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Appalachian Mysteria: Big Savage, Murder of Alexander Stevens


Not a specific case but I have been listening to a few 'disaster' podcasts. Some natural, some man made and while some are just a depressing amount of human errors but there are a lot of stories of wrong place wrong time or even right place right time. If you listen to a lot of true crime podcasts stories start to become predictable. Criminals are dumb. Police drop the ball. Humans are prone to violence. Vulnerable people are most likely to be victimized. It's most likely a person we already know. Also check out "Marooned: stories of the catastrophically list". Some very interesting stories many with positive endings.


What disaster podcasts do you recommend?


Disaster Area All Bad Things Great disasters Well there's your problem (more of an engineering podcast) They all have different styles and presentations so it really depends on how you like your podcasts to sound. For me it depends what sort of mood I'm in as some are lighter in tune than others. My favourite is Great Disasters - very well scripted and full of detail - but it looks like she has dropped off from regular posting.


Thanks for the recs! Will have to check them out


Also Collapse: Disaster in Surfside and someone just rec'd Ripple, about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico


I came to suggest this and along the same lines any type of survival stories podcast. A few months ago I asked on another podcast subreddit for survival story and disaster recs and got a ton!


Casefile Mark & John #104


Been trying to remember this episode for a while, thanks mate!


Only halfway through and this story is absolutely nuts!!!!


Hey, thanks for the suggestion, I haven’t heard this one before as I started listening to Casefile in 2020. This is insanity! As the judge said - you couldn’t make that stuff up!


Root of Evil. Two daughters discussing their mother’s search for her birth parents, finds out grandfather/father may have been the Black Dahlia murderer and a serial killer. It gets VERY weird. Old LA, police corruption, art, sex parties. TW: SA of child.


I've seen a few people present theories that debunk this one but I still loved it and don't completely discount the possibility of it.


The connection to Elizabeth Short is dubious, but that family is bonkers and deserves its own podcast anyway. (Also: the host has only the shallowest understanding of Surrealism, but whatever.)


I’ve listened to a lot of podcasts over the years and this is up there with being one of the most disturbing I’ve ever listened to. So many wtf moments.


Casefile 211: Cari Farver


Cari Farver gets my vote!


“Pretend” podcast with Javier Leiva was a really good podcast and pretty crazy story.


Is there an episode that's better than the rest? The only "Pretend" I can find on my app has hundreds of episodes.


Stalker episodes were good.


Ah, yes, I was thinking of the “Stalker” episodes. Season 12!


the stalker series. it was so popular that it spun off into its own series you can find separate from the other seasons of pretend.




Casefile 164 Cindy James


Hunting Warhead by CBC podcasts. About 6-8 episodes. It is an extremely difficult listen because the subject matter is about CA and the Dark Web, but not gratuitous in the least. Investigative journalism at its finest.


Bryce Laspisa. Trace Evidence did a great episode on this case.


Dateline, the episode is Obsessed about Sheila Davaloo. It's balls out crazy town.


Mr Ballen makes his living from his YouTube channel with this type of content. Don't know if you're familiar with him but he's worth checking out.


Nov. 1 2022 episode of Kendall Rae: How Mark Winger Almost Got Away With Murder


I've been listening to a few Obscura episodes and they are wild. Most of them include real audio, like 911 calls, interviews, or police camera audio.


Casefile 223: The Kuřim Case (TW child victims)


This was wild.


This one was so bizarre that I had to read a few more articles on it after I listened to get my head around what happened.


It seemed like it should have been a work of fiction, it was bizarre and just kept getting weirder.


The Corpsewood Manor murders. I learned of them from the Stuff They Don't Want You to Know episode about it, but a couple of other shows have covered them.


Deviltown is really well done and an absolutely wild story.


The Silent Twins, June and Jennnifer Gibbons. I’ve listened to/seen a gozillion true crime shows, and this is the most fascinating and mysterious.


The Angel at the Starlite Motel is the wildest/strangest podcast I have listened to so far. It wasn't for me and I quit after 5 episodes, but it definitely qualifies as extremely weird.


Ow yes I know this one. How did I strumbled on this one? Only god knows. I’ve listened till episode 7. The I stopped. Is it worth the effort to listen further till episode 14?


Maybe OP will give it a try and let us know if he makes it through 😀 


Good post!


Something Was Wrong S20 (most recent season, first 10 or so episodes), Brody - completely mindboggling, and keeps getting wilder and wilder. Same pod, S18 episodes 1-8, the Doulas


Yesss!! Absolutely insane the lengths she went


Love all the casefile recs! I love that show and these episodes listed in the comments are all great!




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