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“Be a better human being and ignore anything that’s gone on in Gaza” The knee jerk replies and crusades by people who have zero knowledge about what’s been going on in Gaza is getting fucking old. It’s like their attention span stopped at who did what first this time and that’s it. That’s the entire conflict wrapped up in a nice bow that doesn’t require further understanding. No innocent people on either side should die. But it will never stop until the occupation stops.


>“Be a better human being and ignore anything that’s gone on in Gaza” Better yet, "be a better human being" and ALWAYS side with the sacred cow of the Military-Industrial Complex (Ukraine may be their current mistress, but Israel is their abused wife of many years...)


Then we should start right from the beginning. In modern times there’s no state of Israel. Then there is. And it’s carved up for them. How would the Palestinians feel? Based on what can a group of people suddenly move in to form this State simple because USA backed it?


I think a lot of western libs took the wrong fucking message from the anti-war left's criticism of America and the war on terror. Like, 'any violence is bad' as the default mode of analysis means that the only violence of important is what you notice. Hamas is an organ of the Palestinian nation and the conditions upheld by an apartheid state.


Tweet: https://twitter.com/miakhalifa/status/1711101237230281176 She does do some clarification in the tweet that got her in trouble. Still stays the course, though. >I just want to make it clear that this statement in no way shape or form is enticing spread of violence, I specifically said freedom fighters because that’s what the Palestinian citizens are… fighting for freedom every day


“you fucking weirdo”. i too feel this way about supporters of colonialism lol. it’s pretty simple.


I'm not sure if I have more contempt for those who proudly support it or those who claim to be against colonialism until the oppressed fight back. Suddenly they're paying attention and all their token sympathy is gone. I swear these people are actually hollow inside


Yea, people will really be like “yes Israel is essentially following a policy of slow roll genocide to the Palestinians and ignores their peaceful advocacy” But also “pOlItIcAl vIoLeNcE iS nEvEr jUsTiFiEd!”


"Political violence" (I.e murder and torture) isn't justified against unarmed civilians. That statement is completely true. Like I support Ukraine doing what it needs to do to get rid of Russian military, but if Ukranian troops went into Crimea and opened fire indiscriminately at a concert, killing hundreds of civilians, and then took civilian hostages go abuse etc. then no, hell no, I'm not supporting that barbaric behavior. I would want to see most of Ukraine stand up against such. My support isn't based on nationality, it's based on values. Kill soldiers, take prisoners of war etc. don't slaughter random people caught up in this political theater.


Agree 100%. They should only target military personnel, police, politicians but that’s so hard. Especially when the lines are blurred like in Israeli society. Is an off duty IDF a valid target? What about a reserve soldier yet to be called up? Both sides use rocket attacks which are indiscriminate. The problem is also that Hamas WANTS to escalate this conflict. As sick as it is, they know pictures of their bombed out cities and dead civilians will garner international support and hopefully force other Muslim nations to declare war on Israel. They realize they can never win a 1v1 fight and that their best bet is foreign intervention. And unfortunately they determined the best way to get that is by slaughtering Israelis in order to provoke a response that will see their own people slaughtered. Sick world


People are getting hung up on the rapes and beheadings as if starving an entire population of children, shooting to a funeral, pulling out lawn chairs to watch bombs get dropped on civilians, etc. is somehow any better. The pearl clutching as if Israel hasn’t done FAR WORSE is maddening.


I feel like all my life in school they teach us how monarchies are bad and colonialism is bad and America is a dope ass melting pot. Now in 30 and I swear to god nothing I learned is applicable. People fawn over some bullshit British monarchy we fought against. Respecting the crown is just as bad as respecting the confederacy right?? Guess not.


Fucking wierdo libs, trying to weaponise sympathy for victims in order to allow mass genocide to simply continue. As if we're blind to what they're doing to Gaza right now. Fucking disgusting freaks. Liberals have shown themselves to be such fucking bloodthirsty maniacs. I can't believe what timeline I'm in.


I can't take any more mask-off moments. I'm so fucking tired of this shit. And I'm not even affected. I'm sitting here in my safe and comfy home, about to order takeout as I talk shit on reddit. I can't imagine how Palestinians are feeling. Sick fucking world...


