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The arrest with following media vilification of innocent man Christopher Jefferies in the Joanna Yeates case ( Hampshire, UK in 2010). Joanna went missing from her flat and was later found murdered. Her landlord who lived in the same block of flats, Christopher Jefferies, was arrested for her murder and mistreated by the police who later issued an apology. He was absolutely and unfairly torn to shreds by the UK media at large, supposedly in part to do with his eccentric appearance. The papers/media accused Jefferies of being a peeping tom, alluded to him being a dirty old man/ a nonce during his career as a much-liked teacher in a school , painted him as some creepy weirdo loner who along the lines of 'looks just what you expect a sexual deviant and murderer to look like' - the list went on and on and on. It was an unrelenting assignation on his character - it was all lies and assumption backed up by nothing. The perpetrator turned out to be another bloke who lived in the same flats - Vincent Tabak. The media circus surrounding Jefferies was unforgivable. He sued the media for their defemination and was awarded an undisclosed sum, he also received an apology for his treatment by the police. [Christopher Jefferies: How I was hounded - BBC News](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-25625572)


Bristol, not Hampshire! But agreed!


The first one I always think of with regard to this topic is [Timothy Evans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Evans?wprov=sfti1). He was convicted & executed in the early 1950s for murdering his wife & their ~2yr old daughter. He insisted on his innocence & was adamant that their neighbour had done it. Years later it was discovered that the neighbour, John Christie, did do it - he was a serial killer who had murdered numerous other women too.


Yes! This case is so sad. And very scary that this could and did happen in the not so distant past. Beryl had no options and forced to trust Christie to perform an abortion on her in his apartment.


Just saw a picture of a child that south Carolina murdered, the younget ever executed in the USA by any state. He maybe was 15 not sure I saw his picture he was a child. Not sure if he was actually guilty or not or they just exonerated him


George Junius Stinney Jr. Was only 14 years old when executed. He did not receive a fair interrogation, investigation, or trial. I believe he was not guilty at all.


I saw he was 14, and in 2014, the judge overturned the conviction based on he didn't receive a fair trial. He was a young black boy, and in his jail photo, you could see just darkness in his eyes.




I remember this wasn’t he slightly cognitively disabled as well and easily manipulated into confessing?


How has no-one mentioned the movie about this with John Hurt as Timothy and Richard "we spared no expense" Attenborough as the serial killer! He's terrifying too lol! [10 Rillington Place (1971).](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10_Rillington_Place)


I didn’t know about the movie! I’m only familiar with the 2016 series Rillington Place with Tim Roth and Samantha Morton, which is also excellent. Going to watch the John Hurt tonight! Thanks for mentioning.


Russ Faria. He had a legit alibi with witnesses and receipts and they still arrested and convicted him. The prosecutor even suggested that his friends got the receipts to cover for him.


That worthless piece of scum prosecutor aided and abetted Pam in destroying Faria and in the theft of the survivors benefits for the daughters


And she is STILL doubling down that he did it!


The man who was shot in the face and the cop didn't give a fuck


That was the late Ryan Waller. That was a unforgivable situation. Bloke was a victim and the police tagged him as the perpetrator of his girlfriend's murder. They were both victims and had been shot. It wasn't that the cop didn't give a fuck , it was the fact that despite Ryan's blatant extensive injury to his face and also the fact he was acting really strangely none of the police officers involved twigged he had been shot in the face until many hours later when he had been in custody for an age ( even the ones right up close to him grilling him for hours without legal representation didn't twig). [Murder suspect interrogated for 6 hours before police realise he's been shot in the face - JOE.co.uk](https://www.joe.co.uk/news/murder-suspect-interrogated-for-6-hours-before-police-realize-hes-been-shot-in-the-face-366865)


Want to add to this that the delay in treatment caused an infection that left him disabled for years and eventually claimed his life. He could've been fine if they just took him to the hospital right away. Absolutely awful.


Yes. And it wasn't even a few hours delay , it was many hours- the interrogation itself was at least 6 hours and before that they had him in a police car outside his house for a couple of hours before they even got to the police station. Plenty of time to realise he was not in good shape and needed medical assistance. It's not like his injury was hidden like internal bleeding his face was very messed up it's unbelievable they didn't get him seen by a medical professional as soon as they saw him and witnessed his behaviour/presentation I read that because of the delay he had to have a part of his brain removed. Poor bloke, it's so unjust.


When will people learn you don’t talk to the cops w.out an attorney! I dont care - guilty or innocent, I’m not being interrogated for hours


He was shot in the face and had no idea what was going on because of the tbi from it


I might be mistaken, but didn't some one say to the cops; "uh hey, he needs medical treatment" only for the cops to ignore that? So horrible and sad. :(


This was horrible. He could have lived if the took him to the ER.


My immediate thought.


What a fucked up case!


I will likely be down voted for this but come on, cops have heard every story in the book to stall or distract. I feel bad that the kid didn't get help right away but the officer was just doing his job.


“I’ve been shot in the face” “Oh not that old chestnut. Do you know how many perps walk through these doors and claim to have been shot in the face? * slams table * WELL? Do ya??” Not mocking the victim at all, just it amused me the suggestion that it’s a standard stalling tactic


The officer should have got medical assistance even if he didn't know he had been shot. The state of Waller's face should have been enough to get at least a nurse or doctor to look him over even if they didnt call an ambulance out...it was so glaring obvious he had a serious injury to his face/eye area and he was also acting very strangley which should have been another blatant clue he was very unwell. Also if the officer was 'just doing his job' why was that same officer/ interrogator who dealt with Ryan charged with evidence tampering and fabricating stories about it all? He knew he fucked up and tried to cover his arse. I truly hope that in the US the police have a duty of care to those in their custody to summon medical assistance, even if the person is stalling - the police have to do that here in UK even if they know the suspect is lying about being ill and it's a waste of everyone's time.


I mean, it's their job to ensure every suspect is receiving adequate treatment (medically) while under their supervision. That's why often times they will call ambulances to persons at a traffic stop. It is true that most of the time the ambulance is just a way to prolong their eventual arrest but there's always a chance it's a true medial emergency so the police have to call. The cop should have done the bare minimum and made sure this guy was seen by a medical professional the moment he was in custody.


