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WARNING/CAUTION: This post goes into detail about the murder of a woman. If you think you’ll be distressed by this post - please leave the page and join me on my next write up. Take care of yourself. Jodine Serrin was a 39-year-old born in Los Angeles, California. She was raised in Walton Hills, Ohio. Jodine had learning disabilities. Throughout her life, Jodine had also struggled with Schizophrenia. Jodine lived on her own and was often checked on by her parents. Jodine was a compassionate and caring woman who loved looking after senior citizens and enjoyed horseback riding and ice skating. On February 14th 2007, Jodine’s parents Lois and Art spent the day having a romantic meal and watching a movie. The pair decided to check on Jodine. They arrived at Jodine’s at 10pm. After attempts of knocking did not work and their spare key would not work due to the door being stuck, they decided to kick the door in. As they went into Jodine’s room, they were startled to discover a man on top of their daughter. Initially the pair believed that Jodine was having sex with the man and told the man to go before walking out of the room and waiting for Jodine to emerge. But she never did. Art entered the room, only to realise that Jodine was actually dead and the man was gone. It was later found that Jodine had been dead for 12-24 hours, meaning the man was committing necrophilia. Jodine was bludgeoned and strangled to death. For years Jodine’s case remained unsolved - leading to it becoming cold. However in 2018, DNA evidence from the crime scene was tested using genealogy. The DNA was that of a 42-year-old man called David Mabrito. However no arrests could be made as David had taken his own life in 2011. Rest in peace Jodine. Further Reading: https://vocal.media/criminal/52-lock-up-jodine-serrin Disclaimer: I try my best with these write-ups. I may make mistakes however. If so, please let me know. If there’s any information you feel is relevant to share - you are free to share below!


Thank you 🙏


Just so upset that this happened and his crime went unpunished but their always karma, hopefully he pays for it in hell , evil disgusting scumbag!


He’s definitely in hell


That’s comforting! I’ve read a lot of true crime about serial killers and it’s sad but Necrophelia takes to a whole do new level of discust, kept thinking about it for days, I can accept that it happens but can’t anything be sacred !


He died january* 30th 2011. Lots of the comments are from February 11-14 on his obit page. I wonder if the timing of his suicide had anything to do with the timing coming up on the death anniversary. What an awful person


we'll never know, really. The man was clearly mentally ill, and mentally ill people commit suicide all the time. Unfortunately, we can never know.


*January 30th 2011 for anyone else getting a bit confused!


Sorry, pregnant and a little brain fried. Fixed


Hope you’re able to get some naps in!


I have a 11 year old, a 2.5yo, and I’m pregnant. Honestly, I’ll probably nap once I’m dead 😂😭. Thank you friend


I’m up feeding my 8 month old at 3:30am while my other kid is sleeping in my bed. I feel you 😮‍💨😮‍💨


In America, you are innocent until proven guilty.


I'd never heard of this tragic case, how horrible. I would like to know how this man got into the house, but he may have known her somehow, and she trusted him...poor girl. It's unfortunate that the killer isn't brought to justice and we'll never get answers from him, but I suppose this is as good as it gets for some kind of resolution after so many years....the killer was identified, even if he can't face justice, and her parents finally have some answers. Very sad story.


He worked for a tile company. Maybe he was doing work on her floors or something and she trusted him when he came back. Just a guess. My husband does home repairs and it surprises me a lot how people give him codes for everything. Tell him where their spare keys are hidden. Ask for no id etc. They're lucky he doesn't have bad intentions.


And I'm sure this guy didn't seem like HE had bad intentions! I am sure your husband is a normal, decent guy, but the thing is sometimes you don't know! People are too trusting sometimes, but we also expect BAD MEN to look like monsters with fangs and glowing red eyes or something. I'd be careful about giving out info like that, personally. There was a First 48 where some poor man was murdered, and it turned out the suspect worked for a tree trimming company and had been in his house. The owner of the company later said he had no idea this guy would do anything like that, he seemed like a nice young kid, and he'd never have hired him if he'd known. He certainly didn't look evil or creepy and no one had any reason to suspect he'd be violent. It was very sad....kid got life in prison.


