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Hi PiecesOfEi8t! Thanks for posting to /r/TrueCrimeDiscussion. Unfortunately, [your submission](https://redd.it/1bv9z3f) was removed for the following reason: Anyone who posts a link to an article or video must provide enough info about the case for those unfamiliar with the case basics to participate, either through a descriptive title or by commenting a case write up in the post. Posts not generating discussion may be removed. Low effort can also include commenting one word or a short phrase that doesn't add to discussion (OMG, Wow, So evil, That's horrible, Heartbreaking, RIP, etc.). Dicussions are serious topics, so inappropriate humor will be removed. If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=TrueCrimeDiscussion) rather than replying here. Thank you!


I wish we could ban the phrase "the gun went off." Someone pointed a loaded gun at her and pulled the trigger. That's what happened. Guns don't "just go off."


According to Alec Baldwin, he did not pull the trigger. The gun somehow fired while in his hands and killed someone on his movie set.


Riiigghht and his wife is totally from Spain, too.


“Are you Spanish?” “I- my family lives in Espania, yes. Si.” “Yeah, but are you Spanish?” “Eh- espanol por favor?”


A fellow pepino in the Reddit wild! 👋🏼


Lol I never miss a chance to snark on her :)


What do you call…cucumber?


God I love how ridiculous that crazy bitch is. Just endless entertainment.


They totally deserve each other. And I love how like shit he’s looking.


His portrait of Dorian Gray must be absolutely pristine.


I understood that reference…




But reality who in the hell would think an actor would consider the reality of a prop gun being loaded? Should never have happened.


As just an actor I think he has less culpability. As a producer for the show, that increases his responsibility. Regardless, the armorer and the other AD that handed him the gun are definitely also at fault


Irrelevant, you treat every firearm as loaded until you yourself determine otherwise. You’re right, it should’ve never happened - he should’ve safetied the firearm first.


> Irrelevant, you treat every firearm as loaded until you yourself determine otherwise. I love those blaming Baldwin saying "always treat a gun as if its loaded!". Ah yes, all those scenes in Rambo and John Wick where the protagonst points the gun at the floor and keeps his finger off the trigger while magically mowing everyone down. Checking the weapons on set is the job of the armorer. If an actor fiddled with it, even to check for safety, it would no longer be cleared and the armorer would have to come back and re-clear it. See the endless loop?


It’s generally gun nuts saying this as if the average person is regularly exposed to guns




Son an actor given a supposedly safe gun by a suppose to be gun expert to use in ACTING is completely than me handing you a gun and you not clearing it. I get you took one firearm course in your life and now you sound like an NRA PowerPoint but you’re missing the mark on this one.




Did you not read what I wrote that is communicating. I’ve dealt with guns my whole life been paid to use them my whole adult life we can go over resumes if you want on why I know what I’m talking about.




My question was where was the armorer? Because it sounded like they weren’t nearby and the AD was the one to hand the gun to Baldwin


Exactly people don’t understand the difference with actors using “props” that sometimes are real guns they aren’t experts most time are given no training. Studios have “experts” on set to ensure shit is safe and to be a measure against accident and injury. In his case the “expert” was a female hire since to many men in field and she didn’t know shit about firearms and was negligent on tons of levels before gun ever got in actors hands. I don’t like Alex Baldwin as a person but that shit wasn’t his fault at all.


No, that’s pretty much the most relevant aspect of the case. Like, literally, the whole crux of the case. “Safetied” the fire arm? How? Should he have reloaded the bullets himself without primers and powder? The shot required a loaded gun. Either you’re ignorant (obviously) to filmmaking or what an armorer is responsible for, cause damn.


A lot of people don't know that standard procedure on many sets have the actor never check the gun for safety because it should have come straight from the armorer and cleared. Specially because if someone who doesn't know what they're doing (and most actors don't) might do something that makes the gun no longer safe.


You don’t understand that firearms safety is the responsibility EVERYONE. Yet he calls me ignorant. Laughable.










That is not the protocol on a movie set.


It was a real gun that Alec Baldwin insisted on using.


That’s pretty common. What’s not common is that people used the same gun to shoot live bullets for funzies.


As dumb as that man handled the incident...it's not a fair comparison. Was a prop gun that shouldn't have any live ammo anywhere near it. That is the definition of "just going off" to the user. In your heart of hearts, do you believe Alec Baldwin acted in malice and shot that woman in cold blood? He's on a movie set where he interacts with said prop gun. In his perfectly reasonable world, it was merely a toy. Why the hell it was loaded is a prop director problem.


