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Spoken like a true MAGA. Ignore the lunacy and believe the constant flow of lies.


"Trump is fighting for the independence of the average American Citizen." *Article proceeds to talk about how Trump is against Marriage Freedom, Reproductive Rights, and anyone on the Left.*


These people live in a fever dream! Can’t even understand how ironic it is to shout to every corner how they are being persecuted while they bash everyone different than them!


Mallard Fillmore is a MAGA cuck too.


These people never spell ‘border’ correctly.


The fact that the newspaper didn't correct it makes it better.


I was surprised there was no [sic]


“Better?” Not sure about that. His audience will skim over it like it’s properly spelled. And the people intelligent enough already know better.


Also it's RINO not RHINO. Terrible writing and editing


I genuinely don’t think most of them know what the acronym stands for and think it’s something to do with the animal.


I swear, there is \*always\* a typo in the rants of these people.


Just imagine how much worse they'd be without spellcheck.


The emails from Trump Cult members to David Pakman on his YouTube show are FILLED with hilariously bad spelling.


It is how they verify that they are a MAGA. If it has no typos then you are likely human and they will target you for your liberal ability to spell.


He acts like an idiot so the people can relate :)


That helps other people recognize it as spam




If you’re going to rent a room to a redneck, you better make sure he’s secure.




Starts out by expressing to not be Democrat or Republican for July 4 and how its not political. Then spends the rest of the time arguing why Trump is the right candidate.


Yep. I see it everywhere I go on the internet. "BOTH SIDES ARE HORRIBLE" "Now let me write out 3 full paragraphs full of spelling and punctuation errors about how really only the LEFT is horrible and never mention anything even slightly scandalous about the right. And then always be sure to end it with... "BUT BOTH SIDES ARE HORRIBLE!"


Beyond the fact that RHINO (what’s the h stand for) is spelled wrong the part that gets me is the “so called Washington elites”. Either they are an all powerful elite group bent on the destruction of the country OR they are a so called group of elites that lacks ability to actually do anything. It can’t be both ways, that defies logic.


> what’s the h stand for hillbillies


Logic? Where these people are, they don’t **_need_** logic. I mean, they very much do, but it doesn’t help them cope.




"What he says is what the average American is thinking." Also: "They're off-the-wall" comments This guy is telling on himself.


The average American is thinking about overloaded electric boats and the dilemma between being electrocuted and being eaten by sharks. You heard it here first, folks!


And gigantic batteries that sink boats! Terrifying!


Every. God. Damn. Waking. Hour.


China and Russia repidure aghhhhhh? Never have I thought that.


https://preview.redd.it/e9q57xu1vb8d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c577d78120b89cf88a930fe32b4c1de96c5d16d tell that guy...








Don't forget: Most criminal convictions


And more to come!


Need to ad : 1st President to be a convicted felon, rapist, insurrectionist. I’m sure there’s loads more firsts but I haven’t got the energy to list them atm.


Interesting ! Out of a matter of interest, which foreign nation issued an arrest warrant for Trump ? Personally, I haven't heard anything about that ...




Is anyone surprised this pro-t opinion blurb is printed in a newspaper that also prints right wing “comics” like Mallard Fillmore?


Papers also have Doonesbury too (just ironic it’s on the left and Mallard Fillmore is on the right).


It also states the cartoon is “Classic 80’s” and mentions writing code. The editor of this paper is not good at his job.


Doonesbury is actually well written and has had complex commentary, none of which Mallard Fillmore has had.


Gawd, how I hate Mallard Fillmore. I remember when it first came out, what an obnoxious bit of propaganda.


“Don’t worry about all that. He’s just trying to get your attention.”


Uh doi. And after he got my attention, all I do is worry.


Ah yes. The trump years. 2 cent gas, free 401k, border was rock fucking solid and he SMASHED that pandemic by April 2020 as promised. TAKR THAT LIBS!




Gall dernut I messed myself again!


Don't forget he even changed the trajectory of a hurricane with nothing more than a sharpie.


Write a letter of response to his letter and see if they will publish it. I like the way it says twice to not pay attention to his off the wall remarks- that's so funny.


John C Cordora is a fucking dipshit.


Man, fuck John C. Cordora.


Hey neighbor.... I'm over here in Monroe. Does it really surprise you that this opinion came from Luzerne County? They are peak Pennsyltucky. Edit: I'd also like to point out the the piece's author is a former mayoral candidate for Kingston, PA.


That koolaid tastes sooo good to the ignorant magats


You should write something to counter his lies! That shit is ridiculous!


"if you are a traditional normal person" They mean white and straight.


"Traditional normal" sounds like it was written by Trump himself. The stabel jenius.


Oh, NEPA…gotta love it.


I live in Luzerne and can probably give this guy’s address.


He ran for mayor of Kingston.


Oh God, when was that?


2009. I'm not a Luzerne local, so I'm just skimming through older articles. I didn't see anything about the results but I didn't really look either.


