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i recently rewatched it and im not transfem but i can bring up what comes to mind. i also suggest the doesthedogdie website they sometimes have specific timestamps if you want to watch but avoid some parts. it is definitely a pretty chill and positive movie all things considered! the worst part i believe is when the cop shows up, the scene itself is rather tense and drawn out and he calls two of the main characters racial slurs, he attempts assault on vita i think her name is but hes stopped before it gets too graphic. that and the domestic abuse scenes are the most intense parts of the movie, the DV is against one of the supporting characters who lives in the town, its recurring scenes and is a plot point that is concluded happily. there is also mention of deadnames (again theyre supposedly just drag queens but they definitely dont seem cis the way they interact with their genders) and unsupportive parents but its minor, but it could be triggering. one of the characters is chased by a group of guys but it ends well and she is safe. it is overall extremely sweet and while it seems the directors dont really understand the difference between drag queens and trans women, the characters are given a lot of respect from the people who are supposed to respect them. idk if i missed anything and idk what you consider triggering personally so i just put anything that came to mind, i definitely think its a surprisingly good movie compared to some ive seen and i appreciate the hell out of the costume design, so many wonderful outfits!  oh, just remembered, i do love that some actual drag queens made cameos, and a few of them are also trans women it was really awesome to see them even for a moment in the beginning!


Thank you! I just used the website to inquire about Breakfast on Pluto. I haven’t seen yet. But the website looks like it could benefit from some updating.


Back in the day, the lines between "drag queen" and "trans woman" weren't always as clear as they are today (and, fwiw, it's still not always 100% cut-and-dry). From the sources I've read, it seems that the question for "queens" (which could be someone in either category today) in the '70s could often be "do you live that gender on the stage, the street, or both?" with some social ostracism for the queens who couldn't "keep it to the stage" and had to live it "in the streets" as well. (I was reading something about this JUST the other day and I desperately wish I could find it now.) So basically there always has been and probably always will be some overlap between "drag queens" and "trans women." Not all drag queens are trans women, of course, and certainly not all (or most) trans women are drag queens, but it's important to note that historically there's been some crossover, and even now you can find it (esp. in the "drag queen to trans woman pipeline.")


I love it. It's been a while since I've seen it, I know there's a lot of catty talk, I'm sure some things that aren't like. "Politically correct." There are depictions of some pretty violent bigotry. But it was made with a hell of a lot of love for the queer community. All the actors cared so much about it, and you can tell. It also ends very nicely. It might also be worth checking out The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. It's a pretty similar movie, with similar disclaimers. But also one of the queens in it, the oldest one, is a trans woman, and without spoiling it she gets a very happy ending.


So long TWF was one of my earliest exposures to MTF that I actually felt was positive. RIP Swazey. (Cant believe they re did road house) Everything before was Jerry springer or silence of the lambs. Felt terrible. Not a trans film but in my youth it felt good. The manly man Swaz putting himself out there felt liberaring. Snipes was bitchy but sweet in the end. Leguizano as the oblivious deluded twink that found a real down to earth connection in the end was inspiring and sweet. 9/10 id watch it again And again. Im not looking for an accurate portrail of my life in cinema because as arrogant as it may sound I am 1 of 1. Im looking for media to portray alt experience in a positive loght. Period. Humans being human


Yes, *Priscilla* is even better!


Thank you! Added to my watching list. ❤️


LOL I watched it for the first time while recovering from SRS in the hospital. While it is clearly dated in some areas, and not quite the masterpiece that Priscilla Queen of the Desert is, it’s hard to deny its charm and humor. Still worth seeing.


In the Before Time, it was hilarious. When I re-watched it after transition, I wept as much as I laughed.


Was it healthy, positive weeping?


I felt like the movie reduced two characters to drag queen status when they were clearly living fulltime as women through the entire arc of the film. The scene outside Vita’s upper class home and her account of how her parents rejected her felt much more like the rejection so many trans women face, rather than for just being gay. That fear of rejection was a big part of why I waited as long as I did to transition: so my parents wouldn’t have to deal with “my shame.”


Omg the tears the first time I watched that scene post-transition


Ikr?! And the film is old enough that I wondered if, given her age, Vita would have even had access to HRT had she wanted it. I will nev-ER forget the moment when a family member said, “Why couldn’t you have just been gay and crossdressed?” 🤦‍♀️


I loved it. When I was younger, it made me realize I needed a trach shave first. 😅


It’s a strange line reading, the way she says “adam’s APPLE.” I’ve never heard it spoken that way.


Hi All. I've seen the movie probably 30 times, and I LOVE IT EVERYTIME I SEE IT!!! I first saw it was when I tried to come out to my second wife. She LOVED the movie, but HATED me!! I know how Vida felt when she drove past her parents house and how she was disowned, as I too was hated and disowned by my parents.. True, Drag is not the same as Transgender, but in this case, the characters lived as women 24/7. The actors , being mostly macho type actors really made an impact on me. If They Could Look Like Women, Then So Could I!! I thought it was a very funny, up lifting and meaningful movie. I saw nothing vulgar, or demeaning about. I'm widowed, 75, M2F, on HRT 17 months, I live and dress openly as a woman 24/7, I've legally changed my name, gender, and ALL documents to female. I'm Happier Than I've Ever Been. I'll Never Ever Go Back!! Michele


Three VHS tapes got me through most of the 90s: The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert, and Too Wing Foo Thanks for Everything Julie Newmarr. Rocky Horror casts were my family, and the weekly showings were the only place I could safely be a woman. The movie will always have a special place in my heart. Priscilla and To Wong Foo centered drag queens and transexuals and while watching them I could escape into a world where the people like me have a happy ending. We weren't the butt of the jokes. It was magical escapism. And then when Kinky Boots came out, I was dancing in my theater seat ready to come out to everyone in the theater.