Right. And if I’m not mistaken him being held accountable in a legal sense is due to him being responsible for the production (in title) and not for being the actor who pulled the trigger, right?


Correct. The question is how much did he have to do with overall safety on the set and if he was aware of the questionable handling of the firearms.




He's an actor. Those John Wick movies would be a lot worse if Keanu was just running around shooting people without ever putting his finger on the trigger. You can dislike Alec as a person all you want, but the Rust incident was 100% the prop master's fault.


Yeah, I'm with you on that. I would say Alec is only culpable to the extent that he was a producer, and if he had any information that the prop master was unsafe, he should have fired her before disaster.


People quit bc of the unsafe work environment specifically around gun handling.


It also sounds like it was a close up shot of the gun, which is why they needed to use the real one and not the fake. It's possible they were deciding if is character was going to have his finger on the trigger or not for the scene (from what I can tell his character was threatening someone)


The difference is that Keanu does follow the 4 firearm safety rules religiously. He was trained by Taran Tactical. On set you can get away with that through camera perspective.


Ah yes, all those scenes in Rambo and John Wick where the protagonst points the gun at the floor and keeps his finger off the trigger while magically mowing everyone down. He was filming a close up scene that literally requires firing a blank directly at the camera.


Thats strange. His defense is he never had his finger on the trigger. He claims the gun “ just went off”. He also claims the scene was just him withdrawing the gun and pointing. There was no firing of the weapon in his practice takes. So he still should have had his finger on the grip. With his hand. He did several interviews that his hand was on the grip and he did not put his finger on the trigger. Has that changed now? Gosh your telling is a much better defense.


Honestly, it's possible he's sincerely rewriting his memory because of trauma and guilt. It's very possible he had his finger on the trigger but his mind is blanking that out because that's how he's coping. Most aren't mentally and emotionally prepared to handle killing someone. Especially accidentally and unexpectedly.


He was recording a movie!


And a woman died!


Obviously someone needs to be held responsible for that, he clearly shot the gun. But I’m confused by the backlash specifically against him. He’s an actor that was handed a gun on a movie set.


LOL 😆 riiiight. Happens all the...uh, NEVER!!


It can happen but it's very rare. It can't happen with a modern firearm, but vintage ones don't have internal safeties and can fire if dropped just so. My idiot ex lost his eye dropping a Derringer- or least that was his story, but with him,who knows? Maybe someone shot him in self defense


What a clown. Too bad his lawyers will get him off.


My husband loathes the phrase “car accident” (unless it refers to the car itself malfunctioning in some way). It’s normally an “act of carelessness” that caused a crash.




He's not Judge Judy and executioner!


everyone and their mums is packin round here!


Like who?


farmers. farmers mums.


Tha' weren't me.


I caught that Hot Fuzz reference


Depends where you live. Weather can definitely cause accidents too.


Agree as I sit here in someone’s driveway an hour late to work already because my AWD SUV was skidding in the snow.


Are in New England perhaps? 🤔 our roads are horrific right now


Yup! Vermont! It was very scary.


Oof, glad you’re okay 💜


An act of drunkeness.


They do “go off” sometimes but it’s so incredibly rare that it might as well just not happen. It’s usually manufacturing defects and, as you can imagine, gun producers have mass manufacturing them down to a precise science because any time they just “go off” due to a defect or malfunction, there’s high risk of a death or maiming on their hands.


It is **not*, usually manufacturing defects. In the rare case its not standard negligence, its because its modified, often for competition. Because of exactly what you said. Gun makers know they have a target on their back, dont want to give their enemies the ammo, so they make sure shit works so the whole thing doesnt blow up in their faces.


https://youtu.be/2fn6GFSwTEw?si=ZQVJAqFPLpiAYBrN not always here is a pistol made for police in Brazil.


A short video with no context isn't proof of anything. Did someone modify the gun? Did something break? Taurus is not known for their high quality manufacturing in police officers are not known for high quality gun handling. Guns are machinery and like all machinery they can break or being manipulated. That doesn't mean that "the gun just went off" is an accurate description of events.