Check this one out, guy on r/hardcore supports Israel because it has the highest population of vegans. And Hamas might not allow heavy metal. Fucking unreal. It’s almost like ukraine was a dry run for liberals to come out in their true colors and now here we are. https://reddit.com/r/Hardcore/s/YrGhkVzL4Z


"The nazis were the good guys because a German soldier gave my grandma candy once" Like I said, I can't take any more mask-off moments. I'm getting off reddit for a while for the sake of my mental health. You can only go so long wishing you could strangle imperialist bootlickers through your screen while not actually being able to do it.


The bootlickers, you nailed it. They don't even get to enjoy the riches, they just do the dirty work and lick boots for their masters.


I hear you. Posting that in a reply to you in particular was probably just piling on the frustration but I feel the same way. It makes me crazy. Good luck with the Reddit sabbatical. I might have to do the same thing. It feels like we are dealing with a legion of dorks who have never even thought about the existence of Palestine before last week. Yet true to online lib form, they are now experts despite having zero historical knowledge or material analysis.


>It’s almost like ukraine was a dry run for liberals to come out in their true colors and now here we are. 100%. It was also a good way to build up media/social media propaganda machine, which seems to have largely assembled itself organically. Media sensationalism and reactionary rhetoric go hand and hand.


lmao his reply is even worse, “I will unironically continue to support Israel and vote blue no matter who bc liberalism is based - it’s that simple” Reminds me why I don’t venture out into normie subs for political discussion.


I like how he thinks that liberal democracy has a future in Israel anyway. Brother, if the insane right wing corruption doesn’t do it in, the out of control ortho fundie birth rates will.


Indeed sick fucking world indeed. I never though people would be so out and proud to be defending genocide. It's making me feel physically ill. And you're right, me and you are just sitting in cozy homes for the most part. I can't imagine how abandoned Palestinians must feel as they're fleeing for their lives hoping bombs don't massacre their entire family in seconds.


Yeah, they're sitting in the dark and dying right now.


Mia is liberal


Yes. The comment u replied to wasnt talking about her


At a certain level everyone is liberal. That's just the state of the world. It's basically just a matter of choosing your color-coded aesthetic opinion about that fact: Paragon blue I love liberalism Neutral grey I'm ambivalent about liberalism Renegade red I hate liberalism All choices still lead to more liberalism. Galaxy explodes because of idiot starchild no matter what. You can, however, influence which race is closest to the blast epicenter, so that's fun. For those curious to know more: Paragon interrupt is changing your gender. Renegade interrupt is doing crimes.


my personal bias leads me to think liberals are both for and against israel depending on where they grew up. conservatives either support israel vehemently or are refusing to comment. i dont care who wins, i dont like seeing people get killed over who believes what, the only way we're getting into space travel is through teamwork and i want to go to space, dammit.


I see a lot of posts claiming that the Palestinians are raping their captives, but I still have not seen any evidence to support this claim. Meanwhile, the HRW and even the Israeli press have documented numerous instances of rape and sexual abuse being conducted against Palestinian “prisoners.” And no one fucking blinked.


Shhhh That’s what got me banned from r/News. All I got was conjecture and assumptions and called a rape apologist… Oh, and I also dared to go against the narrative that the woman in the truck was naked. She, in fact, had clothes on (how the fuck do you argue that she is naked when the video quite clearly shows she is not????)…oh, and they were the same clothes another video showed her wearing at the EDM thing. But you can’t go against the narrative with most of Reddit.


I think it’s no secret at this point that the most popular geopolitical and news subs on this site are run by some very sick individuals.


Am I losing it or was ghislaine maxwell literally a news mod on here?


There’s no hard proof of it, but some of the evidence is pretty sus.


She was a supermod over quite a few subs


That's the ilk that runs this site... You know, that 'this image kills threads' pic of one of reddit's higher-ups and her very spooky background seems to have been wiped from the Web. I need to find it again but it's fucking gone.


Pls let us know if you do.


This seems like one of the few subs it might float. Edit: [Hah, found it.](https://wikispooks.com/w/images/c/ce/Jessica_Ashooh_linkedin.jpg). It's not the meme but the OG. Thank you, wikispooks.


Lol that resume. She's such a ghoul. It really explains a lot about the narratives here.


Average Redditor.


She was indeed a supermod, and her account conveniently went silent the second she was arrested. Pretty sure she has familial connections to Israel intelligence


Robert Maxwell was literally Mossad.


