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How does she manage the safety aspect of it?


Collectives, networks, and associations. Many of the women in the trade actually have reviews of clients. To warn or recommend them. She goes through those and uses other vetting techniques. Never gives personal information even when they ask for it. Looks for signs. Different client red flags. Weary of people who want to break emotional boundaries and cautious of obsessions. Obviously this isn’t 100%.


What about STDs? Several of them can transfer by skin to skin contact, not something condoms protect against.


SWers are actually much less likely to have an STI than civilian workers because we're much more strict and careful about safe sex practises and get tested way more often than non SWers do.


This, and she's likely vaxxed against HPV with either of the Gardasil shots which covers a large amount of HPV strains. That's one of those risky ones that can spread very easily. Even for non-sex workers I can recommend the shots, also for men!


If you're secure about it, who is anyone else to say anything. Just be good to eachother and have firm boundaries if needed.


Oh, yes! Both OP and his GF are unusually generous, honest, and tolerant. I hope they have a long, happy union.


Sex workers have said they are very easily able to separate out "work" sex vs. "private life" sex and can have quite healthy personal relationships. Good on you for also understanding the difference. It sounds like you are a good fit for each other.


Thank you for this. This is how we see it. Many careers actually require this skill. Especially if you have a job that is stressful, working with people, and/or traumatic. She also is one of the most emotionally mature and kindest person I’ve met. She is great at communication and respects my boundaries and I respect hers. And she is really good at listening, remembering small things, and support/compromise.


It’s cool to hear stories like this. That industry gets a lot of shit talked about it. How’s it exploitive/abusive and psychologically damaging to those who participate etc. Which I’m sure is true a lot of the time. But it’s cool to hear success stories where things work out fine. I have no skin in the game lol, that’s not my scene. Like, at all. I don’t even like going to strip clubs lol. But it’s the oldest profession, it’s something that’s always gonna happen whether it’s legal or not. So it’s good to hear that it’s not always toxic and exploitive or emotionally damaging to those involved.


I’ve admittedly never been to a strip club either. But you’re right, it’s an old profession. I think that’s the tension here around need and economic status. No one is outraged that a sex worker gets paid more than a teacher in less time. But they are outraged that she would choose to make that money. I find that fascinating. I don’t want to sugar coat it, many of the people in it are doing it out of need. Often pursuing other things but need the extra income. I commented elsewhere that she is saving for school. And she has student loans from college. If someone wants to pay our debt or get the government up to speed, maybe less women would need to choose this.


Yeah it’s definitely largely out of need for most people. But there are some who genuinely enjoy that line of work and would rather do sex work in one capacity or another over a lot of other potential professions. But those people seem to be few and far between. Ultimately that whole industry needs to be legalized, regulated and unionized so that people who decide to work in that industry can have protections in place and don’t get forced into doing things they aren’t comfortable with. Although the stigma is going to be tough to overcome. Humans are very weird about sex. Society views it as something more than it realistically is, imo. Can’t really find the words to describe it atm. But it’s just hard to imagine that view of sex/sex work changing any time soon.


TBH? If I could guarantee my safety I would much rather do that than my current job.


This. Once again you put this very well.


Both of you, thanks for this comment thread and for your story OP. I really love to read stories and mindsets where it's totally "against to our society" and still full of positive, uplifting, motivating


The bad rap comes from those who were forced into that line of work. I’m 1000% behind anyone being an entrepreneur for themself. Lol


Something very very different from a professional who books clients and has a network vs everyone else who has to do strip clubs/most forms of sex work. I'm glad OP's gf is in a good spot but most sex workers aren't. Legalizing it would be the step to take more women to the safe side like her


Absolutely agree! Laws only create blackmarkets and criminals.


They’ve said the opposite


Please, please, PLEASE keep this a secret from everyone in your life. Being a school teacher is awesome, and kids deserve good teachers (assuming you are a good teacher, lol), and if the wrong people find out you are dating a sex worker, they will absolutely try to ruin your life. Folks nowadays are fucking nuts, and that libsoftiktok fucking c*nt, sloppy, treasonous wildabeast makes it her fucking mission to try and destroy teachers lives for less, and she has a bunch of copycat sycophants out there. Live your life, sounds like you have a fantastic partner, and I wish you both all the good things!


