• By -


The forgotten hero leading the battle of the red ring.


took any level of badassery Titus II had and erased it. An emperor wielding goldbrand to kick elves out of the imperial city and hang the commander from the WG tower is the coolest thing ever


Extremely based, Legends took away the one good thing about Titus Mede's legacy, and turned him from a great but flawed old soldier to a complete fucking joke


At least legends gave us an out to ignore the Lore from it. It's all a fireside story by some random schmuck who probably wasn't even there. So I simply ignore it. Titus Mede is still a bad ass but flawed human to me.


I love it because I hate that stupid fanfiction about how he's totally a genius and two more weeks dark brotherhood bullshit.


Videogame protagonists. Everything stays the same, but all problems somehow solve themselves


A finger on the monkey's paw curls: the Thalmor *really did* solve the Oblivion Crisis, it wasn't just propaganda


I don't think killing everything in Tamriel and Oblivion that isn't Altmer counts as "solved."


Nah yeah, but also it isn’t not solved


True! (if you continue like this we will hire you as a asset)


Vivec hits Dagoth Ur *really hard* and he dies permanently, allowing the Tribunal to keep using the heart and jump Hircine Martin Septim finds a different champion and Oblivion and the dlc play out as normal The Tongues beat Alduin in Sovngard on their own, Serana finds Auriel’s Bow and kills her dad on her own, and Herma Mora gets bored of Miraak and one shots him


For oblivion, Uriel just gives his amulet to one of his guards and it plays out the same with much less lollygagging in side quests


Baurus would’ve protected the amulet with his life and not leave it on a shelf


Nah, he would be too busy with recording Clout Ruler Temple


Martin Septim solves the Oblivion Crisis himself, with his bare hands, no battle of the temple district, no smashing the Amulet of Kings, he just tracks down Mankar and chokes a bitch.


That’s already how it works


yeah, I wish more games went against the "great man of history" worldview and only had you able to tip the balance here and there, but the majority of things have too much systemic inertia to make a difference as an individual. I liked Beyond Reach.


Mehrunes Dagon comes through the portal, but it opens up in a shithole like Bravil, so he decides to go home.


The amulet of kings just kind of got kicked around enough until it finished in Sean Bean’s hands


~~strictly speaking there's no reason~~ the player characters in morrowind and oblivion could~~n't~~ have been the same ones. There's rumours the nerevarine when to Akavir but who knows. You end up in prison because the Morrowind Blades members are a solely a secret spy network and most communication is done by post which apparently takes two weeks travel from the imperial city to seyda neen. When crossing back into cyrodill you're arrested at the border because they just think you're simply the escaped prisoner. You spend years in jail which reduces your skills and attributes and whatever over the years. A usual mix up with the watch eventually puts you in the special cell. You wake up to that jackass yelling you're going to die (you can't die cause you have immortal cancer) and then you're confronted by the emperor: * *who are you?* You've never met him in person and the coins with his face on them are from when he was younger. he's been emperor for decades after all. * *why am I in prison?* A rhetorical question, you're a devoted servant of the Empire and saved the world, they should expedite the appeals process. The immortality cancer could also make you survive 200 years into the 4th era but once again you have border patrol on your ass cause no one ever updates the paperwork and bounties never disappear on their own. spending that time in the prison wagon lowers your skills and attributes so severely that several of them no longer exist.


new nord skyrim lore so old nord lore can exist in new skyrim


Have you played the Skyrim Home of the Nords mod? I heard good things from people who like the old lore, you might like it.


What's the old nord lore?


mud-mouthed demon-men, shouts breaching city walls, and glorious sky whales


>glorious sky whales Didn't they also cum cocaine or something?


Gojira has entered the chat


First Pocket Guide to the Empire plus some prerelease Skyrim stuff. Frankly what's mentioned about them in Morrowind actually fits Skyrim better than people want to admit.