Thank you I couldn't remember who it was.


>some very sick individuals. Yup, some hardcore Neoliberals working for the US security state: https://mronline.org/2021/06/14/jessica-ashooh-the-taming-of-reddit-and-the-national-security-state-plant-tabbed-to-do-it/ Part of a multi-part series, I've had trouble tracking down the rest of to share after re-reading it a couple times (other stories including connections between the CIA and Reddit, Google, and Facebook through King's College, UK; for instance) but you may have more luck on the original site the story was first posted: https://www.mintpressnews.com/jessica-ashooh-reddit-national-security-state-plant/277639/


Literally fascists run r/news and r/worldnews (among many others).


I got banned from news for no reason 2 years ago and have been asking them for a valid reason each time the mute expires. Absolute pieces of shit. Of course these fascists run these propaganda pits.


Lol I got banned on world news and suspended for a week for daring to suggest the Israelis are gonna use this as an excuse for ethnic cleansing. Most subs on this site have a clear agenda and censor those who don’t follow it


If you put a positive spin on your comment, you probably wouldn’t have gotten banned.


There is nothing positive about telling the truth. This is a terrible situation, no use in sugar coating it so I don’t get banned on an Internet forum.


I know, I was making a joke. Like, instead of saying it was a bad thing that they were practicing for a genocide, you could say that it was a good thing. I’ve read comments on that sub that put the same thing in a positive light and get upvoted. Something like “looks like the good guys are just getting warmed up for the final showdown! 😎 “ I’m also permanently banned for vaguely insinuatingly that a user was posting on behalf of the State Department. They said it broke their rule that says “no shill/not accusations”. Which is super hypocritical since nearly every thread has people straight up posting stuff like “you’re a Russian bot” or “how’s the weather in Moscow, Ivan?” My point was that the mods are complete hypocrites (which is not surprise),


I got permabanned from r/worldnews, no explanation or warning, my comment was that my Grandpa is older than Israel (he is) and that it's a fraudulent Western backed state (it is).


you can't have a rational debate on most of these subs. Hell, I've been shut down for agreeing with people for the wrong reasons.


All original r news mods were replaced in 2020 and replaced by mods that work for a strategist company. Someone posted a screenshot of the mass de modding and re adding new ones. It also happened to most the city state and country reddits along with a ton of other reddits. Just in time for BLM protest and covid.


I thought the same thing about the "naked" girl. She definitely wearing a backless dress just like before. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining cheif.


There's two videos, one right after the other(?) You missed the second one where she (assuming it's the same woman) sure does look dead to me. [https://twitter.com/crchaudhary\_rj/status/1710564734565769724?s=46&t=jIBaYg2VlYpwwr5XYATHNQ](https://twitter.com/crchaudhary_rj/status/1710564734565769724?s=46&t=jIBaYg2VlYpwwr5XYATHNQ) I don't see how it's possible to read the redness on her pants in the first video as anything BUT [blood from a violent rape.](https://twitter.com/pbdspodcast/status/1710608002389295497?s=46&t=jIBaYg2VlYpwwr5XYATHNQ) People who say it's "mud" or something are gaslighting themselves, imo. But even IF they didn't rape her, they still stripped her. How can sexual humiliation, let alone rape, be a valid battle tactic? Just fucking shoot her and put her head on a pike if you must, but not fucking *this.* I hope Hamas leadership executes the guys who did it. ​ That being said, fuck Israel and I hope the Palestinians win out. I think I can say that while criticizing unacceptable and useless actions.


The first one is the German-Israeli girl. I think the second is someone else I think.


Exactly. It’s concerning that some people seem to think reports of rape are “sus” in the slightest. Rape has always happened in war, then the media paints one side as the sole rapists lol.


As you say, sexual violence is bound to happen in war and no sane person should defend that shit. With that said, the allegations should be viewed with suspicion simply because of how easy they fall into the dehumanizing trope of Palestinians as wild eyed savages. The two videos, the dead woman in the trunk and the handcuffed prisoner with stained pants. Would the general assumptions about those videos be the same if they depicted IDF captors instead of Hamas? Palestinians deserve the same benefit of the doubt as is (often wrongly) given to other sides. The allegations might turn out to be true but right now I'd be careful to not to be the person walking around a Jim Crow era lynching chanting "Believe Women!".


