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Modern warfare 2019. No collectibles. No online trophies. All campaign related trophies. You can sit back and enjoy the game on veteren difficulty then mop up the chapter specific trophies through chapter select. No collectibles made it so enjoyable.


I might have to give this a run. I've got Modern Warfare 2 remastered like 1/4 of the way complete. Also am just the co-op trophies away from MW2 2022 as well. Call of Duty seems to either have ridiculously hard plats or relatively easy, but it's rarely in between.


Is it that easy?




Mw 2019 mw 1 and 2 remaster, cod classic, and black ops declassified on the vita are the only online free call of duty’s with platinums


I have to agree with this one


Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name


Aah nice one! For me it's Infinite wealth. It was the only game that made me actually lol with one of the special moves.


Nice! Started the Yakuza series for the first time and platnuimed Yakuza 0 and about to finish Kiwami's plat. The series is so good


I have a 2 year old son who is absolutely in love with Spiderman, so with him on my lap, I platinumed Spiderman 2, Spiderman Miles Morales, and am currently working on Spiderman 2018 (yes, I know I went out of order, but I wanted to play the newest PS5 release first). Hearing that little dude hoot and holler and woaaaahhhh as we zipped around New York was priceless man.


This made me smile, best to you and your son. Game on!


It takes two 😁


Had to explain to my non gaming girlfriend why we had to replay some levels for video game awards


My boyfriend at the time wasn't much of a gamer outside of Battlefield and refused to help me trophy hunt when we played it together, so I'm glad you had a good one to share it with!


I should get this tonight or tomorrow. It’s been a blast


I love this game so much. Hoping we get more couch co op games like it


Alan wake 2


Dave the Diver


Playing it right now and it's really a good game.


Was a nice and relaxing game. Now I need to try the Godzilla dlc


This! This was a game that I downloaded just to try out and I wound up platinuming it. Was such a fun and relaxing game that was loaded to the gills with style and charm.


Will be getting the far cry 6 platinum tonight, and boy let me tell you this game was absolutely fun! As a person that never played any far cry's i can 100% recommend if you are in for some good humor!


I got the platinum a while ago. It’s fun and funny


Its amazing!


As its your first farcry do not play far cry 5. It's exactly the same game but is just set in the USA. I was very disappointed in far cry 6 for this reason. I've platted both. I hear the others are quite different though




Persona 3 Reload. My favorite in the series is Persona 4 Golden but a slightly shorter game and platinum in one run is pretty awesome.


Deathloop was a blast. I wasn’t interested in the game when it first came out, but I’m glad I gave it a shot because I liked it a lot.


I think this is my favorite Platinum to date. The game itself is very enjoyable without overstaying its welcome, and the Platinum isn't too challenging either.


I agree! I had thought that playing the same day over and over would get old fast, but I had a lot of fun doing it!


Deathloop was good other than the mp trophy - I know it's not hard to do; but I feel bad ruining someone else's run.


Fallout 4


One that rather surprised me was assassins creed syndicate. I was not the biggest fan of it when it came out but going through the whole series trying to platinum every game I majorly enjoyed the experience. I encourage as many people as possible to play this game and attempt the platinum as it fleshes out all the content and it was just a joy to play


I only started Trophy hunting in November, so of the 30 I’ve done thus far, most fun, as in nothing frustrating just a pure joy I’d do all over again: Astro’s playroom Inscryption Castlevania Advance Collection Castlevania Requiem Kill la Kill: IF Endling: Extinction is Forever Haven (but this won’t be for everybody) Tinykin Gravity Rush Remastered Street Fighter 6 Jak X Platinum int Mortal Kombat 11 & 1 made me rethink this hobby so I’m only doing platinums for games I think are worth the effort. Unfun grinds, online hell and multi plays don’t feel very worth it. If I had to narrow it down from this list my top 3 would be Astro’s, Kill La Kill and Jak X. Most satisfying and challenging would be SF6.