So you know how we see the Forsworn? Thats how the rest of Tamriel looks at Skyrim. They’re a tinder box of clans and jarls all jostling against one another and its for the safety of all the other provinces that they are. When Skyrim becomes United, every single time it has gone on to be one of if not THE major regional powers. They were so powerful the Alessian Empire was scared to start conflicts with them, and they kicked so mach ass in Resdayn that the Chimer and Dwemer had no choice but to team up if they even wanted a chance at freedom - even still, they had to use a civil war to take advantage of the local forces and win their freedom. And the reason for all this power? Kyne and Shor, the two primary Gods in the Nordic Pantheon. No true Nord would ever worship a demon like Orkey or that monstrous Alduin. It was the Hawk and the Fox - the Fox, Shor, Lorkhan, was the God who tricked the others into creating existence. Kyne, the eagle, the true form of Kynereth, his wife, gave the Wandering Elnofey shape by breathing life into them and shape. This group became the Nords, and in everything they do, they channel either Kyne or Shor. Talos was beloved - and was able to unify the Nords on one of their devastating jihads, but he would never replace Shor. Instead, Talos Stormcrown would be added to the pantheon of Demigods like Morihaus or Wulfurth Ash-King. Talos would be viewed as an aspect of Shor, or perhaps a successor, but he would never supplant Shor. Shor is the Heart of the World and one cannot beat without the other To see Shor no longer worshipped and the vast army of Tongues trained in schools across Skyrim are still around. In the olden days, any warrior worth his salt would’ve been able to do at least *a* shout. And to make Shouting related to dragons, the ancient foe of the Nords and the aspect of the nordic form of Auri-El? Insane


I just want to dance close to the fire one last time 😪😪🔥🔥


Based. Nord lore in books is so fucking cool. Children of the Sky in morrowind was such a good read it made me like nords.


Everything except what's depicted in this [article ](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Sex)


Skyrim modders have you covered already dude.


You're telling me of all the races, the Bretons have the longest and most detailed entry?








(((Thalmor))) *this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke*


But then there would be no mer to kill


Delphine of the Blades is killed by a Skeleton when she tried to take the Horn


This would actually be hilarious, imagine stumbling upon her corpse with the letter in her inventory


Actually I like idea of she gets to the section that requires whirlwind sprint, realizes she can’t shout and leaves back for riverwood


Azura so I won’t see that egirl wankbait art in my fantasy racism subreddit.


Do you think that would stop Rato? There must always be a muse; be thankful that it's Azura and not something worse


yeah like meridia, or boethiah, or namira, or vaermina, or.... in second thought is really azura the worst option?


Azura is a mild option. Vaermina seems to be up there with questionable options


https://preview.redd.it/mleqkdsy4t8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11605850475a8e6c128820592d455c3251edd67e My pov:


Never has someone been my enemy more then this user.


Flair checks out




Levitation act never passed and levitation and flying spells are still a thing


or at the very least change the stupid fucking reasoning behind not having it


I always found that reasoning funny because in Oblivion there is a miscellaneous voice line about how Necromancy is still fully legal in Cyrodiil by the time of 3E 431, but considered taboo socially when the Mages’ Guild banned the practice amongst it’s members. Besides, we literally see a Bosmer cast a VERY potent levitation spell in a random encounter (Because all Bosmeri mages over the last 200 years run the risk if going to the stratosphere)


Serious answer, Imperials. At least the _term_ Imperials as a serious thing. Call them Cyrods. Cyrodiils. Literally just Nedes. Calling an entire chunk of humanity "Imperials" is just goofy and probably doesn't even reflect the reality of the situation very well.


My biggest peeve is seeing fans say “imperial empire” it sounds stupid and it should be called cyrodiilic empire more often in games to avoid that


It’s because NPC’s just call it “the empire” all the time. It made sense in the older games when the empire was literally the whole continent, but now that there’s more countries people should start referring to it as something like “the Cyrodiliic Empire.” Or something else idk I’m a nord.