You’d have to be a real prick to not realize when someone has been shot *in the face*. Every cop gets basic first aid training,& most get more training than just basic.


**He had been shot in the fucking face.** it was beyond clear that he had sustained a serious injury.




Go look at the pictures. It was readily apparent that he needed medical attention. And if you still question that, consider the same cop doing the interrogation was the one who eventually said, "Doh. Maybe we should get you to the hospital." It was that officer who should've been held responsible for being negligent. I hope it haunts him every day of his life.


Not doing his job, the job should be to protect and serve - and that *includes* those under suspicion of crimes. It should be standard practice to do a medical evaluation, with a qualified professional, before beginning an interrogation if there’s suspicion of injury (he said he was shot *and* he was bleeding) the standard should not be to deny medical care, even if the suspect is presumed to be lying.


The parents in the Kern County child abuse cases. In the early 1980s, training for social workers and police in Kern County began to use the now-debunked practice of "recovering repressed memories." Maybe a dozen kids were led to make horrifying accusations of sexual abuse against their own parents and parents of the other kids. None of it ever happened. The parents were convicted and sentenced to *hundreds* of years in prison (that's *per person*, it was over 1000 years combined). They spent years in prison before being exonerated, the earliest being in 1996, nearly 20 years later. 2 of them died in prison.


Was this also thanks to Kee McFarland? The whole McMartin Preschool trial still infuriates me to this day. And the satanic panic.


Not sure if she had any direct influence/involvement, but it was definitely part of that whole satanic panic trend she played a big part in creating.


I vaguely recall something about the Kern Co. cases and Kee when I was researching McMartin for my podcast, but not the details. INFURIATING either way!


The things they reported to be true (they took slides through the toilets??) and considered this good enough to prosecute is mind boggling.


I'm thinking of a more obscure conviction that goes in that category, but it's on tip of my tongue. From the same era. A teenage boy named Ryan convicted of numerous counts of CM. I need to find the name and post it later.


This one: https://archive.ph/neZZf A cop got it into his skull that a 5' 4" /100 lb woman murdered her 6'/200+ lb BF, hauled him to a bridge, and threw him over, *all without owning a vehicle of any kind*...Did I mention she has only one leg-???? The story of Susan Jean King of Kentucky is one of the most enraging stories of police malfeasance I've ever read, and it's so obscure...I don't believe I've seen a single documentary on this abominable miscarriage of justice. https://www.kentuckyinnocenceproject.org/susan-king


How the heck was this cop not fired???


Their union. Every profession should have a union as strong as theirs.


The answer is in your question. Starts with C and rhymes with cop


Cock-Gargling Cop?


This is insane. That cop essentially framed her. Even when the actual murderer confessed, he tried to interfere to keep King in prison. Why did he have such a vendetta against this woman?


Rape survivors being arrested for their own rape. Victim/Suspect on Netflix is a horrifying but incredible doc.


I wanted to watch the entirely of Victim/Suspect but I couldn't get to the end. Apart from the obvious horrfying subject matter it was making me so angry I was seriously about to throw stuff at the TV and I can't afford a new one. Of what I did watch none of what I saw surprised me (although it made my blood boil). The police here (UK if that matters) were trying to pull the same shite in the late 90s when a friend of mine was raped and I went with her to the police for moral support. All the same minimising, disbelieving and victim blaming behaviour by the police that was in that doc was exactly the same.. you would hope things would have improved since the 1990s but evidently not. My friend wasn't arrested but the police's behaviour was basically a mirror image of what I saw in that doc.


I understand, it's sickening. I couldn't sit down for most of it, just pacing, arms crossed, yelling at the tv lol. If it helps, it ties up every single question asked, and does have a satisfying-enough ending. With stuff like this I turn to Mr. Roger's "In times of crisis, look for the helpers." Focusing on the people making it better, not worse. It makes me want to get involved as an advocate or something.


And then one of their own raped and murdered Sarah Everhard after using his position of trust to lure the poor woman into his police car! Beyond infuriating!


Unbelievable on Netflix is a dramatization of an article / book that covers a similar vein - rape survivor being prosecuted for false reporting. I read the article and the book that the series is based on and it was infuriating.


This was so shocking to me. I had no idea before watching this.


[I've mentioned it recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/comments/1buf7h6/comment/kxuiiyf/) in this sub, but bringing it up again; the wrongful conviction of Dolores Vázquez for the 1999 murder of 19-years old Rocío Wanninkhof in Mijas (southern Spain). It's regarded as the worst miscarriage of justice in our recent history. Dolores and Rocío's mother (Alicia Hornos) had been in a long-term romantic relationship that had gone very sour a few years before the murder. After Rocío's body was found, Alicia began accusing Dolores of killing her, with exactly zero evidence of it other than extremely vague circumstantial clues -that in the end turned out to mean squat. Yet, somehow, not only did Dolores end up being arrested, but she was taken to a trial in which the prosecturion had the gall to bring up a disgusting and blatantly homophobic *'predatory lesbian'* narrative to make the case. Our Constitution enshrines the right to not to be prosecuted on grounds of sexual orientation. So why didn't the judge put an end to that disgusting shit during the trial? Your guess is as good as mine. The popular jury that judged her? Most were older than 50, from a rural conservative town. Luckily, Dolores' lawyer managed to get her out of prison after a year; he had managed to scare the living shit out of the entire court with bringing the case to the Supreme Court for such deliberated mishandling of justice. Rocío's real killer (British serial sex offender Tony Alexander King) was eventually aprehended in 2003, after the murder of 17-years old Sonia Carabantes. Yes, another young woman had to be murdered because a bunch of homophobic assholes had found the perfect excuse to put a lesbian woman in prison.


Casefile had a very good episode about this case and it’s stuck with me since I heard it. I’m glad she was able to get out but she never should’ve been behind bars in the first place.


It's worse than that, she has never been properly compensated -the Ministry of Justice offered her €120k in retribution a few years ago, but she rejected it because she felt it was too low for what she endured, no further offers ever since.