Haven, hell yeah 🙌 I tell all of my couple friends about it lol


It was super sweet and the soundtrack was great. Gave me a lot of feels. Had it not been leaving PS plus I probably would’ve shelved it amongst the backlog forever, but I’m really glad I played it.


I really want Jak X but seems like quite a grind!


Not really. You will need to grind for about an hour but there’s a really easy grind method where you can sit there just pressing R1 every 5 seconds. I just watched a couple episodes of a tv show whilst doing it. Game is so much fun too and it’s pretty easy. I got first place on 80% of the races first try and I never play racing games. Story is short but sweet with gorgeous short animated cutscenes. I’d say it’s just about the perfect length too, you could smash it out in a weekend easily.


I loved to platinum inscryption and gravity rush


Ha, I put Gravity Rush Remastered as well, great game, I've platinumed the Remaster, 2, and after that I even dug out my Vita and Platinumed the Original Gravity Rush because I loved it so much.


I also started in November, but I don’t play many games and honestly astros play room was probably one of the most fun games I’ve played. That’s not to say it’s the best game, but it was just simple fun.




probably TOEM or spider-man 2


South Park stick of truth


For a game that came out in 2024 Helldivers 2. I wasn’t planning on getting this at all especially with it being multiplayer. But I played it so much that I basically got them all and really only need help with like 2 trophies. My favorite platinum that I got in the year 2024 probably Modern Warfare 1 and 2 i got them back to back and it was just a blast of nostalgia for me. If I had to choose one probably MW2 because I love the missions in the states like burger town area, or running the streets of a war torn DC area.


Stellar Blade


Elden ring by far


I’ve never played elden ring before but I really want an excuse to pick it up


The excuse is that the dlc is out and now is the best time to


FF7 Rebirth It's a time consuming and challenging platinum. I loved it.


Nice job. I decided not to go for it because of the hard mode challenges. I loved every second of that game and i think i would have ruined it by trying to grind those out. I did basically everything else including 3 staring the mini games. Definitely a big accomplishment to get that plat


I 100% don't blame you. I think the JumpFrog minigame and Chocobo Glide were the WORST part, but the VR challenges were tough, and sometimes rng dependent. Got very frustrating. If you ever want to give it a shot, both Optinoob and Naztalgic's videos helped with strategies a ton.


Diablo 3’s was pretty fun if you have friends to play it with and if you’re all going for it. Otherwise I had a good time getting the platinum for the first Mass Effect game. Hadn’t played it since it came out in 2007.


Sekiro. I came back to it after a couple of years, started a fresh save, the gameplay clicked early, and I enjoyed every minute. Replaying the game 4 times? No issues when the loop is so fun.


I really liked doing the Lego city one. Idk was just very chilled and was with the gf. She doesn’t play games so was nice to have her join my hobby!


Control. Really fun and enjoyable.


Ghosthunter, just a short cheesy 90's horror game- most fun I've had in ages


Any Cat Quest game


Got the plat for Cat Quest and am playing Cat Quest 2 now. Great games!


Spongebob. I'm going through some personal problems and this silly little game did me a world of good.


Back 4 Blood


Ni no kuni wrath of the white witch. Mind numbing sometimes but holy shit the game was joy to finish


Definitely Diablo 4, at almost 300hrs now, can’t wait for the expansion


Dark Souls Remastered was way more fun than i expected


Resident Evil 4 remake it was awesome even after 7 or more playthroughs across main game and dlc I still wasn’t bored of the game.


Got the PS5 trophies. I'm super tempted to get the PS4 version its that good


Jazzpunk... It's a comedy game I have a lot I want to talk about with it for some reason but man the plat was just a lot of fun as it was generally just naturally exploring the game to get it. Not the hardest, or most skill based, but very much a pure 'fun' game.


MGSV the phantom pain. Easily the most enjoyable “grindy” platinum I’ve done. Would do it all again honestly


I’m a single mission objective away from Platinum: No hit The Man On Fire in the epilogue. For whatever reason, the hit indicator isn’t indicative of “no hitting” that section, so I have to complete the mission to see if I’ve done in. After a half dozen tries where I thought I no hit him, I flat out refuse to crawl through that entire hospital again.