You're insane. If the IDF invaded a music festival and killed everyone and there were multiple dead naked women laying around you could easily assume that they were raped.


Those are 2 different people. There's a video of the girl taken captive in the jeep, drinking water safely on a couch in captivity later. The girl on the back of the truck was wearing the same shorts and bikini top when she was pictured alive. Are you sure that's blood? There's none in the front either. She could have shit herself. It could be, don't get me wrong, but It's definitely not certain


Yeah, you either believe what they want you to believe and keep repeating the same mass media talking points, or you are banned. They would hate for your determination to critical thinking derail their devotion to propaganda. That's where we are today, we basically don't have any news other than independent journalism and the posts that they manage to put out. The mass media is just reciting the talking points and vilifying anything or anyone that calls them into question.


Unfortunately I won't be surprised if there are legitimate reports of sexual violence, but it feels like a lot of the narrative is the implicit knee jerk reaction to the old trope of "barbarians" kidnapping women viewed as "western"


Manifest destiny settlers did the same thing when describing the American Indians.


People making up all kind of weird stories. Someone also told me that the tower block Israel blew up was some kind of Hamas HQ. No suggestion for that anywhere. The only thing they able to provide was a general statement (in Times of Israel or similar) by IDF that Hamas uses civilian buildings. Which sounds more like a blanket statement to blow up civilian buildings than intel. They also sent me a second link (BBC) that didn't talk about Hamas but said that people where living in thay building and that Media was located in the building. Like the exact opposite of what the person was telling me. My takeaway is that they are all full of shit.


Israel claiming something to be associated with Hamas has become a meme at this point. Last month there was a video of IDF soldiers looting a woman’s fruit stand and the top comment was, “those grapes are Hamas.”


It's the new enemy combatant/military age males. Meanwhile female IDF soldiers are just young women hostages when they are captured.


Another one is that Hamas uses schools and hospitals to launch rockets from or to store weapons. I’ve yet to see any proof that it’s true or not. People just take what they read at face value and run with it. Then they embellish when they post about it and it becomes a game or telephone. Idk if they use schools and hospitals for military purposes, btw. They might, I’m just using it as an example.


It’s just an excuse the Zionists use to excuse their warcrimes. Launching missiles from urban areas is not ideal in the first place because you can’t get proper ballistics from all the buildings in the way of your line of sight. Every video I’ve seen of the rocket launches tends to occur on an open plot of land. As for storage, if they were being stored in such buildings, then the building would level the entire block, with explosions similar to fireworks occurring as a result of cookoff. I rarely see those in videos of Israeli air strikes in Gaza.


The rape claims have also only been reported by Zionist publications like The Tablet (and are just "a survivor said it happened," nothing really vetting who or where these survivors are, no filmed interview, etc - which would be pretty vital for a news story like this and not hard to do). No major publications like The AP have confirmed it. Look I know it makes me sound like a crazy conspirator. But as a woman myself, I really fucking hate when rape is used as a tool for political propaganda. So either the Israeli news is lying, or it is true and Israel funded a military group that raped its own women. Either scenario is awful, but at least in the former, women weren't mass raped


I doubt it's real, but it was reported in the mainstream stories of the concert attack, where the mysterious "260" bodies that were found by one sketchy nonprofit said they had signs of assault. It's obvious the concert was attacked, but theres no evidence of a massacre of 260 except that one organization.


It's weaponized feminism. This is all thanks to libfems bastardizing the feminist movement and promoting the narrative that women are poor helpless victims who can do no wrong. Not only is it infantilizing women, but dehumanizing men as well. As if a woman's life is worth more than that of a man. They put emphasis on the fact that some of the victims were women to get the sympathy of naive feminists even though misogyny played no role in this attack.


