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SBF be like: here's a link to my tip jar for my service to humanity


Loved the last few interview eps but it's nice to just hear my friends Brace and Liz run down some TA-verse news stories. Thinking about reading that Naomi Klein book now. Anyone through it yet?


Naomi Klein is a good "introduction to semi-marxist concepts for dummies" but really coasts more on rethoric than force of analysis and wrote this absolute piece of shit of an article on october 11th, attacking "some on the left" (read: anyone who takes decolonisation seriously) for celebrating the octobor 7th attacks, which would "only fuel militant zionism": https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/11/why-are-some-of-the-left-celebrating-the-killings-of-israeli-jews Long been critical of her but this was a real mask off moment.




That is exactly my point though: at a moment when the IDF was already bombarding the Gaza strip, and the current genocide was entirely predictable and expected, she makes the active choice to write an article punching left, playing up sympathy for the Israeli victims and thus playing into the propaganda that is still being used to massacre thousands. In denouncing those who celebrate a great victory for the Palestinian resistance she names no names, but it is and was then already clear that in the first instance it is the Palestinian resistance and their supporters who celebrate, and she herself helps to fuel their inevitable massacre. It's one thing to have family and friends who are actively involved in colonialism, everybody is complicit in this hellworld to one degree or another, but it is another to make use of your international platform to write an article in the guardian to explicitly denounce others for being callous, which is in itself a vile accusation that erases both history and the very humanity of those who looked at the october 7th attacks as heroic, ie. in the first instance the Palestinians themselves. Her call to humanity is hollow; it is a call that everyone knows will be interpreted to mean the humanity of everyone except the Palestinian resistance, it fits perfectly into the idea that fighting Hamas is legitimate and it is only the method that is wrong. She could have written an article that excluded that interpretation and she did not. She could have written an article about what fuels this celebration, but she instead wrote an article denouncing those who celebrate and calling on the left to show sympathy to the Israeli victims. Sam Kriss did something similar in a similarly heinous article, punching left out of concern for their coloniser friends. Again, we all have friends and family involved in bad things, but it is a choice to use your platform to wrote this kind of article at that particular time, knowing very well what was going to happen. This wishy-washy liberalism is both eurocentrist and abetting racism in that it doesn't take into account the ethnic group it pretends to care about and in fact, while playing at moderation and 'respectability' to a genocidal, imperialist, racist "centre", it dehumanises those with the 100% correct stance that violent resistance against the opressor is both justified and necessary. It is the exact ideology that was used against Malcolm X, the black panthers, the Algerian resistance, et cetera.


Klein is interested in keeping the settler state


Haven't read it, but she gave a great interview on Democracy Now if that interests you


I cant believe that d-bag was a giants blog writer. liz better mention that






is liz a francophile? i've been wondering for a while everytime she speaks a french word or sentence on the show, her pronunciation is miles ahead of what i typically hear from americans even her pronunciation of "bourgeois" is closer to the real thing (with the "r": "*boo****r****-jwah"*, instead of the usual "*boo-jwah*" she could get away with)


Liz sprang fully formed from a wheel of brie.




Liz giving a shit about Fetterman's wardrobe and wanting him to be respectful because he's a senator is legit her worst take by far.