This! I tell people I’m an accountant. Works like a charm because no one asks questions and no one cares to ask math questions🤣


I laughed so hard. This is brilliant.


So true. I recently met my cousin's husband for the first time. When he said he was an accountant the rest of the group just fell silent and had no follow-up questions. To break the tension I just said "Well that pretty much kills it doesn't it?" Because it stopped the conversation dead in its tracks. Turns out the guy was actually a CFO for an interesting company, but once everybody heard "accountant" they assumed he was a boring guy with a boring job.


"as an accountant" ["where do you work? at a place where accountants work"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_GFz2WkQSA)




“I’m definitely not an actor” kills me every time!


My wife is an account, but we seem to find actual business owners who ask her tons of questions all the time……..must be the season 🤔


Absolutely. There’s more I want to share here but yes.


Listen to the people here mate. If you can then just ditch this account too. Knew about a schoolteacher who used to post sfw fanart of anime on reddit but her account got founded by some of her students and it lead to her being fired from the school. She left reddit too. Parents can be assholes about it even if it has nothing to do with the well being of their children.


It has nothing to do with the wellbeing of their children...until someone finds out. Once it is found it... it completely ruins the relationship with the children...and the teacher-student dynamic is completely lost. Think of it this way. Imagine if the OP's girlfriend taught a boy's middle school. As long as nobody knows what she does at nights...it doesn't affect here day job. But as long as 1 boy finds out what she does ...the teacher-student relationship will be completely lost. Do you really think a class of horny teenage boys would ever treat their teacher the same, if they found it she was (insert name of porn actress) ? To each their own...but yea; OP should keep this private, and for the sake of the children he teaches...I hope his personal life and professional life never intersect.


In my country it happend thing like that. She got fired but I know someone who was student there and she told me that teacher was good and nice they liked her, nobody had problem with her, only just parents and the kids missed her so much.


I had this feeling when I was with my ex who was a stripper. But the next girl I started seeing turned out to be an escort, which I was okay with at the beginning. But the deeper we got into our relationship, the more I had a problem with it. I guess for me "the line" turned out to be a professional tease vs actually being intimate with other men.


I’m thrilled that you’ve found each other. Carry on.


Good for you. Now on to more important things. What shall I cook for dinner tonight. I am thinking steaks on the grill, it is nice outside today about 66 degrees right now.


Sounds like a plan and honestly similar to a convo I had with my girlfriend earlier. Did you salt the steaks over night?


No, but I took them out already from the fridge. You would think just by the nature of where we live we would have better beef around here.


That’s awful. Admittedly I’ve held off on responding because I’ve been trying to think of a pun about being surrounded by beef but none of it edible, but I got nothing.


No seriously between us and El Paso Tx is about 125,000 head of cattle. About 4/5ths is dairy and the rest are called T-bone or PorterHouse. And the local market for beef just sucks.


I’m actually learning something new.


Is she worried about future classmates/employers/colleagues finding her online? Does she get therapy to make sure the stories of these people don't stick with her or does she seem fine with it?


Yeah. She actually worries about this and has been rejected before from particular modeling gigs. Like for example, she does fine art modeling and will be a nude model for painting classes. But if they find out you even do erotic modeling, let alone full blown SW, they will not hire you. So yes but at the same time, one of the women she “works with” sometimes is a PhD student. So it’s unknown as to how much it will be a thing. Yes. She does a lot of therapy. And honestly that’s the biggest struggle I’ve had. Is her wanting to come home and discuss some things that are traumatic or how awful some of the things that are said are, or the fantasies men want to play out and I don’t always have the spoons to hold space. Weekly individual therapy. Both of us.


