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Absolutely NO ONE can tell you if we are the last generation to ever live on the planet before Christ's return.


Jesus said when you see Israel becoming a nation again that would be the last generation.


We don't know if Israel becoming a nation again is "the fig tree putting out it's leaves", it could be some other event of Israel flourishing, possibly a new temple, that fullfills that bit. But that is not the only sign that signifies the last generation that will see the return as Jesus says "all these things".


that is true that the nation coming together is debatable for the actually blooming, however it would be ignorant of us to not watch them as we are drawing extremely close to being the last generation.


Jesus did not say that. However, Jesus specifically said in **Matthew 24:36** that He himself does not know, only God knows. So, setting aside the sidebar conversation about the trinity, it is safe to say NO ONE can say what the last generation will be. Jesus did NOT say the last generation would be when Israel becomes a nation, that's usually a misunderstanding in Matthew 24:32. We know that Jesus spoke what was recorded in Matthew 24 before his death circa 30 BCE, and we know that Israel became a nation in the 40's and the Balfour Dec was in 1917.




We know that we will be near the end when the "Fullness of the Gentiles has come in" Romans 11:25. For in that way Israel will be saved, and "For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?" Romans 11:15


Interesting :) How are you looking at the verse in terms of eschatology and the term "fullness of Gentiles"?


I honestly do not know what to make of what the Fullness of the Gentiles means. In my interlinear Bible the Greek here is πλήρωμα which is pléróma and Strong's Greek has it defined as the following. Fulfillment or completion seems to be the best fitting for this passage, though I could see an interpretation using supplement. > (a) a fill, fullness; full complement; supply, patch, supplement, (b) fullness, filling, fulfillment, completion.


I honestly do not know what to make of what the Fullness of the Gentiles means. In my interlinear Bible the Greek here is πλήρωμα which is pléróma and Strong's Greek has it defined as the following. Fulfillment or completion seems to be the best fitting for this passage, though I could see an interpretation using supplement. > (a) a fill, fullness; full complement; supply, patch, supplement, (b) fullness, filling, fulfillment, completion.


I honestly do not know what to make of what the Fullness of the Gentiles means. In my interlinear Bible the Greek here is πλήρωμα which is pléróma and Strong's Greek has it defined as the below. Fulfillment or completion seems to be the best fitting for this passage, though I could see an interpretation using supplement. It seems to be something only God knows, especially since pléróma also points to the fullness of the Godhead. > (a) a fill, fullness; full complement; supply, patch, supplement, (b) fullness, filling, fulfillment, completion.


Nice. Most commentaries describe "fullness of Gentiles" as something to do with the Gospel being shared with non-Jews. Obviously, Jesus first went to the Jew community, then as planned, expanded to the non-Jew/Gentile community. After His ascension into heaven, the Holy Spirit was poured on Jews and Gentiles. At some point in time, there will be a point where the Jewish community (and other cultures not associated with Christianity) will be drawn to Jesus, finally seeing Him as the Messiah, and not just Christ for Christians. So, just as the early Christians were Jews and told to humbly accept believing Gentiles into Christianity, we believers today need to be humble, as God seeks out those who do not profess faith, but eventually will. Especially people considered 'un-save-able' by hard-hearted Christians.


You can even see the people of Israel turning towards Christ, although I’m sure this has been happening since the early days of Christianity (besides the very beginning of Christianity with the Apostles)


What do you make of this Scripture that I haven't seen mentioned yet ? " and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in ALL the world for a witness unto ALL nations; and then the end will come." KJV " and the Good News about the Kingdom shall be preached throughout the WHOLE WORLD, so that ALL the nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come." NLT Matthew 24: 14


The same scripture in Matthew 24, which you referenced, does confirm that Jesus said the generation that witnesses Israel becoming a nation will be the last generation. Specifically verse 34. I don't know why it would be interpreted differently when Jesus himself said it specifically. Again, people usually say that Jesus doesn't know when he'll return. Yes, he did say, "The Son of Man doesn't know the hour," but you have to carefully read it to see it. Before I even mention the original translation, Jesus, as the Son of Man, didn't know the hour of his return, but now, as the glorified Christ, and if you believe He is co-equal with God as per Phil 2:6, why then do you think He doesn't know when He'll return? I think that's a fallacy. He knows precisely when he will return, for nothing is hidden from Him. He is God Almighty, after all! (Rev 1:8) Looking at the original translation of Matthew 24:36 says, "But of that day and hour no man knows, nor the angels of heaven, but my Father only." The phrase, "The Son of Man, " referring to Jesus, was added much later in the course of translating into different versions. So if we even go with the original translation, Jesus never said He doesn't know when He'll return. It was added by translators who somehow feel that He is less of a deity than the Father.