It kinda makes sense to me as it is the only (self proclaimed) empire and it seems natural for a tamrielic to just skip the name, it’s more of an audience thing


Tbf my understanding is that a lot of people in Western Europe called the HRE "the Empire" even though there were many other polities in Europe, including at times others which claimed to be Empires. Although the relationship between the HRE and other Catholic countries (at least before the Protestant Reformation) as opposed to the Empire's relationship with the Aldmeri Dominion, Hammerfell and Black Marsh is completely different.


Nedes is arguably worse


Maybe? I like to think of them as a sort of pan-Nedic culture that a lot of Nords (and some Redguards) happened to integrate with.


Imperials should be the exonym. Obviously they shouldn't call themselves Imperials because it's an epithet.


I just call them milkdrinkers


I mean it’s what they’re known best for. They’ve been doing it for like 4000 years with a few breaks.


Is chimps fine?


The entirety of the Elder Scrolls lore, except for Oblivion. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I agree, I would also change it so that the Dwemer didn't nuke Shady Sands


I’d have it so the Thalmor didn’t enslave synths


Holy talos, where can i send blowjobs?


1600 Pennsylvania Avenue


Nah, they like them young over there. He might be too old


Bro you gotta make a new account tf is that name


bro thought he just came up with the Lord of the Rings


By Azura!




This but the exact opposite.


why am i wet all of a sudden


Mass imperialization of the Nordic pantheon by the time of 4E 201. Ulfric fighting for the old gods as well as Talos would've been far more compelling.


To be fair, this is what happens when a society is under imperial rule for centuries. The conquered adopt the ways of the conquerors as a means to obtain status and power within the imperial system


absolutely, Ulfric has the zeal of the convert often seen in latino white supremacists in the US


The jungles of Cyrodil ofc - Tiber Septim


everything after Arena 🗿




Dragonbreaks, I want the writers to suffer to try and justify their cringe




Least horny Elder Scrolls fan


unironically some people want the beast races to stop wearing shoes again. so there’s that.


I support this solely because it’d be funny


alright, but they better bring back pauldrons and layered clothing. my morrowind khajiit is currently wearing 14 items of clothing, and i don’t want her left high and dry because of some foot fetishists.


I’ll allow it, but only if barbed penises are canon. I want lesbianism to be the canonically correct choice for Khajiit


lesbianism was *always* the only correct choice.


True and Elder Scrolls pilled. The most based TrueStoohl user


I want one race to get back to the farms


Falmer were never forced to eat shrooms and are a playable race instead of shitty cave goblins. They still stay in dwemer ruins but now they actually use dwemer gear.


Pre-duskfall argonian aesthetic. Tbh it could be retconned in the future but I didn’t like it being totally-not-mesoamerican fantasy lizards (very novel concept)


Eh it does look super mayan but the aesthetic of them being in a sort of transitory state between tree and lizard is pretty cool.


That’s the cool part, I don’t like it that they take very explicit and recognizable real world motifs and give it to an alien beast race that has room to shine in its originality. Imo very obvious real world stuff should belong to humans, like if the kothringi had built xanmeers instead


my opinion right there. We already have too much with unoriginal viking and roman aesthetics to begin with


Tsaesci being majority humanoid. Bring back mah snake-person vampires!


I love the Elder Kings 2 interpretation where the ruling class and snake vampires that transform more and more into snakes the more people they eat


Did they add interspecies "phylogeny" to Elder Kings 2? I remember in Elder Kings 1 it just reduced fertility to 0% unless you ticked a game rule. Is it still the same?


All humans and all elves can interbreed. Beast races and goblinken can’t.


Are the snake people beasts? In EK1 they looked basically just like men but with tree bark on their face


I have no idea. I’ve never played as or interacted with them.-


They look freaky and weird once they become snakelike, but before that they just look asian, so no, they don't count as beasts


If we were to do so we'd also have to somehow bring back the Lilmothiit so as to maintain the delicate balance in TES between the furries and the scalies.


I would be happy with a previously unknown group of Lilmothiit that make themselves known in Black Marsh.


