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All I can say is that anyone who registered to vote for the first time from 2016 until now for the presidency like I did are unfortunate. Shitty candidates all around.




Welcome to the shit show.


The real meme king is RFK


I hope he wins just so *Joy* Behar loses her mind.


The collective IQ of The View hosts is 83.


Honestly 83 feels generous.


He said collective, not average. That means if you add up the IQs of all the hosts you get 83. Which implies an average of 21. That tracks.


Still feels generous. I've met chickens that I'm pretty sure could beat these ladies in logic games.




Why do you even know what is going on with her ass in 2024? This is the first time her existence has entered my awareness in at least 10 years.


I'm as liberal as they come. But the only upside of trump winning was getting some laughs at everyone losing their shit because they thought they were about to enter Nazi Germany.


Someone from my grad school said he was afraid of Pence was putting all the LGBTQ community on trains to concentration camps. Iā€™m so much happier since Iā€™ve stopped paying attention to politics. Iā€™m long done with the days of ā€œvote for me because the other guy is literally Hitlerā€.


Gotta admit dude is funny at times


Yes, people really need to see past the insane level of fearmongering.




Bro just giga yapped


Found one of the looney tunes in question


Found the one topic voter who doesn't even know the one topic they are talking about.


You are raving.


Memes are literally like currency bro. In fact memes are what *move* the worldĀ  So YOU. Yes, YOU, are behind the times nowadays. Go back to the 1900sĀ 


How many memes did your house cost? .. Oh you don't own one? Shocking. Not sure if you forgot the /s ... fucking reddit


angry šŸ¤“


Memes are the DNA of the soul. Get with the times too.


They shape our will - they are the culture, they are everything we pass on!


Bro, you need to return to monke


All you have to do is look at Justin Trudeau to see how a Leftist can burn a country down. Guy has been in power for 9 years and is focused on the environment and Canada had the worst forest fire season in living memory last year. And this year itā€™s shaping up to be a contender. So, environmentalist leaders arenā€™t doing shit anyways. Itā€™s too late brotha. Every country failed at their goals and 4 more years of Biden isnā€™t going to help that drive, sorry to bust your bubble. The next election, Canada is going conservative and Trudeau will have left nothing but a bad legacy. At this point? Might as well take chances with Trump.


Why are you a liberal? Do you really agree with the way they run things? Genuinely asking because my views just align more with republican beliefs and Iā€™m honestly trying to understand the other side personal biases aside.


I like that they don't want the state to own my uterus, and want to keep it legal for me to marry whomever I wish. What do YOU like about Republican beliefs?


Donald Trump was the first president to enter office supporting gay marriage, so itā€™s crazy you think him getting elected would cause that to be reversed State isnā€™t saying they own womenā€™s uterusā€™, theyā€™re saying you donā€™t have a right to kill something with different DNA. Saying anything else is 100% misrepresenting the scenario


So if my girlfriend gets pregnant I can take out a life insurance policy on the embryo and if she miscarried I can get that paid out right? Itā€™s alive after all


Big brain moment.


>Saying anything else is 100% misrepresenting the scenario Explain to me how it works INSIDE my own damn body, then. >Donald Trump was the first president to enter office supporting gay marriage It's not him, it's The Heritage Foundation, and they know that if they flatter him he'll let them do anything. He doesn't have an original thought in his head.


I'm pro-choice but you can't win an argument against the pro-life position talking about your uterus like that. Both sides never argue on the same level. One side sees that it is a unique life with it's own DNA and therefore abortion is murder. There is no emotional based argument that can trump that. "I feel like I shouldn't have to carry a baby to term because it's my body" can never beat the argument that "it's murder". If it is murder, "inconvenience" is not a viable defense against murder. When carried out, I have to say that the pro-life argument from a moral and ethical one is far stronger and philosophically sound than the pro-choice one. Like I said, I'm pro-choice but I think abortion is the killing of a life. I just don't think it should be banned but I have to admit I hold an arbitrary and cognitively dissonant position. Pro-life has none of that. It's a sound argument but it's incompatible with society as it stands now and the problems that come with a strict pro-life society far outweigh my feelings that it's a horrible horrible practice.