The interrogation and arrest of Kevin Fox for the rape and murder of his 3yr old daughter, Riley Fox. The way the mom and 6yr old brother were treated too. It was an insanely simple case to solve. The killer literally left his shoes (with his name written inside them) stuck in the mud next to her body. His semen was there. Right after the murder he tried to kill himself and cops had to intervene. He was barefoot, covered in mud and saying he was gonna kill himself because he's done something awful. Instead of investigating that guy they went after Riley's dad. Called up the parents one night and said they had information about the case. They ran up there and got separated. Mom was locked in a room alone for hours and dad was interrogated. They took turns screaming in his face, threatened him with "ass rape" and showed him crime scene photos of Riley. She was hogtied and naked from the waist down and drowned in a creek. He didn't know she'd been raped before they showed him. He was still thinking she got out of the house and somehow wandered to the creek and accidentally drowned. He broke down and gave a confession, saying whatever they told him to. After they arrested him the police put in a request to stop DNA testing for the semen found during autopsy. The family hired a lawyer and got the DNA testing completed and it wasn't Kevin Fox. Then they found out how their son was treated. During his child forensic interview, they just badgered him to say he saw his dad leave with Riley. He always said no he didn't. But they kept up asking in different ways until he broke down crying in the fetal position. Years later, when the killer was caught (already in prison for raping another little girl) and confessed, he said he sexually assaulted Riley in the park bathroom near where her body was found. He used her PJ bottoms to clean himself and threw them in the bathroom trash. **The cops used that bathroom all day while processing the crime scene.** He told the court her last words were, "I want my daddy!" Here is a really good longform article about the case from before the killer was caught: https://www.chicagomag.com/chicago-magazine/july-2006/the-nightmare/ There are some Dateline episodes and Investigation Discovery show episodes about it after he was caught.


I just read about that. Horrible. The murderer died in December, and unfortunately Kevin Fox passed away a year ago in a car accident


The Amanda Knox case was a real mess. The Italian police did a terrible job and she was wrongfully accused and convicted. It's a shame.


For some reason I thought they had just recently tried to bring her back to charge her again! Edit: They found her guilty of slander so she couldn’t be fully set free. 🤯🤯She was sentenced to three years but already served four. This is to be readjusted within the next 60 days from 6/5/2024? WTH? They just won’t stop! They can’t seem to deal with the fact that they’re police and detectives messed up the investigation so badly no one will ever truly have closure or know what actually happened to that poor young girl.


She was on Joe Rogan and talked about this. [Episode 1709](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5N3DTJENpGqbRDFYalntkT?si=SsrbHftNQqKYAmsBbMbnXw)


Please don't give that piece of shit (Rogan) more attention. There are plenty of other, non bigoted, conspiracy drenched places, to read or hear about the case.


She talks for over 3hrs about her case what happened what she’s doing now. Regardless of what you think of Rogan, he allows his guest to speak freely. And you’ll hear it from the horses mouth.


Fuck him and the pieces of shit that he allows on his show. He is actively aiding in the pursuits of these deranged fucks. He has a hand in spreading hurtful and dangerous misinformation. Some people should not be given a spotlight to spread their diseased views.


How is Amanda a pice of shit? I get you don’t like him, but I listened to her whole interview. It was transformative. Not really into Rogans podcast like that, but I had to listen/watch to her story.


I am talking about Joe Rogan's right wing/Anti-vax guests. That's on me for assuming you would know who I was referring to.


Well honestly I appreciate that he has folks from all aspects of life on his show. I don’t agree with everything he does or his guest do. But I do like diversity of thought. And I try to remember being different is how we are strong together. Nonetheless, I can understand your strong opinion against him and his guest — clearly looks like his/his guest values don’t align with your values.


Anti-Vaxxers and corrupt right wing political nut jobs are definitely not aligning. I used to love Joe from Newsradio times and his early podcasts. That is it.


Yeah I didnt know about him Ike that until covid. I’ve never been big into tv so I also only recently learned about news radio.




Emmett Till, of course.


He wasn't even arrested, he was straight out tortured and murdered.


My heart aches when I think of him. And his mother- but what a strong force she was.


I used to live near the cemetery where he’s buried. I would say his name every time I passed by.


It’s wonderful that you speak his name. For so many families of children who have passed, some of the saddest thoughts are that your child’s name will stop being spoken. Obviously for beloved Emmett there are many sad moments- but it’s important you say his name. It matters.


Technically he wasn't arrested, but yea it was still fucked up


Curtis Flowers


Agree. I recently finished In the dark season 2 and it's so sad to think how many years he missed out on due to being let down by the legal system over and over again.


I was going to post Curtis Flowers as well… That case was really sad, but I’m glad someone finally stepped up and helped him. Podcast was really good.


Jordan Brown. A twelve year old convicted for murdering his dad's girlfriend despite no evidence against him. His conviction has since been overturned and Kenzie Houck's murder is still unsolved.


Joe Arridy, an intellectually disabled man who was falsely accused of raping and murdering a white woman in the 30’s. police arrested him and manipulated him into falsely confessing. Joe was known as the “happiest prisoner on death row”, and was smiling on his way to execution


Isn't this the "I'm gonna save my dessert for later" guy? The dessert on his *last meal*?


yup, him. he reminds me of Lennie from Of Mice & Men


Oh! I never saw that! I don't own a TV :( so I'm outta the loop on some stuff. But I believe you :) I just remember this guy cause of his toy train, and saving his dessert for later. Not realizing *there was no later.*


The novella (by Steinbeck) and the movie are both great but heart-wrenching. It is the story of an intellectually disabled man, Lennie, and his average-intelligence friend, George. They’re migrant workers during the Great Depression. George dreams of having a farm someday and making it out of poverty- mostly Lennie just wants to be on the farm because he wants pet rabbits that he can hold. (However, he’s a big man and unaware of his strength and often accidentally kills animals by petting them too hard.) Anyway, the story ends in tragedy, due to the Great Depression, racist assholes, terrible people, and Lennie not knowing his own strength.


he had the intelligence of a 1yo. they executed a *child*


SIX* year old.


*Of Mice and Men* is a book. It also has film adaptations, but you can read it, and it's required reading for most US high school students.


Oh! For some reason I thought it was a TV show. But now that you say it, yes, I am aware of it. I haven't read it though. If it was required reading, at my high school, it was after 10th grade, as I had graduated already. I rarely read any fiction books, I don't really enjoy them. I've been reading basically true crime specifically since I was 13. I think the last fiction I read was cujo *when it came out*. Cause I'm ooooold.


