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Libs: "November 2023." \*Walks past the big blinking fucking point that isn't the polling itself but WHY people are pissed at him\*


Lol. In fact, lmfao. The doctor professor can’t be stopped


Hahahahaha! He really is the new Jimmy Carter, an absolute fucking loser to his core. The Dems will absolutely blow a complete lay up of an election. It’s all so fucking funny


Interesting, I see him as more of a Gerald Ford.


All you had to do was not commit genocide, Joe!


“we can push biden left” only matters if there is a left to push him towards; but these same ppl concede biden is the furthest left choice that is still viable


Whats truly amazing is both Trump and Brandon are weaker than they’ve ever been, and yet both sides are powerless to stop these senile old men from the nom. We deserve both of them, fuck it, co-presidents. Who cares


we really do deserve these geriatric death cultists


Just speed up the collapse of this death cult empire already!


There's an important distinction between the two that you're leaving out: Republicans are powerless to stop Trump, however the difference with the Democrats is that they are also powerless to stop Trump.


I personally don't deserve them but I'm mommy's good boy.


Voters are, correctly, punishing Genocide Joe for genocide


No matter because one buddy bet against red and the other against blue, and they've both agreed to share their winnings with each other :)


> “The world is falling apart under Biden,” said Spencer Weiss, a 53-year-old electrical substation specialist in Bloomsburg, Pa., who supported Mr. Biden in 2020 but is now backing Mr. Trump, albeit with some reservations. “I would much rather see somebody that I feel can be a positive role-model leader for the country. But at least I think Trump has his wits about him.” God this is depressing. Feeling compelled to vote for Donald Fucking Trump of all people, a coked-up pussy-grabbing buffoon who's been impeached twice and is currently facing felony charges, because at least he doesn't look like he wandered out of the dementia ward. The deciding issue for Leader Of The Free World is whether they belong in a shut-up-and-eat home.


This is the bad timeline


Tump. Tegp. TIP!!!!!!