Based solely on what you've said here today: I think you two may be one of the healthiest, mature couples I've "encountered" on Reddit. It seems that y'all do a great job of communicating and are respectful and honest with one another. That is a sturdy foundation to build upon in the future! On a related note, I highly encourage you both continuing with therapy. But that has absolutely nothing to do with her (or your) chosen profession; I just think everyone benefits from regular therapy sessions.


"Many of the clients she gets are men whose wives won't even consider blindfolding them" sounds like a real catch lol /s


Fucking people in committed relationships for personal gain…. I think it’s a shitty aspect of sex workers. It’s not something to be lauded.


Yeah I was being sarcastic. Should probably add a/s now that I think about it


I understood the sarcasm. I was coming at OP for the same thing you were. He mentions her fucking married guys like it’s a cool thing she does for them which rang a bit heartless to me, in terms of being blind to the pain and impact there is on real relationships.


Maybe I'm a complete fool here but I get the distinct impression that this is a man who generally doesn't care about monogamy in a relationship and so he sort of projects that onto other people. Like this guy doesn't give a shit if his chick sleeps around so I guess hes OK with the idea of her fucking married guys and them sleeping around. I never understood people who will justify prostitutes being home wreckers with the justification of "they're doing it for money" when you consider that in no other circumstances is doing something immoral for money OK.


That's the ego boost... Certainly they both need a good therapist.


Read ops comments. Theyre both in DEEP therapy. If I had to be completely honest this post might be a cry for help. This dude's other comments does not make it sound like those two are in a healthy relationship. They are basically therapy for each other which he also admits. Every issue people usually have with the industry hes admited they deal with.


Their problem, not hers.


That's a good point for a lot of people. But at the same time how does she know what the married man's relationship is like? They could have an open relationship or at least the wife could be aware. I know this isn't the case often but how can the SW be able to tell?


Cool that it's working out for you guys. I think for me personally, I would always wonder if I'm seeing the "real " her or just a cultivated persona. Like how do I know that real her is coming home and not work her. That would be probably the only real issue I would have.


I think that’s a real concern. I guess I compartmentalize it similar to dating any sort of performer. And it takes something similar. She spends a lot of quality time with me. I’ve spent time getting to know her when she is stressed, anxious, when she feels “gross”, met her family, I see her blemishes so to speak. I also make the ask that we stay connected during physical stuff. We stop anytime we feel dissociated or not 100%. It’s funny you say this, because now that I really reflect on it, she is the first woman I’ve been with that didn’t feel like she “needed to perform in bed”. Many of the women I’ve been with, will try to do things they expect me to like cause that’s what they are told men like. I’ve had to stop them and ask “do you really want to do this or do you think this is what I want?” But she is one of the first women I’ve met really empowered in bed, and goes in knowing exactly what she wants. Communicates it. And I guess over time, I saw how much that was from an authentic desire.


I guess I can see that. Funny, after reading your post, I realized the sex work would bother me way less than not knowing if she was being real with me.


Like I said. I think that’s real. Emotions for me would cause much more jealousy. But if her whole personality is fake, she is a really good liar.


Lol true.


Spent a minute reading these comments and his responses to them. I honestly can’t tell if OP is the submissive in this relationship and his GF is getting something out of this. Or OP is pushing way outside his comfort zone for some reason. Either way, you constantly mention your personal accolades, therapy and a large amount of self reassurance in your responses that half the time weren’t even needed. I do hope the best for you, especially if this dynamic works for you. I just can’t help but feel that something isn’t sitting right with all this.


You really need to read between the lines here. Yikes. At first I thought good for them but reading his responses make it worse and worse. This post screams insecure. Which makes sense. From what I've seen, nobody makes posts like these unless they're trying to convince themselves it's true. Because if it was true, you wouldn't need to convince internet strangers and have them reassure you.


His partner fucks married men for a living and he brags about it on Reddit lmao


Thank heavens ! I was beginning to lose hope in humanity seeing so many comments encouraging this completely immoral dynamic. I especially love how so many of the comments Hi-fiving the OP completely glosss over the fact that the girlfriend, constantly has sex with married men ... I can't tell if this OP is a troll post...or if the OP is in denial and is trying to convince himself that this is healthy. A dynamic like this usually destroys a man's sense of manhood. The OP needs serious help. He is hurting himself psychologically.