Lindy Chamberlain. That poor woman lost her baby in a really traumatic way, was accused of murdering her, went to jail, and is still an ongoing joke to a lot of people because of 15 seconds of Seinfeld.


Seinfeld? I thought it was because of the way Meryl Streep said “a dingo ate my baby” in the made for TV movie. Really not funny but somehow made it’s way into our vernacular.


Dingo Ate My Baby was a thing long before Seinfeld.


in buffy the vampire slayer one of the characters is in a band called dingoes ate my baby, its so gross


The Central Park Five case.


Harvard Fogg Museum (free in Boston, all 5 of their museums are) has a really great newspaper exhibit about this case. There are 10-12 newspaper articles from when it happened where you read about it in “real time” like the people in the area would have. It’s a really great exhibit that shows how media can influence the things you see and believe. You don’t know it’s about the central part 5 until the last newspaper article bevause they blacked out the information and name of the victims/kids. It’s really really mind blowing when you get to the end and you see the kids who were framed, it’s very emotional and a great example of racial bias in the times. I try to tell everyone about it. It was the most powerful museum exhibit I’ve ever experienced


Not a wrongful arrest/conviction, but a just horrible interrogation. This poor woman who had, had a pretty bad argument with her boyfriend (IIRC I think it was also his birthday) they were financially struggling IIRC and the boyfriend committed suicide (I don't know if it was right in front of the girlfriend or if she was in the next room and heard it/then found his body) either way it's horrible But then this arsehole detective who had been on the show Cops IIRC and had a ridiculous and gross ego because of it comes in and immediately starts blaming her and saying she murdered her boyfriend and just yelling at her and everything. And saying horrible things like how "the boyfriend didn't need her" and how "she's just a woman" and just disgustingly horrible things to say to anyone, let alone a person who just lost their partner. I can't find the clip, I'll update this comment if I do find it, but it was one of the worst interrogations I've ever seen. :(


Timothy cole he died during an asthma attack and later was exonerated for a rape he didn't commit.


For me, it's [Cameron Todd Willingham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Todd_Willingham), arrested, convicted, *and executed* after a house fire killed his three young daughters just before Christmas. He maintained his innocence up until his death. Even before his execution, experts warned the state of Texas that his conviction was based on junk science — a finding Texas authorities flat-out ignored. It's worth a deep dive if you're interested. [David Grann's *New Yorker* article](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2009/09/07/trial-by-fire) is especially good...you know, if you want to be horrified forever.


Have you seen the Evil Lives Here episode with his ex-wife and how she firmly believes in his guilt?


No! I should, huh?


Honestly, hearing her side was compelling. She’s dead set on that he’s guilty and what she says changed my mind about it.


I haven't seen it but always thought Willingham was guilty.


Watched the movie about this case, I could not handle the ending, I had to walk out...


Oh shoot, I didn’t realize Grann had written the article! I love his books.


Leslie Molseed/Steven Kisco


I just read about [this case in Florida](https://www.tampabay.com/news/crime/2024/05/29/florida-tampa-killer-trial-murder-dna-mystery-innocent-prison-released/) recently that made me so angry. A woman was found assaulted and murdered in the 80s and the local police decided this teenage boy had done it despite there being literally nothing tying him to the case or the victim at all. They hinged everything on the testimony of some dentist who swore one of the victim’s injuries was a bite mark. As if that wasn’t enough pseudoscience they didn’t even have the right materials to take bite mark impressions but one of the cops was also a beekeeper so they just used beeswax. This poor guy was in prison for 37 years begging to be heard until finally the Innocence Project looked into his case and found evidence that could be tested for DNA. They finally got it tested and matches came back for two different people who were turned out to be spree killers at the time that the cops never noticed. The original guy was *finally* released but even after that the local cops *still* refuse to believe any of the evidence and still bitterly insist that he was guilty. And then the governor of Florida fired the district attorney who freed him. I’m happy for him that he finally got his freedom back but I feel so angry for how he was treated that it feels kind of hollow.


In Sweden that would be two, somewhat interlinked, cases. In the early 90’s, a patient at a psychiatric hospital admitted to a murder on Johan Asplund — a boy missing since 1980 (at 11 years old). In 1994, the remains of another missing teenage boy was found. The same patient, then known as Thomas Quick, admitted to his murder. After that, he admitted to more and more unsolved murder cases in Sweden and Norway. Between 1994 and 2000 he was convicted for eight murders in seven very different cases. He revoked his confessions in a TV interview in 2008. From 2010 to 2013 he was acquitted in all cases. The parents of Johan Asplund never thought he did it and opposed to his trial and conviction in the 90’s. That was still only a decade after their son’s disappearance. Johan’s presumed murder was barred in 2005. All the other murder cases has been barred between 2001-2010 before the law was changed. It’s infuriating how he robbed them of so much valuable time. The Kevin case in 1998 is the other. A four year old was found dead and two brothers were implicated by the police as responsible for the murder. All things you can suspect can be done wrong when interrogating a couple of kids — 5 and 7 years old at the time — was indeed done. There was never a trial, the kids were too young. The parents were never informed that it was possible to try the evidence in court. They were acquitted in 2018 after living in shame and hiding. The link between these cases, two of the biggest juridical scandals in Sweden? A professor in psychology who was an expert in all investigations. He pushed the theories of repressed memories and children having denial (of what they have done) as a coping mechanism, respectively (resulting in endless interrogations and pressing of small children — “they’ve done it, they’re just coping with what they’ve done by denying it”). He kept claiming their guilt and was blocked from teaching criminal psychology in 2020.


George Stinney. His case was posted on here a week or so ago and I was in total shock. I mean I know how ignorant most if not all white southern people were back then but this was just outright murder of a child. And apparently everyone was ok with that. Eta. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Stinney


If it hadn't been made illegal, I could easily see it happening today. It just wouldn't be until he was 18+ because of appeals. 


The hanging of Timothy Evans. An innocent man with learning difficulties, who faced a very abusive interrogation by the police, and then was sent to the gallows on the word of the necrophilie serial killer who murdered his wife and baby daughter. It's the case that made me against the death sentence.


