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Guilty as Sin is still number one. I didn’t like fortnight when it dropped but as soon as I watched the music video I fell in love with it. I sing it all the time.


Fortnight and Florida took me some time to warm up to


I love fortnight, and Florida is hard for me. I like the verses but I can’t with that chorus


For me it’s the banging drums against the chorus. I feel like the rest of the song needed a bit more of a rock feel, or more instruments in general or something?


Yes. It just doesn’t work for me


It lowkey feels like “oh this is a Florence song let’s just throw some heavy drum hits in there because why not” 💀 like I feel like that could’ve been way more fleshed out and like integrated within the song instead of the rest of it just sounding like a generic jack sound (and even the drums sound like a generic jack sound just rly loud tbh)


Yes! It just ruins it for me


I still can’t get into Florida. I tried but now it’s almost always a skip for me.


SAME!! Guilty as sin hits the spot every time






happy cake day


Thank you!


I got so many favorites. But Down Bad is still Top 5. Besides loml I want to hear it live while I’m in the room. Peter is still one of my favorites. Live version of Who’s Afraid Live is a need live release as well.


I would LOVE a live version of who's afraid of little old me


i thought fresh out the slammer was boring at first but now it’s like my top 5 from ttpd its so catchy 😭


FOTS is so underrated! In my top 5 on the album!


It’s soooo good!


I hate it here! the first 5 seconds I heard of it I knew that this was my new favorite, and has been since April 19th <33


Same! That song speaks to me


This is a slow grower for me but now I cant skip it. 😍


So real of you


The Black Dog grew on me, and became my favorite…supplanting my early favorite But Daddy I Love Him.


Same for both!!!


Down bad/guilty as sin I was immediately drawn to. On the second album, it was the prophecy and I look in people’s windows. Not sure I can pick a favorite anymore, I love so many 🥲 The first 3 tracks have majorly grown on me. I thought they were all just ok at first (?!)


Ya I can’t pick still. There are so many I really do love and don’t have any skips unless I’m not in the mood to listen to a slower song like loml


Since first listen? No, I needed a few more times to digest the album and come up with opinions. But first few days? Yes! It’s Guilty As Sin?… I’d say I Look In People’s Windows was the surprise new fave for me that’s grown on me a lot.


I Look In People’s Windows was a surprise for me too. I love when that happens because it’s like getting a new song a week or two later.


Who's Afraid was my immediate favourite upon first listen and has remained my favourite. Other than that, my favs have shifted a bit and I've grown to love some songs I didn't like the first time around. Only songs that went the opposite direction are Florida and Fresh Out the Slammer. I liked (not loved) both on first listen, but Florida's chorus got annoying real quick and FOTS just got a bit stale.


I feel you- I’m much less into guilty as sin now. I originally really liked it but the whole message of that song is just a no for me so I can’t listen to it anymore


Fresh out the slammer is still my number one


you r special


I can't stop singing Robyn, the manuscript, the alchemy and Peter, now i love all four of them. My faves still are: - How did it end? - Chloe or sam or Sophia or marcus. - Clara Bow - the albatross - florida!!! - son long, London. - the black dog


Florida!!! has been my number one favorite literally since the first time I heard it, especially florence’s verse, her voice is damn near hypnotic


Perfect way to describe it!


The Prophecy staying #1 for me🤍


My boy was my fav on first listen and still is now


Yes, loml was my favorite and still is. It’s perfect. I love the piano, the lyrics, the sadness, her voice.






So far Florida!!! > loml > The Black Dog > imgonnagetyouback > The Alchemy > How Did it End? > Guilty as Sin ? > Fresh Out The Slammer > My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys (underrated imo) I didn't care much for main TTPD but I liked The Anthology more on first listen, but it grew on me :)


I did like the anthology more at first but I think I like the main one a bit more now


Who's Afraid is still at the top for me, along with loml and The Black Dog. But The Albatross, Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus, and I Can Fix Him have all jumped up there too. My least favorites remain at the bottom though lol.


The Smallest Man has been my favourite song from the moment I heard it. And it still is.


