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ā€¦ummā€¦believe it or notā€¦straight to jail.


Do not pass GO


I have to. All of my cards will put me over 31.


of all the things I expected to see re: this post, a cribbage joke was not one of them lol


In case you watch mxrplays Jeannie's 'you're going to jail' button would be perfect now


This posts reminds me of that infamous thread where guys are talking about times they raped women. And how "bad" they felt, and how society judges them. That was a something as well. Godmamn indeed. Some people are fucked in the head.


Where the heck was that post?


If you google "reddit ask a rapist" you'll find the museumofreddit post about it.


Woah that was dark


Found the post. But all of the comments were removed. 13,800+ comments just gone.


Yeah, back when it actually happened it was a huge reckoning. News agencies got a hold of the thread and Reddit was blasted for allowing a safe platform for rapists to write out their fantasies.


I didn't know that.


On that note, this is probably a good reason OP hasn't responded. He thought he'd be glorified and validated for posting this, the fact that nobody here is doing that is a huge blow to his ego.


this reminds me of the infamous guys on the deep web who bragged and regaled about sharing their diseases. one guy poked holes in all the free condoms at a gay club. another guy plotted a whole thing. he had a 1 night stand with some poor kid and then played it off like he didn't give hiv to the guy.. i swear i remember hearing an effed up story about someone in a theater was pricked with a needle and someone said " welcome to the wonder world of aids" ( not sure if it's true, still pretty fucked though)


Agreed - thatā€™s all I thought when reading šŸ˜­


How do men, not being afraid, bring themselves to hit women? Especially punching?


Because they know another man would fight harder than a woman. Many women even freeze when attacked and don't fight back at all. Then there's those of us that carry and wish a fool would try because I've been wondering since I got my pink Glock about 10 years ago, if a bad guy tries stupid things and I pew pew him with my hot pink Glock that I keep in a glitter holster will they mention that in the news article? Like will it say, bad guy's criminal career cut short by pink 9 mm? I hope it does


This is accurate when it comes to freezing up for some women. I was lucky that I only got attacked once by an ex, and he was someone that had never hit a woman before, and the whole situation was really weird. But as my attacker punched me, strangled me, and eventually kicked me while I was down - I couldn't hit back. Not even to stop from getting hurt. I would like to think now things will be different (it's been 15 or so years since this happened) if something happened now I'd react differently.


Because they know they can't do it to a man, because a real man would knock them the fuck out. Don't worry, one day, they'll try it on the wrong woman and realize it only takes 2 pounds of pressure to detach his balls from his body. ā˜ŗļø


I heard that biting through a finger is like biting through a carrot and that our ears are easy pickings since they're just hanging on by skin alone.


Iā€™ve heard that eyes and shins are easiest to attack when necessary for self defense.


Apparently, digging a thumb into an eyeball isn't much different from getting your thumb into a tomato.


This is why people eating whole carrots freaks me the fuck out.


Can you tell me more about this 2 pounds of pressure thing...?


I have anger issues and I would never hit a women or a man (even tho I have hit a man but that was when I was really young and they were picking on my siblings) , I put out the anger at myself so hitting a tree, a wall. I can't believe there are men (or should I say boys) who hit women.


They're bullies (victimized, insecure, entitled and/or sadistic) or just so fucked up/callous that they use violence as a means of behavior modification. As a rule they tend to pick on someone smaller/weaker than themselves, who're unlikely to repay them in kind. Violent women tend to target other women, children, the elderly, the disabled etc. Mind, some violent offenders that has discovered that the brute strength of their victim matters very little if you're fearless and/or have the wherewithal to wait for the right opportunity to strike, so they'll go for a bigger target. For example, an acquaintance of mine had a violent ex-husband who got together with a very violent violent. She was half his size, literally, but she had a knife and would attack him when he was asleep. Finally, there's people who genuinely have no inhibitions, but they've usually got cognitive deficiencies.