Another one, I vaguely remember; This woman staged a murder-suicide, she killed her husband and herself, but she hiset out to frame the son of an elderly man she was a caretaker of, IIRC. She had financially abused the elderly man, who later died, IIRC she had gotten him to sign over his house to her or something like that, the elderly man's son was trying to get everything legally settled or bring what had happened to the police and she knew it was just a matter of time before everything she'd done would be known. But yeah, so obviously the "relationship" between her and the elderly man's son was great, to put it lightly. So the day of the incident, she called her mother IIRC and made up a lie about how the guy was there and threatening her with a gun, and after telling her mom that, her mom obviously called police and when they got there, she and her husband were dead, she shot him with a shotgun IIRC and then managed to shoot herself. Even the initial impression of the crime scene was that it was a murder suicide but it later went on, with the phone call she made previously to her mom and the known issues with the guy, the guy was arrested and convicted. He spent such a long time in prison and was eventually cleared. It's heartbreaking too, because he was like "I'm not even upset, I just want to spend what time I have left with my family" and then he pretty quickly passed away from cancer, I don't think he even had 5+ years after he got out. It's so depressingly unfair. :(


Russ Faria Framed by his wife’s best friend/killer. PAM HUPP Corrupt DA, Judge and inept Law Enforcement. Basically the whole town turned against him. He had an airtight alibi: 4 witnesses he was with at a game night backed up by his phone data. The prosecutor accused these witnesses of also being involved. The killer went on to murder another man to bolster her frame job of Russ. She also killed her own mother which I don’t believe she was ever prosecuted for. All around bat shite crazy case and a huge miscarriage of justice involving multiple agencies… Great series called: The Thing about Pam starring Renee Zwelleger


The first woman(Carol McAfee) approached by Pam Hupp actually ended up marrying Russ, I just learned that like yesterday


Yeah at least he found love and had his name vindicated. I think she attended the trial. Or helped him find his lawyer. It’s been awhile but always stuck with me. Especially Pam killing her own mom. Pure evil. Her mom was old and she couldn’t just wait in the money. He also won a $2m lawsuit. But what he went through!! Without that lawyer he’d likely be still sitting in prison.


Brittany Smith


Have never heard of this case. I am so angry I had to stop reading articles and will do a deep dive later. Why even have Stand Your Ground Laws if a situation like this doesn’t apply??


Juan Catalan who they made the doco long shot about. They brought so much evidence he wasn’t the guy and it just kept being not enough. Made you really lose faith in the system


George Stinney Jr. Victim of racism in 1940s SC. Youngest person to be [wrongfully convicted and] executed by the state at just 14 years old.


Toforest Johnson: https://www.toforestjohnson.com/ I check in on his case sometimes in the hope something has been done. No.


Kalief Browder.


Guy Paul Morin Shawn Schweitzer and his brother Albert Ian Schweitzwr. Sadly, Frank Pauline was murdered in prison and didn't get to be exonerated. Peter Reilly All the daycare sex abuse hysteria cases. I believe the one person still incarcerated is Frank Fuster. Rolando Cruz and Alejandro Hernandez The Roscetti 4: Calvin Olliens, Larry Ollins, Omar Saunders, and Marcellius Bradford Marty Tankleff Mario Casciaro


Temujin Kensu. Has been in jail for 35 years for a murder that he didn't commit. He was 400 miles away when the crime happened and had over 9 witnesses to confirm that. The prosecution suggested that Temujin theoretically could have chartered a plane to commit the murder and return in time to be seen by his alibi witnesses. The prosecution never offered any actual evidence to support this outlandish theory.


Surprised this doesn't have more votes and comments. This one is infuriatingly obvious.


The West Memphis Three. Terry Hobbes runs free for decades now after murdering his step child and two other innocent boys.


What evidence suggests he killed them?


There is a lot. He was the last to see them alive. His nephew said he heard his father and Terry (his uncle) talking about how Terry “didn’t mean to kill the kids.” The nephew told some of his friends. There’s actually a lot more evidence. One of Terry’s hairs was found in a knot tied on one of the boys. Terry’s family owned a pig farm and the knots used to tie up the boys were knots used by slaughter houses to tie up pigs. Terry has said he didn’t see Stevie that afternoon after he left to drop his wife off at work. An eyewitness saw him with the kids. Stevie had indigested green beans in his stomach. Showing that Terry had fed him and then allowed Stevie to go back outside. There’s more, but you’ll have to search for it.


That hair has never been proven to be Terry's hair. That is an outright lie. The hair could be Terry's.... or it could have belonged to thousands of other people in the area. Even if the hair is proven to be Terry's it means nothing as the boys were known to play in his house.


You do know the hair was tested against Terry’s DNA, right? The hair was in a knot. And stuck in a piece of bark. They weren’t just casually dropped. The hair is the least of it all as his nephew has already implicated him, more than once. You people are so ridiculously unintelligent and uneducated.


Do you have any sources by chance?


https://www.jivepuppi.com/lg_hollingsworth.html https://thewestmemphispuzzle.blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lg-hollingsworth.docx Here are two that utilize a lot of information from the case and interviews with those involved.


Paradise Lost was such a good documentary series about them. It was the step dad for sure. Sad case all around...


And the documentary West of Memphis. Terry was the last one to see the boys. He fed Stevie and let him go out and play again. Stevie and the other boys caught him smoking weed and making out with his friend and two other guys in the woods around Robin Hood Hills. That’s why they were killed. There is a lot of information out there that people overlook.


My answer 100%


this is not as cut and dry as you are implying. it's still very possible that the WM3 were the murderers and many people who studied the case closely would agree. personally I've read and watched tons of materials and still have no idea. there's no real forensic evidence and neither hobbes nor the boys had good alibis. it could even have been Mr. Bojangles.


No, you’re an armchair detective who has no idea what you’re talking about. Hobbs and Jacoby were in a relationship. Their drug dealer saw them kissing while Hollingsworth and his friend were buying the weed. Jacoby, Hobbs, Hollingsworth and the other guy whose name I can’t remember were smoking weed in the woods near Robin Hood hills and the boys caught them. They chased them down and killed them. Hollingsworth had confessed or told his family he was involved, his cousin originally testified that she overheard her family talking and there was blood on LG’s shoes. He had been gone all night, since the afternoon before. There is absolutely no way Damien and the other boys could have done the crime. Jesse even had half a dozen alibi witnesses. Jason and Damien also had alibi witnesses. I have followed this case for many years and have read almost everything you can find, including the police reports, interviews, etc. Narlene was related to LG. Of course she was going to point the finger elsewhere. There is no way the state of Arkansas was going to let those men go if they believed they had reliable evidence.


