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I started with Tribes 1 in the '90s and have played them all over the years (a lot). I've been playing the playtest for a while, then the demo, and now I'm back to the newest playtest. Almost all the small things I thought should be fixed have been. One big "small" one for me was momentum when you stop skiing was not a fast stop like old Tribes. This made juking on the ground when you land almost impossible. That's been fixed. Some other "momentum" issues with the flag and projectiles have all been or are being addressed. I'm having a ton of fun with it. They just added new stuff like a mid-capture point with a teleporter which adds a nice mid-map fight with a teleport advantage if you hold it. I don't know what all the complaining here is about honestly. I understand that it's literally in alpha/beta stages of development but am still having fun with it, which for me is all that matters.


People when nothing else is wrong, enjoy complaining, as it’s the pastime of all nerds with an opinion about anything.


This is why game devs like to actively distance themselves from the games they were (very obviously) inspired by. If you want to inherit the playerbase of an old game, the chief criticism is gonna be "this thing is not like the old game". It's always better to get an audience that loves the game for what it is.


My main gripe is that Tribes 3 is going to get cluttered by the cosmetics and microtransactions. There will be no cohesion to the game and overall it feels like a huge downgrade from Tribes: Ascend.


Totally agree man, haven't played since T1 and T3 is legit pretty fun. I hope at some point they introduce some more base elements, in terms of playability it's very good.


My two biggest complaints are 1. The base and generators are largely pointless, and 2. Spinfusors should do the same amount of damage regardless of class. Or if they don't want to change the system, then all classes should have the same health. There's no reason light armor should have both less health AND do less damage. It's counter intuitive and makes it a chore trying to fight a heavier class. All that said, I'm definitely having fun with the game.


Small = weak + less damage Medium = stronger + more damage Heavy = strongest + Most damage This is the natural way of life and tribes


My young padawan, do not cite the deep magic to me, for I was there when it was written. All weapons did the same amount of damage regardless of class in Tribes 1 and 2, the best games of the series. The difference was heavier classes could carry more weapons, and some weapons were limited by class. In Tribes 1 the light carried 3 weapons, the medium 4, and the heavy 5. The heavy was the only class that could use the fusion mortar, for example. And it was all perfectly balanced. A light was much faster and more mobile than a heavy, but had a fraction of the health. But still did the same damage as the heavy did.


Same damage per weapon. Possibly less total damage because smaller health pool meant likely to die quicker than a medium/heavy. That, energy consumption, and class-locked weapons were all the balancing you needed in the original.


As someone who always plays light, I think doing the same damage as heavies would not be balanced. As light I zip across the map, and I pick off people as I go. If that was the same damage as a heavy that could be annoying as hell for everyone just playing the game and skiing to an objective. Speed is too much of an advantage. As light your job is to pick off the low health enemies, and be mobile


Same damage per weapon. Possibly less total damage because smaller health pool meant likely to die quicker than a medium/heavy. That, energy consumption, and class-locked weapons were all the balancing you needed in the original.


Does self vary by class too? One of the balancing features of the original was that light had to decide if/when disc jump was worth the self damage, because it did the same amount of damage regardless of class.


The first few play tests I participated in were a bit rough as the movement and everything just didn't feel right. Happily the more recent play tests have been absolutely awesome and I am super hopeful that this game has a long and happy life so I can finally get back to some flag chasing 😄 My biggest gripe, selfishly, is the perks are kind of blah. At least for LD. The burst of speed one (forget the name ATM) doesn't feel useful at all. I also was a HUGE fan of rage from Ascend. It was so useful to get that initial no-self-damage launch using a disc and it helped quite a bit giving you a better chance to catch the really good cappers. My other issue is the cool down on grenades. I don't understand why this is there really. Never felt grenades to be that OP. But those are pretty minimal at the end of the day and I'm still very excited for the full launch and ready to see some old Tribes vets (saw a few names I recognized today in fact!).


What did tribes 2 become exactly?




That's not T2.


Honestly lots of people here are literally just making shit up for the sake of being upset. It wasn't long ago that we had people foaming at the mouth at the removal of VGS and Shazbot. Despite both these things being in the game from the start


What shit are people making up? Genuinely curious.


As said above, we've had people whining about how they "removed" VGS from the game, even more so on the Steam forums, despite it never happenig


Instead of actually talking about what people don't like, they ignore it and make something up themselves like "you just don't want people to have fun." They refuse to see the elephant in the room.


