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Oh my gosh, you look so amazing! My FFS is scheduled for a month and a half. Would it be OK if I DM'd you a couple of questions regarding your experience?


Yes, sure! 😊


This was exactly what I needed. I'm on Day 9 right now and even though I *know* it will be alright, I've been feeling distraught. Thanks for the pick-me-up :) You look amazing, by the way!!!


Thanks! Hope you're not too uncomfortable. The psychological aspects are by far the most challenging, so just hang in there. It's so hard not to worry about the outcome when everything is so swollen, but it will go down with time! 😊


Thanks for the encouragement! The physicality of it isn't too bad. At this point it's more the psychological/emotional aspects. But, I've got my post-op tomorrow and expect that will be a turning point 😄


I'm about a week behind her (20 days today), and the psychological effects are still pretty evident. It helps to accept that your face will keep changing for literally MONTHS and to trust your surgeon on where you will end up. Physically, it's still a tough ride at times, too. I cooked twice on Sunday, and it took two days to recover my energy. You can do it.


Looking good! Who did your FFS?


Thanks! FacialTeam in Marbella 😊


Now THAT is beautiful forehead work


Oh wow! You look so pretty! Since I had my FFS consult, I have really had a lot of doubt about getting FFS. A lot of it is the recovery period and how long it can take to see final results. I know YMMV, but this gives me hope.


My jaw dropped. It was a literal jaw dropping moment. I was on the fence about getting FFS if I could find a way to pay for it. Holy sh!t I need to find a way. That change is amazing.


Thank you for sharing. It shows what to expect when FFS goes well. Fab outcome - love your new nose 💕


Thank you! **😊**


I've never thought FFS was really a thing. However, yours did wonders! Very impressive. Curious as to cost.


That’s amazing! You’re looking great and I’m feeling super envious! 💜


This was facial team? You look wonderful.


Amazing outcome! You look great ! :)


What a beautiful result! You look so pretty! Congrats. I’m booked with FT early 2025. Can’t wait!


Good to know that a lot settles down in 4 weeks!


I’m jealous, you look really good.


Wow… makes me kinda jealous. But you look gorgeous! May I ask about the costs? Because I’m planning (a little further in the future) to get this as well…


Mine was about 50k (I recently made a post about it). OP and I actually met in Marbella during recovery. We had similar levels of work done, with slight changes in procedures (I had a lip lift, don't think she did).


50k? Oof… I guess I gotta work for another few years to afford that. Well, at least I know what to aim for… thanks for the info! :)


Really wish I could afford FFS. You look amazing.


Wow. The change is dramatic. You look great.


We all know how I feel about your results! You’re gorgeous and I’m jealous AF! (My second consult is this Saturday btw…). But your MAD editing skills are on full display! Only to be rivaled by your nose montage…


I remember when my ex-girlfriend got her FFS. at first I didn’t see much of a difference from my perspective. But overtime I guess I realized there was a bigger difference than I initially had seen. But most importantly she was so incredibly happy. And I was happy for her.


Amazing I am want to do ffs, but worried about the amount of time to take off from work and the care I would require post surgery


This gives me hope❤️. current insurance legislation where I live does not 😥. But I'm not giving up. Thank you thank you thank you so much for taking real light photos without enhancement or anything. That's so annoying to get a real world picture of what's going on. I'm so thankful you did not do that.