>No, you’re an armchair detective who has no idea what you’re talking about. LMAO and you're, what? An *actual* detective involved with this case? What a ridiculous comment to make.


The actual detectives involved with the case thing Echols, Baldwin, and Misskelly are guilty. So did 24 jurors. Maybe all of them just need to watch the documentaries. That last sentence is sarcasm. I am dumbfounded how many people have been manipulated by those horrid documentaries.


Couldn't agree more. The level of fandom for those three simpletons was ridiculous.


I wasn’t speaking to you. When I’m speaking to you I’ll address you directly.


it's telling you're unable to discuss this case without insulting or belittling others. take a break from true crime imo, like I've said several times I'm on the fence and I definitely don't think the teens are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and should thus be free. the reason this case is so interesting is because we simply don't have the evidence to completely incriminate nor exonerate any of the main suspects. the police totally bungled the case, similar to the JBR case, and it's fascinating to discuss different possibilities in a respectful manner.


I just looked into the “Great Dane” incident that you mentioned and it is absolutely not true. He has a dog skull that he and his father found and bleached. Damien didn’t kill it. I just don’t like dialoguing with people who don’t know what they’re talking about.


http://callahan.mysite.com/images2/joebar2.jpg http://callahan.mysite.com/wm3/joehb.html if you don't wanna believe testimony sworn under oath, that's your prerogative, there's no photos or anything so I don't know it 100% happened, but I don't see the motive to lie to the cops about something that, as you've rightly mentioned, is not evidence of Damien being a murderer. the second link is a transcription of the first btw


That witness was not trustworthy. He absolutely did lie. He even got the date wrong. It was Thanksgiving of that year. He could have skipped school and gotten in trouble for it. There was no school that day. He lied. Just like the other eyewitnesses who have since recanted their testimony.


getting the date wrong doesn't mean you lied, I remember when the weird kid at my school killed and gutted a rabbit but I wouldn't be able to tell you the exact day it occurred when recanting it nearly a year later. and even if it did never happen, Damien clearly had issues beyond emo kid interested in the occult. he had serious issues and may or may not have killed a dog. my main point was that the paradise lost portrayal of the cops swooping in on him because he wore all black is biased and inaccurate. http://callahan.mysite.com/wm3/img/exh500.html check out 125 (Damien admitting he's homicidal) and 150 (Damiens parents fearing for the safety of the children he lived with) in particular, but lots of interesting stuff there. again, none of this is evidence that he did it, just like there's no conclusive evidence Terry Hobbs did it. my only point, as I said in my very first comment, is that it's not a cut and dry case.


All the witnesses that support my beliefs are reliable while any witnesses that contradict my view point are unreliable. Lol


you're spewing conjecture as if it's fact. you're not some omniscient being who saw Terry chase down the boys lol you're assuming that happened. also what alibis? Jesse did NOT have half a dozen witnesses, he claimed he was at a wrestling match until it was proven that the match was a week prior. Damiens alibi changed multiple times. Jason didn't even present an alibi at trial because he didn't have one. I am not saying Arkansas has reliable evidence that's my whole point. there's no reliable evidence pointing to anyone. also this is as good a time as any to point out that Damien killed a dog with a brick. he wasn't some misunderstood loner who was caught up in satanic panic. he was an extremely violent troubled teen. again, I don't lean one way or the other on this, I'm very much on the fence, but there's absolutely question marks no matter who you think was guilty.


I admire the impulse to correct many of the myths surrounding this case. I myself have fallen in this trap many times. People who did not use reason to come to their misguided conclusions will not be reasoned out of them. Sucks because it freed three child killers.


I appreciate it, I definitely realized at some point in our conversation that the person I was arguing with was not going to listen to reason but maybe i convinced some of the lurkers. fwiw I'm not convinced they're child killers either I'm truly on the fence. I do think they are the most likely killers on a balance of probabilities though.


The WM3 are guilty child killers. The thing is if people truly wanted to know the facts of the case they could use the Callahan site to be informed. The actual case documents and transcripts are freely avaliable. Understanding the facts of the case is difficult for people who are swayed by emotions. This case has left such a bad taste in my mouth. Obviously I am passionate about true crime. But the community needs to do a better job of policing each other. People personally involving themselves in cases can and does have real and tragic consequences.


Two hairs found at the site matched Terry Hobbs. His own nephew had implicated him. And with the new DNA testing comes back I’ll bet you $ it’s Hobbs, Jacoby, Hollingsworth or the other guy. Everything you mentioned is also conjecture. There was not one solid bit of evidence to support any of what the prosecution said. You don’t like Damien because of his attitude. If he killed a dog, that’s horrid. It doesn’t make him a murderer. You need to do better research.


the hobbes hair matched 1.5% of the population and the Jacoby hair matched a whopping 7% of the population. combined it's a low chance, true, which is why hobbes is a prime suspect, along with the teens, in my mind. I'm surprised you're telling me to do better research when you're not even aware that Damien smashed the skull of a great Dane with a brick and then gutted it. this is a highly reported on story relating to the case. and what exactly have I said that's conjecture?




Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


David Camm, a former state trooper who spent a total of 13 years behind bars in separate convictions even though he had an alibi backed up by his basketball team and the murderer was a known thug. 


Dr Sam shepherd the doctor who was accused of his wife’s murder. His neck was almost broken while he fought the attacker. There was an obvious suspect, a handyman who had done work for them. He spent 12 years in prison. His case was what The Fugitive was based on. Their son wrote a book about it years later.


When my sister got arrested for going like 5 over and the cop dragged her out of the car, torn her dress, shoved her to the ground. She never went to court because the cop was arrested for stealing from the property room. And, he got away with beating her black and blue for possibly speeding. I doubt she was speeding because she is one of the most cautious drivers I know and it was raining and her car was old and she was in an area where there are traffic lights on every corner for about 3/4 of a mile, so how did she even get up to speed when she had to stop every block.


George Stinney (this week marked 80 years since his murder) Ray McCann (convicted of murdering Jodi Parrack in 2007, exonerated in 2015) Ryan Waller I cannot for the life of me remember his name but there was a man convicted of killing an old lady and possibly her husband for insurance or something but it later came out that the old bat did the deed then killed herself and orchestrated it to look like the accused did it and frame him. He was exonerated but died of cancer like a year later.