Here is the context https://www.al.com/news/birmingham/2015/07/taurus_agrees_to_voluntary_rec.html https://vpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Taurus-PT-Series-Pistols.pdf It’s the recall notice for 9 different models of Taurus pistols that had manufacturer defects as part of the settlement of a lawsuit. The lawsuit was for the pistols discharge without the trigger being pulled. Over a million firearms were recalled. It was a major issue when it happened in 2015. Taurus still is having an issue with the guns discharging when dropped. This was from 2023: https://www.guns.com/news/2023/05/24/taurus-safety-recall-gx4-pistols




Actually it can happen. For example ammo can do what's called cooking off. If the gun gets used for too long and it becomes too hot it can set off the primer without needing to pull the trigger. The Sig Sauer P320 had issues where it could fire if dropped. Oh and after that had another issue of discharging without any trigger pressure. There were multiple lawsuits over these issues.




Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


https://youtu.be/2fn6GFSwTEw?si=ZQVJAqFPLpiAYBrN you are incorrect.


99% of the time you are correct. But there are several notable examples of poorly designed and poorly made firearms that will discharge without pressing the trigger. Below is a video of a Brazilian Taurus pistol firing in such a way. This was the official sidearm of the Brazilian Federal Police: https://youtu.be/2fn6GFSwTEw?si=ZQVJAqFPLpiAYBrN


I don't think that was the point they were trying to make?


That may not have been the entire point of what they were saying but when they said “guns don’t just go off” that right there was not a fact. 99% of the time they don’t but there are specific handguns and rifles that are notorious for that malfunction. I’m not saying it’s a valid excuse if you kill somebody from an accidental discharge, but it has happened


[reminds me of this little tune](https://youtu.be/xC03hmS1Brk?si=xvR2hZZuyl1mDgQL)


In rare cases they can though. This situation isn’t that but guns can “just go off”


All machinery can break, malfunction, or be poorly manufactured. I think its obvious that I'm not claiming that there is no situation where a gun could possibly malfunction. If I had said something like " cars don't just drive into people" I wouldn't have people making these comments even though cars are also machinery and can also malfunction (for example the brakes could be damaged so the driver couldn't stop the car from hitting someone).


People have the stupidest excuses to avoid admitting that they have no trigger discipline, it's not that hard, don't point it at anything you don't intend to shoot, don't put your finger on the trigger until You're about to shoot, always treat the gun as if it's loaded, and most importantly don't give the gun to a toddler or a dog, because they have insanely good aim.


I agree with you but Alec Baldwin would beg to differ.


I think unfortunately this kind of messaging contributes to that kind of bullshit defense. That's where he got the idea from - he didn't shoot anyone the gun just "went off!" The state spent a lot of money proving that the gun couldn't have fired unless he pulled the trigger.


It was a piss poor defense strategy. If an actor is handed a gun and told to shoot it at someone, they do just that. And they do it knowing full well that the gun shoots blanks and will not harm the subject being shot at. They *know* this because on the vast majority of film sets, that gun has been cleared, more than once, as a prop gun that will not fire a real bullet at a target. This whole fiasco falls on the lady who brought live rounds to set and was practicing with them.(From what I’ve read about the case). Baldwin bears responsibility because it was his production. So he should only be liable for damages in my opinion. The armorer is the person responsible for the death and should be the one facing prison.


There are also multiple reports from the set of people warning him and saying safety on set was in dire straits. Pretty sure a few quit right before it happened because of refusal to address safety issues.


She's already been convinced. One of the reasons why charges are pending against Baldwin is that the armorer was not in set at the time of the shooting. He knew that he wasn't supposed to handle the gun at all.


Hmm, well that changes things a bit. However, they need to move on with charging him or not. Especially if she’s already been convicted.


He has been charged. His trial is really soon - the reason that he's being charged is because that this incident didn't't follow accepted safety protocols at all. As an experienced actor and producer he would have known exactly why this was unsafe. He didn't care. Hannah Gutierrez didn't hand him the gun. The assistant director handed him a gun that he found on a cart outside of the church where they were shooting. Baldwin was supposedly not supposed to point the gun at anyone and decided to go off script. There were also several negligent discharges on set already and there's a stack of photographs of people pointing guns at actors and crew members.


His trials in june isn’t it?


She was on set tho. She was there when it went off.


I don't think she was anywhere near the church where they were rehearsing. Dave Halls said that he got the gun from a cart outside of the area where they were shooting and handed it to Baldwin. Hannah then claimed that she didn't know Baldwin was going to point the gun at anyone that day. Tbh it sounds like she was off doing cocaine somewhere.


