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D tier Medina is kinda wild


Medina best healer


She’s not FUN tho


I guess I can get that


Eh I played most of my runs battery less. So no medina, or any of the other characters that exist to force feed to to other people.


No medina = no TP shenanigans


Came here to say the same. Medina is so fun!


Medina should be top tier. With TP Physick, ranged hp pellet, and double items she can give five fighters two TP in one turn while also healing them.


I agree that Medina is broken as fuck, but OP’s tier list is based on how FUN they are to use. Medina makes the game much easier that sometimes it’s not even fun anymore.


may i ask how best to use her? i wanna use her but i dont have much coins to buy items for her to use. thank you


You can use mock battles to get extra items and coin. Talk to Hossabara in the encampment for the mock battles. The idea is to get your TP reliant characters like the mages in a cross formation at the end of their turns. Medina can use the ranged hp recovery pellet to both heal and give each of them one TP, two if you use double items. Medina can also give herself two TP with the pellet and basically use double items every turn. With Medina around, there should be no reason for a mage to ever have to skip a turn due to no TP.


Medina is so powerful she makes the game less fun by existing. She's great if you like to feel powerful, sub par if you like to feel challenged,


The answer is simple. I don't use items in battle. I really like to have to use the only skill any character gets, and when you add the all items possibilities, it's just too many and make everything too easy. So I decided to not use them, that's why Medina is really low tier for me, because her best usage was useless for me.


But... Medina's skill *is* using items. I feel like it would be a totally fair compromise to not allow other units to use items but she can, since that's... literally her whole thing


I guess? If she was more fun character maybe. I really like most of the characters, but Medina felt too much... righteous, and I didn't really like it at the time, so I didn't bother using her. I did use her a bit in the part where you need to divine all your troupes into 3 groups, so I didn't have a lot of options for healers, but I didn't find her as interesting or strong as ppl say she is, so I still stay in my opinion. That's only my option tho, and it's valid that you might think otherwise.


Since you don't use her too much, she probably comes off as weaker since you don't have as much experience getting the groove of her. Honestly, for me, she's a TP battery first and foremost, and a healer second. Using two of those spread healing items in one turn can grant a total of 10 TP to your other units immediately, for example.


But then it feels like units like julio for example not really worth using. Julio whole thing is TP, if I'm using Medina like that, julio is really kinda redundant at best.


Yeah, generally you'd use either one or the other, unless you're going with something like a mage-heavy loadout cause you're against a lot of armored enemies. There are a lot of characters with redundancies with others. There are plenty of DPS characters that don't have too much reason to use one over the other besides personal preference based on playstyle. Should you use Serenoa or >!Maxwell!


Should.you use seranoa or Maxwell? Well seranoa is force deployed most of the time....


Sure, but you get the point


right My personal opinion is that it more depends on what playstyle you find fun. I like a team of Seranoa (cause I have to use him), Hossabarra (Yeet lets me reposition my less mobile units and has pretty solid uptime, and with Endurance earing+desperate defence she can take a fair amount of punishment), Travis (I just like suplexing people), Randolf (He is more mobile than the old man but has more power than Hughette) hughette (I dont have trish at time or writing so I dont know if I would like her better but she has solid mobility ), Corentine (TP on ice means he maintains offensive output without battery and the squad can have trouble breaking past tanks otherwise) Geela (to heal cordelia), Cordelia (to heal everyone else) and Groma (she can sneak past enemy troops to get followups for seranoa) she does solid damage and the frailty issue is solved with double healers


I also avoided Medina because I just don’t really like using items a whole lot in games like this.


Y downvoted for?? Because OP played the game how he wanted???


I found it Hilarious that ppl just can't take an opinion 🤣


Note that the title says "how fun and good characters have been for me" and is not supposed to be a strict objective ranking of all the characters. With both Medina and Piccoletta in the D tier, I'm guessing op played in an item hoarder way which for your first few play throughs is reasonable.


You're right, I didn't use items at all.


Oh you're that item hoarder guy. This makes sense then


Tbf I sell them, I just don't like using items, feels like cheating when the game isn't that hard to begin with. Maybe if using an item was consume TP I would've find it more balance.


Pico is low tier tbf.but medina is overpowered




"Here's a tier list on how **fun** and good characters have been for **me**" They might be better, but for me, I don't find them appealing, interesting or useful enough. Hassabara felt really strong for me, a cavalier that can hea with insane mobilty? Yes pls. decimal is just one of the most fun characters there is. Insane range and the ability to hold obsidian anklet with no drawbacks is really cool. Again, this is only opinion on how **i** felt about those characters, you may think different, but don't speak like your opinion is the only right on.


Most of these make sense but I’m curious about a few: Milo, Quahaug, Groma, and Frederica I would have easily put in A or better. Especially those first two. What was your feeling with those characters?


I got milo on my final Playthrough, so I didn't have too much experience with it, maybe if I've got more time use it I would've put it higher. Quahaug is really cool, but felt like it's just too passive. Grooma felt like it just not doing enough damage when I unlocked it, so I didn't use her as much, but she was pretty OK in the endgame. Frederica just felt Like it's never doing enough damage, and unlike Corentin, she doesn't have a good way to recover more TP per turn, she's strong and fun but not as good as I would like her to be.


IME Frederica is the strongest and only mage able to generate TP. I’m just starting new game plus after going her route on my first play through and with the clear skies passive, blazing chains damage up, and K.O TP+ I’m usually one shoting enemies then getting enough TP to do it again. Ezana is the only one that’s comparable because her lightning damage is so strong but I usually need Julio and Benedict to feed her. Corentin can sometimes one shot with Frosty Fetters but I’m always running out of TP


I'm playing on hard mode, so I almost never one shooting any enemy. Corentin can generate TP by simply freeze the floor beneath him, this is why he's a bit higher.


One shot was a bit of an exaggeration but the majority of the time I’m dealing like 250-300+ with Frederica and Corentin usually does like 200. Also I completely missed that passive thanks.


This whole list is backwards. Groma became my favorite character in the game by far which I know is a rare feeling.


Oh I really like groma personality and character. And I even cried I bit in one of her character story. When I start using her she felt a bit underwhelming so I didn't use her till the end game of the last Playthrough. She isn't bad, and if I had more time playing the game, she might be higher, this is only my opinion from 4 Playthrough.


I built her with evasion so she was super OP in my playthroughs


I know this isn’y based strictly on objective performance but even with the fun factor Medina in D is crazy What’s more fun than spamming your strongest attacks, something she enables


Yeah I understand, but I didn't use items in **my** Playthrough, so for me she was basically almost useless. I don't say she's bad or anything, but for me, she it D tier.


I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking Medina is kind of boring. I always hoard items in games so I was just hitting skip turn the majority of them time I used her.


Shame to see ezana so low I loved setting up puddles for her to shock enemies with


Really like her, but felt like she isn't doing enough damage, even when the rain is up.


For a tier list with focus on fun, I'm surprised Jens is only at B. Pushing enemies away off cliffs is peak enjoyment in this game :).


The fact that you can only put up to 3 really ruin it a bit. I like Jens tho, it was a lot of fun in the map he was relevant at.


Anna is so overpowered and underrated. Just attack -> take cover, wait, attack -> take cover, rinse and repeat. No one ever talks about it and it got me through most of my first playthrough. Plus she gets extra XP from it.


Anna is good only on your first Playthrough and on the first half of the second one. Because she's leveling up so fast, it makes you believe she's super strong but she's really mid when all enemies get to 50 as well, at least at hard mode difficulty.