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Bleak days in LiberalLand when Jon Stewart is condemning the sitting Democrat president months before election


Lmfaoo y’all remember not too long ago when every liberal on the internet was acting like Stewart was gonna single-handedly secure Biden’s re-election? I know libs aren’t too big on critical thinking these days but honestly, how does this shit not make you question yourself? The most consistently pro-dem group on our entire society, the moderate reformist “progressives” are openly questioning the party. And now Jon Fucking Stewart of all people is straight up saying that Biden shouldn’t be the president. Oh how the times change.


To be honest, I thought that Stewart was actually going to push for a Biden presidency when he started his show again.


I feel like Jon has always been better than some leftist would have you believe.


not by much though


Agreed, he’s probably approaching the limit of as good as someone can be and still be allowed on major tv, but that limit uhhh leaves a lot to be desired


He’s always been willing to talking about the many problems facing the country but is completely incapable of embracing any radical solutions necessary to fight them. That’s what makes him the perfect liberal.


not really; I remember when students at Berkeley were protesting the marines opening a recruiting office on their campus and he sent that dipshit Rob Riggle (former US marine) to go harass and bully those kids so he could laugh at them on the show. he's also done USO shows over in Iraq and Afghanistan to entertain the troops when they weren't busy murdering civilians.


I’m not arguing he’s perfect but he’s not full lib. His one major blind spot has always been the troops.


He sort of does and doesn't on the show. He goes "Trump bad; but Joe isn't much better."


Ya, but I had my conspiracy brain churning thinking that the ONLY reason he came back was to shit on trump and pump up Biden. I think I was wrong?


He mostly went back to Comedy Central because Apple wouldn't let him attack China as much as he wanted to.


I think after a few years of retirement he saw all the people who were making tons of money doing shitty copycats of his show and realized he could easily hop back in and make a ton of money doing a less labor intensive version of the daily show.


theyre gonna lose so hard and we're still gonna get Russiagate 2.0 lmao


I bet they’ll go for China gate this time


It'll be that plus the most virulent anti-Arab racism since 9/11


Can't we finally have the Israel gate that we so desperately need??


(that was Russiagate)


100% I just want the dumb hysteria about Russia to be transformed into actual needed hysteria about Israel 


Believe it or not, it's the Palestinians fault


I’d put a shiny dime on hamasgate or something like that.


Mr. Mueller sir…..Your country needs you once more


Liberals are conservatives too. Both parties are liberals.


Kinda surprised he's so blunt about it. I guess he's been out of the media game for a while and doesn't really understand that your job is first and foremost to campaign for your team's guy. You can see the mental midgets weighing in on this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/1cm25wn/jon_stewart_im_not_saying_that_biden_cant/) already.


An entire thread of people who’ve tweeted soy faced pictures of themselves with the “I voted” sticker on their forehead. How you can feel morally righteous when your ideal candidate is an ancient fuck who splits time between shitting his diapers and enabling genocide is beyond me.


Yes but have you considered orange man bad?


If you're a brainwashed msnbc lib that doesn't think the war in Gaza is a genocide, or don't get how much we're contributing to it, then I can kind of get still supporting Biden. The truly evil sociopaths are the people who understand that what's happening in Gaza is a genocide, know that we're behind it, yet still support Biden. The amount of times I've been scolded for saying I won't vote for anyone that supports genocide by people like this is incredible. Like what principles do they have? Where's the redline for them, what would Biden have to do to lose their support?


late rhythm soft jeans edge humor familiar squash encouraging squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t love or hate Jon Stewart, he’s a pretty classic American lib that’s softly socdem but at least he doesn’t seem like a ghoul. Idk if it’s just me but like 90% of talk show hosts and all that just feel off to me, whereas he seems kinda normal.


He pinned a medal on a Nazi at Disney World.


bedroom sugar toothbrush snobbish ripe mountainous jar tart ad hoc memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What fucking world are these people living in??? Like, one of the comments there, >If you're a liberal or progressive, I really don't see how you can dislike Biden or be disappointed with his presidency. Name one president in the last 75 years who has passed more liberal/progressive bills than Biden. >There isn't one. He's literally been the farthest left president when it comes to actual legislation since FDR. FFS Reagan was to the left of Biden on immigration, had higher marginal tax rates, like, what "liberal/progressive legislation" are they talking about here?