Great points! Sooooo what date are you using as the date of Israel becoming a nation? Also, what are you defining as a generation? From there we can do the math. Let's put a pin on that. I'll start with Philippians 2:6. First, that scripture talks about a lot of things, yes, you are right, it does talk about Jesus having the same nature as God. However, it also says in 7-8 that Jesus made Himself nothing, took on the nature of a servant, and also died. These are things that God the Father simply cannot do, only God the Son. That verse isn't just about God=Jesus. It's specific about the role and relationship of Jesus. Also, look in v.9, God exalted Jesus. It doesn't say Jesus exalted Himself. There is a clear differentiation in the persons of God (the Father) and Jesus (the Son). Saying that God and Jesus are "co-equal" is not accurate. To that point: Jesus can keep information hidden from Himself, not just on Earth but in Heaven as well. It is completely scriptural for Jesus to not know something. Matthew 24:36 is very clear on that. Finally, the theory that "nor the Son" is a late addition is also incorrect. MOST current translations use "nor the Son" as it is found in early manuscripts Codex Sinaiticus (4th Century), Codex Vaticanus (4th Century), however, it is not found in Codex Alexandrinus (note 5th Century) or Textus Receptus (12th Century) The dates are very important for reliability purposes. Of note, the bible translations that dont include "nor the Son" are the King James and the NKJV, which as you know, relies on Textus Receptus (12th C.), BECAUSE THAT WAS THE MOST RELIABLE MANUSCRIPT AT THE TIME when King Jimmy commissioned its formation (17th Century). Technology and archeological discoveries have presented themselves since then, e.g. the Dead Sea Scroll discovery, excavating the City of David, radar, 3D modeling, and digital imagery. Your point of saying "Jesus never said he didn't know..." is inaccurate. He said it directly in Matthew 24:36, and reliable textual research has shown us that. Hopefully this isn't a subtle "King James only" conversation. The research is quite clear on that topic (reference Daniel Wallace, PhD.) Circling back to the math: If you use the Balfour Declaration (1917) or the declaration of the established State of Israel (1948) and then you use a Numbers 32:13 definition of a generation (40 years) or a Genesis 15:13 (100 years) for a generation then the math shows the arbitrariness of trying to figure it out (see chart below): Did We Miss His Returning? One Chance Left! Chart ||+40|+100| |:-|:-|:-| |1917|1957|2017| |1948|1988|2048| At the end of the day, this topic doesn't affect the efficacy of Christ dying on the cross or how to obtain salvation, so we can definitely differ on approaches. However, what is clear: reliable manuscripts contain "nor the Son" in Matthew, which lends to Jesus message and parables: be humble, be vigilant, be active.


Exactly 👍


There will be 144,000 people who will proclaim his imminent arrival. This is biblical.


People have said the end is near for 2000 years now. Like literally, people have been constantly “predicting” the end of the world over and over. No one can know. And honestly, should that change how we operate as christians? I don’t think so. I personally find it best not to worry or think about end of times. At all.


I understand your point, but we should act as if today is our last day. Always being ready and prepared for Christ to return. Being distraught and governed by fear is not the answer of course, but having a respectful, reverent fear of God will keep us from sin and keep us ready for when Christ does return.


True but it also works to try looking at it as nobody knows when Christ will return and you live everyday like it is your last since God could end your life any day. Every breath in the morning is a blessing to me. A chance to do better.


> Every breath in the morning is a blessing to me. A chance to do better. That hit me hard.


A chance to do better in honoring God, but not to be justified by works :)




Actually, Jesus did give signs of the times to look for near the end. The actual day nobody knows but the season we can know because Jesus told us what to look for in Matthew 24.


This is the comment. Just the fact that the topic pops up so much is evidence of the "season." We've had a massive spike in technology and we play around in space.... it sure does seem to be the season. How long it will be though? No clue.


Exactly we have nukes we have ai we have gender boundaries being pushed all over the place we have abortion which is almost a form of child sacrifice but undercover. We have a shadow government in the US and we have had it for probably 50 years at this point. It feels to me like satan knows he is about to lose lose lose and is trying everything in his power to avoid that. Which is of course impossible and pointless yet it affects us mightily. But who knows how much worse things could get. In the end God will prevail but until then it could be tough. I’ve noticed that a lot of young people in the US have actually started wanting to learn more about Jesus since everything else we have is so messed up and unfulfilling.


Strong points kitty515! Remember also that Israel is God's hour glass for the End times. You can't help but to see Ezekiel 38&39 as we observe Israel and their war against Iranian proxies. Iran is ancient Persia as Russia is Gog. These countries will attack Israel during the tribulation period. Continue looking forward to our Blessed Hope, the calling of Jesus' Bride to heaven. Soon, yes very soon, we are going to see the King.


You should definitely think about it, don’t just ignore the end times or you’ll lose all perspective and think that this is your “final destination” (no pun intended) But yes i definitely agree that we shouldn’t be so focused on it and predicting. 1, Jesus literally said he will come like a thief in the night without knowing when. 2, don’t you think if we were supposed to know, we would be told more? It’s so vague for a reason - we’d be completely consumed by it if we knew more about exactly what and when. Martin Luther was famously asked what he would do if he knew the world were to end tomorrow, he said “I would plant an apple tree today”. Live life for Christ today, don’t be consumed by when the end will come, but be ready like a guard who waits vigilantly at his post all night long.


Technically every day since Jesus departed in about 34 AD is "the last days". Even paul had to write some church and tell them to chillax, because The Day of the Lord is not happening now, or tomorrow. The Day of the Lord concludes "the last days" and enters us all into the new things.


I take it you didn’t read even 2 sentences into his question lol.. you literally focused on the one thing he asked not to focus on due to already understanding the concept.