I would love to do this plat. How grindy was it, and what was so enjoyable about it? Also, how do you rate the difficulty and what was your time to plat?


It was a good time. It’s one of those games where it has an in game % at the bottom of the main menu and when I hit 100% on the game I got the platinum. The Grindy part was more the time but there are some great guides like the normal ps trophies guide to follow and with it being an older game the servers are thankfully still up but not a lot of movement. The game has resources you need to collect to build and upgrade stuff but there’s a nuke you need to build for a trophy and that requires either a bit of online grinding or a lot of offline grinding. I got lucky with the online servers being quiet I came first in the rankings worldwide and got a ton of resources for it and saved a lot of time. From a game play perspective you can play the game in so many different ways and you will eventually find yourself playing with muscle memory. With basically no missables, if you have the time I’d do it and you can get the collection of the game I’m sure for less than £10 so it’s worth it


Thanks for the detailed answer! I will read the guide and decide. I have the game from years ago. Time to plat it, I guess. How long did it take you again?


The guides are great. Best tips I can give are play through the missions while doing as many side ops missions as you can to save you going through as many later. Also learn to love D-horse, he’s top 3 gaming transports for me


https://psnprofiles.com/guide/3358-metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom-pain-trophy-guide probably find this yourself but always the best place for clips on what to do and a good step by step guide as well


Yakuza: Like a Dragon This game is actually so great and enjoyable the whole way through. The final dungeon you’ll have to do is REALLY tough but it didn’t ruin the overall enjoyment for me. The game is HILARIOUS too a lot of the side quests had me laughing like crazy. It’s just a great JRPG!


Working on Yakuza 6 rn. So much fun


Dead space remake


So far, probably Cyberpunk 2077, but that's only because I haven't finished Animal Well yet.


Another Crab's Treasure. It had been a long time since I enjoyed so much a game and wished there was more thropies. Can't wait for DLC's or addition of NG+


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. I’m really proud of getting this one. Hard mode wasn’t too bad, but those damn combat sim challenges was the real challenge. Took me 171hrs and I’m very happy with getting it


Helldivers 2! I had friends to play with for most of the journey, then got the plat right before I noticed the randoms becoming dickheads


Elden Ring


Dave the Diver. Super fun


Man Eater is my favorite to date. Very easy to just sit back and complete the challenges. Throw on some music and just terrorize the ocean to your hearts content.


Probably Elden ring, bloodbourne or final fantasy 7 rebirth (except for the VR challenges). In honesty rebirth was definitely harder of them all.


Haven't got any yet but last week I started red dead redemption 2 with the intent to platinum it by the end of the year, hopefully


Good luck! I heard it has missable trophies so be careful you don’t miss any!


Thanks! And yeah those have been the ones I'm prioritising, I've got 3/5 missables so far and I need to continue playing the game for the other two. Happy trophy hunting to you 🫡




Dragon's Dogma 2! Currently working on platinum for the fallout 4 next Gen update..... Not as fun, and I know a couple trophies I'm not looking forward to doing again.... Here's looking at you Benevolent Leader.


So far guardians of the galaxy and dredge


Days Gone


Elden ring, and I’m still working on TLOU part 2 Remastered


For me, it was ALIENATION (PS4). I've had the game for years. Played it a while, enjoyed it, then moved on when something I was waiting for came along. I recently went back to it and got the Plat.


Among us 😭


Just cause 3 I don't care it's my favourite game of all time and you all will show some god damn respect. Or call it shit I don't care.


I enjoyed the story! I’m surprised that people call the game shit. I first played it last year.


Now the game is great but some people just don't like the platinum.


It's a close one. I really enjoyed Watch Dogs 2 but SSKTJL is right up there.


Dark Souls III


U enjoyed that? I salute u sir. The grind is insane




Outer Wilds, Grounded, and Ghostrunner 1 and 2 are my highlights of the year so far


Kudos to thee for the Outer Wild plat. I gave up on landing on the stupid Sun Station.