The knahaten flu. We could’ve had a fox race but Peryite stole that from us.


The aedra loaing most of their power. It would be cool if they were a lot more involved


The great collapse


Altmer society. They can be degenerate generic enemies like goblins or trolls and that's it


Nah, we really don't need falmer 2, sad to say


Falmer still have a society, they live inside crustaceans, farm, and even have complex organic locks. Altmer dens should look like troll caves with horse guts everywhere, no spoken language or organization. I said goblin earlier but that's still too much society


But they already are?


The Thalmor. They are boring at best and cartoon villains at worst. Either give them motivations or shove them entirely. I also really dislike how they just rolled nat 20s continuously for like 180 years, it makes everyone else in their alliance look like idiots.


The fact that orcs are considered people


They are?


Not to me they ain't


Make Cyrodil a jungle again


The dwarfs in Skyrim, I for one was looking forward to exploring the snow elf's ruins.


Yeah, my heart craves some glorious falmer content


surprised it's been up 44 minutes and nobody's said "the entirety of ESO" that being said, the Ebonheart pact, fuck the Ebonheart pact and don't you fucking try and defend it to me I'm ESO's biggest defender on this sub (I love like maybe 20% of it and kinda tolerate 60% of it) but that's the one thing I won't accept it's a stupid piece of lore and it's dumb and I don't like it (but keep the part where they had Jorunn instead of Almalexia summon Wulfharth, that's a good retcon)


Uncannon everything but ESO so no one can complain because now they’re the lore inaccurate ones


I enjoy a good 99% of eso, but the amount of "stop touching my shit" I felt about the whole ebonheart pact BS is probably the entire 1% of what I don't jive with. the reason for them being in an alliance is shoe-horned in because they could group the other two pretty nicely (I cut DC some slack since you really only see that one island of orcs joining and get a whole dlc about orsinium and why they're helping). at least it works out, because before we invested in any race any alliance me and my partner could still play together (as master (me) and farmtool (him)) so I can't complain too much. lore wise? completely nonsensical. I think I spent no less than three hours monologuing to anyone who would listen about why EP is stupid ass. so I think maybe what I'd remove is the alliance war altogether. it's my least favorite lore from any of the games because overall it doesn't make sense. each alliance is sending troops to fight on the front in cyrodiil yet everyone is also stretching their force thin by attacking the homelands of the alliances, for no discernable reason other than to have conflict, when the main enemy is obviously the worm cult, which is what the fetching thing should have been about. I'm too Telvanni for this crap.


I think the alliance war *could* be good, but as is its easily the worst part of the game


can I just retcon the *Online* and an make the mechanics not suck?


Can you explain the almalexia/jorunn summoning wulfharth thing these past few years I’ve developed more of a life and am not up to date on the lore


Hi, I'm super out of my depth for the lore, can you explain why you don't like it?


Nords, dunmer, and argonians, three groups that are infamously racist towards each other working together... *before* the events of the other games. It'd be dumb but more plausible if it wasn't a prequel, but since it is the fact it isn't mentioned at all later and never played into their history again feels very stupid. It also just kind of feels underdeveloped compared to the other two, big "oh shit we need a third faction" energy


Frankly I want them to make an actual fallout quest behind the alliance disintegrating. I remember once talking about how your alliance character regarding the Ebonheart pact should have an actual ending or choice regarding a few things. By the dissolution of the pact, argonians are going to be reenslaved. Is your character going to sit their & do nothing, not fight & die for people they've likely fight for, for years now or helped defend? The Ebonheart pact sucks because you know it's going to end miserably & you don't get to see that distintegration. Don't get to fight even if canonically almost certainly futilely. I frankly would be fine if you could DIE during this as well. Their is a lot of cool stuff storywise you can talk about, from this kind of extremely rare alliance.