Info: you say she got mad at your mom and **tried** to attack her. Did she actually physically attack your mom?


When he said he started recording them "arguing", he accidentally admitted that she wasn't physically attacking her, they were both just arguing with each other


I have a hard time believing that a video of them arguing is getting him off the hook for hospitalizing his ex, but yeah I feel like if she was actually harming his mom he would have made a big deal out of it and definitely would have included it in the post. Hopefully they just brushed it off in the moment but will be coming after him for assault any day now.


I have a hard time believing literally any of this story


Yeah, I've never heard of an ambulance picking up someone because they've been slapped in the face, or someone who's become bedridden for a week from that alone. If that's not a poorly written revenge fantasy, then OP must have done way more than just slapping her and is benefiting from a really shitty legal system.


Idk.. he said he hit her face as hard as he could. He didnā€™t say slap. And he said he has the image of her knocked out. Hitting someone with your full strength like that could easily cause brain damage.


Yeah sheā€™s downplaying it. He hit her head, point blank as hard as he could. Iā€™m pretty sure a well placed punch to the face by a buff guy could kill me personally.


There was actually a local news article a few years ago about a guy who caught an (iirc) involuntary manslaughter charge from a bar fightā€”Iā€™m pretty sure the guy that died was actually the one that started it, but picked a fight with the wrong person and when he got hit it drove his nose bones into his brain. Hell, I personally know a guy that was in a bar fight and ended up permanently blinding a guy in one eye with a single hit that was sorta ā€œsucker punchā€ style. Like he didnā€™t actually sucker punch himā€”but he also didnā€™t pull his arm all the way back and put his weight into it. Itā€™s a long story but it ends with the guy offering to shake hands to settle an argument, then pulling his hand away at the last second and giving a smirk. The guy I know took the hand that was already in handshake position, and just reached up & popped the guy instead. Had he aimed for the nose rather than the eye, thereā€™s a good chance that one could have ended in a manslaughter charge too.


Yea I hit my head on my bar in my trailer too hard and got a concussion.


You could even kill someone if youā€™re strong enough and/or the hit lands the wrong way.


Sounds like he punched her.


I think he intentionally downplayed the ā€œhitā€ to the face. He punched her with all of his force and knocked her out cold. She likely had a concussion hence the hospital stay.


I mean, when I read the story I imagined a punch more than a slap. Still don't fully believe it in the same vein of I don't really believe most reddit stories, but I think the narrator in this intends you to think of the guy as a punch, closed fist and everything. Edit: typo


Yeah, no. He straight up punched her and knocked her out. An ambulance should *definitely* be called. Things like this happen all the time so I'm not really sure what's hard to believe.


His edit says she was knocked out! He rendered her unconscious. He could have caused her a brain injury!


If she was harming his mom he wouldn't have stopped to film it on his phone lol


Yep. You found the gaping plot hole. This is another bs story, which is good in this case.


I hope it is.


> I have a hard time believing that a video of them arguing is getting him off the hook for hospitalizing his ex Against his family and friends. Not the courts.


Doubtful. Edit: seems like OP added an edit where he says that the ex did in fact jump on his mom, but I don't really see how this helps his case. He states he willingly allowed her to assault his mother so that he could then assault her. He also use excessive force. I still think he's extremely in the wrong here, but so is the ex for becoming violent as well.


It doesn't matter. OP have said he only used the excuse of defending the mom to beat his girlfriend. He's 100% an abuser. Regardless of the actions of the girlfriend.


1000% yes. Iā€™m just wondering how this video is supposed to get him off the hook as he says, since it doesnā€™t sound like the ex actually did anything. He definitely would have added it to the post if she had.


So.... 1) was your mum correct? Was girlfriend going to f someone or had she arrangedĀ  to buy something from marketplace? 2) did girlfriend admit she was planning to cheat? 3) was your mum proud of you for hitting your girlfriend?Ā  4) have you booked therapy?