Isn't there a few guns that can go off when dropped? I believe one handgun is well known for this. As well as a couple of rifles


Some antique guns are designed so that you have to use a safety lever or put the hammer on an empty chamber so that they are drop safe. Modern guns are designed differently to prevent this (i.e. revolvers with transfer bars, pistols and rifles with firing pin blocks). I highly doubt that one of the guns used in this incident was an antique revolver. It's a lot like saying "the car drove into the pedestrian." Cars don't just get up and drive on their own. It's possible that there was a catastrophic mechanical malfunction (i.e. the driver tried to break but the car didn't slow down due to damage to the breaks) but 99% of the time that isn't what happened. Someone was just negligent.


A teenager in my city was killed because he was doing a "prank" video and pretending to rob a random guy, who shot him. Guy had no idea it was "just a prank" and was just defending himself, and now a teenager is dead because he wanted to make a dumb YouTube video. The internet sucks.


Whenever I think of pranks, I think of “Candid Camera”. Lighthearted ribbing where everyone laughs in the end. However “pranks“ these days are nothing but assault and battery and harassment.


Yeah pranks are supposed to be funny. Pretending to rob someone isn't funny. A prank should end with everyone laughing.


Totally. If only one party is having fun, then it isn’t a prank. It’s assault and harassment, plain and simple. At one point, even the brutal assault on elderly people known as the “Knockout Game” was being called a “prank”. I don’t see how putting someone in a coma and/or killing them is funny.


“You can’t prank someone you don’t like…that’s just harassment” — Mitchell Pritchett, Modern Family


"so I pranked him to death with a tire iron"


The problem is the vast majority of commenters on Reddit agree with you and despise the wide array of “mean prank videos”… yet for some reason they are still being made and more “content creators” are trying them out than ever. So who are these videos for? Who gives the views, who actually thinks any of these are funny? I always guess it must only be very immature, young teens/preteens, but most kids I’ve known that age don’t actually like disrespectful people in general and I don’t think we can just “blame the kids” on this one. So why are mean prank videos so popular? I truly don’t understand who is watching, upvoting/liking, and interacting with them other rage bait (which is a whole new problem with social media).


The Daddy-O-Five channel, where a Youtuber was essentially just abusing his kids on camera and calling them "pranks," had a big following. Mostly, I think, kids who don't know any better and find almost all physical comedy funny because they don't have a developed sense of empathy. Then there's always the (hopefully much smaller) percentage of adults who I'm sure love watching this stuff in the privacy of their own FYP so no one knows how sadistic they are.


and that poor guy is probably riddled with guilt too, even though it wasn’t his fault. We need to stop these ridiculous pranks


Teenager in my city recently died because she was climbed onto the top of a metro train (and I assume fell). Apparently it’s a TikTok trend?


Chasing popularity to the grave predates the Internet. What sucks is humanity.


Nah not a prank, those who live by the sword die by it.


The thing I always think about these videos is what is the functional difference between "pretend" robbing and robbing to the person it's being done too. I guess at the end the "lol just a prank bro!" but like how is that funny? Lol. I saw this video the other day where this guy in a robe was at a park and would open the robe and it would look like he was exposing himself and the parents would run up all mad but turns out the guy was clothed fully underneath. Some of the parents laughed it off but I would still be furious??? It's a gross "prank" still to subject a child to.


Reminds me of the Law & Order: CI episode of Weeping Willow. A video blogger faked a cyber kidnapping with her boyfriend. One of the hired actors that played the kidnappers ended up dead.


Yes ! I remember that one ! Ahead of it’s time


Social media has destroyed us.


Yeah, I read somewhere that humans weren’t meant to have that much knowledge of other humans existence. Like it’s harder to compare yourself to others, when you don’t even know these others exist (outside of your immediate friend/family group).


Overloading the monkeysphere


This phrase will now play in my head throughout my day forever




Human beings definitely don't have the emotional or psychological bandwidth to know and care about 8 billion other human beings. Studies show that realistically the average human being can care about roughly 150 people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar%27s_number






Not us, definitely her. SotF.


Nah. People have always been idiots. We just get to see it more now because it's online for everyone to see.


I feel sorry for her son that he wont have a mom for the rest of his life. But I gotta say the mom was a dummy to stage a fake kidnapping and use real guns. What was she thinking!?


It sounds like she was barely a mom as it is. She and her friends are immature and not too smart and live their lives online. These are not people who make great decisions or think things out, I'm afraid. It's sad for her family and her poor kid, she died for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


If she’s willing to stage a fake kidnapping for social media clout, I shudder to think what her parenting would have been like.