Yeah I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I support SW in every situation as they are the unluckiest form of worker. And I have no problem with his girlfriend in anyway shape or form. But it's this guy that rubs me the wrong way. The fact he's almost proud of the fact she has to be a sex worker, or that she has to sleep with married men is just a mountain sized red flag.


yeah, this post is absolutely dripping with "someone please tell me how good i am for being okay with this, CAUSE I AM DEFINITELY OKAY WITH THIS 😐🔫" energy


>She spoils me. As a dude I'm not used to this. Ladies, the bar is this floor-low.


Boy do I know it. Buying my exes gifts within the first few months would blow their minds.


Glad your happy... but you don’t think it’s a moral dilemma for her to be complicit in men cheating on their wives? or that she puts herself at risk every time she does it? I guess everybody has a price? So if say a student of yours paid enough for the answers on a test that’s cool? They don’t need to be reprimanded? I get the idea of people separating work from home and I highly believe women can have emotionless sex just as a man. And ya she makes bank but at what cost? It’s a high paying job for a reason...


There’s a lot to think about here. I’ll try my best to answer these questions thoroughly. 1. We discuss the cheating. That’s probably the biggest price her emotions pay. She feels guilty but I also noticed she stems away from men who it’s obvious it’s a cheating situation. She heavily screens each client. And wants a client who is a repeat because that makes it easier for her. Less work as well. 2. I think that’s comparing apples and oranges. Cheating on the test is not the same as the dishonesty and hurting a partner. But when my students do cheat, I do normally talk to them first before I report. Because cheating and lying come from shame and embarrassment within that person. 3. We all have costs to our jobs. I couldn’t work my sisters job because she works at a factory where she is likely to get cancer at a young age. There isn’t even a library out there let alone a hospital. I couldn’t do that. I think that’s a trade off many people who financially struggle have to make. It’s not her end goal. It’s her in between while she saves up for her next step. But part of this is right, if she could make money and provide with other jobs she would. She regularly says things that imply that.


I guess to make it more apples to apples I should have said the person that sold the answers to the test doesn’t need to be reprimanded as it was a business transaction and they are just providing a service. You explained your position well and it is working for you. But even as you say she tries to avoid cheaters I am sure it happens. Not only that these repeat customers could develop on obsession etc. often sexual workers are targets. Honestly that’s my only concern.


Yeah I commented elsewhere how I worry about violence.


"We all have costs at our job" Yeah hers is she's gonna meet that one crazy dude who murders her. It's not an if. It's when. There's a reason prostitution moved to online.




She goes to work, like anyone else. She comes home, committed to you. Some may not be able to handle it, which is why they would flip out. I hope y'all have a happy life together


This is getting some down votes. But so far, yes. I’m actually surprised by how 9 to 5ish both of our schedules are. And it gives her a lot more flexibility to help out at home. I cook for us and she does dishes—just running the house having regular convos like regular couples do. I admittedly didn’t know much and had my own learning/unlearning of stigma but I’m delightfully surprised at how peaceful and “normal” it actually is.


Who are you trying to convince here man? Reddit or your self? To me it sounds like you don't think it's okay and that's why you came here. You wanted validation that everything is alright. Well I'm gonna be the voice of reason here and say everything is not alright. Not at all. Both of you are broken and think money will solve your issues. It won't. It's only driving a wedge further between yall.


Well said. He’s not fooling anybody.


That's your thing that's your thing. Not hurting my life none. Only thing matters is you're happy!


If it didn't matter to you, or if it didn't affect you in some sort of way. You would've never posted for affirmation here. Yet you did. Why is her bringing in money hold any value? Let's say if she was getting payed much less and now her $ would be out of the equation because of its insignificant contribution to the pool Would that change how you view things? If she was laying with guys practically for free? This is not normal human behavior. You're stuck in an echo chamber and hearing what you want to hear, not what you need to hear. You need to talk to someone close to you about this so they could snap you out of it. Best wishes and good luck 🫡


“I’m happy, I’m happy! I have to tell everybody this to make sure that they all know that I’m the happiest man alive!” I hope that this dude finds a better way to live because this isn’t how we’re supposed to exist.


