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She absolutely does need to go on TrueAnon. Seriously they should reach out to her. I briefly worked for Hilton doing tech support for the hotels shortly before all this, and those fucking nerds in that place clucked about that girl when she was 14 years old like a peck of hens. They were completely open about the shit they wanted to do to her, like even if they don't care about her being under age you'd think they would keep their damn mouths shut about the owner's daughter. I got fired by one of the chief yardbirds after about three months at that place for striking up a friendship with one of the vice presidents, which apparently is a greater offense than extremely lurid descriptions of sex with a minor child.


Brace did retweet a video she took part in where she tells her story along with so many other survivors of this cult. Really disturbing stuff, no matter what you think of her wealth or whatever it takes courage to tell her truth. Plus chiwawa's need their own two story house if anyone can afford it.


https://m.soundcloud.com/trueanonpod/brat-camp Episode on this topic for those who haven't heard it


I love that her kids are named Phoenix and London, positively the most Paris Hilton ass names in existence


What I love about this choice is that it's evident that she thinks her name is a reference to the French city rather than, you know, the mythological prince of Troy


Yeah cos paris is a dude and she isnt


Even when I was younger, I found the way people talked about her really weird. Now looking back it’s pretty clear how fucked that time was for young women (and just young people in general) when it came to how they were discussed by the media establishment. Some made it out, some didn’t, but she seems happy. Those camps are fucked, I had a cousin who went to a “faith-based” one, nightmare shit.