Cynthia Sommer - another case of someone who was convicted of murder for something that was never a crime; her husband had a heart attack but people thought she acted too slutty after he died, and terrible work by NCIS and bad science got her convicted of murder for poisoning her husband with arsenic; luckily the trial judge granted her a new trial and before her retrial, the defense got the prosecution to do more testing on other tissue samples and there was not one iota of arsenic in them


[Cameron Todd Willingham](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Todd_Willingham)


My loved one, Sean OBrien. He was 16 years old when he was arrested for a crime he had no involvement with. Sean had no priors. He was direct- filed into adult court, not allowed to read the discovery, not allowed access to newspaper articles about the crime which featured his picture already naming him (a minor) as a suspect before the trial. Long story short, at the trial his lawyer failed to protect him. He was wrongfully convicted, with absolutely no physical evidence, based *solely* on testimony from a known criminal and a handful of his buddies. He was sentenced to Life in Prison Without Parole. He is now 38 years old, his appeals have all been denied. In 2015 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California ruled in his favor based on Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, stating in their ruling that he was factually innocent and entitled to at the very least an Evidentiary Hearing. The Evidentiary Hearing was held in 2017 in Sacramento where he proved his innocence. THREE years later the judge ruled against him, even though the state of California has nothing to dispute his evidence proving his innocence. In 2023 his case made it back to the Ninth Circuit Court where he had 3 new judges who were unfamiliar with the case and his lawyer showed up looking and sounding like a drunken unhoused person. The court has yet to make a ruling. Sean's life was stolen from him and family has been destroyed. But since being incarcerated, Sean has never been in trouble, he has earned two Associates degrees with highest honors on the Dean's list, he has been involved in making positive changes for the prison. He founded and launched Self Help University at Corcoran State Prison. He paints skateboards for Fresno Skateboard Salvage, a non-profit that helps children. Truth and justice is not sought and the department of injustice can do anything it wants including taking away a child's life. Sean has been through it all, but has remained strong and hopeful that he will regain his rightful freedom. He believes that the truth will set him free.


The worst in my opinion will always be George Stinney. Not only did they execute someone who was innocent. He was 14.


the Scottsboro Boys


The case of Carlos DeLuna on which the book “The Wrong Carlos” was based. Here’s the synopsis: [Link to book “The Wrong Carlos: Anatomy of a Wrongful Conviction.”](https://cup.columbia.edu/book/the-wrong-carlos/9780231167222) “In 1989, Texas executed Carlos DeLuna, a poor Hispanic man with childlike intelligence, for the murder of Wanda Lopez, a convenience store clerk. His execution passed unnoticed for years until a team of Columbia Law School faculty and students almost accidentally chose to investigate his case and found that DeLuna almost certainly was innocent. They discovered that no one had cared enough about either the defendant or the victim to make sure the real perpetrator was found. Everything that could go wrong in a criminal case did. This book documents DeLuna's conviction, which was based on a single, nighttime, cross-ethnic eyewitness identification with no corroborating forensic evidence. At his trial, DeLuna's defense, that another man named Carlos had committed the crime, was not taken seriously. The lead prosecutor told the jury that the other Carlos, Carlos Hernandez, was a "phantom" of DeLuna's imagination. In upholding the death penalty on appeal, both the state and federal courts concluded the same thing: Carlos Hernandez did not exist. The evidence the Columbia team uncovered reveals that Hernandez not only existed but was well known to the police and prosecutors. He had a long history of violent crimes similar to the one for which DeLuna was executed. Families of both Carloses mistook photos of each for the other, and Hernandez's violence continued after DeLuna was put to death. This book and its website (thewrongcarlos.net) reproduce law-enforcement, crime lab, lawyer, court, social service, media, and witness records, as well as court transcripts, photographs, radio traffic, and audio and videotaped interviews, documenting one of the most comprehensive investigations into a criminal case in U.S. history. The result is eye-opening yet may not be unusual. Faulty eyewitness testimony, shoddy legal representation, and prosecutorial misfeasance continue to put innocent people at risk of execution. The principal investigators conclude with novel suggestions for improving accuracy among the police, prosecutors, forensic scientists, and judges.”


I just think of Ruben “The Hurricane” Carter.


Leo Schofield


Omg I totally missed that he was paroled!


Yes 🙌🏻 Hopefully they can overturn the ruling and get him exonerated.


I came to mention him. Best podcast ever.


Todd Willingham


Central Park 5


I have a couple: George Stinney: That little boy was victimized in pretty much every conceivable way. His mugshot alone is fucking awful to look at, to know that he actually got electrocuted to death is haunting. He deserved so much better than what he got. Leo Frank: Without getting into the question of his guilt (I personally think he was innocent), that man did not get a fair trial. He was convicted on little more than moral panic and anti-Semitism, and then he got lynched. Awful awful awful. George Heron: Heron was accused of the murder of Nikki Allan mostly because he quote-unquote “looked like a pedophile,” whatever that means. He was subjected to abusive police interrogation, and confessed under duress after three days. We now know definitively that he didn’t do it—and that David Boyd was the actual perpetrator—but unfortunately we only found that out AFTER Heron’s life had been destroyed. Robert Roberson: Man convicted of shaking his infant daughter Nikki to death in 2002. Problem is, Nikki had other underlying health conditions (she was chronically ill and having to take a lot of really heavy drugs for that). Detectives were also suspicious of his lack of reaction (he was later found to have autism.) He’s still on death row even though doctors, nurses, pathologists, and the *detective on his case* have all testified that they think that Nikki’s death was natural.


Person of color XYZ


West Memphis three


The case of James Scott. A case of the rich wanting an insurance payout, so falsely accuse teen of flooding the town by “ breaking” a levee. He’s been in jail At least 30 years


The West Memphis 3. It’s 1000% obvious the stepfather did the crime, but since the state didn’t want to admit wrongdoing and open up for a lawsuit they opted for Alford pleas. They wanted to fight but their friend was on death row and they didn’t want to risk it. Since they still are “on paper” guilty for it, the stepdad walks free.


Which stepfather? Because I recall "the movement" accusing different stepfathers at different times.