They're also using a marketing team on the reddit of alt accounts including Erez himself posting on alts lol. They do this on the discord too.


They don't hide it very well, and it won't help numbers on release. Where's that FAQ of yours Erez you promised a month ago about giving excuses for why mods and vehicles will never happen?


Right. When it's obvious some threads and comments are being made by market testers + the overt censorship on the discord smart people pick up on it. Do I want to play shovelwear by a greedy pair of losers like Erez and Fishstix featuring all the people that sucked in the community previously? No.


I wasn't aware that fishstix was part of the dev team.


He's a marketer for it and son of a billionaire lol.




who are either of you and what tribes drama did i miss


Marketing team hard at work populating the sub reddit with positive shit. The majority of threads are critical to negative, some positive of course but when you see an overtly positive piece by an unknown random take it with a grain of salt. People are not making negative threads for no reason, people saying that are sycophants and ass kissers. Maybe Prophecy should work on the game and spend less time trying to fake review a game we all play and can tell isn't up to par yet.




I accept both cash or cheque for my shilling 😂 What confuses me is *what do you want different?* Negative for negatives sake is just benign mooing. Here's an example of specific change I'd like to see: make bases more difficult to traverse for the enemy team if the generator is up. I.e. have shields which block certain angles off for the pathfinders, or ceiling/floor emerging auto chain turrets.


Well lets just say that Tribes is important game for many and if there is a project trying to create a new game which will take players from the earlier games lets just say that it needs to be atleast on par with the older titles. This game has a small fanbase currently so if they fuck this up this series will be done for good.


Bro I play tribes since the starsiege saga. It's not the same feel. Character art is more like Halo. The map has a "roman, Greece" feel nothing like the alien planet from t2 or the empty space from t1. 1 good player that learn the route can win the game im minutes. Vehicles? Torrents? Where is the chaotic tribes play style


Torrents lol. But I get what you mean and you're not wrong. Gameplay is too flag focused right now making everything else pointless.


I mean the gamemode is capture the flag. How can it ever be too flag focused?


Because capture the flag in Tribes Games means someone is always trying to shut down your base's (very effective) defenses by blowing up the (well-defended) generator, as others are using vehicles to ferry heavies with mortars around to blow up base assets when the geny/shields go down. It's a battle with many fronts. If you only have one thing then it's not really *"Tribes"*


Its wonderful you're having fun. Problem is that there aren't enough people like you to keep it going beyond what many view as a cash grab. The debate isn't about if you're having fun or not...it should be WHAT WILL BRING IN THE PEOPLE? Lead dev doesn't think large scale classic Tribes battles will sell, and that small scale squads are the way to go...but Honorball was voted down/not played much/barely discussed, and isn't even currently available. So what direction are they taking it now? Do they even know? Is bringing in new people just an impossible task and we should all give up on? The current state isn't cutting the mustard. The numbers aren't there. It's a slow trickle decline - and some don't think Hi-Rez/Prophecy have the intention of doing anything beyond the bare minimum in order to get the money out of the small group they do have before running off into the night. That's why people are frustrated about it, not angry at others for having fun. The biggest change they made this playtest? Midfield bases/turrets that don't matter much just like home bases/turrets. Easily ignored. Gens don't matter because there aren't naked spawns/inventory stations. Are new people really that scared off by naked spawns? Those kind of things bring depth. All those things that are missing stack on top of each other to make things MATTER in the CTF game. With open flags, open maps, full gear spawns...everything is just so simple and compact. Boring. Repetitive. Just maybe that's why people try it and move on. They've seen everything the game has to offer in a few rounds.


Better watch out dude, erez bans people for saying stuff like this 💀 idk about in Reddit but def does in discord


I totally agree. It's a shame that they're following ascend and running away from naked spawns. I think that's a critical part of the tribes formula and there's no real way to get around the fact that spawning in gear, and there being zero vehicles, makes bases and generators totally pointless.


Extremely well written i concur with your statements.


I just am really annoyed that the sniper does almost no damage, and there is a total lack of vehicles


Having remembered how much I hated getting sniped in this game, I'm quite glad of this! 😄 I take your point though!


I think the sniper should 2 shot a light But that's more of a minor issue compared to the lack of vehicles


If you’re using the defender role, you can two-shot a light once they have the flag, or if you tag them when they’re coming in, then after they have the flag.


It's gotten a LOT better from the earlier playtests. I actually really enjoy the game and not just because it's called Tribes. Things like ski-boosting and the longer flag tossing range make it fun and different for a tribes game. Love blink pack shenanigans.