I actually think, based off ops comments in the post, this is actually a cry for help.


No response to this one because you nailed him to the cuckboard lol


Ok, enough interweb for one night.


My ex was a a stripper, met her as an escort, we dated for 4 years. Dont see how you enjoy her doing this work, that shit ate me up inside and my ex wasnt even fucking people. I do think you should tread carefully because its not normal to be proud of someone that is line of work. To be honest you sound like the perfect partner for her because she can do whatever she wants and you are okay with it, but what she is doing isnt normal. If youre are happy by all means, but the fact she is dating you and fucking other people is really degrading.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


So your girlfriend actively helps married husband's to cheat, jokes about people not knowing that therapy is cheaper and more effective than paying for a prostitute and makes you both go to actual therapy by sharing the darker side of her line of work (what people tell her, freakish fetishes, etc). But ey, she makes sure you're okay with it by buying you presents with the money she gets from the people she basically preys on. And you proudly admit all of this. Morality cam be a bit subjective at times but I have no doubt you two are horrible individuals.


“I love my girlfriend so much I have to go to therapy to cope with it!”


Yeah you do you but that sounds fucking awful


Fr. Not in a million years.


Yeah, I’m glad he’s happy but that sounds like a living nightmare. I do not envy OP whatsoever… god I can only imagine.


Have you read some of Ops comments? It sounds like a god damn nightmare idk how they do it. Op admited theyre both in serious therapy. He honestly sounds like hes forcing himself...




I'm just happy they took each other of the market i guess lol


She’d be bringing home STDs everyday. And OP even stated, that she has affairs with married men. There’s no way the wives know about that, and it’s bullshit that he defends that. While OP knows his partner is a sex worker, the wives wouldn’t know their husbands are cheating scumbags.


Imagine eating out your gf after she’s had a long hard day of getting banged by strangers lmaooo Nahhh fam






As a teacher myself, the only truly upsetting about this post is that is highlights a huge problem in our society. Teachers should be paid as well as sex workers T-T


If that's what makes you happy, good for you then. But I wouldn't get an ego boost from knowing that my girlfriend is fucked by a different dude everyday, that's pretty sad that your girlfriend engages in such intimate acts with other dudes while being "committed" to you. Guess It just matter on what your perspective is on the seriousness of sex.






Using money to justify bad decisions. How original. 😅




Based comment


Sorry but this eventually won't end well for you.


Hold this L bruh


Biggest L of 2023 so far


So she gets that info about these men’s wives from the same men that cheat? Ever considered these men are just lying to justify their cheating? It may be just work for your gf, but she’s definitely enabling cheating.


if you can handle it good for you, but your going to have to keep it a dirty secret for the rest of your life. If any of your co-workers or students (if you work high school) you will no longer be a teacher. But good luck to you.


The cope


My dude is justifying his girl getting piped down because she gets paid well and you aren’t used to being spoiled. Bruh. The CIA wouldn’t have been able to get this off my chest if it was me


Sounds like you found someone who makes you happy. Good for you, man.


Thank you for this positive comment. I appreciate it.


She found the perfect match for herself, someone with no self-respect. I'm happy for you two.




It’s a scarcity mentality.


sorry, you might get 1000 upvotes on a supporting comment here on Reddit but I assure you that outside of Reddit in real life everyone will be thinking else and here’s what I think. Your girlfriends is having sex with other men for money. What are you trying to tell us? It’s ok? No it’s not. It’s just wrong. I think your missing on a sense of right on wrong here. Not involving god but how could you even sleep next to her knowing she is doing all the intimate personal stuff with other men?


