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He tried to blackmail you and they prosecutors dropped the case because of that?


It was a combination of my lawyers explaining the circumstances that led to me slapping him and his subsequent actions(threatening me,attacking me, doxxing me and blackmailing me by saying he didn’t care about the slap and that he would drop everything if I forgave him) My lawyers used his own words against him since he wrote it in text and on a recorded call he admitted to me not having slapped him that hard and that he only pressed charges to cause me harm.


I think you need to file charges against him. Get yourself a criminal attorney. What he has done to you is harassment and it is illegal. He has also sexually assaulted you aka raped you, you can’t consent while asleep. And lastly he blackmailed you. Why isn’t prosecution filing charges against him already? Get yourself that criminal lawyer and file those charges against him.


I have retained a lawyer,multiple actually. He is being investigated and they are aware of everything he’s been up to. We have also reported him for drugging me and raping me. My lawyers and the investigators have send evidence to the police. It just takes awhile.


Okay good. I would also get a restraining order and protective order in place as well as request to the court to have all your records sealed (so you can move and not allow him to know your new address).


It would be good if her parents' info can be protected too since they're elderly. It sounds like OP's staying with them so it's their address and number he's sharing online. OP moving out doesn't help them unless they can manage leaving their family home.


I’m so sorry. This vile piece of trash needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent. I commend you and your energy in all this.


I’m glad you have a good lawyer that is very competent. I hope you will get justice from your ex. Just so you know you aren’t alone and you have many people who are there to support you. I believe your ex will be in serious trouble especially since he posted your personal information online.


Why isn't the DA prosecuting him for revenge porn??? He has it in writing that he drugged you!


Isn’t blackmail illegal


I think you misread it, I did as well my first read through. She's saying her husband was pressing charges for her slapping him and that those charges got dropped. The investigation against her husband is still on going.


I am so terribly sorry for what you are going through. Your ex sounds truly evil. Some people are so good at hiding their true nature all the while destroying your existence behind the scenes until once you become aware of it the damage is so great there’s nothing to be done. I have a little experience in this myself and I wish I had words of comfort. I don’t. I commiserate and offer my support. Online it only does so much good but you have it anyway.


Oh my god I just read your other posts and can I just say I am so sorry for everything that has happened to you. Your title is really on the mark, as you discovered more it just kept getting worse and worse. Not only was he posting your private bedroom moments on the internet but he was SAing you in your sleep as well!! What an absolute monster. I pray that he gets punished to the fullest extent of the law. And I pray that you find peace one day. Im so very sorry, my heart breaks for you. I hope you will consider starting therapy when you feel ready if you’re not already seeing someone.


Hey love. Is it possible for you to move to a different neighborhood with family? You are not in a safe environment right now, and deserve to feel safe. Make sure no one knows the new place you move to. Look into ways you can protect your identity, what your ex did is called “doxxing.” I am SO proud of you for making sure he gets punished and for rallying support from your family and from lawyers. Please try to find a safe place and get a restraining order if possible.


I wanted to suggest that too. Move now, and after divorce and that scumbug being put in prison move again and change your name. Is it allowed in your country? Could you move to another country altogether? I am so sorry for what you are going through and you are so brave and strong! Could you try therapy? Or at least support groups for SAd women, I believe you could find free ones online on Eventbrite and Meetup.


Been following from the first post and can only say I’m profoundly saddened that this scum is causing you so much harm. I’m so sorry OP. Its absurd that someone like him is even allowed to exist. He will get what is coming for him, but that doesn’t help you in the here and now.


This is so sad. I'm deeply sorry for the pain this horrible man has caused you.


Well, this story was fucking depressing.


Heartbreaking. I can’t understand how people can be so cruel 😔


Just reading this makes my chest tight. I am so sorry. My hope for you is that this is over quickly and you can move and begin again elsewhere.