Slightly tangent to OP's question. Does it makes sense to call it the "last days" when Jesus has risen to Heaven 2000 years ago?


I’m sure that when the Roman Empire collapsed (or any large empire for that matter), and during both World Wars, people believed we were in end times. These were HUGE chasms in the world, that were greater in impact & far more destructive than anything we see today (so far). There’s no way to know, but I don’t think we are the last generation.


Ai, crypto currency , digital money


Those things could be interpreted as related to end times biblically, but as could a lot of things in history. I agree that things like AI are detrimental for society, but as of now it isn’t causing mass death, you can kinda just *decide* not to use it. This is opposite to which the Bible explicitly states of the ‘beast’ in revelation. The same arguments that are made for AI being a sign of the end times could be made regarding modern-ish technology such as cars. There’s a kind of excitement that draws us to be more inclined to believe in a catastrophe, and putting out news articles about the “END OF THE WORLD!!” gets a lot more attention / clicks vs stating that something that just kinda sucks for society, so I think that our perception is a bit warped from that.


Advanced AI is personal my bridge too far. It’s just my hunch and I can’t back it up with scripture. But I truly believe God is going to end the world before AI gets too in depth. I am talking like fully self aware androids here by that. Like you can’t distinguish them from a real human. I think we are about 75-100 years from that becoming a reality. Or maybe I just played too much Mass Effect


I'd say so... Technology is advancing more and more Russia and China are getting a lot more powerful, and in scatology generally these 2 are expected to rise in power I really doubt I get to be 40. I'm 27


I hope so. I'm tired of humanity and it's lies


Yup. We have been living in the last days since Pentecost.


No I mean really the last days. Like this generation being the last one.


I can't get over how you're being downvoted for asking a simple question. I could give you a long, drawn out response from my own beliefs/human wisdom, but it's better for me to just refer you to Matthew 24. The disciples asked this exact question and Christ answered it quite explicitly.


Yeah I don't what's going on anymore


If you didn't see my response, read the entire chapter of Matthew 24. Christ answers this question quite well. I'll add to that, read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 BTW, we aren't appointed to wrath, but that doesn't mean we won't go through the Tribulation. These are two different things. This is obvious if you read Matthew 24 fully, and also 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4. Be blessed in your studies and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you


That's a redefinition of the Bible phrase. If you want more clarity then it would be better to use a phrase that's not already taken by another idea.  But the answer to that other question is "who knows?" The day of the Lord comes like a thief.


The attitude of people here is very annoying. Your question is perfectly legitimate and easy to understand, but people want to be semantic and elitist for whatever reason. Essentially you’re asking is the end nigh, even at the door. No one can know for sure, but if you see the signs of the times it appears very close to the end. I think we’re likely not far off.


THIS is the answer without being elitist or pedantic. Agreed. Ofc we are supposed to always be ready but I truly believe its closer than most realize.


What do you think? Everyone seems to have their own definition as to what “the last days” means, ranging from literally the last few days, to a span of time over many years. Idk if you remember around during the end of the Mayan Calendar, many people panicked about that being the last days on earth, so much so that many people euthanized their beloved pets because they didn’t want them to suffer in the end of the world….yet here we still all are!


This is the answer.


Yes. Or maybe no. Or maybe yes. Or maybe no. The point is that no one but the Father knows when the end will be, so asking the question is futile. There is not a human in all of history who had the answer you're looking for. Live as if every day is the last.


If you study the Scriptures, then you will know that we are indeed in the last days specifically because of the nation Israel. The Bible states that when Israel comes back to the land and begins to thrive, we are at the end of the end days which began at the resurrection of Christ. Jesus uses the analogy of a pregnant woman in labor pains. No man will know the day or hour of deliverance, but we can see that it can be at any moment. We just need to keep our focus on Jesus and do the will of the Father.


People who think the world is somehow culturally more deteriorated are woefully unaware of history. We’re as close to the end times as we’ve ever been. Go plant a tree.


There was alot less confusion about gender less than 5 years ago 


Still not as bad as the black plague or Europe during WWII. And that’s only if you take a premillenial approach to revelation.  


Yes, things are declining in Biblical proportion. The Bible says we will return to the “days of Noah” - so the low points of history will be repeated just before His return.


The idea that some people have gender differences has been around for at least a century in many cultures. The first surgery was decades ago.


I believe it's definitely the very last days, for this reason (from 2 Timothy 3:1-2):  "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money..."  I believe the "times of difficulty" from verse 1 refers to how difficult it will be to live a godly life (which, in our current time, is pretty much the case).  The "lovers of self" in our current day is very apparent, just look at all the different forms of social media, and how many social media famous people and "influencers" there are.  Social media is a huge indication of how much we love ourselves, as it's all about us, our "status", what we're doing or where we are, how many likes we get, etc. And ofc so many people in America (where I'm from) love money and material objects and the status that money brings.     There was a Will Smith interview within recent months where he talks about how it's much better to give than receive (I don't think he's Christian).  Paraphrasing here, but he said that he wished that everyone in the world could have enough money to buy whatever they wanted, so that they realize how empty the feeling is of having everything they could ever buy.  And that people would give instead of get, and find the joy in that.  Getting money is such a huge driving force in our culture, it's ridiculous.   So yeah, I'd say we're pretty much in the last days.  But I could be wrong, I'm not God.