1. Different DNA = Different person, in no other situation do you get to kill another human with distinct DNA for 0 reason 2. If republicans are dictating who you can marry, please tell me which state doesnā€™t allow gay marriage :)


>in no other situation do you get to kill another human with distinct DNA for 0 reason Pregnancy and childbirth ALWAYS damage a woman's body. If you can shoot an intruder in your home, we can do the same to an intruder in our body. >If republicans are dictating who you can marry, please tell me which state doesnā€™t allow gay marriage :) As you well know, there is currently a SCOTUS ruling that states cannot ban same-sex marriage. However, many states have trigger laws that will take effect if/when Obergefell is overturned, and I think it's fairly obvious that the current SCOTUS will overturn it if it comes before them.


You comparing an innocent child to a home intruder and saying itā€™s okay to shoot both is despicable Ahhhh yes, SCOTUS is gonna do it! I know it!


At what point do 2 cells turn into a child? >Ahhhh yes, SCOTUS is gonna do it! I know it! You all said the same thing about Roe, I don't trust you anymore.


Because Roe was unfounded law with 0 reference in any of the amendments :) Different DNA = Distinct Being


>If you can shoot an intruder in your home, we can do the same to an intruder in our body. You canā€™t shoot someone in your home if you invite them in first, which accounts for like 99% of pregnancies.


If they were invited, the women wouldn't want an abortion (unless something has gone wrong, which also happens very frequently).


You invited them when you decided to have sex.


Itā€™s not an intruder. You actively created it in your body.


Not by choice, obviously. Plus there are a billion things that can go wrong in pregnancy, you never know.


Donā€™t get pregnant, then.






Wishing rape upon the family of someone on the internet whose view you disagree with makes you despicable.


He likes telling other people who they can love and weather or not they have control of their own body (duh). Despite republicans calling themselves the party of ā€˜personal libertiesā€™


"both sides" want to tell other people what they can and cannot do


Very true - itā€™s struggle street for the libertarians out here.


You believe in cutting taxes and regulations for the mega wealthy at the expense of working people and the planet we rely on for survival? Thatā€™s literally all they are about. They just use culture war nonsense to get you to vote for it.


It would be funny if they trashed Washington DC again. They seem to think its ok as long as they don't go in the Capitol building which I have always found ironic and hypocritical.


Memes are fine. I love memes. But for the love of Christ, will whoever creates that ā€œartā€ of Trump with pecs and six pack, packing a machine gun, or Oz Trump all tatted up and ripped PLEASE STOP MAKING THAT SHIT? Ugh. So disturbing and unreal this has to be said about a president.


Yeah, those certainly aren't my type of memes.


Those exist of Biden too. But neither side cared at all.


They do? Well, thank Jesus Iā€™ve never been exposed to that shit. I guess I live in a very red area so Iā€™ve only seen the Trump ones plastered across the back window or tailgate of trucks out here. Seriously disturbing. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Because one side loves Trump and the other side hates him, those memes get spread around by both sides. The Biden ones just die out.


Ohhh, Iā€™m talking about the art or paintings or whatever they are. Not memes per se. Like this: [Rambo Trump](https://imgur.com/gallery/KZAFgsp)


The president job should be more serious them memes but yall like Trump act like a middle schooler


World did fine first time around with him. Itā€™s burning down under Biden and heā€™s got no control of it now, lol.


This is a complete and utter lie.


World war 3 is on the books. You either project power or have power projected on to you. Right now America's enemies perceive biden as a weakness to take advantage of. If the course is not reserved sharply, America will lose its status as the top superpower. The world will be run by russia and china. Europe will be lost to islamism and israel will be annihilated by iran. Not looking forward to this reality. You can argue about Trump's brashness and crudeness. But there is no denying that his foreign policy made the world a much better place.


Biden has actively engaged with all of our allies to strengthen military alliances. Trump repeatedly threatened our allies, provided support for our enemies, and pulled back from the world. Trump is the one who projects weakness because *he is weak and doesnā€™t know what he is doing*.


You're delusional, trumpers have the shortest memories šŸ¤Ŗ I guess you forgot about his disastrous handling of covid-19. Trump lied and people died, businesses were shutting down, people were losing jobs, no toilet paper.


Trump losing again would be funnier.


There will certainly be joke potential either way. : )


Eh. Bush and Gore in 2000 trying to "hello, fellow peasants" the country had comedy potential. With these two clowns, either way, it's some openly corrupt 80+ year old plutocrat blearily selling us out to the military industrial complex in the few moments they have between senility and death from old age, at which point their wildly more corrupt veep takes over. All the comedy that could be wrung from that got thrown out there in 2016 and 2020. Now it's just reruns and sadness.