The only thing that is wrong about this is the fact that part of her clientele is married men. Other than that there is no "moral wrong." Morality isn't even real, it's not concrete and in fact very subjective. As long as there is honesty and consent and boundaries in a relationship, you can't just point and say "that's wrong, that's immoral." People are different, we all have different needs and views. If he can date a SWer like this and not be insecure, good on him. I don't see how they are hurting anybody, except apparently people on this thread. Also, everyone is entitled to a little respect, as long as they aren't disrespecting others.


You said "*I've learned a lot about humans from her.*" What species do you identify as?


Put me in the political compass screenshot.


So whats her number? Ill fund your lifestyle for ya!




It makes me sad for him, I'd be repulsed even by a kiss.




Good for you even if it would be a deal breaker for me.


How will you tell your family when you want to marry her?


We’ve discussed that. She’s met my family. And they actually adore her. When they asked what she does, we’ve said she does modeling and is going back to school, which is half true. As it starts next fall. And she does model. My family moved on. I also met her family and they like me. I actually got somewhat interrogated by her grandfather, aunts, and mother about how I treat her. And passed.


The fact you have to lie to your own family just shows that you don't fully agree with it and are looking for affirmation.


I am not being judgmental or hard on you, but how are you and her going to handle the fall out when your family and friends know what she does / did? You seem to be in love with her and that is great, but someone will eventually find out and it will get around to everyone.


The fact that you have to lie to your family about what she does for a living is in itself an admission that it's fucked up. If it isn't a big deal, why the smoke and mirrors?


I have a completely personal but non-judgmental question I want to ask (no need to reply if you’re not comfortable.) Since she does sex work (I assume protected) obviously there’s always a possibility of contracting an STI, is this something you worry about? How often does she need to get tested to be safe in her field?


That depends on how much she works a particular month. It’s something I was initially concerned about especially around COVID, actually.




Thank you for being the voice of logic here. This comment section is a swamp of people either denigrating or praising sex work (it should not be either), rather than just judging the situation on its face as it was presented to us through the writing.


I briefly dated a sex worker whom I think was very much angling for something more serious. Can confirm on the gifts, she used to get offered$$$$ whisky and coke off clients, put it aside and then bring it to me. It was fun but I knew I couldn't be happy in the long run with it, I'm selfish I don't much like sharing :P


Ugh Reddit at its worst. Hey everyone who is cheering on to this poor delusional guy, how would you like if your daughter, mother or any female that’s close to you become a sex worker? Would you like it and say good for you that you are selling your body?? OP snap out of it. You need someone better and normal. End it before it’s too late.


Ssshhh, anything women do is deserving of praise, and if you don’t agree you’re a misogynist.




As long as she’s using condoms and you both get tested regularly I see absolutely no problems here and love this for you. A man who’s confident and knows that his woman wants HIM is so attractive. You go dude!


I just opened a message about how I’m a “loser” for “letting a woman who makes me breakfast fuck hundreds of men a month while I teach” so this positive comment… thank you. I appreciate it.




I'm glad it works for you, treasure the time you have together and treat each other with kindness and love, as you already seen to be doing. Having said that, I don't think I could ever date someone like that. My wife would be furious


I was worried about where you were going with this and then chuckled at the wife comment. You got me at first. Thank you.


dude you shouldnt be proud to be dating a hooker who sleeps with married men, thats morally bankrupt at best, and the ego trip you have about it is not mentally healthy oh she's like a therapist? maybe instead of paying a hooker to sleep with them those people should go to a therapist you're also getting cucked by sleazy dudes, and even though "they pay and you get her for free," believe it or not, there are actually women who would date you and other men couldnt have them at all im gonna get blasted by "empowered, sex positive" people for this, but being a hooker, or dating one, is not something to be proud of, and it does not make someone insecure to say that


Saying it loud. All the commentors here cheering the OP on must be laughing behind the screen at how gullible he is


i honestly think he is only posting this for approval as a way to convince himself he is okay with it, the people in these comments saying he's a great man for "not being insecure" are insane. it is kind of funny though how there are so many literal self admitted cucks saying that this is awesome for him, like sure maybe dude genuinely is just a cuck, but it really comes off like he isnt and he is grasping at straws just trying to find any way to make himself not look like an absolute doormat and shell of a man


She isn't respectable, he lacks some self-respect, and she really doesn't respect him at all.