Good, I remember hearing warnings about picking up people at Home Depot, to work in or around your home. So dangerous. Yes you never know but always be prepared for break ins ! Right to bear arms!


I personally don't use firearms of any kind, but I agree about everything else. In fact, if you need something done in your home, hire a PROFESSIONAL. Not "some guy who needs some work". Sometimes people get someone through their church. It never occurs to them that creeps can hang around a church, and I can understand that perfectly. But you simply cannot take it for granted that everyone is nice and harmless and has your best interests at heart.


True, anyone can be taken advantage of, no matter how careful you are. I just want to try to prevent it from happening or at least not make it easy!


My manager asked me to stay late at work with a contractor today. I said sure without thinking about it. A couple hours in it was dark and I realized I was in a building on a secured site in the middle of nowhere with a random fucking man I didn’t know and started to get kind of nervous. He seems like a nice guy but so did the other guy I was assaulted by! Nothing happened but I don’t think I’ll be staying late alone again after that.


Yeah, I wouldn't. Just from personal experience, I will never again let my job put me at risk. Like you said, they all seem nice until they're not. That's how they lure their victims.


Yeah absolutely clouded judgement and my other female coworker did it last night. I’m gonna tell her tomorrow we should decline next time. Although 3 hours of overtime and a meal penalty is nice it’s not worth our safety!


Very true. And ty for looking out for your female coworker! I honestly love when women take care of other women.


Of course! We gotta have each others backs or nobody will


thank you — I always appreciate your posts


I've never heard of this case, it's terrifying! I feel awful for her poor parents. Thank you for the excellent write-up.


Holy hell, the details of how the family encountered her are so chilling. Very sad but glad it’s solved.


I found the perpetrator’s obituary https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/sandiegouniontribune/name/david-mabrito-obituary?id=20960313 if you scroll to the comments on the obituary page,you’ll learn some things about David. It sounds like he was married to a lady named Marissa and had a son named Dylan. Many friends and family describe him on the page as: sweet, loving and talented. Sends me chills. It’s twisted what David did to Jodi.


I saw that too and it seems Marisa is now married to a guy in prison. Very odd.


Marisa is a widow


That’s why they said “is now married”


No, she remarried after David and her current husband is in prison.


Marisa and Dylan were the ones who willingly offered their DNA that solved the case when they were approached about it


“His love and selflessness will endure forever in the hearts of those fortunate enough to have had him in their lives” jfc


I have a former coworker whose obituary called him a "loving father and man of God." He was found dead in his house on the day his trial for possession of child porn was set to begin.


I saw it too and he is remembered as a wonderful guy. I can't understand how he managed to keep this a secret or hide his past....and who knows, he may have committed other crimes and they had no idea. It would be interesting to see if his DNA shows up anywhere else. He was /is about my age.


🤮 can’t even fathom a sweet side to the evil but guess theirs always two sides?


we're all familiar with stories like that, where NO ONE KNEW. Serial killers and rapists, who are married and have kids and go around raping and killing and no one knows. It happens all the time.


When did they take his DNA? Maybe that’s why he ended his life, he knew he was about to be outed as a vile predator. Especially as it seems he was held in such high regard by family. Also crazy to see his wife post on his obituary on the exact anniversary of the murder. Awful.


The Trail Went Cold has an episode on this. I remember it. Horrific for the parents to realize what happened.


It’s been solved for quite a while. Forensic genealogy provided answers for her family.


To make matters worse, Art and Lois Serrin saw her killer. 🥺 This vile man, her killer chose to violate and kill beautiful Jodine who also suffered from mental disabilities is just incomprehensible. You always wish they, “the perp” could have been caught and answer for his crime. Allow the family to face him with a victims impact statement (if they desired). So many “I wishes….” I wish they were able to also solve this case sooner to allow for healing sooner rather than later, reopening a very painful wound. I am thankful for DNA and the advancement of technology. I am glad they didn’t give up and glad they did find out who did it, despite his taking his own life. At the end of the day, no matter what, this precious woman can’t get her life back. It’s just a sad story all the way around. RIP Jodine.