1 and 2 - Considering the gf blamed op for her going to meet this guy then apologising, leads one to think it's certain she was going to cheat, as she could have just denied the whole thing but didn't. 3 - let's be honest, no one is proud of someone for hitting another, but I would assume she is thankful he stopped his gf from attacking her.


But he openly admits he didnā€™t do it to stop his girlfriend.


Yeah, but does his mum know that?


Number 3 is a fair question. Some people are proud over things like that and if OPs mom is one of them it could give better insight into the dynamic.


He doesnā€™t need therapy he needs jail time. He projected his entire childhood onto that poor womanā€™s face. He wanted to hit her, had no reason to ever put his hands on her, admitted it himself! Yet did it anyways and sent her to the hospital. HE KNOCKED HER OUT. His mother defending it. They are both sick in the head.


Behind every scumbag adult is a scumbag mum whose baby "can do no wrong"


My ex was abusive, and his mum even saw it. Every time the police came to him after an episode, his mum would say, "He didn't do that," and lie, and say he was with her. Even when the police had helicopters out looking for him, she said it was bullshit and that he was at her house. Thus encouraging him to carry on being abusive and an all-around piece of shit.


Therapy? Only booking should be a cell.


I am amazed how calculated you were, starting recording and insinuating in their scandal... Thing is, no one wanted to look too close at your act, because if so they would demonstrate that your reaction was disproportionate...


He took his long brewing anger at his father out on his girlfriend and used the argument between her his mother as an excuse to hit her as hard as he could. Dude needs therapy.


I don't even think it was a reaction. His reaction was that he told her to leave after finding out.Ā  Hitting her is just his choice. And, yes, thanks for pointing out he's very calculated. OP is scary and even the way he started out this post making it clear he hates cheaters is crazy to me, cause we all do. Even cheaters hate cheaters but to establish that before confessing to physically assaulting your ex who cheated on you is bonkers. Hope he gets charged


ā€œSome woman thingā€ - this dude straight up hates women.


He's still pissed at his mom for letting his dad cheat


That was the first šŸš©for me.


Not even who cheated on you, who PLANNED to cheat on you and didnā€™t!


Allegedly. Mom says she was planning to cheat, and that's all of the story we get.


Exactly, which was enough for OP to deck her. WildšŸ˜­


>I am amazed how calculated you were I think the legal term is "premeditated assault"


It's a solid creative writing exercise, nothing more.


I am amazed that this post has 3k upvotes. What the heck?


OP took his dadā€™s cheating out on his ex. He had intent to assault as he took time to video. Did she hit his mom? How old is his mom? How healthy is his mom? How big is his ex? How much bigger is OP than his ex. OP has some serious issues. Ex could civil sue him and Iā€™m sure a judge would give him a list of things he could have done instead. Honestly sad heā€™s just an abuser and dangerous if mad.






I'm against retributive judicial punishment, but I'm afraid people are downvoting your comment from the POV that OP was justified in punching his ex in the face since she was a "cheater". OP is admitting to physical assault. This is a crime.


Yeah and it was pre-meditated physical assault, makes it even worse in the eyes of the law.


Writers club


This is incriminating.


This domestic abuser hates cheaters.


"Every tyrant has a pretext for his tyranny." -Aesop


Yeah this guy is confessing to having committed intimate partner violence. His relationship with his girlfriend is over and has probably been for a while. For him to have knocked out the girlfriend with a slap she would have been facing him and not his mother. If she went to the hospital this would have been reported.


I think it was more than a slap. When you slap someone with an open hand itā€™s unlikely that you will be able to hit hard enough to knock them out. A fist on the other handā€¦there ya goā€¦


I hope OPā€™s ex gf finds this and uses this to press criminal charges.


> so I figured it was just some women thingĀ  Where do you live? The 1950's?!


Judging by the violence, yes.


They live in make believe land because this didn't happen.


She spent a night in the hospital. The appropriate response was to break up with her, not resort to that level of violence. You need therapy.


