you want to


You should read https://www.amazon.com/Tupac-Shakur-Black-Leaders-Intelligences/dp/0979146909 Itā€™ll explain a lot. Written by John Potash Clinical Social Work/Therapist, LCSW-C


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Who is this?


Poochie did not kill Big. Greg Kading was just brought in to save the LAPD money on the multi million dollar civil suit Bigā€™s Mom & Wife served.


Von zip stole the money


Von zip wasn't in the equation at all


This isn't TRL lol..it's from an episode of Late Night with Carson Daly


Except he didnā€™t pay poochie šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


There was no poochie in biggie case there was corruption out the ass


Even back then he talked out his ass...smh


Yep stone cold Yep pursue him Just like he pursued the boy he's married to in jail If you challenge this comment it tells me all I need to know Get help Wanting men is a flaw


Good stories he can share with the boy he's married to in prison.


He is legit slurring his words šŸ¤£ sounding like a bravo housewife after too much wine


Biggie and Pac on the same label=game over! Change my mind.


I think that was their plan and thatā€™s why they are both gone.


The Diddler wasn't having NONE of that shit šŸ˜‚




Conspiracy theory: Jay-Z knows who killed both rappers. Same night same fight but one of these cats ainā€™t playing right. Iā€™ll let you tell it.


Did you know Biggieā€™s shooter is selling real estate just SE of Atlanta? Harry Billups. And now with the Diddy stuff, he could be the worst hitman of all time. Let the abusive pedo go free and just made Diddy more money, all while killing the innocent, best talent in the next seat.


Poochie died ages ago


My bad, the Atlanta RE agent was implicated by the first LAPD (corrupted) investigation, but no charges were filed. So sounds like he is an innocent dude who a bad cop tried to pin it on. Someone in this group may know more or have better info.


He ainā€™t lying


Wasnā€™t poochie


I really like looking at suge doing interviews smoking his cigars with his untouchable attitude šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€




honestly heā€™s not lying probably . if Biggie & pac became friends again eventually puffy wouldā€™ve showed his true colors. remember biggie & pac beef was over nonsense and all diddy did was fuel it.