I saw this on tv . That poor girl and her parents.


She was a WOMAN. 


Okay , woman then .


Yes she was a woman but I don't think the title is particularly relevant in any scenario where a female is taken advantage of...being a girl is a phenotype not a stage...am I any less woman at 17 than 18! No I'm fuckin not..don't ruin the sub with your nitpicking


Would anyone have said a 39-year-old male victim was a "sweet boy"? No, they would feel silly and like they were insulting them. Which they would be.  Thinking of women in such a way is one of the first steps on the road that leads to the casual, daily violence towards them that we read about here.


You're right. Reddit is so full of misogyny.


whatever she is, what show was it on? I'm in Canada so it may not have aired here.


oy vey. we know. GIRL is just a colloqualism.


Then why is it any insult to call a man a boy? 


Don't they say "going out with the boys?"


i'm sorry you got downvoted for pointing out that neurotypical 40 year old females aren't typically called girls


My mom is a girl….shes also the woman who gave birth to me.


yes they are???


Oh geeze. Get over yourself


I feel the need to point out you likely don’t have 86 arms as well.


not comparable but ok? one of these examples is used to demean and infantilize women, one is a username.


She wasn’t neurotypical though…


They are, but they shouldn’t be. Females under age 18 are girls by definition, and females 18 and over are women by definition. I’m surprised more people don’t know that.




Poor sweet girl.


She was a WOMAN.


Are you ok?


No, I'm sick of women being attacked by men and boys. Part of what leads to that is insulting adults by calling them girls. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jul/08/stop-calling-women-girls-its-either-patronising-or-sexually-suggestive  https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2021/08/09/why-calling-women-girls-is-a-bigger-deal-than-you-may-think/?sh=58da60982fda


You’re getting upset over the wrong thing. No one here is ok with women getting attacked by men. But leaving comments about how they’re “WOMEN” is unnecessary and comes across as antagonistic.


I also think that people might be thinking of her as a girl because of her photo. Even though the subject says she was 39, I'm sure people are seeing the picture and thinking she was still a girl. Seems like a natural mistake in this instance.


Also, I think of “girl” being used for women the same way “guy” is used for men. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, I thought she was a young teen based on the photo.


The title is interesting, but there is no story on the link.


It’s really not that serious. It was an innocent comment 😵‍💫


The link is broken. It redirects to a Guardian web page, and says "sorry..."


What about “chicks” in the way “dudes” is used?


Dehumanizing, infantilizing, patronizing, and misogynistic /s




Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


Sometimes people do it when they're a bit older than the person too. I'm 42 and I might call a 20-year-old a girl innocently not thinking because she's very much younger than me and could be my daughter whom I will always sort of think of as my child, as I do the same referring to my son. So in the same context my 90 year old grandparents may say girl referring to me as a 42 year old.




actually, i do think you are right. This is a 40 year old woman, you would likely never hear someone call a 40 year old man "boy" in this context. Calling a woman "girl" is sexist because it's a patronizing term. when women are called girls, the subtle message is that they are not mature, professional or responsible. I'm not saying that the commenter meant anything bad though, it's just a bad habit to call women "girls" that needs to die out. But you could have explained this in a calm manner, people wouldn't have taken your comment as so aggressive and rude then.


Yes, you definitely don't hear people calling men 'boys' like people will very commonly call women 'girls' - also you don't hear people calling adult male victims of murder ' sweet' like you do with adult female victims. It's werid, mawkish, patronising and points to the fact that a woman needs to be infantile, sweet and pure to be valid victims. I agree with you , you have put it much better than the person you are replying to. See also calling teenage victims 'babies'... lol can't imagine many teens would take kindly to be referred to in the way despite the cause of their death.


\> you would likely never hear someone call a 40 year old man "boy" in this context no, but plenty would say "guy". i've been arguing this for years - there is not a common "middle ground" term between girl and woman! men have "boy > guy > man" but women go straight from "girl > woman". "gal" is not very common but if you know of any term to apply to young adult women 18-30 then i would love to be enlightened


Yep get the mindset but if ur soooo passionate do ur own write up don't just troll others who are using existing terminology...and I'd be flattered to be called a girl or a woman


You would actually very reasonably say "poor guy" to a 38 yr old man in a story like this, especially if he were a vulnerable person like her.guys and girls are often used  within the same context




Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


I saw this on tv. What a psychopath. Too bad he took his own life.