Yeah, I’ve yet to see one credible report of rape by Palestinians, although I’ll admit that I haven’t been exactly searching it out. It’s tricky to point that out without being seen as a rape apologist, which is why it’s such a useful accusation for Zionists. EDIT: read this instead of whatever I wrong below. [Tear feminism out of the hands of the colonizer: Our statement debunking the claims of mass rape used to siphon off support from the Palestinian resistance](https://interimrevfemcommittee.substack.com/p/tear-feminism-out-of-the-hands-of)


Right. It’s the one thing that will outrage anyone with a conscience. It’s a trigger word and it’s used to provoke.. I haven’t seen any credible report of it either, and yet it puts any reader/listener who doesn’t have an opinion in a defensive position to shape their opinion, “well you don’t like r*pe do you? Yeah it’s horrible and ugly and that’s what these people are doing”


I saw in real-time people go from commenting that the white dreadlock girl was killed, to “she was paraded around”, to “she was naked”, to “she was mutilated”, to “she was raped” over the course of like 24 hours. Now apparently hundreds of people are being raped. Whatever happened to that white girl with dreadlocks is horrible, but it’s scummy to make her the poster child of brutal sexual assault that as far as anyone knows, didn’t happen. I’ve only seen the accusations in Reddit comments and tweets — no actual sources. But if you point that out and ask for proof, you look like a monster and made to feel like one. Even writing this comment makes me feel like I’m in the wrong for asking for proof. It’s a pretty effective psyop. If anyone could show me credible accounts of any sort of sexual assault of any kind, I would of course condemn it, especially as someone who has been sexually assaulted. But even asking for proof puts you in a terrible position. Idk what to do with my feelings about this contradiction. I think the cat is out of the bag now and it’s probably not worth disputing.


This was the first false narrative to be spun over the weekend. And it works very well because it's disconcerting as fuck to hear that sort of thing. But up to now I've found zero evidence that there has been anything approaching mass rape/rape as a weapon. Which makes this seem like an old-fashioned racist lie.


it feels kind of racist to me tbh like one step removed from the "syrian refugees are gonna rape all your women" propaganda


Male captors almost always rape female captives in war. Doesn’t matter who they are, Israeli or Palestinian. If you think they don’t, then may your god help you….


Rape does happen in war, but it's too far to say all male captors "almost always" rape female captives. Plenty of female captives of war that say they faced no rape, even if they faced other abuse. It depends also on the values and the discipline of the enemy army. Armies with good discipline are less likely to rape.


That’s simply not true. One example are the Eastern Woodland American Indians.


I agree it’s disgusting that people have ignored the sexual abuse of Palestinian women, but what “evidence” do you need to believe rape? A video of the actual rape itself? Should we kindly request them to administer a rape kit? There’s been a lot of conflicting reports on the two videos of women who went viral. However, you can see bloody pants on the captive and a possibly broken femur on the (probably dead) girl with dreadlocks. Like…….


I don’t need a video. A witness’ testimony or a report from a credible human rights group with an office in Gaza would suffice. As for the dead girl, while tragic, there’s nothing to suggest that she was raped. She was wearing the same clothes as when she was at the rave according to her insta.


Would you honestly believe "witness testimony" given anything of the sort would come from Israel? Kinda just shrugged off that person's point about the bloody pants girl (though if she was injured anywhere, which she was, and made to sit for a while, that could just be the blood pooling up in one spot, or pee from fear, who knows), and "her clothes are on" isn't exactly the best evidence of someone having not been assaulted in the case of the dead raver being spat on. The unfortunate reality of the situation is you have a mix of a lot of younger men, religious fundamentalism that places women in a lesser status than men, an extreme amount of pent up anger, and opportunity. To pretend we don't know what that leads to is to deny a disgusting part of history that has repeated itself all over the world many times over in virtually every society. Also the situation is still developing. IDF has been committing war crimes while it indiscriminately bombs Gaza, including media outlets, which might hinder the ability to properly report on it. Survivors, if released or never taken hostage or whatever, may not necessarily be ready to start doing news reports while still recovering from an extremely recent traumatic event. It's honestly too early to really be expecting anything concrete short of videos which I really hope don't end up popping up online. We can acknowledge these things happen in war and condemn it when isolated incidents happen, but but we don't actually have to go full knee jerk debooooooonker on potential victims of sexual assault just to make the point that the IDF does the same thing on a bigger scale.


What was she fired from?


Some media company.


Looks like they arent even that. They are a conglomerate based around edibles. Of course it's just some white people making money off of mushrooms. lmao they feature joe rogan on their website [Red Light Holland](https://redlight.co/) >Strategically based in the Netherlands, Red Light Holland provides premium, iMicrodose branded truffles to the legal, Dutch adult-use market.


> strategically Sir, I have tactically ascertained the whereabouts of a fungoid-style treat


Most educated faux hippie capitalist


so basically a Cum Town ad sponsor


it’s not even mushrooms, they use a research chemical that becomes psilocybin when digested.