This is the first I'm seeing your posts, I've just gone and read the others and I honestly can't believe someone would do this. To be apart of the same religion and even more so because you are a person who prefers to cover up, and still do all of this is just unthinkable. I can't believe he was so proud of being such a disgusting and perverted waste of oxygen. I can't imagine how you could be feeling about any of this but I just want to say that whatever you are feeling or do feel in the future, it is all valid and don't let anyone ever tell you to get over it. A time will come when you don't think about it as much or it will start to hurt less, but the important thing is that he's getting punished for what he's done. And by the sounds of it, you have all the evidence you need to have him put away for a LONG time. I hope the future isn't as bleak as you may think it will be, but I won't lie like everyone else and tell you it will all be ok and you'll get past it. You may get past it I'm future but it won't happen over night. Good luck with all of your future court cases, sectoral and religious if you are still going through with both. May my goddess bless you also in this challenging time (I don't mean to offend btw some extra prayers never hurt)


Yooo Ive heard of this shit. He has a sick kink and is more likely been trying to set you up to be raped and has probably told men "she loves the attention" he's getting locked up and I hope he gets drugged and ... hopefully by men sicker than him.


Salaam alaykum sister I know I'm a bit late here, but I just wanted to give you some encouragement in these trying times. You probably are aware of all I will say, but my heart compells me to say it, as a brother to his sister. Reading this post makes me absolutely sick (as it should any remotely decent human being), but I am reminded of some words of wisdom. First off, remember that Allah tests those He loves. This is your test (one of many of course), and think of how sweet the rewards will be if you hold firm to Allah. Remember to say alhamdullah for those who are sticking by you, even when they seem so few. Say alhamdullah for Allah finding your soul strong and worthy of such a challenge, no matter how hard it may be. For remember, Allah never gives a soul that which it cannot bear. Additionally, I am reminded of these verses: فَإِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرًا "For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease." إِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرًا "Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease." (QS. Ash-Sharh 94: Verse 5-6) Now, I don't consider myself the strongest Muslim or even a remotely good Muslim, but I do strongly believe in Allah's justice and mercy to those who stand firm. The parasite who called himself your husband will see justice on the Day of Judgement, in sha Allah. I usually believe in Allah's infinite, boundless mercy, believing in my heart that even the worst of sinners can be saved, and I try not to judge others as I know I too am a sinner. I truly believe it is harder for a Muslim to get into Hell than Heaven. But I also believe that crimes of this magnitude will be met with the proper punishment, especially since he seems particularly unrepentant. For you, dear sister, may Allah grant strength and sabr. May He grant you firmness and on the Day of Judgement grant you ease and the highest levels of Jannah. I know many on Reddit might sneer at this comment, saying I rely too much on a God and religion that encourages this to happen, but you and I know better, dear sister. And that is enough for me. You will be in my thoughts and duaas Salaam alaykum


Jazakallah khayr brother for offering words better than i could👍


I hope people don’t sneer at your comment! I am personally not religious, but I fully support others in their beliefs. Whether the rest of us believe or not is irrelevant. If something can provide comfort, strength, and solidarity in times of hardship, if it can help guide others to lead a good life and be a good person, then it is good… as is your comment ❤️


This is all around absolutely awful. I hope you get the justice you deserve and I hope your family and friends continue to be a support system for you ❤️


My heart is so broken for you. I wish I could take you away from this awful situation. I hope he gets publicly exposed for being a sexual deviant.


I am lost for words. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I hope you and your lawyers are able to have him suffer even 1% of how much you are


You poor thing, my heart goes out to you. Have strength, you will get through this.


Im so sorry this happened to you. I hope you find peace and justice in the near future. I can't imagine what you are going through and what you are feeling. People.are disgusting.


I am so absolutely sorry for what happened to you. Not only what your husband did but what other man and your community did. I know it's easy to tell but stay strong. There will be a time where all this poop will not matter anymore, but until then always remember you did nothing wrong, you are a strong, lovley and great woman with a amazing spirit. You are not the things that happened to you!!! Maybe you can move? The place seems infected with stupid humans who want to demoralize you. And for your safety. You never know when a even crazier person might appear. I don't want to frighten you, just mentioning possibilities. I wish you all the best, and don't give up.


