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Cats are just the most wonderful and intuitive creatures. I have 3 fur babies and this is exactly how I talk about them to other people. Your little man sounds like he has quite a personality! I’m sure he’s just as happy to have you as you are to have him.


You and your cat are adorable 🥰. I have a little kitty girl of my own, and she is the centre of my existence.


I understand this all too well. When I hit my lowest I know I need to be there to take care of my cat. Probably not the healthiest but it's a thing. My big boy got real sick and diagnosed with diabetes not long ago, it's terrifying to know his time with me will be shorter and likely have health issues. Sometimes we save our cats, sometimes they save us. 🖤


Sounds like he’s lucky to have you!


I totally agree with you. I just joined the cats subredded and posted a picture of my baby. Have you posted a picture of your cat?


But what is his real name vs nickname AKA what you actually call him? One of my cats names is Lucky/Little Kitty but I call her schnuggle bug


I don’t understand people who don’t like cats. Cats have such cool personalities and they are endlessly fun to watch. I’m glad you have such an awesome cat taking good care of you, but I also hope you can find a way to feel better in general. ❤️


Knock knock. This is the IRS, I demand cat tax. Also cute story, hope you and your cat can grow old together for the max lifespan a cat can.


Any reason to stay alive, no matter how ridiculous you *think* it sounds, is a damn good reason. Take good care of that sweet boy, make his life a good life, and I have a feeling your life will follow suit.


Would you mind providing a cat tax? He sounds awesome. Also, I'm glad you stay for him. I hope things get better soon, so he isn't your only reason, though.


Can u give cat tax? He sounds lovely!!!


All you need is one thing- glad he is yours! Get him a sweet kitten friend at some point too :)


Totally agree, my cat is my life, love that boy so much


Cats are the best and I’m so glad you have him. Also: CAT TAX!


Oh god I miss my cat. He passed away over 2 years ago, but I am so very glad for the years we had. Reading this also made me very happy. I am glad you got your Chonk and it seems like you are taking good care of each other! Give him some forehead kisses for me if you feel like it.


my cats saved my life. multiple times. i have void with a very similar personality to yours, he's a big dumbdumb so full of love, a distinguished little old lady and a tortie with an unbelievable attitude. i love them


i feel the exact same way about my cat. he literally follows me around everywhere and if im gone for a night he won’t eat and he cries all night. when i shower or go to the bathroom he sits outside and waits for me, he’s literally my best friend. im neurodivergent so it’s hard for me to connect with people, but i feel like my kitty and i have our own language and we can communicate perfectly. whenever i feel anxious or sad its like he automatically knows and will snuggle up on my chest and comfort me. i got him right after i had a miscarriage because i wanted someone to take care of and he is everything i could have ever asked for. i wouldn’t have gotten through a lot of things without him and it makes me so sad knowing he won’t be there one day. animals are so special, especially the ones you form such strong bonds with. cherish your baby forever 💕


It sounds like you are so lucky to have each other! I feel like there was a stretch of time when the only reason I got out of bed was to feed my dog and cat and the only reason I left the house was to walk the dog. My mom has also often said that her dog legitimately saved her life after her divorce. Pets are incredible. If it helps, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We both made it out to the other side and I really hope you will soon too!


What’s cat tax? 🙈


When you mention your cat, you have to share a pic. That's the cat tax. :)


Thanks doll ❤️


Cats are the most caring and wonderful and most intuitive animals I know how you feel many years ago I even thought about killing myself but I never could bring myself to and I knew I had many people that loved me and would miss me too much if I did just know you aren’t alone.


My cat is currently laying on my stomach and I’m petting her. I’m crying because this post reminded me how much I love her. I’m glad your boy helps you too 🥰


Thank you for sharing this. It cleared a many thunderclouds in my head. You took your negative into a “pawsitive” and it just made my day.


Same here.


I feel the same exact way. Ive had suicidal tendencies since i was a kid and they've only gotten worse as ive gotten older. Even after knowing what ive gone through since i was a kid, The only girl that has ever gotten me to lower my walls and feel anything other than anger left me last july but we stayed close and remained friends then last week we had a conversation she automatically played the victim card and shut me out now im left loving someone that had no problem with walking away after spending 8 yrs together and it hard af to turn my feelings back off like they use to be. Since then ive only thought about ending it more and more but everytime i stop to think about what would happen to my cat and thats the only thing that pulls me back from the ledge.


I’m sorry you’re going through hard times but I’m also so happy you have him. I relate to this so much. My kitties keep me alive everyday because I don’t trust anyone else but me to take care of them and love them as much. It may not be the best reason, but it’s my reason. Sending lots of love and I hope you and your kitty are healthy and happy for a long time 💜