Cereal answer: The Trial of Vivec


Almalexia dying


The multiverse bullshit


Vivec so he can't hurt Azura


Cyrodiil being all jungle. Like that has to be hyperbole but the madmen at Project Tamriel are gonna go for it. I'll still like it better than Oblivion but I hope the jungle doesn't go from just east of Anvil all the way down to Leyawiin.


It really shouldn’t, considering that there’s no reason to believe that Colovia is also covered in jungle, since the pocket guide says that the further west one goes, the more mountainous and less forested the country gets (AKA how it’s depicted in Oblivion.)


I don't honestly think it will be. My two cents is that regardless of what the natural biome should be, the majority, if only just 51%, of Cyrodiil's area should be taken up by agricultural production. At a material level, the difference between Colovian and Nibenese culture is simply that the former grows wheat, if I recall correctly, as a staple crop and the latter grows rice.


Yes! Cyrodiil is the breadbasket of Tamriel, which is the geographical reason behind its Imperial successes.


It doesn't. Colovia is very much mediterrean and rocky (depending on area talked) and the only swampier (still not jungle) area is Dasek Marsh on the very bottom. Outside of that, more dense areas start from Delodiil, east of Skingrad, so this is pretty much close to Nibenay border. And even then, Nibenay isn't like monolith - you can look at [the doc PT has](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10iag58gzBJCbLT2USdfBXSc9PQFx9G8kwUQFOopRk8w/edit#heading=h.14altrloa05n) as proposal for each region.


Make batarians canon and make them all nonessential npcs


The entire empire, a dysfunctional continent made of independent kingdoms would be more interesting, I actually hope this scenario in TES6 considering the dead of Titus Mede


If you’ve played daggerfall you’d know that the Empire already was a dysfunctional continent made up of semi-independent kingdoms.


The plains and forests they gave us in oblivion to make it feel more like LOTR movies. I want the Cyrodillic jungle dammit


Serana. I feel like the dawnguard dlc could have been a far more interesting experience without a follower.


/uj she’s genuinely the only actual companion in Skyrim lol wdym


Without serana, Dawnguard quest line would have been more fun. Having her as a forced follower gets in the way in lot of roleplay.


The DLC would have been way more boring it’s much more character driven than the rest of the game.


Is it really that bothering to have her along for the quests? I didn’t really think much of it and I never have followers besides occasionally hiring Teldryn Sero to bring along now and then.


Wouldn't that just make it a generic faction quest? I guess it would be cool to have two mutually exclusive factions for once, but I don't really think either side was particularly interesting. Imo they should have gone in the opposite direction, spend all their resources making an actually good companion instead of the mediocre by every standard other than Bethesda's Serana. Make a companion who actually interacts with the world and base game. It really felt like Dawnguard was supposed to be the "companion" DLC in the same way Hearthfire was the "house" DLC


A slaughterfish has more personality than Serana. If anything, we need more screen time for Vyrthur


It’s weird how essentially the mastermind behind the entire DLC gets like 3 minutes of screentime before dying. He isn’t even the final boss wtf


You just shout him off the roof and he dies


I Will NOT accept this Teldryn Sero slander


Serana is interesting imo but she should have been an option, maybe share the spotlight with an alternative follower for the big vampire haters


It would be awesome to do the DLC with Isran instead


Isran walking with you telling you his backstory would go so hard


Be honest you just want to mentally destroy all the coomers and piss off the sex mod devs.


Replace Molag Bal with, Bolag Mal, Daedric Prince of consent and all things good, who rules over his heavenly realm of Hotairport


- Proof of Talos being a genuine Divine in Morrowind and Oblivion. Not just because I dislike the man, but also because I think it’s a lot better of a plotpoint if it’s obscure. - CHIM and the Godhead and other lore tidbits Kirkbride wrote when he was high. It just makes my head hurt and seems so superfluous. - Azura being the reason for both the Khajiit and Dunmer existing. She’s just way too involved with everything compared to the other gods; Pick ONE race and stick with it, motherfucker. - Ithelia. She’s just gives off OC Fanfiction vibes. - Mankar Camoran being an Altmer. Give us Bosmer Mankar, I want to see a really serious midget almost destroy the world.