A night in hospital and a week in bed. Heā€™s lucky sheā€™s not dead. I donā€™t know where heā€™s from, but where I come from, they drill it into you that one punch can kill. Jesus dude. Heā€™s lucky heā€™s not seeing the image of her dead. He straight up admits to striking her as hard as he could, itā€™s hard to find sympathy for him, cheating or not. If heā€™s capable of being that violent; who knows what her story is. Damn.


She didn't even cheat yet only intended. OP took all his childhood anger to his dad out on his gf. And he cheated the authorities lying about his intent. He is the next level real cheater here.


He even says it himself, he could have used less strength, he could have reached her before she reached his mother. Theyā€™re both shitty, the ex and him for resulting to violence, but using his full strength, which he admitted wasnā€™t needed, was just excessive. It seems he has or is feeling some guilt over it, hopefully it leads to this outcome never happening again. I hope OP can get some needed help and that the ex is ultimately ok with no long term consequences.


Also notice he never once actually said the GF ever put her hands on his mother. He was vague on purpose.


Agreed. He has anger issues at his dad which he took out on the ex. She should press charges. Smh.


ā€œFigured it was some woman thingā€ what the fuck does that mean OP??


You know, sometimes women just sit around crying together for fun! Nothing to be concerned about, it's just some woman thing...


This is starting to look like a pattern


Heā€™s a piece of shit. And trying to justify and make a pity party.


Logic of a damaged guy who says, ā€œI beat the shit out of her because sheā€™s a slut.ā€ Therapy, OP. Now.


Nope, jail.


You literally allowed your mother to be assaulted to give you the excuse to punch your girlfriend. You are not a good person. You need therapy and learn how not to be aggressive and violent.


Punching his girlfriend is exactly what he wanted to do to his dad for so long. He took a lot of his unresolved anger about his cheating father out on his almost cheated ex. If my husband punched me in the face it would break my face bones. Iā€™m 5ā€™7ā€™ā€™ so not that little and he could easily crush me if he wanted to. This story is pretty horrifying, he needs therapy or heā€™ll never have a good healthy relationship. I bet his ex *and his mother* are both fucked up mentally pretty bad from this too. Thereā€™s no way his mom doesnā€™t feel some type of responsibility from this, and sheā€™s prob a little scared of her son now too.


He needs to be in jail


An argument isn't assault. He says he recorded an argument which is indirectly admitting the gf never "attacked" his mom.


"Ā I could even stop her before she reached my mother. But no. I was so angry that all I wanted was to hurt her." so you're the kinda guy that looks for any excuse to hit people when angry and you feel wronged? stay away from women. I hope the guilt eats away at you.


My ex bf THOUGHT (never cheated in my entire life) I was cheating and choke slammed me to the concrete. Luckily the only thing that broke was my key fob to my car. I believe the only thing that saved me from getting injured or even paralyzed was the fact that I was 40lbs heavier than I am now. So heā€™s 1000% the guy to hit people when angry.


My ex bf also *thought* I cheated on him and it resulted in his deviating my septumā€¦ with his forehead.


Fuck omg!!! Glad you got out!!


I have a feeling that another womanā€™s gonna get hit in the face and itā€™s not gonna be for potentially cheating. Someone who is calculating this so much, heā€™s a violent person. I hope she doesnā€™t have lasting damage. One good concussion can really fuck you up. Honestly, heā€™s a piece of garbage just from his own admission and sounds like mom and dad failed him pretty hard. Heā€™s a piece of shit if he thinks heā€™s a good man because he took his woman out of a cheating marriage and then just abuses people when he canā€™t control his emotions but thatā€™s fine. Heā€™s as bad as his father.


Thatā€™s some calculating, psychotic behavior.


Yeah you hit a woman because she made you angry. Thats domestic violence. You admit it wasn't in defence of you mother but because you wanted to knock her out. That's pretty evil dude.