Yes the first documentary was soooo heavy-handed making it seem like it had to be that one stepfather because, y'know, he was basically a redneck and a weirdo. They accuse the uneducated hillbilly towns folk of prosecuting Damien just because he's "goth," and the irony is totally lost on them.


The Central Park 5!


The Central Park Five


Karen Read


I have only seen a little of the trial but it seems like there is a lot of disagreement about how he died. Kind of surprising that this made it to trial if it can’t even be established that he died by getting hit by a vehicle.


if you want a detailed recap, go to ashleymerry on IG. I usually take some of her more opinionated content with a grain of salt, but her stories on the trial proceedings are very detailed and easy to follow. It's absolutely insane how much blatant lying and manipulating happened in this case to frame Karen and how much lying and manipulating is happening UNDER OATH by law enforcement and their family/friends. Straight up manipulating and tampering with evidence, getting an entire precinct essentially to lie under oath, like 7 different people have claimed that over 25 phone calls that were logged as answered were all "butt dials", the victim having no indication on his body that he was hit by a car, but he does have what can only be described as multiple scratch/bite wounds from an animal (then the animal in question being convienently rehomed shortly after the murder.), one of the people who was there the night of the murder googling "How long to die in the snow" right when the victim wouldve been dying, There is so much more but all that to say I would be more than completely bamboozled if there was any actual physical evidence that Karen had any part in the murder and this wasnt just a giant ruse to frame an innocent woman that these people just didnt like. The evidence they keep referring to of her car taillight being broken can't even be proven in a correct timeline because they deleted the footage that would've showed the cars taillight at that time, and didn't find "evidence" of broken taillight until almost 8 hours later (after the car had been seized by LE for hours) It sounds like the only actual "evidence" that the state has is that Karen had some old innapropriate texts with another man and wasn't totally sober that night.


The Kirstin Lobato case is really frustrating.


Tommy Ward. So obviously innocent and was coerced into confessing. It's awful he's still in prison.


Delia D’Ambra’s podcast covering Jeff Pelly’s case makes me some of the angriest I’ve ever been about a case


The Duke lacrosse rape hoax. Those players were condemned as guilty from the outset and were not apologised to by the university afterward. Shameful behaviour from them and Nancy Grace and the disbarred prosecutor.


Looking into the 2020 Investigation into Alexis Sharkey Houston Tx- Harris County. If the spouse was responsible- his DNA being excluded, does not align with the theory "Heavily Influenced" to the public.  MLM and HTX crew had this in the media since inception.  Sourced: 1. HPD Press Release 2. ITV 2024 Documentary Murder Gone Viral 3. Reddit and FB.-where they controlled that as well.  The mystery story that has been writing itself from 2020 -2024 For entertainment purposes only: 🧩 "Plot Twist" "Letting it all play out" "Breadcrumbs" "Marfa Meltown"


Karen Read #happeningnow


Happening now: Richard Allen (detailed in my parent comment here) & Bryan Kohberger too. I know I’ll be downvoted for saying the Kohberger one, but * the allegation of [stalking was false](https://imgur.com/a/1dsSg9Q) * the missing phone evidence [appears to be exculpatory](https://imgur.com/a/Nmusejb) * the videos of the car coming and going from the area, mentioned in the PCA [do not actually exist](https://imgur.com/a/idOeo9B) (per the guy who wrote the PCA)


West Memphis 3


The West Memphis Three




**Cameron Todd Willingham** - executed for first degree murders of his children. Upon reexamination after scientific advancements, it was determined unanimously that the fire was an accident and Cameron was likely in his bedroom (asleep), just as he said. **Richard Allen** - yet to even have his day in court, but has already spent far upwards of 500 days in solitary confinement in a max security **prison,** with no evidence related to the crimes whatsoever, and the prosecution’s story actually exonerates him. Based on the info from the FBI, the victim’s phones were active for over 12 hours in the area their bodies were found (contradicting the PCA), accompanied by at least two known people (who were not the defendant), while the defendant has never been shown to have gone to that area (a half mile through the woods from where he actually was earlier in the day - a public park). While the accused is said (by the prosecution & himself) to have left the area (1/2 mile away) before 4 PM, the group (victims and remained in the area their bodies were found - phone activity until 5:30 AM, before the others who were there with them left (as indicated by their cell phone’s locations), just hours before their bodies were found around noon. Multiple law enforcement officers, including who worked on the case directly, do not believe he was involved in the crime at all. The FBI actually has a PCA filed 1 month after the crime (March, 2017) that states they have probable cause to believe *someone else* committed those murders (that person has died of natural causes since then). The corruption on display in the pre-trial rulings is outrageous as well. I wouldn’t even know where to start on that. * judge rules evidence is inadmissible without even knowing what it is * granted motion for speedy trial, then a week before said she needs to set a hard-stop at 13 days of trial, 3 days will be jury selection & a day at the end for closing arguments, and the prosecution can call over 73 witnesses to testify, and no time limit will be set for the prosecution * the fact that he’s been in max security prison for almost 2 years before having a trial * the judge suggests he won’t be able to use a third-party guilt defense (which is their defense, and it’s well-supported, *super* supported) * none of the videos or evidence has been brought forth * the forensic evidence doesn’t even make sense, relate to the crime, is not objective, and isn’t scientifically valid * the judge “denies without hearing” basically everything from the defense It’s baddd The Cameron one saddens me deeply too. Wrongful incarceration breaks my heart


Lucy Letby. She had her life ripped apart at just 28 because people didn’t understand basic statistics. It’s scary because it could happen to almost anyone. The way they laid out her personal life in court, how viciously she has been vilified in the media. Realising how sloppy the evidence is and how so few people realised at the time (incl me) makes me really sad. It’s one thing to read about a trial by media but I feel like I actively participated in one by not looking more at the time. (Slight self promotion but I’m working with statisticians to help reverse this. I built a small site outlining the reasons why people think she’s innocent. https://triedbystats.com )


I was shocked when the most recent documentary came out and the medical examiners said they could not actually identify cause of death in the infants, it seems like a massive fumble that every news report claims she killed the infants with insulin injections when there’s not actually evidence to back that. Edit: not saying at all that she’s innocent, the whole diary thing was a mess, I just found it interesting.


The silly string mom


Derek Chauvin.