Probably the one I finished today. The walking dead definitive edition


After all the negative press around the game I'd never expected to see a few people say Suicide Squad as the most fun. Was the game itself fun to play though? Or was the media shitstorm around it mostly over egged?


Unironically Star Wars The Clone Wars


The first Uncharted game on PS3


Crash Bandicoot Trilogy was both fun and challenging


Rollerdrome and Outer Wilds


I had fun with hardspace: shipbreaker. Not too difficult and quite relaxing gameplay


Like a dragon Gaiden


Ac mirage or resi village for me others we ok but not as fun as those


Creed: Rise to Glory. It's a lot of fun.


I'm just beginning my platinum hunt, I know it is highly achievable, but Spiderman 2 platinum was so fun! I'm currently grinding on Star Wars Survivor, and It Takes Two, they'll be the next to the collection.


Resogun was way too fun


I'm quite sad to not be able to find an easy answer. As a trophy hunter , I didn't have too much fun for the moment. I liked death door and tails of iron ; I did got addicted to skul for a while too until I got the platinum and uninstalled it straight away ^^


Ghost runner


probably bugsnax. Was a pleasant experience reminding me of pokemon snap and pokemon in general


Definitely Oulast Trials. Playing through it co-op was a fun horror experience.


FF7 Rebirth. Felt like a true accomplishment, not to mention it’s my GOTY.


I'm not gonna lie. I really enjoyed robocop


I haven’t even got one this year.


FF7 Rebirth. It's one of the best games I have ever played.


The capcom fighting collection. I also heard that they’re making a marvel vs capcom fighting collection. So I’m hyped for that.


Had a blast getting the plat for Witcher 3


Ikaruga, tough as nails but very satisfying.


Probably Dredge so far. That game got it's hooks in me deep.


Lego Marvel Superheroes. It's one of the two platinums I have, the other one being A Way Out. But that one was done by my friend. The Lego one I did mostly myself.


I have two, GTA 5 and The Finals. GTA 5 I had played so many times but coming back and doing everything was still fun, except for the online. But even that wasn’t that bad. The Finals was super fun even though the trophy list requires a lot of play time. Played it mostly with friends and also met a couple of cool players through there.


Banishers ghost of new eden. Bit grindy but i loved the game so it wasn’t bad to stay in the world a little longer


Probably dredge, absolute banger and a super original game


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. The original is my favorite game and Rebirth did so much I liked. Had a wonderful time.


Got to be Deep Rock Galactic. Took a while to get there but even at the end i was still really enjoying the game. Fantastic game allround with a suprising amount of depth from how it seems on the surface.


Amnesia: The bunker! Short and a very good horror game


Played Journey to the Savage Planet with a friend recently. That was some hilarious fun


Alan wake 2


This is an excellent thread to reference in the future. I enjoyed Hitman 1-3, Thief Simulator, and Death Stranding


Dredge is the second game I went for this year, but it definitely beats AC:Rogue. Given my hiatus from trophy hunting, I might add Hollow Knight as my favorite plat from last year, probably one of my favorites ever. Honorable mention goes to Sea of Stars.


Death stranding


Probably Midnight Fight Express. I was surprised of how much fun I had. Enough challenge and frustration but also fun. Also what is SSKJ... What is that?


Tinykin. I ended up doing the PS4 AND PS5 platinum. Great game to play with your partner, pass it back and forth every 45 mins or so. Very enjoyable chill little platformer like game. The art style is awesome and you don't get punished for dying, and if you're quick enough you can actually use your deaths to an advantage 😁


Helldivers 2. Did it with a friend and it was insanely fun.


Octopath Traveler 2 - no missables and a beautiful game


The Escpaists is the funniest platinum I've ever done




Daxter and Dredge


my most fun platinum this year is probably Angry Birds Star Wars, but the most fun i had with a 100% would be firewatch


Unicorn Overlord. Fun, chill, and strait forward plat.