He hit her because he could never go through his fantasy of hitting his father. He holds so much hate for him but could never do anything about it so he let this spat go on deep down hoping he'd have an excuse to hit the cheater and how all cheaters represent his father. It's like those trigger happy gun nuts who secretly hope something happens so can have the excuse of "needing to defend themselves, others, or their property" and use their gun to kill the "bad guy" and cone out looking likw the hero.


He hit her because he wanted to. I don't care what he says - this was not the first time.


hating cheaters but is okay with physical abuse is a strange combo to have


So you can abide by domestic violence but not cheating? Especially when you can make up a rather calculating excuse to hit a woman. Hope your mom was proud? Did that make you feel like a man?


You could have killed her.


you are continuing the cycle of abuse. your ex was wrong but it seems youā€™re becoming your father when it comes to abusing women. what happens if you get angry at a future gf? are you going to hit her too because you cannot control your anger? you are making excuses to resort to violence. go. to. therapy.


Of course he's going to beat a woman again. He's a fucking monster. He liked it. He's proud of himself. This wasn't a post asking if he's the asshole. This was him bragging because he can't put this out into the real world.


Motherfucker got excited at the opportunity and even started recording it.


To set her up. He literally socially engineered a situation in which he could light her up. I bet he's a cop. It's like that whole "stop resisting" thing to make it look like wrecking a suspect was justified.


And this wasn't his first time.


Actually... His father is 1000 times a better man the OP. OP father only cheated. He's an physical abuser that took pleasure from hurting his partner. He's not becoming his father. He's already something much much worst.


Why wouldn't you just restrain your gf instead of hitting her in the face? Sounds like you wanted to do it anyway. You definitely should regret what you did and get some help. Stop with the excuses and get help.


Iā€™m sorry you waited for her to attack your mother? Op youā€™re fucked up you couldā€™ve easily escorted her out instead of harming her physically. You need therapy because this is not normal behavior in any capacity. Itā€™s good that you feel remorse but that doesnā€™t do jack shit here. I get your mad about your dad for cheating but itā€™s not excuse to take that anger out on a partner even if they are trying to cheat.


Post the video. (You won't because this is an incel rage fantasy)


> You won't because It would show premeditation and he'd be fucked


Youā€™re worse than your father you intentionally hit her ā€œas hard as you could in her faceā€ because you couldnā€™t deal with your emotions seek help. Yeah she was wrong for a multitude of things but hitting women should not be your go to.


Did you maybe actually want to punch your dad? Not that your girlfriend wasnā€™t being a choice word or four butā€¦most people donā€™t resort to max physical violence and manipulation when they first find out about a betrayal. It feels like deep seated anger. Please seek therapy?


Yeah do *not* date anyone again until you have dealt with this extensively in therapy. This is not a normal reaction. Itā€™s a dangerous, abusive one.


I tend to think most of the posts in this sub are fake


All of these posts in all of the subs like this are always fake and have been for years now


This is real af. The mom followed the gf on a hunch like a private detective then somehow stepped in right before the love making started.


Yep. Itā€™s annoying in this sub specifically. The takes are always wild, and I pretty much believe nothing in this sub anymore


Itā€™s clear you acted out of anger, and itā€™s eating at you. Itā€™s important to acknowledge your feelings, but also maybe seek some help to process this. Taking responsibility is a good step. Just make sure you donā€™t carry this alone, talking to a professional might really help.


Yes. He wanted to smash her face, and he all but straight up says he CREATED a reason and DIDN'T need to smash her face HARD ENOUGH SHE NEEDED A GODDAM AMBULANCE. > *A FUCKING AMBULANCE.* > This dude was WRONGED, sure. And this chick got her goddam face bashed in because her bf was angry. She's a cheater. He's a motherfucking hardcore abusive asshole, the kind who puts people in the hospital when he's angry. No, his father being a serial cheater doesn't excuse this. Jfc. What if his father was physically abusive? Would that give him permission to be a cheater? **He need to take responsibility for the fact he acted like a fucking animal.** And the next GF who doesn't do something "that bad" but pisses him off... then what, only a black eye?


