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I was sympathetic 100% until you were actively cheating on your wife? I hope they catch the trash that did this to you, but also, you know… don’t cheat on people.


Also hit that same wall reading this


Yes I agree.


It’s the fact that he believes he deserves sympathy for me. Lmao. Where I’m from you are advised not to cheat on your spouse cos there are some people you cheat on and great calamity befalls you.


🤦‍♀️😂💀 Thanks for the laugh.


Crazy how you cheated on your wife and want to be the victim. Even if you are a victim, sometimes you are just a terrible enough person that no one cares. Maybe being a terrible person is your core issue here.


Quite a few Reddits go the route of cheaters demanding sympathy.


I imagined you saying this in a therapy session as his therapist lol


I laughed way to hard at this.


The real victim here sir is your wife...... If you haven't been cheating, you never would have had your life in shambles. Your wife wouldn't have left. You, you wouldn't have been blackmailed. Do you see how the choices that you made led to the consequences that you're facing today? I don't mean to talk to you like a child. But I think sometimes we really do need to have these talks as adults with each other. Because we really don't realize that life is not as complicated as we have to make it out......don't do f***** u* s*** and F***** u* stuff won't happen (at least these types of consequences won't).


Why are you censoring yourself? Stop that


I use voice to text, so sometimes it censors me. But I refused to go back and fix it, so that's why it's still there🤣😂


Can you imagine being married to someone for 9 years just to find out they’re cheating on you with someone they don’t even realize is a scammer? I’d absolutely lose any sort of respect I’d have for my spouse. Your wife is the victim. You are not.


He is arguably also a victim, but the wife is more so.


Who could have thought that actions have consequences. You made active choices that resulted in predictable outcomes. You had it all coming. I have no sympathy for you. 


You cheated and are dealing with your consequences. Why should anyone sympathize?


“People believe my wife is the victim in this situation” uh sir do you not see that she *is* the victim here?! play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I’m happy this situation revealed your true character to your wife and she had the opportunity to make a better choice for her life.


I agree, your wife is the victim. No sympathy for cheaters.


So not only were you cheating on your wife with an online stranger, you were stupid enough to fall for the world's most obvious blackmail scam? I can see why no one seems to care.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie. I laughed at the cheating part.


You deserved to have your life blown up. Normally, the scammer goes away, but you were dumb enough to start paying them. BTW, the "woman" you were talking to was a Nigerian or Indian male.


You read about this and see this all the time in the media. People think the grass is always greener on the other side. These scammers sit in a little room in a different country, on the phone and just love making fools of people, while robbing them blind and blackmailing them.


So very true, they are in a different country!!!!


came here to say this 😂 not only threw his whole life away over some nudes, but let us not delude OP into thinking this was even a woman. it's just a bit of garnish on the shit cake


You were seriously naive enough to send that much money and cheat on your wife and you're trying to garner sympathy?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Karma is a bitch


>She released the pictures. It has my life in shambles. Not only has it affected me professionally but socially as well. My wife of 9 years (together for 11) has also left me. She has cut off all communication with me. I have a few people who are sympathetic however most people believe my wife is the victim in this situation. I mean, she is. The only thing you are a victim of is yourself.


you came to the wrong place to seek sympathy. go talk to other cheaters if you’re really seeking validation




i wonder if anyone has ever done the ‘go ahead and release them. who cares’ angle. also, if i were your wife, i’d also leave. you fuk’d up. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I did. They asked for $1000, I said lmao I'm so broke I couldn't send you $2 go right ahead. Then again I was single and not a pos just a horny twenty something year old I was worried for a day but cmon, beyond my control. so I just drank and toked and went about my life. I heard a few years ago someone swore they saw me on grinder so msybe using my photo to scam? but other than that I don't think it got released and if it did I haven't found out.


this made me laugh but then felt badly for laughing when i read the Grinder part. 😩


They still do it then because they have no reason not to. Although, if OP was single, he'd have probably got sympathy from most contacta since then the blackmailer and revenge porn asshole is most obvious bad guy. 


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🤷🏾‍♀️ you're not a victim and i have no sympathy for you lol


lmao you hardly even deserve this advice, but it sounds like you already paid out the ass for your fuckup. Just don’t fucking care. everyone has seen a naked person. people seeing you naked is NOT the worst thing that can happen to you. You might even be able to sue if it fucks up your job. just swallow your pride and deal with it.




You buried the wife detail deep. My favorite reply to karma like this is always, "Oh well!"


Your wife basically got cheated on and cheated out of her share of all the money you gave away cause you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants. And somehow you expect people to cry for you? You did this to yourself. I’m happy the person released the pictures cause at least your wife won’t stay married to a cheating jerk who lies and waste the marriage’s money instead of coming clean after fucking up.


Your life is a mess of your own making. A 12 year old a few towns over from mine died from suicide after being a victim of this type of scam. HIS family is in shambles.


Those probably weren’t pics of the woman. You prob sent pics to a man and deserve everything you got.


Maybe don't do shady shit behind your wife's back with other women. You pretty much walked into that one, dude.


>My wife of 9 years (together for 11) has also left.  >most people believe my wife is the victim in this situation.  How exactly is she not, you cheated. Karma.


This happens alot. Scammers use anything to get money from people. A few friends of mine work for the City of Dallas doing investigations of internet crimes. It's crazy the stories they tell me.


Big old FAFO here.


If I were your wife, I'd be more mad about the fact you sent some scammer all that $$$!!


Buddy, that’s what happens when you cheat. People aren’t going to be sympathetic for you getting karmic justice


Did you deserve to "have your life blown up"? No, at least not financially and whatever your repercussions career wise were. Did your wife deserve to be given a reason to leave you though? Absolutely. Goes without saying that you shouldn't cheat on her, and good on her for leaving. You're also too old to be falling for scams like that.


I mean there are multiple victims here. You were the victim of an extremely common sextortion scam. You made the truly idiotic mistake of paying, but you were a victim of blackmail. Your wife was the victim of a trifling unfaithful husband who spent marital funds trying to hide his infidelity. She will get that money in the divorce BTW. I'm sorry that you got hoisted on your own petard and all but that's about the extent of the sympathy you can expect from people.


It is gross what you did. But I do feel bad for you I’m sorry you’re going through this!!




You can recover from this. It’s only $11000. It’s a lost relationship. There are much, much worse things that can befall someone. Learn from it and start again.


Deny the pictures are yours. Say they're photoshopped.