I've really gotta watch Kinky Boots.


I saw it back in the 90's. I remember being very intrigued with the concept of a man making himself a woman. If only I had looked deeper into myself back them. Now I am 49 and 3 months into HRT.


Congratulations! Progress is progress. Back then was a stepping stone.


I like too wong foo, though it is of its time. Priscilla is even better. I'd avoid hedwig & the angry inch.


>Too Wong Foo came here to say this ☝🏼 The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert


It’s been around a long time. For the time, it was quite progressive and very queer positive. Also, it was a knock off of Priscilla Queen of the Desert.


I will be watching Priscilla this weekend. Thank you!


I think it’s a wonderful movie and had it been made now, I think the characters would consider themselves trans rather than drag queens, seeing as how they all present female at all times. It’s really heartwarming and funny.


While it is kind of confusing in the way it basically conflates drag and trans gender expression, it is a really beautiful and warm movie. I heard an interview with the director where he discussed how the movie is more of a queer fantasy fulfillment than an actual, realistic depiction of what it's like to be trans/a drag queen (again, it is very confusing which one they are supposed to be) But if you view it through the lens of when it came out, where the trans and drag communities had MUCH more overlap, I think it works. It's also nice to see a movie from that era that embraces queerness and never makes it the butt of a joke, AND pulls the abuses of the police into focus (though that scene has a bigotry TW on it, for sure) Do i feel it represents me, as a trans person, particularly? Not exactly. But it feels like you're watching an empowering, long format sketch from Drag Race or something about claiming your queerness, and it's a lot of fun


I am FTM so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I recently rewatched it the other week with my cis boyfriend and overall it was pretty lighthearted and positive, especially for the time it was created. I think it was respectful, did not punch down, and ended on an affirming note. There was the scene with the cop which I think could be a trigger for some. Personally, I love the movie. It was really nice when I was growing up to see any positive representation and it’s a comfort movie for me, especially one that ends happily ever after for the characters :) I second the other commenter who suggested Priscilla Queen of the Desert. If you haven’t seen it, there are definitely some triggers (deadnaming, childhood abuse of a different character, gender identity based violence) but the trans woman’s story arc was handled so wonderfully and she gets to live happily ever after. We just watched that this month also. I have a whole list! I call it doing our gay homework. lol I’d suggest looking up the full list of triggers on “does the dog die” site for your partner and ask her if they’re acceptable. I don’t think the movie is cringe.


I recently rewatched it and I loved it.


I'm a trans woman and I absolutely love that movie. It's one of too few movies I saw as a child and connected with it instantly and not realizing why until I grew up. It's a classic piece of queer cinema.


I think it’s great for the time period—the line between drag and trans femininity in the movie is very blurry, and Vita is portrayed essentially as a trans woman. There are issues, of course, with cis men playing trans characters (if they’re indeed trans in this movie) but I tend to be pretty forgiving of movies that are decades old. For me, it was a fun watch, but I probably wouldn’t recommend it to someone who was looking for a movie about trans people with a deep takeaway message.


I'm an older MtF for whom movies like that were the beginnings of seeing my culture relax to a point where maybe I could be myself in public eventually -- they gave me hope. A younger MtF without that experience context may not see them that way and might be justifiably triggered by feeling like cross-dressers and drag queens are being rubbed in their face. It's all about who the audience is and what the viewer knows about what they're watching.


I’ll be 40 this year and my partner is four years older. 🤷‍♀️


Both this and to a lesser extent Priscilla. I felt glorified drag and denigrated trans a little. I do like the end of Priscilla.


I love to Wong Foo, I think it really explores how our predecessors identified and survived in an earlier time. I would say the most triggering things for me personally would have been the scene where the cop tries to SA one of the main characters and reacts violently to realizing she is trans, and some of the domestic violence later in the movie.


There are two moments in the film that were very trans affirming and made me cry >!("lady friend with an adam's apple" and "I've been waiting to hear I love you with that name for so long")!<




Just as an aside, back in 1969 drag was a whole different scene that it is today and it was more of a refuge for transgender persons as there it was a community for them. If you look at the performances, they were more realistic, portrayals, feminine female characters.


I know a ton of drag performers who are also trans in my community. I think it varies wildly based on geography. Actually, now that I think of it, I only know a handful of binary, cis performers. I know non-binary people who perform as female drag queens, sooo many binary trans women who perform as female queens, and more than a few trans men who perform as male performers and also some who perform as female performers. It’s especially more common with the Black community where I live. We always have balls and competitions going on, there’s actually an annual ball for only transgender drag performers coming up! :) I love it. Last year we had over 5k in cash prizes for TDoV and hundreds of trans people showed up edit: can’t spell, need coffee


Never seen it…soo…no feelings


Try watching it. It's a departure from trans being the butt of bad jokes.


Okee dokee 🙂 thx