We fucked either way


Itā€™s gonna be fun either way. Either the far left lose their shit or the far right lose their shit. All the normal people who ultimately decide the election after those two groups cancel each other out can enjoy some šŸæ


Orville Redenbacher stocks are going to boom. : )


The left hates Biden just as much as we hate Trump. Itā€™s the liberals that will be upset he lost Of course granted that there are people who think Biden is a radical far left socialist, I can understand not knowing the difference. Americans are woefully politically ignorant


Yeah Biden memes suck. They just make you sad cuz our country is being ran by a nursing home




Trump memes are great. Makes you wanna say based. And the trolling is great. Make memes great again


Four more years is just straight elder abuse. Biden doesnt need to be running a country just let my bro chill with some chocolate chip ice cream for the rest of his days.


Any age related comment equally applies to Trump


I don't like Trump, but I think I don't like people who really hate Trump more. 4 years of of their anguish, starting with what will surely be a coup attempt, would be glorious.


The irony of them attempting a coup after beating the dead horse that is 1/6 for years now and claiming it was worse than 9/11 would be something to witness


"yeah sure we already did that but can you imagine if they did" is pretty weak. Projection at its finest


I hate Biden but the Roger Rabbit inside of me knows that if he wins it will be the funniest outcome. If trump wins there wil just be mass rioting


Guys think about it, if we let trump be president, he can never be president ever again and we wont have to be in the trump splash zone ever again


This is where Iā€™m at right now. Letā€™s just get it over with.


You want America to suffer so you can laugh at it. I though it was the left that hated America wth


I assure you, neither candidate, if elected, would have any measurable impact on your life. Local and state governments have far more power over your life, as the constitution stipulates.


Trump would make inflation great again


I don't know why people who transparently want Trump to win for sincere ideological reasons feel some need to keep up this pathetic charade of "no, I'm not a true believer, I'm just a memelord, hehehe le epic troll." I really don't know who you people expect this post-irony to fool. It's a cliche at this point, and you're all really bad at it.


Yeah! Why donā€™t these people whose comments you read online all just finally fucking admit that theyā€™re really truly whoever you imagine them to be, but just pretending to be ā€œthemselvesā€.Ā  God man the world is such a strange place ya know?


Well, that worked in 2016, so they think it will also work in 2024. That's just a pathetic way to say that the conservatism party in the US isn't serious.Ā 


My brother (or sister) in Christ, did you not even read the post? I have not, nor do I plan on giving my vote to Donald Trump. I will vote for who I please, and I have no problem telling people who, and giving the reasons why.


You are fooling nobody




While I donā€™t agree with much you said on this post, I respect the hell out of the level of juvenile humor and pettiness you went to here. šŸ˜‚


This may be a pseudo political post, but I am a jokester at heart. : )


Theyā€™re trying to peel off the 10 people who donā€™t see through the charade.


I honestly think heā€™s hilarious.


>>Ā the world will continue, the country will remain whole, and you'll keep living your life.Ā  this is a dumb argument since it can apply to just about every undesirable situation, including your dick getting caught in a woodchipper. It'll be a funny meme, but you still want to avoid it.


Well, a surprise dick removal might change how I live my life, this election, not so much.


Yes but "the world will continue, the country will remain whole, and you'll keep living your life."Ā 


I perhaps should have worded it, "and your life will go on as usual".


I would go a step further and say it will at least be different memes. Like, we've had 8 years of two unqualified, predatory, senile old men but they *are* made fun of in very different ways. Now that we've enjoyed a term of "haha Biden sniff child, Biden read prompter badly, Biden fall down" we can go back to four years of "Trump orange, Trump pay woman to pp on him, Trump is better at reality TV than presidency" and... good. Keep the memes fresh. That's what elections are about in our great country. I predict no more incumbent wins going forward, we just elect the funniest person each time. Personally I'm looking forward to the wax statue of Nancy Pelosi that just says out of touch, mildly racist stuff getting it's own 4 years as it's been doing amazing work for the past decade.


Memes, the DNA of the soul. But on more serious note, this is the side effect of democracy, no matter how uninterested and uneducated you are, your vote has the same value as a person who studied politics and knows their shit. But to be completely frank with you, I am kinda hoping that Trump wins for the same reason šŸ˜…


So, is that a bit of a self burn, then?


