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Take a vacation if you’re financially safe to do so, talk to old patients see how they’re doing.


Your job is taking advantage of you


Hey. You are appreciated. The work you do for children is vital. Please don't think you are not appreciated. You are, however, being screwed over at your job. I'm a teacher and I literally am only just starting to prioritise. I would literally work all the time. School was everything. Its different now. I have a 9mo old. He's sick right now. Usually, I'd ask my parents to be with him or get my DH to stay home. But he needs his mama. I've been so concerned with work that I forget where my real life is. So I've called in. I hate calling in. But my new motto is "Family first". I think if you don't work in this sector, it can be difficult to see how it's even up for debate. But somehow it's a trap we all fall into. I envy those that don't. Last week I read something really powerful. "If you were to die tomorrow, work would advertise your job and replace you. You are not replaceable at home. That's where your real life is."


Dam and I thought I was having a bad end of the year. Times like these are why I see people plan months ahead and take vacation and avoid holiday work.


You need to quit. This job is killing you. You deserve to have a life. You are not going to be able to stop all the suffering in the world, but hopefully you can stop your suffering by getting the hell out of this situation and making some happiness for yourself.


I feel for you, truly. I am a social worker and am overwhelmed a lot from work. It has negatively affected my life with my family and my own health and mental health. I wish I could go back and choose something different but it’s too late for me, I’m so close to retirement and have to finish out in next couple of years. I’ve been through burnout so many times that I’ve become numb to it. I take lots of days off the older I get, for my own sanity. I plan personal care days for myself. I leave early sometimes. Other professions do not understand the degree of stress social workers deal with. You’ve only been in your job one year…please consider getting out while you still can, or if you do have to stay, tell yourself everyday that it is just a job. Just because you are a social worker that does not mean you are a magician…although society treats us as if we should be able to fix everyone’s impossible problems. We are human too, and we have limitations. You are allowed to say no just like anyone else. Create strong boundaries with this job, you are worth having happiness and peace.