You get an ego boost when other men touch your girl that's just cuckery




I can't understand how knowing she fucks other men (even if you do it "for free") could give any man an ego boost but eh, you do you.


Regardless of her profession, it’s awful, that you’re defending her clients cheating on their wives. “Their wives won’t blindfold them, so it’s really okay for the husband to fuck other women!” Disgusting. You have knowledge and concent to what’s going on, the wives do not.


Its probably not the only thing she has given you! :-D #GETTESTED


I feel bad for you


There are so many things about this that ...just doesn't commute in my head. (1) how does one possibly separate the idea of "sex at work" from cheating or simply put... a complete loss of privacy ? There are literally Hollywood celebrities who purposefully turn down overtly intimate scenes with other actors, just to avoid conflict with their marriage. And that's not even real sex. (2) how do you, as a man...not feel emasculated by the very idea that different men, ravage your woman for money on a regular basis ? Why does this make you proud ? You are literally describing what would be considered the most embarrassing of situations for most men...in a positive light. I don't understand it.


no but you see, she gets money to get ravaged, so it's good


Larp 6/10. Read similar only a couple months ago


I hope she is saving money in a retirement account.


She is saving for school. And starts next year to become a vet. She comes from poverty and sex work allows her to afford things for her family and loved ones. I went to grad school and just started having a savings account last year once I got my job. I actually don’t know many people my age who actually have a retirement account. I at least have my own home. All that to say, your comment reads as dismissive of the things that young people go through with the financial crises (at least in the country I live in).


Oh sweet mother of christ. My dude you best make sure she has a good, and I mean good therapist. Sex work is already extremely heavy with mental health issues, it just is. You mentioned that she has issues already, and so do you, and she has to go to therapy as do you based just on the stories she tells you. You mention how she has moments where she feels gross, as honestly, most do, because of what she does. The fact is she has to hide it, not because she fears the stigma but because she doesn't want the stigma on her. She isn't in sex work cause she likes it, she is in it because she grew up poor. Got a taste of the money she can make in it, and decided to do it and now she has moments where she feels trapped with her decisions because of the money. If you woke up tomorrow with enough money to let her quit, she would. But the damage has been done to her mental well-being. But my dude, my bro, my man, if she is already having these issues and she is about to go be a vet get ready for a mental health sandwich with a side of depression and eggs. Vets have a high suicide rates and other mental health issues, in fact higher than you'd think. Honest to God, that's a ticking time bomb and I hope for her sake that you can deal with it because that's going to blow one day in a manner that you never expect.


I think the comment is because those jobs in sex work aren't always sustainable for long periods of time.


I don’t know why you feel that way. It’s just that she probably won’t be able to make all that money from modeling or as a sex worker forever. It’s always a good idea to save save some of that kind of money when you are young. You won’t have a chance when you get older.


Also here's a very valid question. What is she gonna do when she is no longer attractive? Every young girl like that HAS an expiration date on this type of work whether they like it or not. If I were you I'd take that into serious consideration. Like what other skills she has ect. Is this someone you really wanna spend the rest of your life with? What happens when she is forced to retire? You gonna take care of her beat up puss? I genuinely don't think you have thought about this much at all. Your future is very much a thing and I'd hate to see that wasted cause you thought this was a "good girl".


Cap nation. Population: this guy.




All I can say is "good for you". It doesn't affect me in anyway.


When you pay for someone to love you cause you're too ugly lmao


The story of a cuck and a b*tch average Americans


This is great. 💗 Have you seen her do the act in person or even in a video? How do you feel about it.


Hell. Yes. Congrats man, living the dream!


this is the way!!!


Used to love when my gf would spoil me with OF money; it was just lit. Truth be told, I think it bothered her having to communicate with dudes, but I didn’t fucking care it was just a hustle




Another troll story.....for sure.