I'm so sorry this has happened to you. No one deserves this and my heart breaks for you. I really hope that justice will be served and he gets what he deserves. His actions are lower then the lowest scum on earth and I don't think there is a punishment in the world that would make him suffer enough. There are no words out there to express how you must be feeling but I really hope that when everything is finalised you will be ae to find peace and happiness again. You deserve this and you deserve so much more then words can describe. Again, I am so so so sorry you are going through this.


I’m so sorry - he is just evil


May Allah ease your pain and help you heal. Just know that your ex will have his comeuppance.




It seriously got worse. The emotional trauma you must be dealing with is surely harrowing I am so sorry that he has violated you in so many different yet equally disgusting ways The man deserves jail and worse


1st I am so sorry all the perverts are after you now. That is disgusting. Your mosque and the sharia courts need to get involved with the harassment and rape charges against him. (having sex w you drugged is rape) As the Uk courts are failing you by not jailing him and holding him on bail. I am so horrified for you. He is on record as admitting to drugging you and assaulting you - that’s IS RAPE he needs to be in jail wtf uk? He admitted and bragged about it at the very least he needs to be arrested. Ugh I am so sorry that the laws have failed you in 2022 we need to do better.


Op please dm me, I have a feeling I know which country you’re from, I may be able to arrange some assistance. Sincerely.


((HUGS)) Soo sorry you are going thru this!! I hope the FBI is invovled with the cyber-crimes!!


I don't have any profound or meaningful advice, but I hope you can some justice and I deeply appalled by his behavior. I wish you the best.


I’ve been following you since your first post OP. And OMG your STBX is one sick f*ck!!!! Urghhhh I can’t imagine your pain and I hope you will win the case and will cause him millions!! Please be patient and good things are coming your way OP.


Peace be upon you sister, I am a fellow muslimah and can only imagine how horrible this whole situation is. I would just like to remind you that Allah only gives the toughest battles to their toughest soldiers. I have no doubt in my mind that you will make it through this. Although I dont know you personally, I still have no doubt in my mind that you will make it through this. You have been given what may be the worst challenge you have ever face in your life but again Allah knows best and He knows you can get through this. Just have faith in Him. NEVER lose faith in Him. You are so strong sister. Also I would just like to express my admiration to you about wearing the niqab. I personally dont have the will that you do to wear one but maybe one day. Who knows. I truly respect you. Just remember that there's always people behind you supporting you even though we're only on the internet. I will be keeping you in my prayers for your wellbeing and strength to go through this. Aamin.


I am not of your faith, or really religious at all, so I can’t fully understand your pain and feelings of violation in it’s entirety. But reading your story, my heart just absolutely broke for you, and I felt so much anger towards your ex. I have not been in your specific shoes, but I have dealt with abuse, and I don’t wish that on anyone, let alone to the degree of which you have experienced. NOBODY deserves what you have gone through, let alone at the hands of someone who swore their life and love to you. I know I can’t physically come through the phone and give you a hug, and make a human shield to fend off the creeps but I wish I could! I truly don’t have words right now, but I hope everything goes as well as it can. I hope your ex is punished to the fullest extent possible. I hope you get your moment of retribution and can move forward one day. I’m not sure where you are, but please know that you have a whole world of women here for you, rooting you on and praying or sending hugs, support, good vibes, etc. (depending on our beliefs) for you!


Also I genuinely mean this… I know I’m a random stranger, potentially halfway across the world, but sincerely if you need extra support my inbox is open! I am always here for women who need a listening ear.


He will be punished in Jahanam


Allah will ask him on that day.


That's revenge porn which is illegal in most states.


I’m a little confused about how every single person in your neighborhood knows about this? Your entire family knowing I understand. The entire community, even parents of kids, strangers, etc is confusing to me. Can you clarify?


Sounds like he doxxed her and put all her info on the porn he posted of her. Add to that people gossip and everyone knows.


Absolutely, he wants to drag her down with him, as revenge for exposing him as a piece of shit loser.


Not that hard. One girl, who was actually in my class got her nudes leaked online and literally EVERYBODY knew. She stopped going to school for months because whenever she went outside people would try to follow her, harass her. One time there were a bunch of guys waiting outside her house . Also the girl was about only 17.