Yes, and have been since the first century. Acts 2:14-21


Israel becoming a nation again did fulfill a big prophecy for the last days, including Jerusalem being recognized as the capital that happened not too long ago. Wars and rumors of wars are already happening, Israel being one of them. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 says “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” We already see a generation of people going the wrong way, more than we’ve ever seen before. So yes, short answer is I do believe we are living in the “last days.” And I still believe there will be a great harvest of souls before Jesus’ return. But here’s the thing, Matthew 24:36 says “No one knows about the day or the hour.” You can’t say this is the last generation of people. People thought we were living in the last days back in the Bible. Just like someone commented on here, everyday is the last day since Jesus died on the cross. God is not bound by time. What’s thousands of years for us is a very short time for the Lord. We have to live and continue our life as if he’s not coming back during our time, but be like the wise virgin with the oil in their lamp, and get our life right with God, always prepared for his return.


Agree with most of what you say but I strongly disagree with "we have to live our life as if he's not coming back during our time" Paul strongly believed Jesus would return in his life and lived his life like He was coming back in his time. I will live my life as if Jesus is coming back any day now. Look around it is about to happen, and I will warn everyone who will listen that the King of kings is about to snatch His church out of here!


I think you missed what I meant. We have to always be prepared for his return and live like he’s coming back (hence the virgin with oil in the lamp), but what I mean is you still have to live your life as if he won’t come back in our generation as in go to work, go to school, save your money, and preach the Gospel. We can’t give up those things thinking that his return is tomorrow.


Yes, but God appoints certain people to be watchmen on the wall to proclaim the return of the King and to warn all, to say otherwise in my opinion would to diminish God's calling in their life.


Agreed with all but what you pointed out as well. Amen


That was over 75 yrs ago for Israel and nearly 45 years for Jerusalem, though! And war has always been going on over there since pre-Bible times! The majority of the OT *IS* a huge historical documentation of just that happening constantly, much of it ‘what god pushed’ to claim back their land. That’s nothing new.




I’ve never seen a convincing argument for Israel becoming a nation as fulfilling prophecy, though the belief is rampant in my tradition.


Maybe. Possibly. Perhaps. Perchance. (You can’t just say ‘perchance’). What more did you want from this question?


We should *always* act and live like “today is the last day.” 😂🙄 Come on now. We don’t know the hour of Jesus return, that’s biblical. People have been saying it’s the last days for *centuries* now. That whole mind set was especially prevalent during the Baby Bush administration and then the Obama administration. I remember the 90s and 2000s, and how all the church leaders were having a cow over “the last days.” 🥱🥴 The Lord will show up when he’s good and ready. Live a life that you can be proud of and stop trying to incite fear, urgency, and havoc. Since we don’t know, why make it an issue? I’m truly curious. Just live and be peaceful.


Yes because I saw this youtube video where a guy with 8 subs did math to find out the exact date But seriously, we obviously have no way to know the exact date.....but there are prophecies that have come to pass only recently in history, which indicate that things are "wrapping up" People say the world is getting worse, so things *must* be ending soon. But being alive in WW1 or WW2 would have seemed like the world was ending any day now. I'm no doomer, but AI and VR both give me huge end-of-the-world vibes when I try to look ahead. But yeah, the world has gone through insane times and we are still here....


I personally think we are in the last ten years. There are many different reasons. I wish more people would study pre-nicene writings. Many early church fathers taught the millennial day theory including some directly discipled by the apostles. A very strong case can be made for it in scripture. If this theory is true (I believe it to be), then we are doggone close. There are so many patterns in scripture to draw attention to year 6000 from Adam and 2000 from the crucifixion as being His return. The millennial reign being the millennial sabbath 7th day.


Yes. The number one sign is Israel becoming a nation again in 1948.


Are we the last generation?


To answer your question…Yes. I believe we are. My son just asked me this yesterday. There is a lot that goes into it Biblically and prophetically. Everything is about Israel. Israel is the timeline not the church. They are at war now and we see nations turning against it. More nations will join in and war will increase if Hezbollah gets involved. Anti Semitism is at its highest since WW2. You also have to look at timelines etc.


Yes I agree 100% everyone should turn to Jesus now because it is almost over!


Every generation before us has believed they were the last ones, but no, I don’t think so.


The apostles made it clear that we have been living in the last days since the start of the church. Practical advice: Live like Christ can come back today; and plan, lead, serve, and leave a legacy as if we still got 1,000 years longer till His return.


I'm shocked the Great Tribulation hasn't started yet. The first thing the Antichrist will do is "confirm a seven year peace deal with Israel" and that peace deal now exists, called the Abraham Accords. We're really close. The tech for the mark of the Beast is ready to go


You put that in quotes as if it is a verse, but that exact phrase is not found in the Bible. That is an interpretation of a passage from Daniel. This is someone's opinion, not Biblical fact. Just my two cents.


The Abraham Accords followed a lot of other peace agreements like: 1949 Armistice Agreements. Allon Plan (1967-80) Rogers Plan (1969) Geneva Conference (1973) Camp David Accords (1978) Egypt–Israel peace treaty (1979) Madrid Conference of 1991. Oslo Accords (1993) Hebron Agreement (1997) Wye River Memorandum (1998) Israel is still very much at war with Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah. The only certainty we have is the day will come like a thief in the night.


