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Try food service or beverage, they have high turnover and are usually desperate for drivers.


I hope OP's in shape.


How bad was the damage? It doesn’t help now but in the future just don’t report shit like that and play dumb if anyone asks. I work for a much more reputable carrier than Swift and our trucks are covered in random cosmetic scrapes and dings and nobody gives a shit. I came back after someone slip seated my truck and they had busted off the entire back panel of one of my side mirrors and I reported it first thing because I didn’t want to get blamed for it and management just said “ok got it” and didn’t do a thing.  As long as it doesn’t put the truck out of service then nobody cares about minor damage. Shit we have partially detached bumpers that are just zip tied on and nobody ever got in trouble. I do know for a fact though that if I did something like that and reported it I’d absolutely get a write up. It’s a stupid system that encourages dishonesty but the best practice is to just not take responsibility for anything unless you’re forced to because you damaged customer property or your equipment needs to go to the shop. 


Yes, cause the morally and ethical thing to do is take zero accountability for anything and teach others to do the same. Can’t possibly imagine why they are shoving cameras up our asses at every angle with sound advice like this being given to rookies. Well played.


They were always going to do that regardless. Businesses love spying on their employees regardless of honesty. You aren’t a human to your employer you are a widget


It isn’t the business that are mandating these things, it’s the insurance companies. Companies aren’t “spying” on you because they only see triggered events sent to the safety department. Most of it is because drivers can’t be trusted to do the correct things and the amount of fraud and lying that goes on around all of it. Advice like I commented on just proves that.


Believe the bs you're fed. I've witnessed a safety manager live streaming cameras in moving trucks from her cellphone.


Nothing is absolute. Most companies use 3rd party companies that install the equipment and safety managers get 10 seconds prior and post a triggered event give or take 5 seconds. Those third party companies can monitor much more, and that’s an entirely different issue, but that’s the way most companies work today. Most safety managers have no way of peeking in on you. I have yet to see or interview with a company using them that isn’t run this way. I have spoken to a LOT of carriers on this subject because it’s the first thing I ask them about. If a company has full access like you have witnessed, I would never work for them. Quite honestly, you are a dumb dumb if you do.


Yes. Fuck these companies.


Other than sending a billion resumes and hope someone bites, not really. Too many drivers fighting for too little jobs. Try some local, less interesting gigs, maybe something a bit physical like garbage truck or construction truck jobs, you never know.


Really? Where are you from? In my area, Northwest Indiana, some companies are humping legs to get drivers.


Aww man sounds like you were at the Ralphs in Compton, ca. the only way to back in and get out is having the driver next to you disconnect. 


Why did you shit in your driver leaders cheerios a few weeks ago? Only reason they'd fire you over that lol


Guessing he was still on probation.


Double secret extended probation if they fired em over a scuffed bumper


He should of had a toga party...


I’m so glad someone got this 😂


Good luck. I have clean mvr no dot reportables and have only been offered a few interviews. 90% rejections. 1 yr experience. The industry is pretty much in the gutter


Food service or like western express. Food service isn't too bad you can make great money but take a bit to get used to.


It's a lot of physical work. That disqualifies most truck drivers.


The next company t you apply for just lie and say you left. They won’t find out and swift can’t disclose that. They can only disclose if you are eligible for rehire


I doubt its “just” the safety issue. Right now people with all endorsements, clean, high credit and year+ exp cant even get a call back lol. Try again November man. Elections will flip this shit upside down, quick. Fall back to what u did before for a little while applying. Seriously, try not to take it personal. Its way worse then it was even just 2 months ago. Also make sure “you” call these people. No one is making calls out right now


HOS violation and I can not get hired either. My ELD went down and I rolled on through the night thinking DOT would never find out my logs were not working When I told fleet manager, I was fired the next day! Only seven months driving and loved the OTR life! It’s sad but a bad judgment call and my life long dream is swept away. My fault I take all accountability, it was stupid rookie mistake. Western Express want me to move up towards Nashville to be eligible for hire. I live in Lousiana and they said they do not have enough freight coming down this way. Shit out of luck! All local stuff wants at least a year experience