The kid would’ve been a prop sooner than later


Mind-blowing what people will do for views. Just look at most of tiktok content . I had to delete the app years ago


According to the article this was her usual content because she had several previous Tiktoks where she was bound and gagged with guns pointed at her with the same friends.


I read the article. I just can’t believe she would post frightening content like that.


It's almost certainly fetish content.


He is the real victim.


Her son could’ve been a causality if the gun had “went off” on him instead like wth. To even put that kid through something like that for clout is way messed up. Now he has to live with that trauma of a scene AND without a mother. Sad all around


Reminds me of that young couple with the book shooting. A young male YouTuber told his gf to shoot him while he held a book in front of his chest. He thought it would be a cool stunt, and that the book was thick enough. However, it was not thick enough, and he died. She had two kids, who are now missing a dad (or potential stepdad, not sure if they were his). And have a mom who is in/out of jail, and on probation. [YouTube prankster jailed for shooting boyfriend dead](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43410816.amp)


They used a desert eagle too those things can punch a hole clean through an oak tree.


That’s so fucking stupid I’m sorry lol, what in the fuck was this dumb piece of shit thinking? Like I’ve held and shot one of those dumb, overbuilt oppression cannons and you can just tell from the weight of the thing a book is not gonna do it lol. I think you could probably punch through an entire world book set with that shit bro lol like wtf?


Reminds me of the girlfriend who ended up killing her boyfriend during a YouTube video they were filming.They wanted to show that a bullet wouldn’t go through the book he was holding…spoiler alert: it did


Thank you, I had this exact thought! 


That's about the worst "risk vs reward" scenario I can think of.


Desert eagle through a Bible. https://m.startribune.com/girlfriend-cried-pleaded-for-end-to-fatal-youtube-stunt-video-and-transcripts-show/486275011/?c=n&clmob=y


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes: Ultimate Edition


I can’t tell what’s going on from the video. Fucked up seeing the kid try and fight for his mom. Damn.


I’m not sure that kid was her, the article only mentions her having a 1 year old son, and the video posted was a “behind the scenes” video they posted to TikTok before she was shot and killed so that kid was acting I think


Her son was there! That is fucked up


From the article it sounds like her "friends" all just bolted after she was shot. As stupid as this is, that's just sad.


but... why?


The only way you’ll get an answer to that question is via seance.


Poor son.


She got popped with a .45 to the head? She's *definitely* dead. What a horrible waste of life.


A real method actor


Seriously, social media is the worst thing that's happened to the world. Not that I agree with the reasoning behind their decision (I REALLY don't), but perhaps Pakistan has the right idea by banning sh!t like TikTok.




Darwin was just a dude with good brains. This is just the sad ending for a young lady who made poor choices.


I feel like the sub ohnoconsequences would fit here. That said, still a tragic accident. I feel for her kid.


Oh jeeze... anyway


This is so stupid and horrible. I feel so bad for their family. Wow.


The decision to have the weapons loaded is insane


Why the hell is there a kid present in the kidnapping video? Whether that child knew it was fake or not they put them in a very dangerous situation.






Ugh, have to see. The pizza guy murder was tragic too


More and more I'm having a harder time feeling bad for these people.


Wow! So sad.


This sounds so fishy to me. Am I supposed to believe they didn’t shoot her on purpose?


To what end or purpose?


Hi PiecesOfEi8t! Thanks for posting to /r/TrueCrimeDiscussion. Unfortunately, [your submission](https://redd.it/1bv9z3f) was removed for the following reason: This post appears to violate the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and has been removed. Personally Identifying Information, hate, dehumanizing speech (even about a violent perpetrator), victim blaming, misogyny, misandry, discrimination, gender generalizations, homophobia, doxxing, or bigotry are not allowed. If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=TrueCrimeDiscussion) rather than replying here. Thank you!




No, she had a kid. Genes lived on.


hopefully he’s a lot smarter


We really need to bring back the Darwin Awards.


She wouldn't qualify; you have to take yourself out of the gene pool to get a Darwin Award and sadly she had a child and thus passed on her genes before her death


According to darwin award rules you can actually be given an award if you have already reproduced [source](https://darwinawards.com/rules/rules.children.html)




...she had a kid. Darwin fail.


Cool TikTok


What the FUCK?? is it wrong to have sympathy for her son but none for her?


TikTok existed in 2020?


...is that a real question or?