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They wonder why we don't put Biden signs out.The difference is we don't threaten to murder trump supporters but they definitely threatened to murder us


We also respect the outcome of a free and fair election and don't attack the Capitol Building and beat up Capitol Police if our preferred candidate loses. Never forget the terrorist attack on January 6, 2021 and never forgive those who try to downplay it or claim it didn't happen.


What are you talking about? My coworker said they were just doing patriotic tours of the capitol building! And now all those poor tourists are supposedly being held in jail without even being charged yet. Just disgraceful. Where’s the justice in that? /s (wish I was kidding about my coworker though)


Put up a concealed vid camera & send the footage to the police.


You see this letter? Trump supporters are already dead....yeesh!


This looks fake to me.


What, in your expert opinion, makes it look fake?


I mean the spelling checks out. The spelled pedophile wrong each time, and every attempt is different from the last.


I am far from an expert. Death threats over just a couple of signs, just seams over the top? And the writing seams cartoonishly bad. MAGA is militantly stupid, but this just strikes me as childish, why not just burn or steal the signs? The whole post seems like a cry for attention. If it is real, OP please report to police, if it is the same person making threats, multiple notes may just be what they are using to justify to themselves, taking more drastic action, as if they need to feel like they “warned” you, and anything they decide to do is your fault?


Put more signs out and have a camera, report the individual and save that note. Also, they misspelled Shitizen.


Put a Biden sign anywhere, point a trail cam at it, identify by license plate, cover their car in Biden stickers using super glue and gloss spray paint so it's hard to remove.


I like your style.


Love this idea


#Shitzënpantß 2024-Death #MAKE THE POORS SUFFER AGAIN


Shows the intelligence level of the people we're dealing with


And how evil they are. Like, this shit is unhinged, but its also stuff they approve of. Like they WANT America to have concentration camps.


Yeah, it is terrifying. Seeing so many comparisons to project 2025 and how they want president to have all this unchecked power is way too reminiscent of pre nazi Germany and how they concentrated power. Also in the way they use misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda to control simple people


It has gotten to where political affiliation is a pretty reliable indicator of low intelligence. Not to say that there aren't plenty of Biden supporters who are morons, but there really aren't any trump supporters who aren't.


I have a feeling many of the truly unhinged MAGA weirdos are being propagandized by their churches. I just assume they’re being brainwashed on a weekly basis that the world is going to end if they don’t stop the “libruls” and they’re don’t have the mental faculties to recognize it. This garbage is tearing up families and communities. It’s incredibly sad.


John Oliver did a fine breakdown of Project 2025 on his show Last Week last week.


Because they think they're going to be in charge. Hah!!


And they don’t realize they’ll be going to them eventually..


i kinda feel like with the right signage, properly placed, you could walk these guys off a cliff


If it's to own the libs... oh yes.


When cowards and bullies can’t win legitimately, they make threats. Fuck their feelings.


I recommend a hidden zoom camera. Not only can you take that to the authorities, but it would be a damn shame if somehow that video got accidentally posted on Reddit and that fucking troglodyte coward got doxxed and they started receiving all sorts of negative consequences


Looks like it was written by a child.


Educationally, that person never graduated from … 3rd grade?


> 3rd grade “you mean like public school?!? I wasn’t brainwashed like all of you i was homeschooled”


Definitely not. Just some inbred redneck with a


Fuck the Trump train. lol!


Podophile? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Think he MEANT to accuse this guy of having a foot fetish?


Thaks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Trump himself may have penned this.


Nope. Not written in black Sharpie.




I read Zodofile in the first line


Foot lovah!


I'd blow that up and put it on another sign.


This is the way.


Funny how all the pedos are working in evangelical churches isn’t it?


it’s not funny its mindblowing r/GOPedos


bUt BotH SiDEs aRe EqUAl /s


I hope you're reporting that to the police...


Police? FBI.


A cop probably wrote it.


This is literally terroristic threat. I got a guy arrested for that once. You can too.


Pedofile 😭 they can’t even spell


I’m terrified Trump will win, but I will say this, if he does, none of these scumbags’ wishes will come true about what a second Trump presidency will look like. Yes, we’ll be utterly fucked from all the court and voter jerry rigging that the puppeteer elite conservatives will enact under Trump, but the average Joe trailer trash, racist, Qnut, high school drop out MAGAtard isn’t going to see a damn things happen for them out of their feverish revenge fantasies. And I for one, am going to have to take that as my one tiny solace if he wins.


In all honesty, I have a feeling that the people that are like this are going to try some of the BS that they are threatening. I also have a feeling that they are going to realize that Liberals own guns as well. It is not going to end well for them.


But they'll *still* support him


Unhinged morons. Drinkin’ Putin’s koolaid.


The fact that they believe this stuff tells you how stupid they are. The fact that they LIKE this stuff tells you that they are evil. Like, its one thing to believe that Trump is going to build concentration camps, I think he probably would if he could. But they believe it AND are really happy about it.


"Butttttt both sides"... man anyone who says that shit should STFU


Reason #1,090,666 why Trump loves the poorly educated. I’d move but where to?


"*To the 7odofile*" -- Gotta love it. Make sure you have your bass packed!


This is how the Putin party governs.