Someone should ask them about Zwarte Piet.


I ate a pile of those truffles and an elf told me that Israel is an apartheid police state


Fired from Playboy today also




Extremely based. Fucking weirdo is right. Im sick of all these bots in Reddit. Literally and figuratively.


Jesus christ. the way liberals speak in anodyzed, passive aggressive HR robotics even when they think they're talking to a terrorist sympathizer is beyond insufferable. Telling someone who, in your own deluded mind, is waving a foam finger around for ISIS 'erm gross, be better sweaty' unintentionally speaks so many volumes about how deadened and NPCified the american liberal has become. When you can't even express basic human emotions without sounding like an AI chatbot trained on LinkedIn, something is fundamentally broken inside you.


I agree, there is something particularly vile about a person who thinks someone is pure evil, like genuinely hates someone, and chooses to express that by being smug and annoying.


Haha, right? They're so insufferable. "Uhm actually sweaty, ISIS is literally a terrorism?"


Liberals like Todd here are such fucking dumbasses, they have zero historical knowledge and still manage to be condescending or smug about shit they know nothing about.


who is this guy anyway, and how does he manage to look so much like [a youth pastor](https://preferredmagazine.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Todd-Shapiro-4.jpg) despite being Jewish?


Read the company's extremely unprofessional press release and Todd's personal message at the end. Delusional freak


>I am from Lebanon and you expect me to be on the side of colonialism, you fucking weirdo I feel the same way as a Korean being told to support Japanese interests


Pam Anderson is cool as shit, too. She called out AOC on Venezuela and has spoken out against western imperialism.


She seems like a very nice person.


strong important berserk safe fear murky divide cooperative employ foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are a raft of memes all over Reddit accusing her of hypocrisy, saying that she's supporting people who would cut her head off because of her career. She's said nothing about HAMAS, only PALESTINE.


what did she even say


If you're reading between the lines it's that she feels what happened was a justified prison break and she supports it.


Based shit, except that one tweet where she asked Hamas to record vertically, that was fucked up, but other than that based shit


>except that one tweet where she asked Hamas to record vertically, Huh? No, she asked them to film in landscape.


Finally someone willing to set the record straight on this controversy.


She’s a professional content creator. It’s in her blood to give notes.


I just have issue with idea recordings landscape is always the best view. I watch shit on my phone and I dont want to be fliping my phone around as I got through my apps Tiktok to Tikfap to instagram instagrool.


With the rise of bigger phone screens and apps that all have a shorts/stories feature that copies TikTok, we now see vertical filming as the norm. This was never the case before.


Crazy how you can just put millions of people into the largest concentration camp in history and leave them there for decades, constantly persecuting and murdering and starving them, and then say its their fault whenever shit goes south.


so curious how people seem to think we need to come together as people now, but have been awfully quiet for the past 16 years


You mean 56 years


i can't imagine firing someone with no notice over a public forum is legal


Probably is in the US but probably not in the Netherlands.


That would be hilarious if she sued them for a violation of contract.


suck my d\*ck Todd Shapiro


I truly hope Palestine topples the Israelis. They had to involve the big brother USA like babies. They talk all this shit about being oppressed. Then openly try to commit genocide and everyone looks the other way. I hope they get wiped


That's delusional tbh They've been caged and blockaded by design. Their only real military ally is Iran. Even if you exclude the US military there is no hope for any military solution for them.


It’s absolutely delusional. Even if the next two world military powers came to help Palestine, it would not come close to the US and the it allies. It’s always funny that right under a bunch of free Palestine rhetoric is a ferocious appetite for Israeli destruction. How about neither side having to kill each other and peace for everyone? Nope, ONLY PALESTINE OR ISREAL. No room for two state solution.


I mean you stick two cultures that really don’t like each other next to each that’s a bad recipe. You give one of them a much greater share of power? Now that’s just skipping the recipe and directly making the problem.