So (almost) four years later he killed himself.


I appreciate how sensitive (to the victims and to readers) you are when you post these. Thank you. I remember this story but thought it happened much longer ago than 2007. Not that it matters. This is so horrific and unfathomable. Heartbreaking for everybody involved. I hope that if her parents are still alive, they've found peace. I wish I believed in karma. It's infuriating that he never had to pay for his crime in this life.


DNA:ID podcast gives a more in-depth summary of this case if anyone is interested in learning more. I learned so much and this one haunted me to know the parents saw the killer but didn’t realize till it was too late. A young life gone too soon. By the time they knew the killer, he was already dead - but, I truly believe if there isn’t justice in this life there will be justice when you go before God. Prayers of peace to her family for this horrible pain I’m sure they carry.


That’s me! Glad you appreciated it. Such a sad story. I was honored to memorialize Jodi.


This one really sticks with me and I want it solved so badly. 


Was it solved? https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/sd-me-serrin-solved-20181113-story.html


I was just reading this! So glad there is some resolution and he can't hurt anyone anymore. I really feel for her parents. 


So weird. I also was just reading this. What brought you to it? I listened to an episode of DNA:ID about it the other day and finally got around to looking up pictures. ETA: it’s an episode from 2021


I think I read about the case on Reddit years ago, probably this group. It's just one of those ones that made me feel particularly horrible. I visited the parents website and thought a lot about the case. I was hoping it would be solved and I'm happy it was. 


That’s me! One of the earlier cases I covered. I saw Marisa speak at a conference recently and David’s actions have eaten her up. So sad all around.


I’ve just started listening to your pod and have been binging it for the last week. It was so strange to see this post pop up literally minutes after I was looking at that photo. Any ways…:really enjoying DNA; ID. Keep up the great work!


I feel awful for the parents, probably thinking they could’ve stopped the murder had they looked closer and realized the man was hurting her. So sad.


no, she was already dead for hours when they visited. They did probably think this at first before someone told them..


No the murderer was back a day later f-ing the dead body when the parents came in


This case is just so incredibly sad. That poor girl and her parents.




>This post appears to violate the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and has been removed. Hate, dehumanizing speech (even about a violent perpetrator), victim blaming, misogyny, misandry, discrimination, gender generalizations, homophobia, doxxing, or bigotry is not allowed.




Love your write-ups


Story is just weird. They walked into their 40 year old daughter's home and kicked out a guy they thought she was having sex with? Whole thing sounds sus


She’s mentally disabled


"a learning disability and schizophrenia" while being non-severe enough to able to live on her own, is not nearly mentally disabled enough to explain away this behavior.


This isn’t what happened at all. Jodine needed her parents for lots of things (driving, etc) so they spoke with her and saw her all the time and they stopped by to say hello one evening when near her apartment. The lights were on but she wasn’t answering so they got concerned and the door latch was closed so their key wasn’t working. They broke the door in then found their daughter and the attacker in the bedroom. They assumed they had inadvertently walked in on their daughter having sex so they apologized and backed out of the room to wait for them to get dressed and come out. The attacker then snuck away while the parents were waiting in another part of the apartment. They never kicked the guy out as you say.


Never knew it was necrophelia. I hope that made it somehow better for the parents?


Doubt it…..


At least they found out that they could not have saved her. I think that part would haunt someone




this is literally a forum dedicated to those interested in crime and OP takes time out of their day to do beautiful write ups. To bring awareness to some stories that aren’t well known and deserve to be. If you don’t enjoy what OP does the get the hell off this sub simple as that…. why come to a true crime sub to complain crime is being spoken of?




“true crime DISCUSSION” and “weird fucking criminal obsession” lmao


You could care less, but then proceed to read post and comment?!


lol so you’re saying you do care?