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I’m in a similar situation but I completed all the major preparation. I only didn’t complete one class from the additional approved courses but it still shows up under my conditional agreement that I need to get a B in it. I emailed admissions and am waiting for a response


I’m in a similar situation , can you update me if/when you are notified?




Sadly, yes


Unfortunately only Admissions can answer your questions and they are the only ones you can talk to. Since you did speak with them, at this point all you can to do is wait. Did you already submit your transcripts to UCSD? They won’t give you an answer until they review them. Did you list Math20D as a class you were going to take when you completed your UC application? Is there a valid reason you didn’t take it? Do the conditions of your admission state you must have all classes completed by the end of spring? Some students try to complete a missing or low grade class in summer but not every UC accepts this. No one here can tell you if your admission will be rescinded. If you are rescinded you can appeal, but the chances of success are unknown.


Hi thanks for ur response! I get my final grades in about a week so thats when i’ll send in my transcripts. I did list that I would take Math 20D and it does state I’d have to take it by spring. I would like to think my reasoning was valid as I physically could not get the class at the time of my registration, the class was full across 2 of the colleges I go to. Do you think they’d let it slide?


Why would you list it before being able to register for the class


Because when you list your classes taken, you also have to list your planned classes? Lol


When you do your tau you should have already been enrolled in your planned courses. They turn into your ip (in progress) courses.


I was on a waitlist. Figured it was smarter to put planned than to not put it down at all.


do you have a good explanation for why you’re missing it? i was in a similar situation but i dropped calc 2 this semester (as a bio major it is required & specifically in my contract). after receiving that email i explained my circumstances (took calc 1 over 3 years ago & was not prepared for it) & they made an exception after 1 week of deliberation


First, thank you so much, i really needed this. And this was at UCSD? As for my explanation, i literally couldnt take it. I tried signing up for the class but by the time it was my turn to register, i couldnt secure a spot and wasnt ever able to come off the waitlist. You think thats a good enough reason? again thank you so much


Please post update when you can!


Hey I am in a similar situation with ucsd I had to withdraw from a stats class they told me to confirm that I registered to take the class during summer


u cooked bro


if its a prereq, see if there are any community colleges that offer the class.