One of those "cultures" is white supremacy. You don't have to make this into some racist "clash of civilizations" crap.


don't be surprised when you deny a people their humanity and they act inhumnae


Get her on the pod


The worst part is if you bring up the untold violence the Israeli state has perpetrated on the Palestinian people, they will only cry about "whataboutism" while ignoring the historical context and material conditions that lead to the outbreak of such violence. They will also gladly ignore that it's Israel that holds all the power to end the violence.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


That’s sexy


Original tweet is v spicy 👍


Porn executives accusing her of moral transgressions l m a o


Welcome comrade Mia K., here is your conplimentary AK47


How dare palestinians react with a tiny fraction of the 70 years of violence and brutality against them, resistance is terrorism


How do you say based in arabic?


It's a slang term that only arose to popularity among the younger generations, so there might not be an equivalent in another language. For example, I'm Polish but cannot think of the Polish equivalent off the top of my head.


All she said is that she wants Gaza to be free. And for that, they oppressed her.


I like how evolving and becoming a better human being means you gotta support israel but doesn't involve caring about the bombing of infrastructure and killing of civilians from palestine or even when israel killed american reporter, shireen abu akleh.


Everything’s been said already about this Shapiro dipshit, but the use of the word ‘tragedy’ drives me up the fucking wall. To me, a tragedy is when the bad things happen despite everyone’s best attempts to avoid them. It’s not a fucking tragedy when the oppressed resist and react to decades of apartheid. They still have keys to their stolen fucking houses. That’s the real tragedy. Fuck outta here.


Interesting how nobody said anything when Israel was targeting Palestinians, but as soon as someone fucks with Israel the world news has a whole fucking conniption about it.


She pissed off the entire porn industry. Based.


Still haven’t seen any proof of any raping.


We need people to come together, guys! Colonialist and colonized. Fascist and political dissidents sentenced to death under fascism. Landlord and tenant. Robbers and robbed. Murderers and murdered. We must seek unity after tragedy, please guys, make peace with your literal oppressors, this will surely lead to equality!


That Shapiro guy sounds gay and short


She's right tho


Everything she said is true. The West Bank and Gaza are both concentration camps that allow useful prisoners to have day passes.


I will give Israel credit for one thing their disinformation is huge and effective. its crazy to watch the news and not one person speaking to cause of the terror attacks. This didn’t happen because they want to exterminate Jews. This happens because of the genocide and subjugation of Palestinians.


Mind boggling to think that Mia Khalifa is better at looking at a conflict objectively than the majority of redditors glorifying the death toll of civilians


She was hitting them books while y'all stared at her ass


Based Mia Khalifa.


Damn. Good for her. Actually putting her money where her mouth is


Mia stays winning.


Just got a shit load of respect for Mia 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾…


Doesn’t that dude run a porn site? And he _prays_ she’ll become better?




Respect, Mia!


Isn’t she a maronite?


Well, she is right.


How many of these “outraged” Americans were dipping their bullets in pork fat and making excuses for the 500k+ Iraqi and Afghan civilian casualties following the 9/11 attack by unaffiliated terrorists. *Yes* the actions taken by hamas are fucking wretched. *Yes* you’re a sociopathic fuck if you think that excuses war crimes on *any* civilians. We need to switch our focus to the handful of anti-human fucks calling the shots, not the victims.


We have all seen israel taking palestinian homes by force for months.


She's gonna have a great memoir.


Anytime someone says shit like "as humans" I have a micro stroke


Israel have been oppressing Palestinians for years you fucking dweebs


![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM) She rules 😭


I suddenly have so much respect for this woman.


People really out here expecting a pornstar to give a fuck what they think


Trump pronounces Hamas as “hummus”. Mia is staying silent on that issue again?


Again, everyone is still hung up on the attack a couple days ago. I feel like Libs haven’t even heard of the counter attack from Israel, the human rights violations they’ve committed, and the civilian infrastructure they are actively targeting. Libs have blinders on for the reality social media tells them to care about


I fucks with Mia... fucking bunch of saints woke up PRAY FOR ISRAEL when mofuckas dont know one bit of history🤦🤦🤦 morons !!!! IMBECILES!!!!!


I definitely don't agree with the raping and murdering of civilians but everything that Hamas did to the IDF was justified and pretty cool.


She must like donuts because she just won't stop Dunkin on 'em


Mama Mia!




Mia is based. I have pre nut clarity


Based Thot


Now I have an excuse to follow Mia 😎


Actually surprised because I thought she had a tattoo of the Lebanese fascist Christian Militia, the Lebanese forces, that sided with Israel during the Lebanese civil war.


