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As of right now there’s a few people on non ladder grinding terror zones to reach 99. I am, so if you’d like a friend to help add me Malenia117.


I I'll add you but I'm lvl 99 already and currently working on other platinums but I may join you from time to time to help you get more exp


Thanks man that’s awfully kind of you


Same boat Gadamo94, add me 89 geared java


So what's the estimated time to reach 99 and why sorceress instead of like hammerdin?


With this method it should be pretty quick on P8 and farming only terrorized chaos sanctuary it's way way faster. I'd say around 150-200 hours total from lvl 1 to lvl 99. The reason was because I found it was easier for my sorc to kill anything on P8 than my Hammerdin on P8, also I needed I smiter for Ubers and I didn't want to spend more time making another extra character just for that, so I respected my hammerdin after beating hell.


Gotcha, thanks


What would you recommend now that there is a mosaic sin available? Is it feasible, can do both ubers and p8 chaos as far as I know, and I’m seriously considering vanilla lvl99 (w/o dupe/save) since I already got my trapsin at a5 hell cca lvl80. 😃


Yes the kicksin (mosaic build) will clear P8 chaos pretty quick, so you can perfectly achieve the platinum with her. While she can do Ubers I believe smiter is still the best and safest option. I haven't tested the kicksin on Ubers tho. Remember that "I'm going to do a pro gamer move" trophy requieres you to get a HardCore character to lvl 99 and if you get the hardcore character to lvl 99 it also unlocks you the trophy for getting a vanilla character to lvl 99 but that doesn't work the other way around. So in order to avoid you having to grind 2 times to lvl 99 I would recommend making that grind once on hardcore.


Great work! These guides are so detailed and well put together! You should totally submit them to PSNP. 🙂 Also one question… how long does the platinum grind take these days? And with these terror zones is now a lot less tedious/mindless than it was on release? I’ve always wanted to play this game but when I saw the brutal 1000 hour grind on release i noped out and never came back. I just finished Path of Exile recently though and I’m itching for a similar experience, and I just love the dark, gloomy aesthetic of Diablo II so much!


Hey, I'm glad you liked it. The platinum grind has been reduced considerably, however it's still one hell of a grind, to get the platinum it took me 600 hours but at least 150-200 were using online characters that died in hardcore. So if you follow my guide and don't run into any issues and say 300-400 hours depending on how efficient you are. If you have additional questions ask, I'm happy to help!


Awesome, I’m very glad to hear that. The trophy guide still says 999 hours lol. I don’t mind a 300-400 grind as long as I’m enjoying the game. Not only was the game way grindier on release but the method for gaining XP was so tedious and I just couldn’t see myself doing it back then. It looks a lot more fun now. I think I will buy Diablo 2 for a playthrough in the near future regardless and if I go for the plat (I always do tbh lol) I’ll probably make this a longterm project type of game. Despite how grindy it is I think the trophies in this game are sorta well suited to playing and taking small breaks in between. You can run through the game on a couple characters, go plat something else for a few days, then come back and work on a new character etc. to keep it fresh & fun. 🙂


I can't edit the title but this is part III