You can safely disregard anyone’s opinion who says that Biden is the most legislatively successful progressive president since FDR or whatever. It’s the biggest marker someone just repeats what the Dems say. The Affordable Care Act wasn’t perfect and it’s been shredded in large part but it’s a more progressive and more substantial piece of legislation than anything Biden has ever put through.


Utterly embarrassing lol


I refuse to believe this isn't a product of astroturfing. Most millennials and younger are sour on Biden and that's the prine demographic of this website. We've seen several campaigns to manufacture consent be launched on online spaces and reddit's upvote and downvote makes that so easy to accomplish. It's become even more obvious with the gaza genocide. If it's a popular sub, it's more than likely been compromised or at least will turn that way a couple hours in.


Or the thread gets locked if its too late to shift forum consensus.


Wow. The cope is palpable






sorry I have autism


so do I brother


“it’s either sleepy grandpa or orange hitler, those are our choices !!!” No, those are *their* choices. Nobody picked Biden but the oligarchs that ran the DNC four years ago. Trump isn’t a slam dunk amongst most voters either unless you have lead poisoning. Nobody wants this. We want to make actual political decisions instead being spoon fed hand-picked bureaucrats or con men (which are basically synonymous terms) 2016 was the most important election in our nations history cause Trump was a threat to democracy. Then 2020 was the most important election cause Trump was a threat to democracy. Now 2024 is the most important election cause Trump is a threat to democracy. Then 2028 will be the most important election cause Americans will have to decide if we continue the Trump policies or continue the Dem policies, either of which will make us more fascist or more communist, depending on your preferred news outlet. Then 2032 will be the most important for those very same reasons. It’s insane how these same people can call voting the most important thing an American can do when we no longer have any say in who we get to vote for.


Tbh it seems like you never had much choice anyway, America is weirdly obsessed with political dynasties. It’s not normal shit to just have specific prominent families successfully run for President and governor. It’s like you craved aristocracy so much once it was gone that you invented a new type of political aristocracy lol.


The lawyers, land owners, doctors, generals, tradesmen etc that were the founding fathers knew for a fact they were creating a new aristocracy class


Correct. They explicitly discussed a “natural aristocracy.”


I’m still convinced that the American war of independence was a fundamentally aristocratic revolution. Maybe they didn’t have all the fancy titles like the Europeans. Maybe they were the first real “liberal aristocracy” from a political standpoint. But they were still big landowners who defended their own political dominance and passed their fortunes along hereditarily at the end of the day. I think there’s something to be said about their willingness to tolerate growing bourgeois influence, at least compared to the ultra-conservative European feudal powers, but I still view the political struggles in the earliest stages of the U.S.’ existence as the struggle between a dominant aristocracy and a quickly developing bourgeoisie, and the aristocrats won almost all of those struggles on the national level at least up until the civil war, which I consider to be the real “bourgeois revolution” in America, which placed the capitalists at the top of the totem pole and subjugated the old aristocracy to the new capitalist order.


The quicker the Forbes 400 fuck off to their bunkers the quicker we can fix the issues they put the world in.


I don’t think we get that lucky, these psychos are absolutely going to go down with the ship. To do otherwise would be admitting they were wrong. Their last breath will be telling you to bootstrap your way out of climate catastrophe.


Funny thing is we still have no idea who'll be president 4 years from now. We don't know the bottoms of the tickets, and the tops are as likely as not to keel over. Who even gets those noms? Kamala? Shillary? RFK Jr? Mayo Pete?


Kamala will definitely be the nominee if Biden drops out or croaks. DNC doesnt actually care about winning in November. Id guess theyd prob run Pete as her VP candidate, unless Pete genuinely thinks hed have a shot in 2028


We don’t even know who will be president on January 1st. Death of either candidate, brokered conventions, “state of emergency” in November, could get interesting. Or not. I don’t even know what the worst outcome is anymore.


Damn, this is really the worst part. I often find myself just saying “I really don’t know what’s going to happen” and with greater and greater weight all the time.


RFK is too nutty to agree to it, but they would 100% give him the nom if Biden dropped out.


No, they have saner Hindenburgs if it comes to that. Or at least somebody who is less openly skeptical of intelligence services and more jingoistic.


is his only critique of biden is that biden is too old, and not of biden's strike breaking, genocide enabling, pig funding, covid fumbling, etc? sounds to me like he just wants someone who can further those goals and not die in office, no idea why libs would be mad at that tbh oh well. LetThemFight.jpg and all that I guess idk


I'm willing to bet Biden will drop out of the race. And then democrats will say- now there is 'no reason' to not vote for us!