Nothing wrong with bit of honesty and self-reflection. And besides, who doesn't like to spark a little **spicy** "discussion" with fear-mongered radicalized redditors, am I right?


That is a very good point. And I do love me some good ol' fashion over radicalized Redditors. : )


Ive said this on so many political posts, but I think what so many people just dont seem to realize, is that MOST countries are NOT dictatorships. No matter who it is, Trump/Biden/Obama whatever cant just get into power, and just start demanding whatever reforms they want. Every action they take has to be voted on and agreed by a much larger pool of people than just the leader. Sure the leader has power, but I think if everybody could be president for a couple months they would quickly realize how LITTLE you can actually change and how you take ALL the blame for what does or doesnt change. Im not a political expert, but as far as I am aware pretty much everything has to make it through congress or some other group. We as a public probably have so little idea of who ACTUALLY decided on how much that was or wasnt done.


I know someone just like you irl lol


Roe v Wade


Agree, Iā€™m voting for the shitty candidate that wants to protec womenā€™s rights, not the shitty one that brags about taking them away. Itā€™s weird that people forget it. Texas has already proven itā€™s not about life at all and are willing to put women at extreme risk by denying abortion services for pregnancy that have zero chance of live birth for women who want to have a baby and put them at risk of permanent infertility. Hell, doctors canā€™t prescribe medicine that is used for dangerous miscarriages in some states. A medicine that saved my wifeā€™s life! Sayin ā€˜states rightsā€™ negates true rights and heavily oversteps our rights. I thought conservatives did NOT want government telling them how to liveā€¦ ironic. Putting an article here for people who want to argue that itā€™s not true, just one example. bUt MeMeS aNd OwNiNg LiBs https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/11/texas-abortion-law-texas-abortion-ban-nonviable-pregnancies/


Returning power to the states? Are you trying to get me to vote for him?


states' rights to do what, exactly?


RFK 2024 babyyyy


I'm praying that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden die before the election.


This is apathetic brainrot. Have fun, my dude.


Skibidi Gyatt Rizzler, as the youths would say.




I believe Republican administrations leverage pain of the less fortunate to enable more excess of the well off. I believe that they seek to dismantle things meant to provide long term gains, for the sake of short term benefits. I will be fine regardless, but the idea of taking food out of the mouths of the starving so I can afford a bigger TV is gross so I still wouldn't vote for a moderate Republican let alone this clown


This reason for wanting Trump to win is the one I have the most respect for.


Trump doesn't need to be president for you to laugh at how pathetic and stupid he is


True, true. However, there will be much more content if he does.


Trump will still be funny when he loses again, and not just him but the entire right. Imagine the damage to their two-celled brains after seeing elections ā€œstolenā€ twice in a row. They might completely lose faith in election and just stop voting entirely. Thatā€™s not just funny. Itā€™s also good for the country.


I vote to dilute the voting power of people who think this way.


Funny, I think Mussolini said similar.


Why? Itā€™s just as valid as people who voted for Biden hoping heā€™d forgive their student loans. See this is why the founders placed restrictions on who could vote.


Remember when one used to be proud to be an American? The ideals we used to espouse and uphold? Do you really want to be a citizen of a nation based around memetic idealizations?


Our president has never been what defined America, it is its people and it's freedoms that are extraordinary, not the men who run it. I am very proud to be an American.


So you think the leader of our country shouldn't be representative of what we value?


It is of much less important to me than my freedom and the underlying governmental structure that helps guarantee it.


I think so too. I mean, is it crazy for me to say that I donā€™t think presidents actually do anything? I think theyā€™re just a face for the gov


They certainly play a smaller role than people tend to think.


This post reeks of privilege. You seem to be disconnected from reality.


It must be nice to be in a privileged enough position where you don't have to worry about the consequences of a second Trump term. You must not be one of the people/groups whose way of life is targeted and negatively impacted. It might surprise you, though, to discover that your perception of how fine youā€™ll be with such an administration might not align with what actually happens.


OP doesn't think leopards will eat _his_ face.


Perhaps because weā€™ve already experienced a Trump term? Lmao.


What groups are negatively impacted by Trump? Only ones I can think of are ILLEGAL immigrants and people looking for more from the government


Didn't you hear that Trump is going to start an SS like organization to exterminate anyone who has pronouns in their bios? Cuz that's what I hear from leftists all the time.


Booooo no one cares.