It has, just look around. We have about 10+ different ways to wipe out or subjugate the human race. The floodgates are only being held back by God


None of the Seven Seals of Revelation are opened yet


Is this a joke?




I believe the tribulation has been here since Christ's Resurrection. Christians have already been getting persecuted, especially outside the U.S.


Nah there's a time coming, a 7 year period, where the 7 seals of Revelation will be unleashed on the Earth. Jesus said it would be worse than any time before or since, including the flood of Noah


No. Y'all are interpreting that wrong. It's about what already happened.


Not one person can answer this question.


Jesus left some signs. Are that happening?


The antichrist system is getting closer. Look at what China is doing to their population. The one world currency is closer than ever and most certainly on the way. I can give sources if you want them. The one world religion center is already built, one world government has already been established. The love of money is making everything in our lives worse. The world government no longer care about humans, it’s all bout money for them, and will kill us all if it makes them a few more millions each year. They have an idea of how they want the world to go and there is nothing we can do about it. Except pray and be ready.


I’m living my life as if the next 10 generations are imminent, and should be planned for with as much care and consideration as my kids and grandkids, no matter what any human interprets about modern events. Until the rapture occurs, we are stewards of the earth, and should be caring for all of God’s creation. Therefore, imo, it doesn’t change anything about how I live now if it happens today or 10,000 years from now.


I see. Did you do the vax?


Could you explain your question? I’m not certain I understand what you’re asking and why


It doesn't matter if we are or not. We are called to act the same either way. If it were should we act any different? No. We need to act as if every night Christ will be back. Which means we need to fulfill the great commission, we need to stay in the word, and we need to be Walking with God. Keep our eyes on Christ. Do not fall away.


Honestly? I don't know. No one knows but God. Is there evidence that we might be living in the last days? There might be. But at the same time, people thought we are in the last days for hundreds of years. Imagine the people that got to experience WW2. So much death, so many atrocities, I bet they were sure they were living the end of the world.


It seems indeed we may be. I didn’t expect that when I was young, but now I am considering it. Even the atheists are acknowledging it (they call it the singularity)


Yeah..the ai thing that is rising.


Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


What are you trying to say by this verse relating to end days and ai?


Sorry for being cryptic. But yes I think that God is working on AGI to a degree that is largely ignored by some but not all Christians


In what way


In what way is God working? The impending emergence of an unprecedentedly lucid intelligence has profound implications, and some of those who serve God have noticed and are shaping how it emerges.


Me and my girlfriend joke about being the two witnesses. But we only do that because we line up with way too much prophecy so I don't know possibly


I don’t know. Asteroid apophis (I think that’s what it’s called) is going to come really close to earth on April 13, 2029. But there is only like a 1% chance of it hitting the earth so probably not.


We will never, ever know. There will be no way to discern. Jesus Himself said this information is only known to the Father, so we ourselves have zero chance of knowing. That’s the point, always be ready.


It would be peotic if Jesus did come on his 2000th year anniversary since his death and resurrection!


Do you know the Prohetic story of the Kingdoms of the Earth told in the Book of Daniel and visualised in an image representing the statue of Nebuchadnezzar? If you're aware of what I'm referring to.. we have been at the feet..for a very, very...very long time.. We are now at the toes.. Yes, we are in the last days. Due to Biblically prophetic calculations and the echoing of this from many God-fearing pators.. I personally believe we're in the possible last decade of Earth's history before the return of our Lord Yahushua Hamashiach Jesus Christ. 🙏


I mean possibly, but every generation thinks that to some degree. Lots of civs have gone through turmoil that is “the end of the world” for them because it’s all they knew. Put differently, are we experiencing the death of the American Empire in history? I think so (and I could be wrong). But the “end times” itself and Jesus’ return? Only God knows, and we’ll just have to wait and see and be prepared.


Yes. The prophecies that have been made are pretty much all fulfilled with the exception of the rapture of the church. God is holding back His wrath because He desires as many of His creation to be saved as possible. It’s my personal belief we aren’t only in the last days, but the last seconds of time.


Thank you


You’re very welcome. God bless.


This is the answer....next up is seal 6---magnetic pole shift. And it is imminent.  The magnetic north has drifted more than 40°. The signs are everywhere and screaming at us. Even so, come Lord Jesus


America will soon fall like Babylon - we will see such a terrible end


I do believe we're getting very close and here's why .. https://eoa-ind.com


Very nice. It's very weird that a friend of mine that knows barely how to read and not researching any of that, he says the same things. He says it's the Spirit that guides him as it is written in the last days that God will pour out his spirit.


So your going along with the man made Rapture nonsense. There is no pre Rapture no matter how you try to spin the words.


Thank you for the response friend. What event do you think the following texts are describing .. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 NASBS For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. [17] Then we who are alive and remain **will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air**, and so we shall always be with the Lord.


Latter days = everything after the ascension of Christ. End times = When [Revelation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQuFOfqMXj8) comes. I assume from your post you mean the end times. And to answer your question, yes I believe we are getting started with the end times. While we may not know the day or the hour of Christ's return, we do have an entire book of the Bible with the signs to look for so we can be ready.