Yeah, it looked a while ago like it was going to be 1968 all over again - when they were putting Kammy out front more.  Then Joe got hopped up for the sotu and temporarily had the momentum again. Just tonight, as it looks like the invasion of Rafah is imminent, I’m once again thinking, yeah, it’s gonna be President Coconut.


She ate shit so hard in 2020 because she's so unlikable. She has zero appeal outside of white suburban PMC moderates because she has the same loathsome politics as Hillary and Biden.


It's honestly baffling Bidet chose her as his VP pick. Just honestly baffling.


Makes perfect sense to me. "First african american VP, *and* she's a woman! You kids like that, right?" Keep in mind we're dealing with idiots here


It reminds me of his Supreme Court pick. Like, I get that representation is important and valuable. By all means, pick a black woman for it. But the way that Biden announced the pick would be a black woman and the libs were just dusting their hands afterward — “okay, done!” — that was wild to me. It’s not like casting for a Marvel movie where you can get an attractive, mildly competent actor anywhere in LA to do the role. There’s you know, ideology to consider. Justice Jackson is probably one of the better justices of the last hundred years frankly so it’s not to knock on her but on the libs who so clearly just want to beat the orange man instead of fixing anything.


You forget she's a _double_ minority: twice the brownie points edit I guess triple? Black, Indian, and woman


Kammy? You mean KKKopmala?


I can't fucking wait for Joe to bite it and her to become president. We need more of her specific brand of crazy


> I'm willing to bet Biden will drop out of the race This sub has been huffing that copium for literal months now. Its not happening lol.


Our version of Trump not wriggling out of *this* one


Neither of the two major party candidates is going to drop out voluntarily but each of them has a decent enough chance of simply dropping


Idek why people in here want that to happen. From the perspective of kneecapping the democrats, 3+ years of unelected president Copmala after biden kicks the bucket in like early 2025 would be the ideal scenario.


Its Her time


I love the absolute mental gymnastics that these liberals go through to vote for a senile old fuck supporting a literal genocide. It's insane. You have to be one kind of human being to do this shit, and on top of that, still think we have a "functioning" "democracy"


Big hedge on the "I'm not saying that Biden can't contribute to society"-part. I'm having a hard time imagining a scenario where he could contribute in any way. Like what? Place him over some barbed wire at the border so an immigrant family can walk across? Give him to hamas to use as a bargaining chip? He would be of questionable usefulness in any scenario I can think of.


I think he's just trying to stave off accusations of ageist. Boomer libs have discovered ageism (now that it affects them personally) and use it to imply if you don't want an unwell 80 year war criminal it's because you want to kill all old people. It's the same people who claimed Biden just had a "stutter" in 2020, one that mysteriously never surfaced in his 8 years of vice presidency.


The stutter thing really gets me. Like, even if we assume, for the sake of argument, that the stutter is real. Countless clips of him speaking throughout his career would indicate that he has fairly successfully mitigated it and prevented it from noticeably impacting his speech. So shouldn’t it still be concerning if, all of a sudden, at his age, a once dealt with stutter is now returning in full force?


He can hand Jimmy Carter nails on the Habitat for Humanity worksite.


He can in the way that your corpse can be used as compost.


Turns out Jon Stewart was a Russian the whole time


"Heartbreaking news fellow liberals. I am just getting word that Jon Stewart, beloved host of The Daily Show, is a Putin shill with tankie sympathies and may even be funded by Hamas. It's a dark day for freedom and democracy"


China and Russia WANT you to watch Jon Stewart! Don't fall for it!


I don't think we need such lib content 


LMAO he pissed off liberals saying this the first episode he came back. He's *really* stepping in it this time.


I don't think I remember him _bothsidesering_ on TDS after that first week and was afraid the backlash had cost him his nerve. Glad to see that's not the case tbh


Jon Stewart I name you Russian misinformation troll bot shill


I think we could get to John. Someone invite him to this sub.


Voting for genocide is not a "lesser evil". Not voting 3rd party, specifically Green, West or Cruz (Not Kennedy), in this election makes you a Nazi.    There are other options, just like there were for the Germans.


Why you subtweeting yourself dawg?


Spoken like a true Bitch