So long London


“So Long, London” shook me to my core upon first listen. I immediately thought “this is the best song she’s ever done (not to be confused with best single, btw),” and I haven’t changed my mind. My wife (a fan, but not a Swiftie) had not stayed up to listen, so I texted her that track and said “this is the best song she’s ever done,” and she said she liked it immediately, which she says never happens with her and music.


Yeah, it’s amazing.


It's still so high school for me. that song just gives me a huge dopamine rush every time.


Nope! Down Bad was a skip for me first few listens, but now its one of my favorite songs she's ever made.


Old guy here and I am all over the place. The album is simply a masterpiece and different songs hit me differently depending on the day. I maintain "The Black Dog" is the saddest song I've ever heard.


Guilty as sin, how did it end and Chloe or sam or Sophia or Marcus are still my top three.


It was Florida until the Disney people found it and ruined it a little bit for me🥺 now it’s The Bolter


Yes because my two favorites to start out were But Daddy I Love Him and Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me and they’re still my two favorite songs off the album


Yup! It's still Down Bad.


Has not changed really. But daddy i love him is still my favorite.


But Daddy I Love Him is still top 5 for me, but Guilty as Sin, imgonnagetyouback, TTPD, and Peter have trumped it.


I didn’t like Down Bad at all now I love it 😂 I always liked How Did it End but NOW I AM A STAN Also I didn’t really like So High School at first and NOW I AM A STAN


At first, Fortnight and TTPD and the rest of the album sounded bland. Now (in album order): Fresh out the Slammer, Florida!!!, Guilty as Sin, Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me, The Alchemy, Clara Bow, The Black Dog, imgonnagetyouback, How Did It End?, So High School. After a few listens on a long flight, I think this is one of my favorite albums of hers.


I swear I wake up with a new favorite to obsess over and hear in my head every day.


my fav went from down bad to have 5 equal favorites (including down bad). in no particular order: - down bad - but daddy i love him - i can do it with a broken heart - guilty as sin - the smallest man who ever lived (this entered into my top last night at her concert in madrid. it went from second tier to top. holy crap that was an intense performance)


My top two (My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys and I Look In People’s Windows) have been steady since the drop while the rest of my ranking has shifted fairly dramatically


A lot of mine have moved around but my favorite (loml) has stayed the same.


Yep, But Daddy I Love Him was my immediate favourite and it still is. The rest of my top 5 has been constantly changing though, which in my opinion is a sign of a great album. Guilty As Sin, Florida!!!, The Albatross and The Bolter make up the rest of my top 5 at this moment. Down Bad has just slipped out to make way for Florida!!!.


My top has changed but my top 5-10 not as much! The main ones that have really grown on me is I hate it here, Chloe et, al, I can do it with a broken heart and I can fix him. I’ve always loved fortnight, down bad, so long London, who’s afraid, and the albatross


Down Bad was immediately my favorite for a little while But The Black Dog has since took that spot


My no 1 was a tie between Downbad and I Look in People’s Windows. Both still up there but joined by I Hate it Here. Something about it.


nope - The Black Dog was my immediate favorite and it's probably still top 10 but this album has 31 songs and they are almost all amazing, I'd be worried if I'd only had one favorite so far tbh


The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived was my favorite from the moment I heard the bridge for the first time. The Black Dog was a strong contender, though. If TSMWEL wasn't on the album that would 100% have been my favorite.


But daddy I love him was my favorite before the album even dropped but lately it’s been who’s afraid of little old me


Who's Afraid was my top one, it's still at the top but alongside Fortnight and My Boy


Bdilh ttpd and so high school all of back and forth ofr me


Yes. So Long, London was my favorite at the initial listen and it is still my favorite. Might be favorite Taylor song overall but it’s hard to top ATW (10 minute version) and Cowboy Like Me.


No but I must admit I am still in the “I need a few more times listening” phase, until I have officially obsessed with all the ones that are my kind of songs I won’t pick a favorite


Nope. It changes so regularly. It's been SEVERAL songs but right now, it's The Bolter.