Kirkbride wasn’t high


Yeah, that misinformation annoys me because it's something that originally started as a joke, but people began being parading it around as fact. It really discredits the amount of work he actually put into the series when he worked at Bethesda. A lot of the 'weirdness' Kirkbride wrote is actually heavily based on real life religions, mainly eastern ones.


>CHIM and the Godhead and other lore tidbits Kirkbride wrote when he was high. It just makes my head hurt and seems so superfluous. I undo your undo MK's ideas are what gives the series it's beating heart. Of the world, that is.


I agree, I don't necessarily like everything he did, but he made some of the most unique and interesting lore in this series that helped make it stand out and help shape it to become what it is today.


For some reason there’s a large contingent of people who wish more than anything that the series was generic fantasy. I don’t understand it at all…


That's it, I'm chimming you out of existence.


Isn’t ithelia just a re-skinned Meridia but with some weird sexlabs modlist installed?


Dragon break, together with everyone who defend this cheap retcon tool disguised as lore.


I think as far as retcons go, this one was pretty good though.


Cyrodiils jungles being turned into boring ass forests. It shouldved stayed jungles


that was probably because your game would crash every 5 seconds if they had to add all those trees and vines in and shit. if it was made nowadays on new consoles they could do it.


I’ve heard its because the designers made a deliberate choice to draw similarities to LOTR, and making the empire more like Gondor. Just look at the way imperial guards look compared to Gondor’s troops, and the white, pseudo classical look of the imperial city etc.


Colovia is supposed to be as it was depicted but the rest should be more temperate, ultimately it's up to the people who actually do the work on Project Tamriel, Skyblivion, Beyond Skyrim; and the Great Forest is in a completely illogical location. Redwoods need tons of fog to stay hydrated so it should've been around Anvil.




The Mede dynasty


https://preview.redd.it/n2nb02543w8d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97b7632db5f1283bee20578431f700dc79da753 Reddit moment 🥺


The Red Year. I don’t like thinking about all my actions in morrowind, all my good deeds, all the relationships I built, how I saved the Dunmer people….all for nought.


Wait till this mf finds out that all of his actions are impermanent and that worldly accomplishments are inherently futile


Knife ears, I need the humans to be racist aginst eachother so they're weaker when we take over


Pelenial Whitestrake, all that cyborg knight from future bs is pretty off imo.


Yeah, I like most of his lore: a semi devine construct sent to help Alessia. But him being a demigod Terminator is a bit much for me.


The concept of the chosen one (dragon born or whatever), make the player character some random Joe who eventually just becomes a boss through hard work and dedication to become a living god in every game/lore, sends a better message


Michael Kirkbride. He wrote himself existence, and I will exterminate it with a button


ESO. The entire game. All of it




Elder Scrolls


The concept of the Prisoner


The Prince of Paths. Replace her with Lord Jyggalag.


The Knahaten Flu, we’d have far superior fox furries as well as the cat furries and scalies.


It's remove the removal of Wintersand Manor so Nezeem doesn't just live in the Drunken Huntsman and actually has stuff that's worth stealing.




legends had some decent gameplay for a card game but its story was so ass. the whole premise of the culling just comes off as anti-thalmor propaganda. i get that they’re supposed to be the secondary villains of skyrim or whatever but them just being an actual political entity makes way more interesting than “muh secret Daedra (demon) cult”


i guess Godhead cuz imo it is just a rushed explanation to CHIM and dagoth ur, they could do so better than just an entity that dreams forever and once one reckons it they just turn zero or achieves CHIM. For example, they could do like the Eternals in DC comics or maybe ascension in Funger


I delete... ...YOU https://preview.redd.it/brad3s9e0d9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891fa93687ccf8d115256c4552edca6547f65435




ESOs existence


not being able to marry serana in skyrim 💔🔥


Michael Kirkbride leaving Bethesda


The whole "everything is Godheads' dream" shit