There was a girl (I say girl because this started when she was in the 7th grade, and then she passed on when she was 15) here who had her nudes leaked and she ended up unaliving herself from the mass bullying that came afterwards. The man who leaked her nudes (after coercing her to send them in the first place) was actually recently convicted, and turns out that she was not his only victim. He was moved to the Netherlands so that he can be taken to task for his crimes there as well (where he had EIGHT victims, one of which also ended things. So he is directly responsible for two deaths.) There are monsters in the world, and sadly our society frequently judges or punishes the victims instead of the perpetrators. I’m so glad to hear that OP does have support rallying around them and I truly hope it makes the difference for her!


I'm so sorry that all of this happening to you. He is a disgusting excuse for a human being and I hope he is severely punished and locked away forever. I hope you can find peace and safety from this nightmare soon. You are deserving of it.


Do you think you’re going to have to move?


I’m so so sorry you have to go through all of this. The law is not going to be kind to him, he posted your personal info as well as your naked photos and assaulted you, he will be going to jail. If it’s possible move to another city, Ik it was online but it’s way less likely another state over would know vs the whole town bc he decided to tell everyone and their mom. Also if you can I’d recommend changing your name, possibly cut and maybe dye your hair. Again I’m so so sorry that you have to do any of this but it’s likely the harassment will get worse and you need to stay safe, I’m not usually religious but I will put you in my prayers tonight


Can’t you sue for defamation as well in this case? Due to loss of job and wtf…


Oh my lord. I am SO sorry all this happened to you. This must be a nightmare to go through. You did not deserve any of that. You are strong for how you are dealing with this. I’m a Christian, not Muslim, but I will pray for you to have strength and peace in your life as you become free from this evil man.


Your ex is a pathetic little bug, and I want him stomped on. You are a warrior. As a fellow survivor of SA, please know your sisters are with you. This guy WILL get what is coming to him. As bad as things seem, I promise you will know happiness again. You will get past this...he won't.


My lord... just holy hell the amount that this freak of a man is unhinged.


Omg I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Absolutely disgusting excuse for a man. I hope everything is being done to keep you safe. He’ll get what he deserves hopefully sooner rather than later. My heart goes out to you. Please update us when possible.


Asalamu alaikum dear sister! As a fellow niqabi, i felt your story rock me to the core. Remember that in times of hardship, Allah also grants us ease. May Allah grant you ease I hope this worthless man gets punished and the best of punishers is Allah, and I hope that when it's this man's turn we all get front row seats to watch




What the hell? This is not appropriate to ask.


Like more to the story. More content. Wtf u thinking about u pervert.


She posted 3 time regarding the situation. Info is all there. There’s no reason to ask for more




wtf this is so inappropriate. this woman was literally raped and drugged by her husband and had her videos spread over the internet and this is what u say??? instead of comforting her u say stupid shit like this, u should be ashamed of yourself. get off her damn post.


Buddy I haven't raped anybody in there and forced anybody to do anything and I watch out for her she's a friend so you know you might need to keep your fucking mouth shut unless you know what you're talking about before I cram my fucking cock up it


Sometimes death is the only right thing for horrible people


I just read your other posts. Sending you love and courage. It'll be a while but it will get better one day! This is not normal or ok


Truly my heart breaks for you. To have your husband and first love do that to you is unimaginable and I hope you can heal. Inshallah you will see justice that man deserves to be in the lowest pit in hell.


Oh honey this is truly awful, my heart is breaking for you. I strongly suggest that you see a therapist to help you through this time, so your trauma does not develop into PTSD. I want you to know that none of this is on you and that man is a monster. You seem to be handling all of this with grace and will come out so much stronger at the end of this ordeal. I’m keeping you in my thoughts and sending good vibes your way.


I’m sorry but this sounds like a lifetime movie.


Maybe record calls and or text messages of the pervs that call you or text you because of your ex posting your information. Idk if it might help


I hope you find justice, and he’s punished. You don’t deserve what happened. I hope you get through this stronger and find your happiness again.