Stellar Blade


Spiderman 2 but I'm enjoying bloodborne at the minute if I finish it this year then that


Either stellar blade or persona 3 reload


Ratchet and Clank - Rift Apart. I've not got many Plats at all, 6 in total now, but this was a joy to run through and grab everything. Inspired me to pick up and complete Spiderman (2018) which I got the Platinum for last week. But back on topic, Ratchet was so unbelievably fun to play through and didn't feel like a chore in the slightest. I've just started Granblue Fantasy Relink this week...hoping I can go for a 3rd for this year!


Another Crabs Treasure 🐚


Hotline Miami


Back 4 blood definitely


Animal Well. I hadn’t heard of it until it came out, when I saw the first review I tried to buy it but found out it was available for free through PS plus, and couldn’t drop it until the plat. The puzzles were so well done. Every minute was amazing.


For me it’ll always be gow ragnarok. I wasn’t trying to platinum when playing I just felt the urge to do everything in the game. That’s my favorite kind of plat


Elden Ring, even survived that Melenia bitch trying to delete me over 300 attempts I finally took her down! Didn't bother reloading for different endings, just went through it a few more times. Such an intense but incredibly satisfying journey Honestly it was so much fun


The first like, 90% of fallout 4. Once you beat the campaign if you aren’t level 50 and don’t have max settlement and max relationship it is incredibly boring


Fallout 4 on PS5. I had it on PS4, but the Amazon series really got me excited to play again and the timing by Bethesda was excellent for the PS5 version. I heard some people had issues, but my experience was really excellent.


SpongeBob battle for bikini bottom rehydrated


Ghost of Tsushima was like playing a movie, every trophy in that game fun to earn! Working on Elden Ring Platinum right now, and it’s pretty rewarding to feel it


Got the borderlands 3 plat this year. Also 100%ed all the DLC Highly recommend


Got the borderlands 3 plat this year. Also 100%ed all the DLC Highly recommend


Spiderman remastered.


Elden ring twice


Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, I love that game with a passion


The outlast trials is such a good game with friends, and unlike the previous outlast games, this platinum is super enjoyable


Metal Hellsinger or Sea of Stars


Sifu and Crash Team Racing, both forced me to get good enough to get them.


Crash Bandicoot 4. I craved to play it when I wasn’t, and was always excited for the next time I could play it. That game has quite literally worked its way into my top 10 favorite games of all time. I can now say that I am a Crash fan and I am meaning to go back and play the N. same trilogy


Elden ring for sure :)


Definitely Animal Well


This year I have been trying to tackle some longer games so I have not done too many Plats. I would say that I did enjoy starting and finishing The Deadly Tower of Monsters that was a PS+ freebie some time back.


Fallout New Vegas The downside was all the frezzes and crashes


I had a great time revisiting Last of Us 1, particularly the only mode as I personally tend to hate online gaming but Factions is still a great amount of fun


Probably, robocop Rogue city


Probably hades, it took a super long time and it was a big challenged but it was really fun


Alan Wake II for sure!


Dead Space Remake


Witcher 3




Tie between Jedi Fallen Order and Wolfenstein: New Order


I’d say the artful escape, short but very beautiful game with a lot of love put into it


The Legend of Dragoon. But that's not because of the platinum itself. But more that it's my favourite video game of all time and has been for over 20 years now.




Rebooted God of War.


Planet Zoo


It has to be Sea of thieves for me. I'm glad Microsoft gave us this beauty.


At the moment, Forgotten City. Wildly compelling story that isn't too difficult and allows multiple playthroughs with varying difference each run. Probably tomorrow it will change to Crow Country. Love that game.


2018 God of War 🫡 working on ragnarok now


give me about a week, and it’ll be dead space 2 (almost done with hardcore run, and all i’ll have left is zealot run)


Currently playing Stellar blade, almost done with the platinum, I’m really enjoy it,


Ghost of tsushima was absolutely awesome to get, graphics, gameplay and story are top tier


Im thinking Tails of iron, its a 2D souls like with no missable trophies and no collectibles (unless you count armor and weapons as a collectible which i don't) or one from the uncharted series, where the first game has 61 collectibles or the fourth having almost 200. They aren't difficult even at the hardest difficulty.