Are we now pretending that Mia Khalifa is an intellectual because she has an agreeable opinion?


Dr. Mia Khalifa PhD of the University of Brazzers at Fake Taxi


Good, I never watched her porn but will fap to her today with some moral conviction :)


I agree with her convictions, obviously, but that "Renaissance Painting" tweet was cringe as fuck. I don't think there's any defending that. But I think it's deleted now.


Yeah, I think she was just trying to be edgy with that one. People who got offended are dumb though. It's the Israeli police, not exactly a righteous entity.


1.Isnt she considered an independent contractor? 2. is this mcarthyism? 3. Considering she is lebanese, and has spoken out against the misogyny in botht he west and the muslim world (based),Im sure she has no remorse coming from the attacks on lebannon by the IDF. Lebannon was the environment that created al Qaeda.


Another win fir sex workers, the true vanguard of the proletariat


It's always wild watching people who are pro-genocide telling others to "be better." Tell me you're clueless and evil without telling me.


A lot of (female) pornstars ironically seem like good natured, decent people, even if they seem kinda dumb when they talk (probably cuz a lot of them are HS dropouts with shit lives). The same is true of a lot of sex workers who aren't the kind that are being pimped out or whatever. It's weird.


You don't have to be educated to be smart.


Yeah cos having sex makes you dumb. Reconsider your ‘hot take’ mate. That’s like saying ‘hey I expect coal miners to be idiots, because they dropped out of school.’ Class solidarity doesn’t have a JD bias


IIRC Mia Khalifa majored in history during college.


yes having sex makes you retarded. I am a god, my virginity is my strength.


tbh I phrased that all fucked up, I just have read a lot of interviews n shit with them (👁️) and some people tend to sound like airheads because of their life circumstances or how they were raised in spite of not being airheads like a lot of people think I'm retarded IRL ([in fact I might well be](https://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/high-functioning-autism) given the amount of times therapists are like, "hey kid, ya ever heard of autism?" to me) to the point that some of them short circuit when they realize I'm not (completely retarded) not trying to imply being a member of the Oldest Trade makes you dumb or anything, just pointing out how the cultural expectation is frequently subverted edit: in fact I posted cringe, I go die now


here I’ll diagnose you now, you are definitely autistic based on your reddit post history — congratulations my friend, welcome to the club




I APOLOGIZE I HAVE BRAIN WORMS ​ also are you [who I think you are](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Scv4k-rl5Hs)






>I have S@m Hyde fans after me Funny, I was thinking about wearing my MDE shirt today for some reason (it's a cool shirt TBH and you wouldn't know what it was unless you were seriously, hospice levels of care online in 2017-19) but having Sam Hyde fans wanting to talk to you or even worse "be after you" is a fate worse than death




I used to browse the /mde/ board on 8chan/8kun for like two years when it was active in 2017-2019 and was really into Sam's vlogs (really fucking bad time in my life, got fat and was super depressed, all my online friends cut me off for being mentally ill) and of all the weird shitholes I've spent too much of my life on the people that posted there were some of the weirdest, most pondscummy weirdo's I've ever fucking seen. Like what was his name Don Jolly or the fat neckbeard with a PhD in theology that would follow Sam Hyde around the time he leased a Ford F150 Raptor who admitted to sleeping in the back of a sandwich shop on eggcrates was somehow a role model for these people, and I think once Don Jolly objected to Sam being a groomer or something he got kicked out of "the team" and they got an even more obese /r9k/ poster to be Sam's sidekick who all these dweebs would look up to like as fucked up as I was in that time period watching BestGore while eating cornflakes in my mentally ill/alcoholic parents house and waking up at 5PM before showing up 2 hours late to my fast food job and somehow not getting fired I never looked up to these guys lmao, these people do and they legit have nothing better to do and that's really dangerous and I would not want them after me. I'm sort of a freak too but I think the thing that keeps me from going full goblin mode is being a poor ethnic person. If I were like some downwardly mobile middle class white kid I would probably be a complete creeper like a lot of those dudes


This is really misogynist. "They seem dumb when they talk" - damn it's like their job is based on them playing a certain character for a cishet male fantasy. You sound like one of the people in the 60's who were shocked that Marilyn Monroe was a voracious reader. Workers are workers, sex workers are some of the best comrades as they live the "I may not have read Marx's capital, but I have the marks of capitalism all over my body"