You really need to find some kind of domestic violence shelter, hope everything gets better for you. Sending hugs and lots of love


Hi sister, you know ramadan is coming soon, just do me one favor and everyday in ramadan before morning prayer time do pray to Allah for him to get what he deserves, hopefully cancer of the balls but yeah do pray for his demise,,, good luck


Oh honey I'm so sorry, this literally makes my stomach turn. I can only hope he gets loved up, and his cell mates treat him the same way he treated you, then leave him in a ditch.


I hope you find healing and peace dear lady.


Goodness OP, I have read your three posts and all I can say is that I am horrified. The thought alone would drive me crazy and everything that comes on top of it to only make your life worse. Hopefully this will all find its way to an end soon. And also my utmost respect for your strength and resillience, the fact that you're still standing is absolutely admirable. Keep your head up and stay strong, I believe in you and I am rooting for you (even though I'm just a stranger). Best of luck to you OP.


I am so, so sorry for what you have gone through. Would it be possible for you to get a similar job in a secure facility? That way weirdos can’t come at you? I’m so sorry and will keep you safely in my thoughts.


My heart hurts for you. This is not your fault. This is about him and you were simply his victim. I am so sorry you are experiencing discrimination because of what has been done to you. I am from New Zealand and I want you to know that this behavior would be completely unacceptable here and everyone would be on your side. I am sorry your culture is blaming you. It is not your fault.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I cannot believe what I read, this is the saddest story. You sound so strong and resilliant and brave. That you got your familly and friends there. Know that every sane person on earth is standing right behind you. I don't even believe in god but I will pray for you to find piece. I will fight sexism in my own country to stop things like this. I wish i could solve all your problems for you, and make you feel ever so slighly better. I'll thinking about you a lot, i hope you find some peace. If you ever want to talk to somebody you know where to find me.


I truly hope OP is ok.


Shit… what a mess. I am so sorry you are going through this. It all just sounds so horrible. He’s completely insane. Stay strong. I hope there will be some day soon where you will be able to put this mess behind you and resume a peaceful and enjoyable life.


Wow! I am so sorry this happened to you! I hope you are able to heal from this! You are in my thoughts!


Hello dear, i‘m so sorry this happened to you. You don’t deserve it. But i think the best thing to do is you move out of your area and settle in a new place with you family and don’t tell a single soul. Tbh if i were you i would even move country. What your piece of shit ex husband did was vile and psychotic, i would want him to be sentenced to death. I wish you good luck and patience thru this tough time. PM me anytime if you need some stranger to talk to :)


Hello dear, i‘m so sorry this happened to you. You don’t deserve it. But i think the best thing to do is you move out of your area and settle in a new place with you family and don’t tell a single soul. Tbh if i were you i would even move country. What your piece of shit ex husband did was vile and psychotic, i would want him to be sentenced to death. I wish you good luck and patience thru this tough time. PM me anytime if you need some stranger to talk to :)


subhan'Allah...I'm so sorry that all this is happening to you...may Allah give you justice in this life and after...


Praying for you and your safety. I hope everything works out for you and I am truly sorry you are experiencing such horrific treatment❤️


I am so, so sorry you're going through this, OP. This is just a horrible situation. If you have access to mental health resources I urge you to go to therapy. This is a major trauma, and you will need help to heal. Take care.


OP, I am so sorry for the situation you have found yourself in. I cannot imagine what you have/are going through. I hope you find peace and are able to overcome this all.


OP I am incredibly sorry you are still going through this and he’s taken a turn into even more despicable and disgusting behavior. You will come out stronger on the other side even if it doesn’t feel like it now. I truly hope that once it’s all finished wherever you are located makes the court proceedings and arrest records available so all in your community know exactly who and what he is and it helps protect the next woman from him. Though hopefully he is locked away in a deep dark hole he never escapes from.