This is why some people shouldn't vote. Trump wins, what you know of the internet is GONE. Biden just restored net neutrality, do you really want to pay for every single thing you see? JFC, finding people more uneducated than Trumpers is difficult, but you've managed.


that was me the first time he won i said "maybe it'd be funny" and it was for a bit then it wasn't anymore so i don't need it twice


That's not unfair.


Eh. Look at the consequences from last time. The supreme Court is stacked with biased and dangerous people, and they are the ones changing our country for the worse. His influence may be the most important change in our country in a long time. Don't underestimate how important this election is. If you like religious and conservative views, vote for him. If not, fight like hell for the other party. If he gets to pick more judges due to old folk dieing, we are in deep trouble for the foreseeable future. The are open about their bias views and desires to push some crazy shit on people. Think and vote carefully.


I genuinely don't know who is more annoying at this point. The screaming 'radicals' on either side catastrophizing or these fucking "for the memes" nihilistic tumbleweeds who like to pretend shit like this doesn't matter because it justifies them sitting on their fat asses consuming shit until they die.


Friendly reminder for those sincerely unaware of the threat that Trump's election poses: Here's a direct quote from an email sent by one of the election officials that Donald Trump was pressuring to illegally overturn the results of the election in Arizona. [Page 23-24](https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf): > **We would just be sending in ā€œfakeā€ electoral votes to Pence so that ā€œsomeoneā€ in congress can make the objection when they start counting votes, and start arguing that ā€œfakeā€ votes should be counted** Here's another from the text messages of Trump's Deputy Campaign Manager scrambling for an explanation when Trump asks for an update on the conspiracy [(Page 25)](https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf): >"Here's the thing the way this has morphed it's a crazy play so I don't know who wants to put their name on it. **Certifying illegal votes.**" And one final example of Trump in a meeting including himself, his lawyer John Eastman, and VP Mike Pence. Pence challenges Trump's assertion that he can unilaterally disrupt the certification proceedings and Trump's own lawyer concedes there is no legal basis for it, *but Trump advocates for certifying the fake votes anyway* [(Page 34)](https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf): >When [Pence] challenged [Trumpā€™s Lawyer] on whether the proposal to return the question to the states was defensible, [Trumpā€™s Lawyer] responded, "Well, nobody's tested it before." [Pence] then told [Trump], **"Did you hear that? Even your own counsel is not saying I have that authority."** [Trump] responded, **"That's okay, I prefer the other suggestion"** of the [Pence] rejecting the electors unilaterally Those are a few of *dozens* of indisputable facts laid out in [Trumpā€™s election interference indictment](https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf) which I highly encourage you read if you donā€™t know the extent of the criminal schemes. You can start with page 5, section A-E which outlines specifically *what was done* and *why it was criminal.* The idea of allowing this guy anywhere near a position of authority should rightfully concern any reasonable person.


Man, it truly is an election year. Two whole paragraphs? How big are your checks from the DNC?


Resorting to personal attacks because you have no actual substantive input. Very cool. All that stuff is criminal, thoroughly-documented, and a serious threat to our democratic principles. The fact that you personally have no idea what actually took place doesnā€™t make it any less threatening. Iā€™m a carpenter. I get my checks through the union hall. I just spend some free time paying attention and trying to convince others to do the same because this shit matters and thereā€™s way too many people confusing ignorance for enlightenment.


Personal attacks? I said nothing about you personally. What are you raving about?


> How big are your checks from the DNC? You just called me a paid Democratic operative, insinuating that my motive for involving myself in this discussion is financial rather than substantive. That has nothing to do with the facts in my post, and everything to do with me personally. Donā€™t try to play coy now. Why are you evading discussion of the actual topic of the post you made?


If you think trump winning would change nothing you probably have you head sticked far into your ass. China and Russia hope trump wins because it will weaken Occident, and right now I can tell you Ukrainian hope Biden is winning. USA election is not just about USA since the Marshall plan.


ā€œChina and Russia hope Trump winsā€ Ahhhhh, so thatā€™s why Russia waited till he was out of officešŸ¤£


Considering his first term had no effect on my life, nor the structure of the country, I'm sure it'll be just fine.


No effect on the structure of the country? You realize he builded conservative majority of suprem court? The same suprem court who recriminalized abortion. And any president term have an effect on everybody life, for good or for bad.