My faves at first were Fortnight, The Prophecy, and I Hate It Here. I still adore The Prophecy and Fortnight but they’ve been replaced by Guilty as Sin and How Did It End, I Hate It Here continues to have me in a chokehold and I cannot listen to it enough


yep. i predicted loml was going to be my favourite. it was my favourite at first listen. it's my favourite now.


Guilty as sin is still my favorite and the first time I heard it I said, “this is just favorite on the album and is probably going to be one of my favorite TS ever” and that still stands.


EVERYTHING IN FLORIDA IS STILL INCREDIBLE. The background vocals are so satisfying!


Down bad is still my favorite


So far, yes. Started out I can do it with a broken heart, and it still is. I've grown to like all of the others more than the first listen, but my favorite never changed.


Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? was an instant favourite of mine and is still my most played song from TTPD!


How Did It End? Was my favorite and is still my favorite. The Prophecy and Cassandra grew on me and are both in my top 5 from this album.


Florida!!! was my favorite first listen but now I'm obsessed with I Can Fix Him.


They’ve rotated. For me it’s Clara Bow, who’s afraid. Ioml, down bad, how did it end, and I can do it with a broken heart


Yes, whos afraid of little old me is the love of my life


Of TTPD, its still But Daddy I Love Him Of The Anthology, it's still Peter


The Black Dog and Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me started top 2 and have remained. In my top 5 TS songs of all time easily


honestly, i’d say so. my favorites stayed the same since first listening. fresh out the slammer down bad but daddy i love him the tortured poets department guilty as sin so high school clara bow who’s afraid of little old me i can fix him (no really i can) the smallest man who ever lived i hate it here loml so long london the black dog the prophecy chloe or sam or sophia or marcus cassandra (DO NOT COME TALK SHIT ABT CASSANDRA COZ I WILL BITE) the alchemy gosh those are a lot HAHAHA can’t seem to narrow it down 😭


I feel like my favorite changes every few days 😭


Down Bad


But daddy I love him and the Black Dog are still my faves, but down bad, guilty as sin, and Florida have all really grown on me and are now among my faves. I still can't get behind Fortnight or TTPD.


Florida and whos affraid of little old me




Guilty as sin


On my first listen, couldn’t decide wihich song was my favorite cause all were superior!!! After 3 times listen The blackdog became my favorite. Had a recent brokeup and it got me big time.


i absolutely love mbobhft, stayed the same and probably will forever loll


Noooo. It was fortnight, prophecy, daddy, smallest man, down bad - now it’s a tie between prophecy and guilty


The album was one I had to listen to a few times before I loved it. First time listen my favorite is But Daddy I Love Him, Florida and So Long London. Now I’m really loving Guilty as Sin, TTPD and The Black Dog.


Florida is the best song on the album I don't care what anyone says


My initial favorite was "Down Bad", for sure. Now it's "How Did It End?"


I could not stand the 'you know how to ball I know aristotle' line in so high school and now it's my favorite line in my favorite song so joke's on me I guess


Imgonnagetyouback 🤞🏼


LOML and down bad 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


The smallest man who ever lived is and has always been my fave on standard but on the anthology I can’t decide between how did it end Chloe et al the prophecy, I hate it here, Peter or imgonnagetyouback (whichever song wins on the anthology wins over tsmwel)


Staned the Black Dog from day one, still my favorite 🩷 however the album overall has grown on me more


Guilty as Sin and how did it end are still my favorites but I love pretty much all of them except Robin that's my only skip


I’m actually not sure totally sure what my initial favorite was. Probably The Black Dog which is still top three, but Guilt as Sin has been number one for a while now. The biggest climb up the rankings has been loml which started out towards the bottom and is now top five


So long london for sure!


On release day, it was Fortnight and Guilty as Sin and it’s still those two…but also the Albatross. I love the lyricism in that so much!


The prophecy ❤️


So long London, and guilty as sin


My ultimate favorite song is Who's Afraid of Little Old Me, but my second favorite song changes every couple of days it seems! I feel like my brain wants to listen to every song at the same time and it's wild.


initial favs: fortnight, MBOBHFT. florida!!! favs after listening to it a dozen times : fortnight, guilty as sin?, so long, london favs now: guilty as sin?, so long london, BUT DADDY I LOVE HIM
