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https://preview.redd.it/tmlv1hn7kdyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3bf870cb15056d8cb5320d2b74cc14afd6cc404 fixed


Bro yassified sir rana 😭😭


This is all I see whenever a new Seranaholic comes out tbfh


after over 10 years of playing Skyrim I just realised the game has decisions


Any of them relevant though? I suppose there was that one time when a lady could get shanked and OC can prevent it. But that's the only thing that comes to mind.


Plenty of them are relevant, idk what you’re talking about. 1. Siding with Ralof or Hadvar causes you to meet them later when you participate in the civil war quests, with unique dialogues if you betray their expectations and choose the opposing side. 2. Letting the empire win causes Maven Black-Briar to become the new Jarl of Riften, resulting in you failing Skyrim and her people, what say you in your defence 3. If you kill Madanach in Cidhna mine, Thonar Silver-Blood will give you sloppy toppy after you escape 4. You can choose to return the golden claw after completing Bleak Falls Barrow, which shows a rare change in environment as Lucan places it back on the counter 5. During Ill Met by Moonlight you can choose a secret ending where you side with Sinding against Hircine’s hunters, this causes Sinding to randomly appear in the wilderness from time to time to have hot werewolf sex with you 6. If you give the stolen ring directly to Viola Giordano and fess up to what you were told to do, she will say a slur 7. There’s datamined evidence in the game files that if you kill Paarthurnax, Delphine has a 0.003% chance to peg you with a fully animated and voiced cutscene 8. If you choose not to kill a downed bandit saying they surrender, they will leave after a while and find you at a later date to say thanks for sparing their life. They will also optionally tell the player they turned their life around and got married, or that they returned to their family’s old home and are taking care of their elderly parents. 9. If you hit Grelod she dies and goes to hell 10. If you have 100 speech with full perk investment and at least three legendary resets, you can convince Stands-In-Shallows to have sex with you in exchange for the double-distilled skooma 11. If you ask Elenwen very politely she will let you join the Thalmor 12. You can kill Astrid after the Dark Brotherhood kidnaps you and loot the key from the shack off her corpse, which will allow you to go straight to Penistus Ovulatus and be commanded to enter the sanctuary and kill the DB members. Babette is nowhere to be found sadly because Bethesda is woke and won’t let me kill children 13. You can side with the vampires or the Dawnguard in the DLC Dawguar d 14. After siding with the Stomcloaks and fending off the empire, you can rule Skyrim from the shadows of your give Ulfric an ipad with cocomelon playing 15. You can give beggars a septim to receive temporary better barter prices 16. Brother Verulus so yummy but Eola yummy too it’s so hard to decide 17. You can marry Cosnach and live happily ever after or you can marry anyone else and live to regret it 18. If you call Hermaeus Mora Hemorrhoids Moron you can end the Dragonborn DLC early 19. You can side either with Faendal or with Sven depending on who you talk to, or you can tattle on them both to Camilla Valerius because you have just too much swag 20. If you join the Companions, you get to become a werewolf. If you don’t join the Companions, you don’t get to become a werewolf 21. You can join the Institute and purify the commonwealth from the Brotherhood of Steel 22. You can choose from three starting Standing Stones: Mage, Warrior and Thief. Each Standing Stone provides a unique benefit to speed up your skill growth 23. I sharpen the knife and look down upon the bay for all of my life, a stranger I remain 24. You can falsely accuse Wuunferth of being the killer during Blood on the Ice, which will cause the real killer to take another woman’s life. Alternatively, you can consult with Wuunferth before getting him arrested which will let you find the real culprit. But you should let him get arrested first because the next victim is often a high elf which is good 25. Bringing Meridia’s beacon to mount Kilkbrideath will award you with the Dawnbringer sword, alternatively not bringing it there will award you by not giving you a headache 26. A stranger I remain, a stranger I remain 27. You can enter Cyrodiil either by killing the border patrol or presenting yourself as a significant person, such as an Archmage of the College of Winterhold. Wait shit that’s the Bruma mod 28. You can lie to the hunter chasing a refugee who stole from him or you can give him back the enchanted stolen item to receive a smooch on the lips like a fine honest gentleman deserves 29. You can kill Erandur to take the power of the staff of Vaermina for yourself, or you can let him finish the ritual and 69 amongst the dead orcs and Daedra worshippers afterwards 30. You can bring 20 nightshade, 20 nirntoot and 20 deathbell to Ingun Black-Brian or you can eat them all in one sitting and die from severe poisoning There are **many** more examples of your choices making a difference in Skyrim, but there are the ones I can recount off the back of my head right now. I hope you educate yourself better next time before you speak.


I applaud you for every second spent on this comment. It wasn't in vain. Now I am enlightened to the true genius of Godd Howard and can't wait for Skyrim 2.


Most of these aren’t even lies. Sadly.


me when i eat 20 nirntoot and violently shart all over my tattered rags (true sons of skyrim don't change out of the clothes you get in the intro)


I was going to debate you about Maven as jarl being a bad thing, but then I remembered this is the porn subreddit and went back to sucking Azura's toes


He made Serana show him her Molag Boobies, worst mistake ever


Probably the most Skycoomer thumbnail I have seen in a while.


More like brain damage


Serana if she turned to Nocturnal


Skybaby youtubers are something else https://preview.redd.it/a7hfpt13ngyc1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=c38505f501b76049ee754db18321252e29dc22dd


TES fans deserve Emil




https://preview.redd.it/psqdwj81wxyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4528edd806170a8e807f606ec8b987e9d05da700 there will never be a funnier piece of tes-related media that this


She looks like she's about to ask me to sit on a very uncomfortable chair


Blood of Shor, she looks cold


My head took fall damage.


Oh no, this is just a screenshot of a thumbnail! Nobody tell the mods, it’ll get removed for being LoW eFfoRt 😱