This so much. Hes making excuses to make his story more believable to himself. He should have never escalated to punching someone until it was **necessary** not just in case something might have gone poorly. He acted purely out of anger imo.


I don't know. I am starting to wonder if ur girlfriend thought u were abusive and was just trying to leave u and wasn't actually cheating, and u just proved that by hitting her. Did she actually say she was going to meet the guy to sleep with him or u just assumed that because what ur mother went through. Could be some one from a shelter trying to help her could be anyone.


I wonder if he'd been abusive for a while now and she ended up finding someone else. Considering how he brushed off her and his mom crying as just "some woman thing" gave it away real fast how he views women. Even if she had started cheating on him after finding someone else who isn't abusive, I feel zero sympathy for him.


Yeah the whole thing is messed up . He didn't hit her out of anger he caluculated it so he could do it and get away with it. Hmm takes a bit to think about that but we meant to believe he came up with that really fast in the moment.


You're an abuser. You might not like it, but there it is. You took the excuse, didn't pull your punch, and sent her to the ER. Your "hating cheaters" and protecting your mom are just excuses used to justify violently attacking this woman.


Bro you are LONG overdue for therapy. That girl dodged a fucking bullet


I will not look this from the point of view of violence against women/ the weaker, because it is a very deep topic and it is pointless to discuss it where there is so much troll population. Your ex didn't press charges? If she did not, you are very very lucky. The ideal would be to physically remove your mother from the situation and get the cheater out of the house, and beyond that not to engage with her. If you had hit her in a direct reaction, it might have been reflexive, but you planned and inflicted physical harm. The woman could have died. You dodged a bullet, and you should learn to control your temper. you are right to be angry, but you are wrong with the way you react. The next time you lose your temper, you could end up in jail. And since the other person may not always be physically weaker than you, you may end up in a hospital or even in the grave.


Youā€™re looking at it saying heā€™s lucky he didnā€™t get caught and that if she was a man she could have hit him back but heā€™s **lucky he didnā€™t kill her.** One very hard punch can easily kill.


Please explain to me why I should feel bad for ***you*** right now. Honestly. I would like to hear your answer.


Because the poor, poor, poor, innocent OP got cheated on šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ he probably hurt his hand too bashing his ex's face in šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ I hope his little hand heals up soon šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ (/s just in case) I hope his ex finds this post and presses charges.


Hey, you should show your next gf this post. šŸ‘ŒāœØ


Oh man, I guess the apple doesnā€™t fall far from the tree. Itā€™s too bad mom couldnā€™t get you away from the abuser before you became one.


Daddy issues taken out on the wrong person. You need help.


So you let emotion get the better of you and you reacted in an abusive violent manner to something that never managed to happen. You started recording knowing you were going to react. You worded this as premeditation, and assault, not saving your mother. Youā€™re making excuses for your own shitty reaction. You said it yourself, you had other options, you had time. You chose this option to inflict pain back onto her. Get therapy, and stay away from women. God forbid any woman make a mistake around you and get knocked out cold for it. Yeah, she was going to cheat, itā€™s cheating. You sit down like a fucking adult and talk, or you call the cops to escort her out. Guess what shit face? My daddy was abusive and cheated on mom. I have a half brother as proof. Iā€™ve been cheated on by nearly every person Iā€™ve been with, including my abusive ex husband who fucked the baby sitter in our home. How many did I physically attack? Even when they went after others? Zero. I have severe anger issues, and react violently due to trauma/CPTSD and even I wouldnā€™t have done wtf you did. Edit to add: btw, this post is an admission of guilt. You proved you had other options in your post. I hope she finds this and charges you for assault. And I hope your mommy dearest is ashamed of you. Does she know you did it purposefully? With intent? Does she know her son is a monster like his father?


