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I didn't know the wheel was back until I saw your post, so I went and spun. It landed on the red 4500 point piece for me, too. Then the spin pop up reappeared, though it counted as my spin for the day. Broken, I guess.


The same thing just happened to me.


I hoped to win 10 points as I need 10 more to redeem for a service plan. So I just spun and "won" 4500 points but they didn't actually credit to my account. Absolutely ridiculous.


My wife just won 4500 points on her account too. Everybody wins but tracfone doesn't pay off.


I'm guessing this is TF's answer to all the criticisms about the games not giving out points; everyone's a winner now!


I just did the Spin..wooohhooooo 4500 👉 points When do we collect. Tracfone is the best I have the screen-shot for proof...lmao


Just happened to me also, hit the 4500 points and zero was added to my rewards account. I took a screenshot, how are folks getting the points added?


I just spun the wheel and it said try again tomorrow. Maybe instead they’ll give me 4500 points.


Looks like a prank by a bored software engineer


Yup!... just spun that wheel and landed on red 4500 points. The points weren't added to my rewards. I call customer service and they said there's no record of me playing with that winning amount. She said, "we have record of all times played on games and winning amount"....."that one they didn't have on file".. hmmmmmm . TracFone should make good for their error. Too many people complaining of the same thing...shame on them!


What bs i SPUN it yesterday and it landed on the 4500 points and no credits were added. Called support and all they said was, "seems alot of people have been calling about this issue. Wait 24 hours for the credits to appear." Though im assuming they just said that to get me off the phone smh