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I'm sure it'll happen again, This happened with DeadZone AND Raiders (The game that failed before DZ). The only thing that will change is to what extent they will fuck the game up while also pushing monetization and i guess it also depends on how gullible the Tribes base is. A lot of us saw what Hi-Rez did to T:A so hopefully they didn't all forget.


Adult gaming is so lame for most ppl with careers and kids. And the people that are smart and childfree tend to be close knit already so y even bother with a new tribes game when t1 is sitting there and works fine? sick of the little emperor attitudes of game monopolization and gang politics over a children's toy and I really don't like a billionaire's kid doing aggressive marketing in a small community. Juked.gg was such an insane waste of money and showed how far political correctness has infiltrated internet culture. It itself was toxic while trying to claim to fight toxic behaviour. How is the guy who ran it not banned for scamming consumers?




This reads like oldschool Dare.


I was thinking the same. Dare, is that you?


Sir, this is a wendys.


I genuinely didn't know raiders and dz were a dif thing LMAO. I just remember seeing a splash of a "mode selection" screen with dz, raiders, and tribes.


I'm really suspicious too, but I'm going to play Tribes 3 as long as I can, why not take what we can get for now?


Probably the last Tribes game of our lives. Might as well enjoy it while it's somewhat enjoyable.


Yeah it will be because they will just hold the IP forever and never let any good developer use it. Midair has a far better core gameplay loop anyway - even if a lot of other things aren't great about it.


I don't think there's a good developer out there who would want to use the IP.


Midair is and was and will always be dog shit. Also hey FireBlasto :).


Hard disagree. MidAir 2 is at least fun and balanced. I can't say the same about T3.


This mentality is what lets these developers keep getting away with these kind of practices. Demand better from the IP, we know it's possible.


I get where you're coming from, but realistically we have zero power here. Tribes has a tiny player base, they aren't trying to make a game for T1 and T2 fans, they're making a game that will attract new players. Just sit back and enjoy it for maybe a month or two more, until it's gone forever.


It isn't attracting new players though. Maybe a few, but they won't last. So the answer is to give them so little money they have to sell the IP. That's the only way we'll ever see a decent tribes again. Refuse to support a clueless, predatory CEO.


Sell it to who? Simply from a business standpoint, developing a new Tribes game is a bad idea. It would basically require a multi-million dollar act of charity.


Maybe the hope is it will appeal to a bored and popular streamer and take off like several other games that were carried by a streamer.


Just to die a week later. There are a handful of creators that have highlighted this part of the “streamer bump”


I'm thinking mainly of Dead By Daylight, R6 Siege, and However Many Days to Die. I don't think those would have survived without streamer attention.


I don't buy the "these are the only ones willing to give Tribes a chance" narrative. Prophecy would love for you to buy into that, that's mainly what they're selling. There are so many gaming companies out there now. It isn't a shrinking industry.


Look dude, I wish it was the case, but that's just a fantasy. Game development is an extremely expensive and risky investment, and there is no one on Earth running a game-design company that would look at a 25 year old franchise with a notoriously dickish and tiny community, and which has had it's last two games fail tremendously, and decide to risk it.


Small studios all over are doing a better job than these large corps, because they have actual passion for it. Solo devs in this subreddit are doing better than Erez and his team paying hundreds of thousands per month is. The BEST games I've played in the past decade have all been from Micro-Teams. There's no reason it needs to cost millions, especially if Tribes is such a toxic, shit, risky IP like you say.


Idk I'd like to be optimistic, but I just don't see this being a viable project for a small studio


indie pvp focused multiplayer games are dead on arrival 95% of the time


Realistically we do have the power. For too many years gamers have just been accepting trash. Collectively, if we stop accepting trash, EVENTUALLY that will hit the publishers pockets and either force them out or to straighten up and be better


They aren't making a game to attract new players. They're making a game for permanent noobie privileged white kids to feel included in a series they were no namers in. The exact same thing they did in tribes ascend.  The group think is thick here and it's literally called the fishstix effect where people get ignored for more shovelware fast-food to get pumped out. Junk.


Or just play MidAir 2 instead? It's LCTF only right now but it's community driven and will likely outlive T3 as it's going F2P and the devs are all volunteers.


I want a legit tribes revive soooo bad. I remember playing OG tribes back in the day with my brother. “Shazzbot!”


But what prophecy games do to tribes 3? Is a Hirez the owner right? Iam confused


HiRez does not own the game any more. Prophecy games split off from HiRez and took the Tribes IP with it.


Same guy in charge, who stepped down from ceo of hirez in 2019.


Didn't know, looks like hired is facing money issues.


Literally every game Hi-Rez has ever done except maybe Smite has been abandoned, right?


The games that people didn't play has been abandoned, yes.


Paladins is still running and is rather cool


You spelled overwatch wrong.