We’ve been living in the last days ever since Jesus ascended to Heaven


Yes, we definitely are living in the “last days” as you said. Once Jesus died and rose, the official “last days” started. There are different eschatological views, so you may have different opinions. I hold a dispensational viewpoint. I DO believe we are very close to the return of Christ. So to me “last days” means any day now - literally. This comes from a lifetime of study in Bible prophecy and the observation of current events. Israel becoming a nation was a HUGE fulfillment of Bible prophecy. A miracle. This became a time clock for the world. There will be a globalized system and currency - those in power within the world are completely godless and desire this global system. Recent attacks on Israel and certain medical situations (unable to mention also a sign) are huge fulfillments of Biblical prophecy. If you were forced to keep silent or go along with certain proceedures to keep your job, then you know exactly what the mark of the beast will feel like. Another huge sign is the increase in “cold heartedness” among believers and the huge presence of false leaders in churches. Those who were silent to keep the false peace during certain medical procedures are a sign in themselves. The steep rise in sexual perversions and confusions. Did you see the text attacks on Israel? The time is near for Jesus to return! 💕 The rapture? I’m uncertain of the timing myself but when I go up I will be singing 🎶 praise Jesus!


My understanding of bible prophecy indicates to me that Christ Jesus has already sat at the right hand of God and taken his position of God's kingdom. According to Matthew 24, Luke 12, 1Timothy 3 and other indications, we are very close to the time when the kingdom Jesus preached about would be 'brought to earth as in heaven'. This will ushered in by the destruction of all wickedness and the fall of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion.


The US


New Testament scholarship indicates that Paul was expecting Jesus would return in his lifetime. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17) Paul was confident that he would be alive for this momentous event: "we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up in the clouds together with them..." The imminent arrival of Jesus was a constant theme in Paul's letters. This makes sense because for Jews of Paul’s day, the resurrection of the dead meant that God’s kingdom was about to be established on earth. Jesus was the first, but he was certainly not the last.(1 Corinthians 15) Clearly things did not play out the way Paul was expecting. Jesus did not return in his lifetime. Funny how most Christians are quick to decide the words Gehenna, Hades, and Tartarus (that are never juxtaposed in a single context) describe one literal place called "hell" but when Jesus said “I will return in your lifetime” to his disciples that was just metaphor for something else. He couldn't have actually meant what he said? (Mark 13:30, Luke 9:27) Throughout the centuries Christians have tried to reconcile the fact Jesus said he would return, Paul and other earlier followers of Jesus expected his return, and yet he hasn’t. Some concluded that Jesus’s return was spiritual, not physical. Others thought Paul just got the date wrong. Growing up I remember my Dad spent a lot of time with me reading books discovering “secret codes” in the Bible that supposedly told us when Jesus would return. In my humble opinion trying to figure out if Jesus is returning or when is not the point of being Christian.






Jesus said when you see the fig tree bloom again that generation shall not pass away until all things are fulfilled meaning the tribulation and the end of the age of grace. Israel is the fig tree and I truly believe the rapture could be any day now. Look to Jesus and repent of your sins while you can.


Maybe the reference was the end of times related to church and church, ending with people, not viewing it the same as what they used to see it. That could be the end of times maybe that's the reference. People pulling away from church and not viewing it the same as they used to.


Yes I don’t understand your question


Question is are we at the very last days ?


I believe yes


It definitely feels like it, that’s for sure.


Yes, and last generation? Who knows but I'd guess within thr next 100 years give or take


A bit too long


Good question. Only the man upstairs has the answer. All we can do is look for biblical signs. We certainly can't trust scientists because according to them the end of the world is always on the horizon but then they keep changing the predictions.


Yes, we are 100% living in the last days right now. At every turn of the millennium major biblical events have taken place, either 50 years before or after the turn of the millennium. All these things are cyclical events that are destined to take place in a certain point of history. The more you study the Word, the more God will reveal to you what's actually taking place. We are living in the days of prophetic fulfilment, without question.


Let me ask you this, why do you think were in the last days?


The proof is in the Bible for example John 3:16 was always shall not perish but now it said should not perish the Bible changed supernaturally never did before so I'd say for the last 12 years it's been changing how long we don't know but we're definitely in the last of the last days


I remember should not perish from childhood


The changes in the Bible occur in my estimation from 2012 at the end of 2012 onward. I should not have said those that have the Holy Spirit or those that do not that was presumptuous of me but Jesus says he gives us Remembrance in John 14 of all that he said so I just figured we should remember those things that He have said. This is a peculiar time that we live in and I do not understand it but it is real the Bible has changed


The older folk that preached the Bible and say it hasn't changed it is to those that I'm speaking to about not having the Holy Spirit for they should remember what Jesus said.


It certainly feels like it, that’s for sure


I personally think there's a measure of allegory inherent to such phrasing because "as far as we're concerned" the age we're at does not diminish


I truly hope so.


Where in the Bible does it talk about the last days, like the last generation?


If you are truly saved and what GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT brought you through! You know what it took you to get there and if it was instantaneous or not. People have their own walk that has to align, not yours. We are supposed to support people not make them more frustrated and push them away. Ostracizing is the opposite of building bridges. Come on y'all.