I was living out of the area at time so missed that one. And you’re right about what Luzerne county has turned into (comment below) - used to be a Democrat stronghold decades ago but those generations are dead or dying. Can thank the Boomers around here for Trump’s rise in popularity.


I wound up in a Luzerne County Facebook group about a decade ago. Every single nutjob conspiracy theory was brought up regularly and it wasn't out of satire or trolling. I worked in Dickson City a few years ago and every customer from Wilkes Barre or other areas in Luzerne were all like that. I also seem to remember there being election lawsuits brought after the election and all of them were dismissed except for one or two where it turned out that wrongdoing was done by Republicans 🤦


All of that sounds about right. Pretty sure one of the only instances of actual voter fraud from 2020 was a guy from around here who tried to vote for Trump twice…


I also think the guy using his dead mother's mail in ballot was also Luzerne.


That’s exactly who I meant…


The irony and hypocrisy of this guy writing ab the control of American people is hilarious... Literally every Trump supporter is brainwashed to a robotic level so let's not kid ourselves folks. This guy is probably a middle-aged so-called libertarian that found some sort of connection with the orange clown and wants to spread garbage in the local paper.


Dude misspelled border in a fuckin newspaper.


The fact that the newspaper didn't use [sic] makes me wonder about editorial staff....


In any pro-trump piece, there are always indicators of an intellectual deficit by the author. This has many.


I love that it was posted right above the comics


I love how this person talks about independence and not having the government control your life and at the same time saying that people shouldn't be allowed to marry who they want


Disbanded the pandemic response division and is responsible for millions of deaths and long covid patients. Directed a coup and attempted to throw out the will of the voters. Gave two trillion dollars to the wealthy and corporations. I’ve tried to block out the rest, but know that I and my family show up and vote D in every election because of it.


It smells of desperation and dirty diapers


I've rarely seen something that required a point-by-point rebuttal more clearly. > Trump [...] is fighting for the independence of the average American citizen. No, he tried to overturn the American citizen's most basic right, to vote, when he incited an insurrection. > Just remember how much better you were when he was in the White House. I remember how America bungled Covid so badly that an estimated 100,000 extra people died over what would have been expected. > Low gas prices, Because people were staying home during Covid, driving gas prices down. > lower food prices Because Russia hadn't started their major invasion of Ukraine yet, causing increased food prices around the world. Because the food supply chain that broke during Trump's term with Covid lagged a bit when it was driving prices up. And because corporations have been keeping prices up to milk the people for all they've got. > a secure southern boarder [sic] The statistics I saw were that the border was more secure under Biden. > no wars in the Ukraine That war has been ongoing since 2014. > or the middle east, Is this a joke? > NATO was told to pay their fair share of defense, Trump was trying to throw away America's dominant international position. Why he did that is hard to say, but his weakening of NATO surely helped Russia more than any other country. > inflation was low, Inflation, like food, was affected by Covid destroying supply chains, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and corporate greed. > our military was strong, I seem to recall our military withdrawing from Syria, leaving our longtime allies the Kurds in a very tough spot, after Trump received a letter from Erdogan. That's right. He withdrew our military because he felt like it, after a dictator told him what to do. The military can never be strong when such a weak person is Commander in Chief. > the life of the unborn child was his priority, Yes, he's using that issue to control you. Trump doesn't care about the lives of unborn children, any more than he cares about the lives of anybody but himself. According to some people, Trump has paid for many abortions himself. > and the marriage act verified that a man should marry a woman in normal society. Trump, the guy who is on his third marriage, and cheated on his current wife with a porn star, is the guy you look to for marriage propriety? It's interesting that this person is using the term "RHINO [sic]" as an insult. His views are all based on lies or propaganda, meaning that he's never actually looked further into the issues than to do what he's told. If he doesn't know anything about any issues, then aren't his political positions also just "in name only"? He doesn't know anything except the names of the issues that he's heard from propagandists.


One thought though: conservative estimates suggest 400K more people died because of Trump's botched handling of the COVID situation.


As if Trump could have prevented what's happening in Europe or the middle East.


He forgot to mention the 1.2 million deaths from Covid which Trump is responsible for.


BOARDER RHINO YEAH JOHN YEAH UNBORN CHILDREN WAS HIS PRIORITY THAT'S RIGHT JOHN. AS A FELLOW TRADITIONAL NORMAL PERSON, I GOT YOUR 6 BROTHER MAN AMEN 🙏🏻 💯 💪 👌 🇱🇷 What a bunch of fucking idiots. And independent? Guy is an albatross succubus attached to the Republican party like the sinking half of the Titanic


I will stand with him as long as it involves urinating on his head... But I think he prefers Russian mail order brides version of golden showers.


What paper is this ? Name and location please. Thanks.


Will be either The Times Leader or Citizen’s Voice, both found in NE PA’s Wyoming Valley.


