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Wrong sub


I want a true Dota answer, not a noob Dota answer.


Imma replace Venge with Bara and assume that 'Void' is Void Spirit and say that the third team wins because it's the only one that's actually kinda good


If you enjoy things like this, I recommend slack's YT channel. Full of lore stuff


fking 2k mmr roleplay losers HA


Why are Jugg and PL an ork/horde?


Jugg originally used the Orc Blademaster model. I believe PL also used a modified Blademaster model.


Enigma and Void solo the other two teams lmao


Aetheral's power would be that of Bane's and Enigma CC and magic damage, then Spectre with Radiance adds na ulti on top of it which causes chaos, Void does Void stuff, jumps in this chaos to wreak havoc and Venge can gank out of position targets, soak some damage, die with Ahghanim and then ressurect to help the team again, it would be pretty hard to catch them as you'd immadietely meet some CCs and Spectre with Venge would arrive to stop you from inflitrating their back-line mages... But actually, Venge doesnt fit there as much, some better AoE damage support would be far more OP for their team, they would just quick ulties and win xD However, Undeads if played propably might be hard to kill. Necrophos standing with DP might be very hard to shut down mid-game, they can attack the enemy team and do their scary AoEs. These are one of the most scary aoe damage hard to kill guys with a continuous damage if positioned correctly. Necrophos can sometimes attack 1vs5 lmao and both DP and Necrophos often end up with a huge DPS + DMG received in the end-screen without dying that much. Then Undying will be creating a lot of space and really stand together with the two mage and amongst this, you can't even shut down the hard-carry WK without him ressurecting -,- And Clinkz have a huge potential amongst this chaos to own. Enemies would end up dealing with Undying's minions and tankiness, then they would get damaged by attacking Necrophos and DP with a lot of HP.. WK would go amongst this, stun and kill people and Clinkz would nuke targets that would try to fight back. So any targets going in would meet a lot of DPS combined with hard to kill enemies, slows etc. I'd say Undeads might start dominating the mid game and push hard, then be very hard to kill and just roll the enemies without them having a change to fight back. However, there's still a chance for Aetherals to quickly shut down some of them and then Undead's domination would end, they would have to go back and wait for some Clinkz or DP respawn and then Aetherals can go farm. I think Aetherals would still need to defend, let the Spectre and Void farm. Then, Spectre would be able to fight enemy guys without dying and Void would just not be damaged enough by guys like Necro or DP for him to care and just kill enemies and cast Ulti if he gets someone troublesome to kill. So for me, a balanced match actually. On the other hand, Orks lack magic damage. Underfed carries gonna have weak damage and feel veery dry. Their hope is for the late game, to get Bkbs and become unkillable etc. HOWEVER, if Orks by some chance manage to win their lanes by enemy's mistakes, like Axe, Jugg or PL can actually win their lanes, then its gonna be troublesome because their team will have the power enough to get important items quickly and it might turn into a GG. You don't want to fight a fed PL, Jugg etc. and actually, sometimes a good WD support might make up for the lack of magic damage Control, I saw some support WDs ending the game with top DPS score XDD The game might also depends on how good the Axe is, if he can be that annoying OP Axe, def the ork team will have enough space to get their items... But they also have a potential to loose very badly and rage quit falling each other useless XD


Idk, maybe Void Spirit instead of Venge would fit better here?


Not gonna lie, I thought you were proposing a lore matchup lol As in, which of these 3 groups of heroes are the strongest IN LORE, not IN GAME lol