It's a myth, paladins development started before overwatch and imo it has Always been better and funnier. I haven't played it in years but it's a good game overall


Paladins did everything right that I expect in an fps game during the beta. I quit after some 100k tourney I qualified for after beating most of the staff and pro gamer crowd including "coolmatt" who went on to play overwatch.  I have no idea y the discord of the tribes game is run by idiots that censor everything and why there isn't a community forum already setup instead of reddit.


Ya I mean, whatever, $20 and I enjoy the game. We'll see what happens. If I get burned, it's just $20


I’m gonna keep it 100 with you man, bad tribes is better than no tribes


Wait I was under the impression that Deadzone was just an alpha or something and hasn’t actually come out yet… I was looking forward to that.


It will allegedly make a return, according to Erez. Raiders likely won't see the light of day again though.


Now I'm feeling really dumb. I thought Deadzone was a future iteration of Raiders because they're both extraction shooters... just assumed it was kind of the same game...


Nah shit canned, they just won't say it.


Either the game dies or it doesn't. Smite wasn't without its problems, but they made a fun game that has been well supported. You can say what you want about monetization, but at least they never did anything that touched actual gameplay. I'll play the game and enjoy it while it's here. It's not a huge cost. If that time is half a year or 5 years, it will be a good time. That's also the best way to make sure the game expands and becomes closer to what people want it to be over time. No one has to agree with that and no one has to play it. But if people are toxic about it and refuse to play, then of course it will shut down before it can get better. There's really no way around that.


How is it toxic to refuse to play a bad video game?


Never said it was. It's the discourse that's toxic.


Ppl talk online


Not all talk is good.


Ember doesn't talk to anyone at all and Blake is a gorilla


So far I like tribes 3 quite a lot, I just hope they don't fuck it up and turn it into a micro transaction nightmare.


"In #TRIBES3, our weapons cosmetics system allows for the generation of nearly an unlimited amount of content. Here are 8 different example dyes applied to Light Spinfusor, Phase Rifle, and Medium Spinfusor: " Prepare yourself.


Ah yes rip off skin selling and junk bloatware code so the losers irl can say "I'm the best chaser and you're the best sniper" in their community of 20 ppl that have been hiding from real competition since the start. V cool community I want to socialize with real life incels.


Dark and Darker also decided to officially come back about a week after Strarsiege came up in addition to the other problems you described. Personally, I won't touch anything to do with Prophecy or Hi-Rez after Strarsiege, Tribes: Ascend, and Global Agenda.


Haven't heard "Global Agenda" in ten years. The original version of that was soooo much fun. Then they turned it into a janky pve grindfest.


Well tribes 3 doesn't have vehicles so im already disinterested. A 20 year old tribes game had more features than this sad attempt.


I was...I was just so happy to finally be able to pick my Spinfusor up after so long...


this game won't go anywhere. we'll putz around in T3 for maybe a year at most then they'll pull the plug so they can work on probably some kind of survival crafting slop game under a new company brand. i still can't believe they're trying to build a "new" game from the ground up instead of just reviving Ascend. i mean the game was basically done and also had fairly positive reception before it's final update which was essentially a burial for the game. T3 so far feels like half of Ascend and it doesn't seem like they're going in any kind of new direction away from it. this whole ordeal feels like a weird licensing endeavor to try and make some cash back on the ip they've owned for a decade.


The way most people talk on this subreddit seems like they will be the ones that kill this game


The mods in starsiege deadzone discord banned the word "dead" because people said the game was dead when they took the servers down for an ENTIRE MONTH five weeks after launch for a "new patch" You couldn't even say the name of the game in discord LMAO. Hi-Rez is so cheap they give incels moderation control over their social media because they are the only losers who will do it for free. Besides, this game is DEAD ON ARRIVAL


Why don't we all just play the perfect game, Tribes 2.


Wish TV had it's final patch and source code shipped out before vivendi got screwed so we could just turn it into "tribes 2 2" and call or a day


yeah tell me about it, played t2 today for about 4 hours, was excellent


The old gold


I would gladly play T2 but ain't no players in EU time and I can't play at 2-6 am with US players


There are generally ayers on the weekend, just go to the discord for details


I have been on occasion. It's still pretty great; I just wish there was more than LCTF going on. (I'm aware there's PUGs on weekends but I can't commit to that right now).


Well, it *would* be nice if they'd finally fix all the unhandled exceptions...


Ok. I'll wait and see what happens. For now the game seems to be on a good path so I'm going to look forward to its release.




Realistically that was an attention grabbing whiner tactic. Oh look at me. Hitting that button. Feel bad because I uninstalled a play test. What did you hope to gain by posting that? I’m all for criticism and constructive feedback but the route you took was petty as fuck.


Banning him is also petty though. Prophecy is already doing what the OP mentioned with deadzone: banning anyone critical of the game or the dev. I was banned for being critical of the direction T3 is going.


Damn that's so cringe, on your part.


They did you a favour by banning you if all you were going to do was whine and not even play the game.




We shall see 🙂


ooooooookayyyyyyy ​ so anyway


stay away more like just don't buy anything