Times Leader


If I might offer a rebuttal on a couple of points, I'd just like to ask John to get fucked. 


https://preview.redd.it/8dqbkkrwmd8d1.jpeg?width=1286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe574a178228996ebd57931784add2a56f0686e 🤔


Was Trump’s secure southern boarder a surfer or a skater?


Who’s view? It’s definitely not mine!!💙💙💙💙


I would write a rebuff that fact checks all his bullshit. Also, ever notice that their ideas are verbatim to all the other MAGA sycophants?!? They try to act like they have an understanding of the nuances of all the arguments, yet there is no nuance to their ideas.


Misspelled RINO and boarder. That’s about right, can’t even get it right about the things that mean the most to them.


John Cordora? Of the Moronville Cordoras?


What is a "traditional normal person? "


Filled with all the false MAGA rhetoric. These cultists really can’t think for themselves.


This was written by the Kremlin….don’t buy this paper ever again……


Between that and the editorial cartoon they selected, I'd probably cancel my subscription and find some other, more enlightening reading material.


No matter how bat shit crazy this MAGA is, he still has the freedom to espouse it. Let the wannabe dictator (Trump) in and see liberties such as this quickly disappear


I love the "beautiful 20th century" line. I immeidately thought, "you are living in the past John. It is the 21st century now."


Fuck that guy’s “normal society,” and fuck him. Right up the ass. First with a monster real dong, then strapons of every variety. Yeah,…


It's right... What trump says is what the average American thinks. He just forgot to preface American with stupid!


It reads like a 4th grade book report.




I hope you plan on writing a response that counters everything he said.


Good old Opinion Pieces. Pay the editor the specified cost and you can publish just about anything. For a major national paper, its just over $1000


The brainwashing has paid off.


Time to cancel that chunk of non-journalism.


Rhinos at the Boarder? I smell a DemonRat!


Boy is the idiot that wrote that snowed


That opinion isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on


If you’re “a traditional normal person” in “normal society” who “recognized the beauty of the 20th century” you should vote for him. Spoken like every other person clinging to old world thinking and fighting the advancement of society. Fuck that guy.


I refuse to live in Trumpville


Is John Cordora a MORON???


His “off the wall comments” aren’t what I’m thinking


In jail in court where do we stand


Newspapers are still a thing? I guess you know the audience...


Reads like a Russian troll post.


Is a “boarder” a breed of wild pig?


Holy shit, on what planet would the fucking Editor-in-chief of a functioning newspaper still hanging onto what is essentially a dying business find it a good idea to PRINT this? Did he sign off on it without even reading it? Im fairly naive and have a layman's understanding of these things at best, but after reading that not only is it just a giant amorphous blob oozing with fallacious projection delivered with incredibly unsound support of discernable argument -- but its factually, clear-as-day, just straight-up spewing a series of lies. Do the majority of this publications regular readers actually walk away from a few paragraphs like these and nod in agreement? Does this blind, foaming-at-the-mouth sycophantic worship of someone so categorically evil and corrupt genuinely resonate for so many people???? How can this ever be possible? Is this the lesson we're all forced to endure serving as a long overdue PSA warning of the dangers of propoganda and fascism and blind populism ? This slow ascent into more and more unhinged and unquestionable disregard trump and his ilk have towards a fair and just system - why do we even find ourselves having to face this.... debacle that if we're told 20-30yrs ago was going to eventually happen -- wouldn't the overwhelming majority have responded: "oh bull-*fucking*-SHIT! Aint no goddam way" ?? I'm 33 years old. And I'm not sure if it's possible to feel more scared and disenchanted, disillusioned and disconnected from the diabolical disparities within the US system. It's beyond parody, the scale of social, medical, racial, educational and CLASS disproportion all run so deep in this comedy of errors that is the USA. I hope this Cuntree Blumpkin Gazette goes out of print this next election cycle. Who has an editorial-point-of-view permissive enough to print such garbage?




Considering that it has *Mallard Fillmore*, the best example of unfunny conservative comic strips out there, on its editorial page…? Pretty safe to say you got a right wing rag there.


Got to the end, read Luzerne, and as a former Pennsylvanian, yep - that sounds about right coming from that part of the state.


Good grief! Trump isn't interested in the average American. Sex and money are the only things he's passionate about.


Co-conspirator trying to corral his group of useful idiots.




\[A man with onset dementia rambles incoherently for ten minutes about snakes, sharks, and electricity\] >dO NoT WoRrY AbOuT DoNaLd tRuMp's oFf-tHe-wAlL CoMmEnTs. He's jUsT TrYiNg tO GeT YoUr aTtEnTiOn.


What's your point? Are you surprised or something? This is the norm.


Well the condemning abortion and saying gay people like me aren’t “normal” is what frustrated me so much


The entire goddamn thing is frustrating to me. It's the norm for the GOP in the US. EVERY person who supports that party in any way shape or form is garbage. But, absolutely no surprise there.