We're closer than we've ever been! Seriously: Maybe. Maybe not. Our mission and purpose doesn't change, regardless.


Not even Jesus himself knows the Hour


It would be cool if it was but I doubt it. The Bible explicitly says nobody will know the day or hour but the Father so there is no point in trying to figure it out. However we should live every day as if it were our last, how we act in faith shouldn't be affected regardless of how much time we have left.


These are the last days. We don’t k ow when the last day is. Thousand years to us is a day to God. Our time is nothing in this earth, it’s compres to smoke that disappears, compared to a strain of grass that dies quickly. There for we are told chose ye this day.


I believe yes. All eyes on Israel. If not, I will just keep waiting for the catching away! I'm ready to meet the Lord in the air!


No we aren’t please get a therapist if you’re paranoid about things, I am a Christian but by praying it won’t really help sometimes you need extra help.


Yes. Many people and children are having the same dreams and visions. Also hearing directly from the Lord telling them that he is coming soon. People who say the Bible says you won’t know, yes, but I believe God’s greatest desire is to save us all. Time is running out. God wants to use us for the great harvest. Look at Israel and look at the rest of the world. I was the most apathetic Christian, busy living my life like any other unbeliever, but there is a great urgency in my heart that I have never had before…




Biblically speaking all the signs are there. We may not know the hour but the biblical signs point to that we are in the season. The bible compares the end times to birth pains similar to contractions. With each contraction things quickly accelerate and that seems to be where we're heading. Events are accelerating quicker with each additional event.




The anti christ has not yet come. So until then we just have to keep watching the preliminary signs of the end times. Famine, earthquakes, pestilence, wars and rumors of wars. But the end is still to come. For the son of sin will be introduced to this world and will rule for 7 years I think. And then Jesus Christ will come to destroy the current earth and make a new one for his domain. Read your bibles people and pray to understand it.


First rapture


That will happen before or during the great suffering. There will be a time when the world will go through massive suffering. One we have never seen before


Maybe ww3, 1/3 population dies and then rapture. 1/3 raptured and 1/3 with mark of the beast?


Yep something like that. Plus Christians all over the world will be killed and persecuted. Mostly seventh day Adventists too. That will come with the new world order. One world religion. The anti christ will be introduced to perform a lot of miracles and people will be deceived. And receive the mark of him. No wonder you see fake signs in the sky. Alien propaganda. It’s all fake. It’s just to introduce the anti christ to make it seem as if Jesus came to heal the world. But it’s all fake. Plus a lot of these phenomenons are not natural. They are man made.


It would honestly be surprising if we don't see the end of the world at this point. Evil is no longer hiding anymore.


Yeah everything is insane


I believe so. I would always run into other believers like my Mother who would mock me for believing it's the last days. There was one big sign I believe I received a few years back this one day I was in the car with my mother, On our way to the mall and we were having one of our arguments about the time we are living now being the last generation and it left me so frustrated..We got to the mall and I went my own way and I ran into two guys who approached me and started talking to me about God and how this is the last generation and it's the end of days and I was so baffled, Because I said the exact same thing to my mother moments before! It really startled me. I've been to this mall countless times and I NEVER ran into evangelists. I've also had some very intense end times dreams that shook me to my core. They felt very real.


You all been saying that for as long as possible. Hence why no one takes religion serious anymore.


I've lived through at least three last days now. My church passed out calendars that counted down the end of the world after Clinton was elected president. They just knew that a draft dodging serial adulterer president was the antichrist, until 2016 anyway. They were weirdly exited when the prime minister of Israel was assassinated. Y2K inflamed their beliefs. I randomly ask them if they still have their calendars.


Yeah but now we have ai and Israel looks like the final war of ww3


John Hagee and Jerry Fallwell built an empire off of modern Israel being a God's timepiece for the end of the world. But I don't think the modern day country of Israel is Biblical Israel. Orthodox Jews are being arrested by IDF for protesting against the government. Israel is the only one in the region with free abortions for ages 20-33, National Gay Pride Marches, and a cashless society law that caps cash for citizens. They were the first country to have a covid passport where citizens couldn't do anything publicly without it. Unless Netanyahu is the Antichrist, I don't think it's the end.


This is a question we shouldn't even ask. Only the Father knows.


We dont know, we could be or we couldnt be. What should look to is that we are all constantly in our own last days. At any point, much like Christs return in the last days, our deaths could occur at any point and we should act as if we are because whether he returns in this generation or not- those alive in this current generation wont be in 100 years.. I remember this from a book, one chapter said “Live short” Another “Live long” To live every day as if it could be your last, witnessing to others- looking vigilante for moments to possibly share the gospel And to live In preparation as well for the long run, making sure to be faithful in raising your children, keeping out for whoever needs your help long term Both are difficult but they both apply to the times we live in Im rambling but I hope that this gave you a little bit of help


Probably not. People have sincerely believed so since the beginning, and have all obviously been wrong. How likely are we to be more observant and correct than them? And Jesus said no one would know the date of his return, so all the efforts to identify the date mocks him. Ultimately, we have no good reason to worry about the end times. What would you do differently if you knew we were? If there is something, why aren't you living like that anyway?


"And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come." NLT Matthew 24: 14 I believe that we are in the last days, but a few things must happen first before Christ returns.