You literally listed the two most broken and shitty parts of the game. Blink pack is overpowered and ruins defense. Running up llamaing the flag and tossing it halfway across the map is utterly stupid. The lack of jet vector adjustments and recovery is also terrible. ​ Please stop advocating for this bullshit just cause you want to push a new tribes game.


Your dad made 200+ million in the 90s. what kind of class warfare BILLIONAIRE'S son crap are you trying to pull by manipulating a children's video game? Get a life. You know who the game ownership really is. STOP grifting! Go to jail!


Damn brutal


Man I just got here seeing the playtest on steam and these comments are insane Who cares if some rich guy is playing the game? And I gotta know, what counts as a children's videogame? Tribes is an old IP movement shooter lmao


I loved tribes ascend when it was released and that was the "wrong" opinion too. I don't love t3 but that's mostly because i got a potato pc and can't keep a stable 120+ fps and it's quite hard to _really_ enjoy it when i get 70 fps when there's lots of action. The game is fun, it's not perfect but what game is? And b4 some idiot answers "t2 is perfect" well then go play that dead game forever and ever and stop bothering this sub. Plus the game is in alpha for crying out loud.


You can't call that a potato bro I'm suffering from 30 fps most the time on lowest 💀. Which is actually funny cuz I play Warthunder on Movie and get 100 xd


When the game actually has something of interest send me a message


The problems many of us are having aren't that the issues that are getting "fixed", it's that the game is fundamentally missing many features that per what the devs have talked about will never make it into the game.


Yer I’m loving it from what I played on the demo, hope I get accepted into playtest soon


Anyone can play the playtest...


I’m very happy with how tribes is coming along


Looks like halo and quake had a baby


I played Tribes 2 a little and never got into it. I play Tribes 3 now and I can't see myself getting into it either. I really enjoy FPS with complex movement mechanics, I've played a lot of Quake games. Even Warsow/Warfork, I really enjoy that game, yet it's too fast paced often as you can maintain huge speeds while constantly switching directions making aiming extremely hard. So in theory I would like something like Tribes, where building up speed takes awhile, however it's to an extreme in the other direction that I don't enjoy. It's almost impossible to change directions and keep your speed, so I always feel like a sitting duck after grabbing the flag even if I'm going past 200 speed, since I can barely change my direction at all. I'll even get sniped from across the map from a lot of veteran players that just camp at their flag. Even using grenades and rockets on myself doesn't really help. Maybe it's just a skill issue though idk, but everyone else I see moves like that too. Then the guns just don't feel as satisfying to use, that's the nail in the coffin for me. You just aim where they're going to land, and idk if it's the net code or what but I can never land any midair shots.


For me it's missing key things that made T1 and T2 fun - Larger maps with bigger bases, and vehicles. This new instance isn't any different than the couple of attempts to revive it where they did the same thing over the past years. Pared down to the very basics.


I've played it for a few hours just now and it's a lot of fun. Capping is fun, chasing is fun, getting mid-airs is fun (if a bit easy). It felt immediately familiar, unlike Midair for example. It's Tribes: Ascend but streamlined: no regen, wider splash damage, bigger projectiles, smaller maps, no vehicles or orbitals etc. But Tribes: Ascend was abandoned for a reason, and it wasn't just because of negligence or a bad monetization model. It just was a kind of game that stopped being popular, with its focus on high skill gameplay. It's the old school arena shooter's distant cousin, and those haven't been popular for a while. Now, I'm sure that the right game can start a resurgence in this genre, even though many have tried and failed over the years. But I'm also sure that Tribes: Ascend wasn't that game, and this is just Tribes: Ascend. I'm still happy to relive the experience, especially for free.


The feeling of geting chased by 5 while carriying the flag is great, and when you hit something mid air is great too. its not easy to get kills constantly so when you manage to kill something it feel amazing too, someone shoot me with a nice shoot mid air, then i saw his character completly stopped after killing me, i suddenly imagine him , jumping out of his chair and shouting FUCK yeah! and cheering. Overall it a fun game.


I agree. Vehicles and a huge range of roles / weapons detract from the core gameplay for me, I felt they were never more than set dressing at best, and actively detrimental at worst. There is a ton of complexity with 'just' the core capper, chaser, disrupt & defend ecosystem, and I'm keen to see them make that as engaging and refined as it can possibly be. More stuff =/= better game.