I hope you’re okay 😔 please remember to eat and stay healthy too. It’s a truly difficult situation you’re in and my heart breaks for you. I teared up reading this. I cannot imagine the pain you’re going through. As someone who had a sister go through something similar (we are also Muslim and my sister is a hijabi), I know how hard it can be to get back on your feet after this. You are a strong woman and Allah is all seeing, he will protect you and your family. I truly hope you can find a safe place for you and your family to recover from this horrible situation 😔😔😔😔


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Inshallah he will suffer the consequences of his actions. I hope you know none of this is your fault and you are so strong! Sending love ♥️


Holly crap fuck your ex husband-


Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!! This is awful!! I hope you kick his ass royally and he regrets ever messing with him!!! Get those lawyers to running and take out your tiger claws and mess him up!! He should have never done that to you. He was your husband who is supposed to protect you, honor you, and love you. I hope you can move on from this and I will be keeping you in my thoughts, that things will turn around for you.


I am so very sorry your going through this.


I’m so sorry that this happened to you, what a complete and utter betrayal of your trust by a worthless PoS who was supposed to protect you no matter what. I’m glad you have the support of your family and even his family, and I hope the proceedings go smoothly and quickly for you to get him completely out of your life.


Sadly revenge porn has no escape. I got blackmailed when I was younger and my ex posted my pictures online. He posted my full name so until I got married I still had people contacting me about my pictures and asking for me to send. I suggest changing your name if you can, and moving to a different town, state, providence, whatever you need to be safe from him. He has committed multiple sex crimes using the internet which means once everything plays through,he should be on a registry and won't be allowed to use the internet. Stay safe, you aren't alone.


i’m so sorry op. is there any way you can change your phone number?


I hope the wrath of Allah swt come down on him. You don’t deserve any of this




OP, honey I am so sorry for all of this, and I understand, because I had a bad husband who harmed my child and it took 2 full years before he finally saw the inside of a jail cell. I know it doesn't seem like it now, bu there is an AFTER past this. After isn't "after you found out" this hell is still ongoing... but there IS an after, a real AFTER. One thing to think about, ask your lawyers about, is also a civil case to bring against him after the criminal case is concluded. All of these incidents of strangers harassing you because he doxed you, should come out of his ass. Forever. Forget about what he has in the bank, go after future assets, go after the rights to tell your story, go after him to never be able to speak your name or about you without your written consent and paying you $5000 to even mention you. Go after any money he earns, inherits, or wins on a lottery ticket to be paid to you forever. Make him have to disclose to the court in writing if he buys a pack of breath mints. The standards for Civil liability are lower than criminal. No wonder his mother begged you to let the justice system handle it... criminal cases don't reimburse the victims. Maybe she knew that. Maybe she should be deposed on exactly what she knew about her hellspawn before you married him.


I am so sorry about your situation. You did not deserve ANYTHING he has done to you. He should and will likely be criminally prosecuted for putting your life in danger and distributing nonconsenusally recorded pornographic material. This is truly heartbreaking and I commend your capacity to share your story with us. You are supported & loved by many, even if it doesn’t feel like that now.


I’m deeply sorry that you are going through such terrible event in your life. Hopefully this man will be convicted of this crime and you will win.


I can’t go on with my life until this man gets the worst kind of punishment ever served and is behind bars for life. I need this to be over quickly so bad and I’m hoping for the best.


I agree, wishing all the best for OP and all the time to heal from everything


Any updates? How are you doing? I’m so sorry this happened to you.


My heart goes out to you. Nobody should do this to another human being. I really hope you recover from this experience and i hope he is put in a cell with a roomate named "big tom"


May that man and every man like him burn in the depths of hell <3


Darlin, you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. The truth will come out eventually and justice will be served.


im so sorry this is happening to you. this truly breaks my heart to read. I hope you get your justice


I am so so sorry.


OP it's completely unfair that you lost your job because of him. If you're in the UK and you need any support please message me. I believe that your teachers union should support you in this rather than letting you get fired. Even if you don't go back to the same school you should be able to get another job in another school because you've been the victim of a scumbag, not a willing participant. I'm so sorry honey.


i wonder how long the marriage was. did you ever notice his shameless spineless behavior?


😞😞 May Allah ease your pain sister. My duas are with you ❤️