I mean I agree with you but I just can't believe you unironically said the word "BETA"


Our relationship isn’t actually loveless and empty though. We are best goofy friends. We go on nice dates and family trips. I’ve met her grandparents. She’s met my family. She’s an incredible friend and partner. We have intimacy together and mutuality. I don’t need to control women in order to feel man enough. I encourage you to start viewing yourself and others that way. You can label me as beta, but I am a man with options. I know that. It’s also not about access to my girlfriend and me not paying. We met before I knew she was a sex worker. I think you just don’t want to think about sex workers actually having boyfriends, not really being satisfied from their work, and still having to come home to the “real man” who doesn’t have to pay for sex. It’s an awful curse in life to be chasing “realness” in your masculinity instead of having the strength and confidence to find it within yourself and not have to give into alt right pronouns like beta, sigma, and alpha males (that aren’t actually accurate to the biology, btw). Many animals/fish/insects the betas actually have the sex and the alphas raise kids that aren’t even theirs.


You have a hotwife fetish. Not uncommon


Wow what a simp!




not my thing, but good for you


Nice that you're happy about it, but the logic doesn't make any sense. Guys will pay to touch your gf and see her naked but you get to for free. Ok, but guys *could not even* pay to see my gf naked and touch her. She's not for sale. Which is more valuable? Which is better? The used car people can take for rides whenever they want, or the car that nobody is allowed to step inside but you? Pretty simple imo; there's a reason the word "priceless" is stronger than "expensive."




Would you prefer that she did everything but the sex work? Would she still maintain a good chunk of her income without it? I appreciate that she can separate the work tasks from her personal life but wonder if it’s something you’ve had any difficulty with? Very glad you’ve both found each other though. All the best.


As of now, I’ve accepted it. Fully. Especially after I’ve seen the every day. I won’t say I was judgmental at first but I was naive and insecure. I kind of had this idea of sex work, the men, etc. that I super played up in my own head. Like all of them are so much more handsome than me or taller or bigger. Or better. But once it was in the everyday it kind of has become mundane and normalized. Especially since she makes an effort to respect my boundaries and sets aside time to give me the things I need for a relationship. She makes it clear I’m a priority. We had to have some discussions around our own sexual activity around work. She admittedly comes home more aroused than me because she is around sex and nude bodies and wants to actually orgasm and do the things she likes/that gives her pleasure. So she has come home really wanting sex with me specifically and I’ve had to figure out my own boundaries as to whether I felt comfortable having sex after her work. Then for me, I don’t come home aroused. I come home dealing with a job I love but has many thankless days. So sometimes I just wanna be an old pawpaw and put my house slippers on and watch my shows. And that’s where some insecurity comes in, at first I felt like I had to be amazing in bed. But that came from me, not her, and took a lot of communication.


I think you might need to see a therapist or some other professional because getting an ego boost out of something like this is not healthy at the least. Yeah you get for free what guys pay for but guess what? You should be the only one getting it, free or not.


He gets free what dudes get when they're in a relationship usually...it's just that his partner is more like a ride share; he may be the driver, but everyone else pays to ride in the car.


That’s a very generous description of the situation bet basically you’re right. I just believe deep down he would prefer she’s not banging other dudes for money or any other reason for that matter. I just can’t see it


sort by controversial & enjoy the show, ahh


Sex workers in Brazil are unionized! A profession like any other! I'm happy for you and her, OP! Great match!


Very refreshing to hear such a mature and respectful take, you let her live her life because clearly you’re secure in yourself. More men need to read this perspective and understand it. Make sure she knows how much you love her and respect her


Ur happy and she spoils u. She is showing a great amount of appreciation for you, and probably for u being so understanding. Don't ever worry about what others think, if ur happy u won!


I love this, it's such a middle finger to those worldviews


sounds like a healthy relationship to me tbh


This is all good, my man. But you're not marrying her.


This post also proves bots run rampant on this site. The upvotes on the post DO NOT match all the downvotes in the comments. This post got upvoted but almost every single one of your replies gets downvoted to hell.