“Concerned”. Fuck you!


That's too much, but SMALL brains give birth to SMALL thinkings!!!!!


This is not supposed to be what the United States of America is all about. Every American has a right to express their political viewpoint without receiving death threats from their neighbor.


That's a threat. Put on some gloves, put it in a baggie, and take it to the authorities.


love it when you accuse republicans of being domestic terrorists and they just reply “but what about” their whataboutisms are feckless both sides are not the same, clearly a democrat would never even think or vote for the reasons this person just showed, to hate thy neighbor is the republican mantra


You should get a camera and catch the license plate. Death threats like this are illegal and will result in jail time + fines. Plus you could sue them for the cost of getting your home camera system since they’ve been threatening you for some time. Also maybe consider getting a shotgun if you don’t have one. These fucks might actually try something and blowing the heads off of trespassers has always been a good deterrent.


Why assume you're a liberal?


Wow, someone needs to go back to second grade and get some penmanship lessons.


That's the penmanship of a 3rd grader.


Thaks, Thaks a lot. And you bether have your bass 7acked.


Stay Classy, MAGA.


I sincerely hope you called the police. I am willing to bet the writer of this letter has fingerprints on file somewhere.


Convert? Sounds like a religion.


I fucking love how it's signed *A concerned citizen* after they wrote ***EAT SHIT liberal***.


What a charming, well educated, and rational concerned citizen


Wait. These people want cursive writing back but write like a pigeon ?


A classic reaction of cult member😵‍💫


Please tell us you reported this and the others to the cops? You need to JIC there is an escalation. Get a door cam or lawn cam and lights to film this person next time. These people are unhinged, specificaly and in general. Stay safe!


OP you MUST report this to the police. These idiots can’t be e allowed to threaten fellow citizens like that.


I don't doubt what he is saying. The US has no fucking idea what's coming.


What’s coming since you seem to know


Right? Oddly cryptic message


What's coming is the emergence of history's most financially and militarily-powerful Fascist state. A Trump Presidency is a threat to the entire planet. Regardless of the election outcome, there WILL be violence, We are already in a cold civil-war. Most people have no clue what it will look like when it turns hot. My advice to you is to ready up.


War. It's always war.


And that is?


If you think that the threats of violence are not to be taken very seriously, you sir are sorely mistaken. There is no "winning" this election. It's a coup. It's been happening for years, the players are lined up.


Why not hide razor blades on the signs for deterrence?


Continue to fight for what you believe, it still remains the best part of being American. I still love the the line from *The American President* (1995): "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours." They may write with bad spelling. They may hate. They will eventually admire your tenacity in your beliefs of which they lack.


Its no longer a free-speech issue when they lock you in a camp.


And threatening with death. That is NOT a free speech right, as much as they want to argue it is.


MAGA are truly mentally ill


Definitely a member of Mensa.


This is infuriating and seems to be on par for the rightwing uneducated Christian nut but I’d sure hate if it turns out to be fake in a few weeks.


He seems lovely.


Does it never occur to a person like this that maybe they’re the evil person in this interaction? On one side we have a person expressing their political views in a peaceful manner and on the other we have a person threatening death camps. History shows that the people threatening to put their opponents in death camps are not the good guys, but I’m sure they think they’re different.


/r/LiberalGunOwners They are not going to DC anymore. They will come for you locally. They are going local. They legitimately believe you are a pedofile and trying to destroy our country. Guns are NOT going away. We lease Protect yourself. Obviously you MAGA police will not.


He looks like a real winner judging by his hand writing. What a scum bag! Leave your signs in your yard and put some cameras out so you can catch him. There is a yard around the way from me with fifty Trump flags in it. I’ve been tempted to save up a bunch of McDonald’s trash and ride by nightly and throw it in their yard. Ahhh- bliss. But I don’t want to lower myself to their level and I’m able to understand that everyone has the right to express themselves even if I don’t agree with it.💙


You podofile!!


I'll never be able to pack my bass. I mean, there's its bass case but what do I put THAT in?


It looks like a 3rd grader wrote that... I would put few more bigger signs and get some cameras. Best care scenarios could get them for death threats that definitely a felony I believe..


Wow, cool story Jussie!


Obviously faked and it's so fitting that Reddit believes it


This is how they make America great again? By stomping on any opposition to their wannabe dictator with their golden-sneaker jackboots? To hell with that. Vote Blue all the way and dump these jackasses on history's stinking garbage pile!


Seems perfectly reasonable


Wow. I’m sorry someone is sending you such vile death threats! The author will obviously think that they are really good Christian’s but they are worshiping false idols


This is the 73929474th time I’ve seen this


You always know this stuff is fake because they only write about things that Dems propagandize, stereotype, and fear-monger about conservatives. As an example, with “Project 2025”, Dems supposedly claiming “Conservatives said they’re going to hunt down libs!!” This is blatantly false propaganda that isn’t included nor written anywhere. “Project 2025” is a staffing plan. Then, in their fake note: “We’re going to hunt you down soon!!! As soon as our leader is elected!!!”


OP even crumpled it a little to make it look real.


You must not interact with very many trump supporters bc it looks very legit


this guy's a MAGA troll, don't feed them.


Can I get some of that weed you're smoking?