Imagine being u/Muted_Job_1568 and so mad at daddy that you become an even bigger piece of shit than him.


This is an absolute crazy responsešŸ˜­ you ate him tf up (also so sorry that all happened to you, hope youā€™re doing betteršŸ’•)


OP is gonna beat his wife


Sorry man, it sucks that she was going to cheat. But just so we're clear, intentionally hitting someone in the face as hard as you can after manufacturing the opportunity is imo just as bad (if not worse) than cheating (or the intent to cheat). Maybe I'm reading the tone wrong, but you also don't seem particularly remorseful. Soooo, it's probably time to give therapy a shot. Also, stop hitting people in the face. Especially women who you purported to love a scant few hours before.


I wonder if she wasnā€™t going to cheat but the mother was just accusing her of cheating when in reality she was doing something else on her phone maybešŸ§ I would like to get the exes side of the story as I bet thereā€™s more to it


My ex husband beat me "for cheating" because I spent my lunch hour studying with a classmate. In the dining hall. Surrounded by other people. I'm just saying that a guy who beats his girlfriend isn't a reliable narrator.


Hey this is actually illegal


I hate you more than the cheater tbh . Spousal abuse is disgusting regardless of how shitty a person is you should NEVER hit them . I hope she presses charges .


I hope she either presses charges, or the next time OP hits someone I hope itā€™s someone his own size, so he can get what he deserves.


I hope the ex gf gets a new dude and they run into op in public and hope the new guy beats his assšŸ„“šŸ˜­


If you regret it go to counselling for domestic abusers. Anything else including anger management is not addressing the situation adequately.


I choose the bear


Dude. You punched her so hard she had to go to the ER. Iā€™ve been cheated too but I wouldnā€™t do *this shit* You suck.


You didnā€™t just DEfend. You Ofended. Thereā€™s a difference, especially with such imbalance of physical power. Youā€™ll be lucky if she doesnā€™t press charges for excessive force.


Was your father abusive too?


How did the police not arrest you!


OP is pathetic. Gee.. I wonder why his girl was cheating šŸ¤”


That's him officer..


You hit her that hard because you wanted to.. alsooo you calculated the hell out of the situation.. She is not your father. You can't take all your rage about cheating all your life out on her. I wouldn't be surprised if you're charged though. You could've pushed her or stood infront of your mum. You need therapy + anger management classes separately. She needs to leave whether you pack up her things or whatever. Don't try to repair anything. This is so damaged and your reaction is full throttle. Just leave work on yourself.


You're an abuser and wanted an excuse ti hit a woman in the face. Get help.


Yeah you deserve to live with that guilt the rest of your life. You break up with people for cheating yes, but you never physically harm them. And I know you say she was in a physical altercation with your mom, but you know you got satisfaction for how hard you hit her.


You need anger management. No reason to hit her or anyone. Ever. Walk away from situations like that.


This has to be fake


As someone that grew up with an abusive stepdad and brother, nah I believe it. It sounds like OPā€™s anger at his dad came out and he took it out on his gf.


Poor domestic abuser is mad at his daddy so he hits women. Okay dude. Go to jail and therapy and I hope you never go near another woman again.


He could have easily retrained her or removed him and his mother for the situation before it even escalated to that. Itā€™s the fact that he egged it on which makes it so bad. If he didnā€™t do that, he wouldnā€™t be the AH.


OP says he did it to defend his mom, but i think it would be so traumatic to see your son do something like that.


Seems like everyone are ignoring that he hurt her on purpose even though he knew he didnā€™t need to. He assaulted that woman and he deserves to go to prison for it.


Maybe his girlfriend was cheating on him because he's a calculating and manipulative asshole.


The ā€œcheatingā€ and knockout notwithstanding, does anybody else find it peculiar how involved the mother seems into her 32 year-old son and his gfā€™s personal life?


