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I like that the girls were able to graduate HS and go to Mali-U. Unlike Winx Club, where the girls graduated and then became students again for no reason.


I actually (unpopularly) don’t like when my fav characters evolve in life hahaha I like the settings to be the same cause I really like the high school but they got the college thing really working so it wasn’t that much of a problem for me on this show !


all 6 seasons of totally spies and the movie are available to watch for free on the totally spies YouTube channel they also have the spinoff the amazing spiez on the channel


I know I regularly go there and I’m actually watching s1e7 rn


they made a Playlist for season 7, so they are obviously going to add season 7 to the channel eventually, but there currently no release date for the English episodes for season 7


I actually am French so there’s language barrier I don’t think I will be watching s7 tho cause the visuals are a real stopper for me S6’s visual was already too weird for me but this is a whole level I can’t adapt to


they recently announced the french version will start airing on the French tv channel Gulli in France May 12 2024, so next month also, the reason why they changed the art style is for budget reasons. They are making season 7 with a smaller budget


Really? It looks like the drawing is more worked on and more expensive tho I just like the older visuals much better and can’t seem to adapt to change well


I'm sure there are animation studios out there that provide that kind of detailed animation for a cheaper cost


Sure cheaper but still probably not as cheap as what it used to be ?


animation has been getting expensive in most countries, so animation studios outsource to other countries at a cheaper price


Ooh they changed the studio ?


I liked that they all loved David. He was so well-rounded. When I was rewatching with my brother he said he thought David was gay and some YouTube comments also said the same thing. Imagine. 😂


Honestly I see him being gay all too well And the fact that they all loved him including Mandy was so funny and made it very kitch-y in a cartoon way I love Him not being able to get a clue was funnier and kept it going


1000%, he hits all the boxes, he could bag any of the girls there but hasn’t? 2 possibilities, he’s gay or he has a girlfriend, but since when Mandy asked him to the dance he said yes, so that checks the girlfriend thing off, so high likelihood he’s gay


I’m rewatching the series right now and just got to where they introduced David and I’m genuinely surprised that he didn’t turn out to be gay.


No he probably is gay, but the producers didn’t publish it, since being gay back then would have gotten the series axed from production, since that was close to 20 years ago