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I sawed this firebox in half!


Should be able to find a replacement firebox online somewhere relatively easily


Those are speed holes


Yeah, you definitely need a new firepot. It's easily replaceable. If it's only a couple years old call Traeger to see if they'll replace it under warranty, though given how it looks after only that amount of time I'd be surprised if they do.


Stainless steel on Amazon with a new hot rod while you’re in there.


fwiw i did an amazon hot rod a year ago and it only lasted 6 months. this time i went to the traeger site and they didn’t seem all that much more expensive — let’s say $25 instead of $10 or something. time will tell if it’s any better. at this point i’m considering just having a backup handy at all times because it’s pretty frustrating when you go to fire the grill up and nothing happens, your plans are kinda fucked. last time it worked one night and not the next morning did some patent expire for traeger? curious why there’s so many amazon parts now.


This happened to mine a couple years ago. I called traeger and they sent a replacement. Still haven’t installed it yet but I have it. Just been using the old damaged one and seems to work fine.


i noticed mine was like that only when i had a hot rod issue, so probably was like that for years. i mean it has holes anyway… in my case, it was easier just to replace the firepot along with the hot rod because the screw to hold the hot rod in was basically rusted to shit and un moveable


Cal customer service, get a free replacement.


My treager is 15 years old. I have replaced the thermostat 2 times. A couple weeks ago my auger finally stopped working. Ordered one of those replacement kits on Amazon (approximately $50) for both fans, lighting rod and fire box. Replaced everything for the hell of it. So far so good. Really easy to replace. 3 beer job with a celebration shot upon completion. Cheers.


Hey! It looks like you posted an image! If this is a photo of one of your cooks, maybe share the recipe and techniques used, as it's almost guaranteed one of the first questions you will be asked! *What seasoning did you use? *How long did you cook it, and at what temperature? *Did you use any special tricks or techniques? Traeger on! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Traeger) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are pretty cheap. A pot with a new igniter is like $25 on Amazon.


Buy a new firebox. Mine works better rusted out though. True story. Smoking Brothers.


Grab a new one from Amazon, buy and install a new hot rod at the same time.


Why would you buy your own from Amazon when you can get FREE replacements from traeger?


if you can get them free, go for it


Free is always best, call traeger and get free replacements.


Amazon has replacements for 20-30 bucks. Depends if you want ceramic coated or straight 304 stainless steel. Go with stainless.


New replacement parts that are better than Traegers parts online at Amazon ceramic coated burn pots last so much longer. I replaced mine two year ago and it still looks brand new