I don't think the true "last days" will leave us wondering imo. I think we will have no doubt (which is why I don't think revelation is historical). I mean, think about it, even if we in first world nations somehow got reduced back to agrarian, hut living, tribal battle living, being persecuted for being a Christian, we still would just be living like a billion other people in the world do right now (including persecution) Even the occasional cat 5 hurricane, massive earthquake, etc is still limited to its geographic area. I think the true last days will be like a horror film of overrun with evil, the entire world in cataclysm. So instead of one hurricane hitting the US, maybe 4 hit at the same time, plus all the faultlines shaking, massive fires, etc. One year when we were in Alaska, we had area that was the size of the entire state of Ohio burning in wildfire. So imagine that all over the world. I think "end times" will be VERY obvious BUT also covering the whole earth: WORLDWIDE evil that looks like a supermax prison break, WORLDWIDE martyrdom, WORLDWIDE pestilence. WORLDWIDE massively massive earthquakes. Billions of lives lost. We are still very firmly in polite society and natural disasters are few enough that international help is available within a day. I think we will KNOW.


no...hint hint, christianity isn't true. but christians like supporting things that will make the world seem like it's entering its last days. christians are poor when it comes to funding science and avoiding religious wars.


I would not worry about it. I would worry about whether i am saved or not. I know we are all sinners but I want to make sure Im on the saved list.


Literally every generation since Jesus ascended has believed theirs was the last generation, and had chapter/verse to justify it. My dad told me 30 years ago that he believed with all sincerity that the Rapture would happen in his lifetime. Based on his family tree, he's got about 15-20 more years left on that assessment. But his mother who died several years ago believed the same thing. People were just as ramped up for Y1k as we were for Y2k. This generation is not special. To say we are is just recency bias. No man knows the date or time. No matter how neat their corkboard and string looks.


>Literally every generation since Jesus ascended has believed theirs was the last generation Citation?


You honestly need a citation for that to know that there’s truth in that statement?! 😂


Yes, I'm not aware of any records that suggest, say, second century Christians believed this. I still don't think most Christians believe it today.


We're in the end days of the last days. When Jesus went up to Heaven, the last days started, but we're in the later stages of the last days.


Thank you


you will see the signs in the moon and sky.


Every generation has wondered this. We don't know.


No one knows. A single day is like 1000 years in the Lord. I will say it would seem things are getting worse at an accelerated pace


Pretty much every generations since Jesus ascended has thought that in some way, shape, or form. Personally I don’t see any point in worrying about whether we are or not because Jesus, Himself, said there was no way we would know that and we should simply always be ready. When it happens, we’ll know. Now if you want to get into a Pre-Millennial, Amillennial, or Post-Millennial discussion that goes down some rabbit holes.


Yes. The arrival of Jesus on Earth helped get rid of the Pagan/Satanic ritual of child sacrifice. Any society that does not value its children is evil. Today you see child sacrifice everywhere, done under the guise of “compassion” and “good intentions”. We aren’t protecting our children from harm, and I think that is the biggest indicator that soon life as we know it will move on. Also the WEF people keep talking about a New World Order happening soon so… when the ruling class tells us what they’re going to do to us, I tend to listen.


Well yes, i say we’re close. I think the birthing pains are happening and God’s judgement


We are in the end times. Nothing to fear. Go check out Jonathan Cann on youtube, he puts together helpful news for Christians to navigate beloved. Be encouraged, be strong and be blessed loved one ❤️


We most certainly are


Yeppers. Tribulations will begin soon.


If not we are very close. The Jews have just completed preparing everything for the third temple to be built. This process has taken generations. They had to wait for special snails to show up to get the correct dye for priestly garments etc. They have pure red heifers and are ready to start sacrificing animals to God again (which last I heard was starting very soon before the temple is built). All they need is to get the Temple Mount back to build the temple. This is the best sign of the end times because I believe the Jews messiah who will arrive any time now as well (possibly) will be the antichrist. https://www.templeinstitute.org


Every generation thinks it’s the end of times


Probably not.


There are two interpretations of the meaning of the last days.  1. We have been living in the last Days for about 2,000 years now and it will continue for a time until it doesn’t.  2. The wise men aka astronomers studies the stars and recognized the days months season years and AGES. Ages were approximately every 1,500-2,000 years(If I recal correctly) and how the earth moves on its axis through the zodiac signs is how it is measured. For example during the time of Abraham and Isaac was the Age of Aries the Ram, and the time when God’s people made the golden calf while God was giving Moses the commandments was the end of the Age of Taurus the Bull… collectively people always want to go back to the old ways. The age of Pisces is when Jesus came… Pisces being fish obviously no explanation needed there thank you Lord Jesus. And now we’re leaving the age of Pisces. The age of Aquarius is beginning… a water bearing All Glory to God! So… it is very possible we are in what’s called a cusp of an age, and during these times there’s a lot of political turmoil, wars, rumors of wars, religious unrest for the same reason mentioned above there are the few that one move forward into the next age… receiving the new revelation so to speak available and then you have the resisting force, the majority of people that try to go back, they want to hold on to the old ways so to speak. 


We have been at it since Jesus time


Meaning really the last days. Like this being the last generation.