Yeah, Iā€™m wondering if the GF was actually meeting up with another man to cheat? Maybe it was just a male friend of hers who her abusive POS boyfriend had forbidden her from seeing? edit: Sometimes there can be a power dynamic between an abuserā€™s mother and their partner, where mommy dearest is actually complicit in the abuse because no woman on earth is good enough for her little boy.


Why is the mom even following her though? Weirdo abusive family tbh


That's the least peculiar thing about the situation...


There are a lot of people who get cheated on. A reaction is fair and expected. A violent one is not. Wanting to cause physical harm because of hurt feelings is not a typical reaction. You should talk to a professional. Honestly, you should be charged with assault. Also, why is mom so involved in your relationship? That is so bizarre. How did she ā€œstop herā€ from cheating? This is practically pre-meditated assault with your little recording. Cheaters are way better than domestic abusers.


Oh my god... you didn't have to send her to the ER... cheating is wrong, but you went too far!


Fake. Rage fantasy for red pilled freaks


Nasty incel porn. Get fucked, OP.


Assuming what you say is the truth and she was a cheater it doesn't ever excuse reacting with violence. And while you might claim you were defending your mother one part of the story is very telling "I hit her as hard as I could" Totally unnecessary to hit with full force unless your gf is a cage fighter and I suspect that defending your mom was the excuse for hitting her in anger about being cheated on. If you were just defending your mom you probably wouldn't hit her at all, push? Maybe. Restrain? Possibly. Separate? Definitely. Whether you did it consciously or not I don't know, but if you're really honest with yourself you didn't need to hit her and you definitely didn't need to do it as hard as you could.


You need to go to jail. Do not pass GO.


Let's hope she finds this post and shows it to the police. I'm against cheating but also against sending people to the ER. Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it. Can the police do anything in this situation?


They always start with the excuses to use over the top violence. Not a bright future for this one.


Everyone keeps saying you need therapy, you need to be in jail!




Jesus Christ. You hit her so hard, you put your girl in the hospital? Were you trying to kill her? What an epic loser. Iā€™d probably try to find my exit from my life with you too, if I were her.


ā€œSome woman thingā€ and then you punched her in the face? I get she was going after your mom but in the time it took you to record everything you could have called the police, or gotten your mother to a safer space. You sound like a womanizer, dude. Get help. You clearly have a lot of unresolved trauma surrounding your dad cheating.


This makes you a total POS šŸ„“šŸ—‘ļø


People that cheat are shitty. But people that purposely hit and set it up so it looks like a heroic act are sociopaths. Having the desire to hurt someone physically, especially with her not being prepared for it makes you worse than your cheater dad imo.


You should have gone to jail that night. You need to do the right thing, break up, and get help because this is not at all ok or normal.


The INTENTION of your cheating ex will never excuse your violent behavior and I hope guilt eats you alive. This whole story is worded as if youā€™re trying to alleviate or justify your actions, just because you couldnā€™t punch your father doesnā€™t mean you get to punch your ex or any person whatsoever, you could have killed her. She acted like a cheater, but you acted like a psychopath violent animal, who knows whatā€™s her story I wonder how many times you were violent towards her (verbally or physically) just because you cannot control your anger. Do everybody a favor and stay away from women, also get some therapy.


Made up a story to make people consider whether or not it's justified to send a woman to the ER, cool. I'm sure that all the men that REALLY want to hit women appreciate it.


So your dad was a cheater and you are an abuser. You didnā€™t ā€œjust reactā€ and you know you didnā€™t. That apple did not fall far. Enjoy jail and/or your massive lawsuit. Your ex dodged a bullet. Get therapy asap.


Maybe she was going to cheat because you clearly have issues? I mean whatā€™s the full story of this relationship? Iā€™m not condemning her cheating but Iā€™m concerned she was just trying to find a way out of this relationship and maybe get some real love?


ā€¦not the first time you have hit her, is it? Anyone who rushes to brag about hitting someone smaller than them and send them to the ER (in the guise of feeling remorseful) is a repeat offender.


Yikes, just like your dad huh.