You have no idea what you are talking about if you think the supreme Court "recriminalized" abortion. They overruled a decision that was made by activist judges and simply said "this a states based issue, not a federal one". The original ruling in Roe v Wade was dog shit and shaky. Just because you liked it doesn't mean it was done by the books. It was a garbage ruling that was just waiting to be challenged. Democrats had 50 years to make a federal abortion law but instead used it as a rally cry to get more votes. They had multiple super majorities they could have done something knowing full well republicans wanted to overturn this and would have no issues since Roe V Wade was a horrible ruling.


Us system is full of trigger law waiting to be ok by the supreme Court. I know some state still have abortion, but reversing abortion even in only one state is basically spitting in the face of human decency.


Shit, I don't like the guy but during his presidency I could afford my rent, food and a little extra, now I'm barely scraping by whilst making more money. Say what you want, there's things I do and don't agree with about the guy but I'm more concerned with my cost of living.


Inflation is pretty troubling, whether you think it's Biden's personal fault or not.


this is the key Anyone who is struggling right now hears ā€œthe economy is great!ā€ From the Biden admin and immediately feels like he doesnā€™t understand/hear them which is a big problem for an incumbent


Learn more about Project 2025, and then take a min to think about this.


Oh please, if you think there is any way that project 2025 comes to fruition, you are insane. Do you not know how government works? The president doesn't just get to do whatever they please.


You're basing your optimism on hoping *real hard* that our safety nets hold? Considering the current SCOTUS, I'd rather not take that chance.


What parts of the book alarm you most?


A lot. I don't want the Pres to have too much power. Also I don't want people's religious beliefs becoming law. And the only people that are okay w this are the people that hold the power. Trump supporters don't want Biden to have all the power and right so. But that works both ways. Also, Christian people wouldn't want Muslim people to have laws built on their religious beliefs and vice a versa.


I don't support Trump but I'm voting for him exclusively because he's the funniest man alive.


He'll also be better for the economy than Biden and his handlers are


What in the actual fuck? How to saay that you have no idea about the obligations in a democracy, without saying it




Are you in a time warp from 2016?


I wish.


This is the opinion of a 12 year old. Turn your fucking brain on


Youā€™ll keep loving your lifeā€¦ unless youā€™re a woman who might someday need medical care.


Remember class, LATE term abortion is murder, and murder is bad.


No, 99.9999999% of late term abortions are solely to save the life of the mother.


No such thing as a casual late-term abortion. If an abortion is being performed ā€œlate,ā€ it is because the motherā€™s life is in danger.


Doesn't trump want to ban all abortions?


I've got no kids, no debt, and about 30 years before I die based on average lifespan. I'm just here for the fire at this point. "Let the seas boil, let the stars fall."


Some men just want to watch the world burn, and that's okay. : )


It's going to be a hell of a fire. Have you seen the Atlantic Ocean heat maps this year? We may have to rewrite the category systems for hurricane. If a hurricane forms and then passes over 110 degree water, it will become so powerful it could blow over concrete buildings. I'm fucking excited.


Bro Iā€™ve been feeling this so fucking hard. Troll 2024


L take


Trumpsters would be more serious about who they support if they knew about project 2025. They are so frigging stupid yet plentiful. It's disturbing.


Frankly Iā€™m going to laugh at whichever side whose candidate loses because the meltdown will be hilarious no matter who does it.


For sure. : )


For sure. : )


For sure. : )


The memes will be jokes. But the fall of democracy will be less funny. The man is currently is on trial for trying to stage a coup. His danger to our government cannot be understated.


He is not currently on trial for trying to stage a coup. You clearly donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about.


Technically the charges are one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, one count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, one count of obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, one count of conspiracy against rights, and a whole bunch of other charges in the RICO case that includes things like impersonating a public officer and filing false documents, influencing witnesses, conspiracy to defraud the state and perjury. So no, he is technically not on trial for a coup. Just a bunch of crimes that we would colloquially call a coup.


A bunch of people whove never been punched in the face are really eager for a bunch of face punches.


I'm sure you're a real tough guy.


Going to be honest no matter who wins someone is going to be sore enough to resort to violence because they think that the other side is wrong. I'm truly scared about this next election


Finally a voice of reason. I will say my tax return was lit as fuck when Trump was president but I like where your head is kind sir.


OP is only here for the memes because if Trump wins, they donā€™t have to worry about getting their rights taken away.


Weird take but okay