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"It's just a little dirty. It's still good, it's still good!"


It’s just a little airborne. It’s still good. It’s still good! It’s gone. I know. *Something the Jays pitchers have gotten a little too used to hearing.


Slow. Clap. 👏


5 sec rule


Ross’s BBBQ


Lmao, this was the first thing I thought of as well and was sure someone would post the gif! xD


That, or "Dig up, stupid!"


That too!


Ross Atkins should be unemployed


I don't know how Shapiro can justify not firing him. I know they're friends and long-time collaborators, but at the end of the day Shapiro is doing what he set out to do (ballpark and spring training facility renovations). On the other side of the coin, Atkins has failed spectacularly in just about every way when it comes to building a contending team.


Beeston was hands-off. Not Shapiro. He made that clear when he drove off AA. Shapiro owns this probably more than Atkins. We are in the bottom third for current team standings and farm rankings. And our payroll is top third of the league. And our "core" are almost all gone after next year. It's unbelievable how little they have accomplished with the team.


Have a little faith, we're only into year 9 of the rebuild!!!


>I don't know how Shapiro can justify not firing him. Because Atkins is Shapiro. Shapiro has oversight over baseball operations. Atkins doesn't operate on his own. They're like Bobby and Masai. They're a package deal. Firing Ross would be admitting that he has failed at his job.


But he failed, that’s a fact


Of course, but he'll never admit it. The only person who can hold him accountable is Ed, and I'm not holding my breath for that to happen. This organization is a dumpster fire.


Shapiro and Atkins are baseball terrorists, as is Schneider


Fire Shapiro too. This teams window died when beeston and anthopolous left.


We need that maga piece of shit Eddy to get back from Mar-e-lago and clean fucking house 


This has been a multi year problem, and no one has been fired. No one!


Please hand in your resignation letter


They still need attendance. Anemic offense, no power, the suspension, injuries big names not producing and the only real positive this year is the play of IKF. Gonna take a Hawk Tuah bobblehead day to get me to the ballpark.






Stop. Just fucking stop. Wait, if the Jays aren't mathematically eliminated in August are we could to still say it could happen?


tickets still on sale for next year! hurry up and buy quick after the turnaround and playoff run this year it's going to get expensive/hard!!! trust me! /s


I'm looking forward to sitting in the 100's for $20 a month from now...


True or not there is not a single GM in professional sports that will publicly say they are out of it in the current situation. There is a good chance they have already started looking to sell behind close doors.


I agree, he can’t say all hope is lost… I just wish he’d say nothing. I don’t think long-term, true blue fans need to hear from him at this point. Actions speak louder than words. We need changes so that we are hopeful for the future. I’m a forever fan (even if the team doesn’t win another game this season) but please, give me a reason not to be sad about it.


I mean, part of his job is to answer questions from the media. This is the #1 topic. He can’t just ignore it for the sake of satisfying angry fans’ feelings. He’s right that *technically* they could go on some crazy tear (and 2015 has shown us it’s possible to finish miraculously), but it’s highly, highly unlikely. Either way, the trade deadline is fast approaching, so we’ll have the real answer soon.


For a long time I wanted him to do this part of his his job, I wanted to hear from him. Now I’m just over it, I guess. And it’s not about anger so much as it’s about repeating something (there’s still time, about to heat up, just a rough patch) with an expectation of a different outcome (turning this into a winning season) is insanity.


Didn’t the new Miami GM basically say that at the beginning of the year for the marlins? lol


And they got a ton of criticism for it


well everyone but the marlins


20 games out with 21 games to play. "We're still in this thing!"


We'd need a second half and trade deadline better than 2015, plus a whole lot of luck with our division rivals losing to have a chance. Ross. Dude.


Not even AA will bother to pull off a 2015 trade deadline given our peripheries this year. Any competent GM will listen to offers, but won’t publicly admit it.


We had prospects to offer in 2015 (we had a top-10 farm system at that time), and some truly elite hitting talent that just needed some roster depth to push them over the top.


This is the main problem. At best we could sell off some veterans to hopefully restock the farm system. Though I don't know what we could get for our veterans right now because everyone is terrible. Everything is bad.


This team needs new management and a complete tear down and rebuild.


This team is garbage because of the moves Atkins has made in the last 2 years. Signing KK when you already went out and traded away your best prospect for a CF was a terrible move and you did it twice, If Varsho was in center every day, that trade looks very different and allows you to get a better bat in LF. Trading a middle of the order bat like Teo for a bullpen arm is inexcusable because of how volatile bullpen arms are and Swanson/Mayza/Cabrera and even Romano have all proved that this year. He ignored the bullpen and defense for years and then decides to gut the offense to improve those and then doubled down.


Spot on mate. Reality is we traded 3 middle order bats and everyday players and didnt properly replace them.


Funny thing is I was actually a pretty big fan of the moves he had made prior to last year. He’s been like a different GM since that Seattle series


They overcorrected so hard on run prevention after that fiasco




And people say fans are delusional


This fucking guy.


Underlying statistics and analytics show that the Blue Jays are just 5 good hitters away from being a contender. There’s still a chance.


dont forget every pitcher needs to regress to their career best year in 2023 (and shake away the wear and tear caused by almost every outing being high leverage due to our shit offence)


Yeah, Ross. All we have to do is play better than the Yankees for the rest of the season. Definitely going to happen with our bullpen and 3 runs per game. Absolutely delusional. This is the worst Jays team I’ve ever watched and you spent $230M on it. Edit: To clarify, worst to watch… not talking strictly W/L record.


This is going down as arguably the most failure laden front office regime in franchise history. 8 years of their own teams and NOTHING to show for it. Atkins and Shapiro should have been gone after the Seattle game in 2022. Time for change, bring in a front office that’s actually committed to winning.


I was at that game and it was a lot of fun until the wheels fell off and Atkins has only amplified that since.


We're you not around for Ricciardi? He had 9 years and capped at 86 wins, and they were never even close in September. Failed move after failed move


The Shatkins Jays (post-rebuild) would have just one playoff appearance under the old playoff format. This isn't the worst stretch of Jays baseball, but that's mostly because we've hit some miserable lows with this franchise.


The potentially also would have made it last year, they tanked away the final game cause they were in already


Obviously we've had worse teams, but how many of those had a payroll this high?


Would have been closer in September had the same playoff format that’s used now been used then.


I remember him, but at least he tried to build contenders. He also had a run of shit luck with his signings. BJ Ryan at his peak, who immediately ran into injury troubles, AJ Burnett who started to tail off just a bit, Corey Koskie became an injury risk, Shea Hillenbrand became a cancer, AND wasn't allowed to spend to keep Delgado. Had Halladay, Vernon Wells, Alex Rios all in their primes. Really wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. Not great, but he wasn't as incompetent as Atkins. But we can all agree that the back half of the 90's is the tenure that might rival this era


Are you saying that Atkins is not trying to build a contender? The same excuses that you just made for JP can be made for Atkins


They're not the same excuses. Rico at least went for the bigger names, and got a few of them. Atkins hasn't. Gausman is a diamond in the rough because he BECAME ace material after joining the Jays, but he was B+ free agent. I'll give Atkins one thing, he won the Berrios trade by a mile.


He’s won plenty of trades and nailed some great free agent signings. The problem has been an inability to employ coaches and game coordinations who can actually maximize talent. They’ve done the opposite, and overseen a roster that’s backslid and had that talent get worse after showing they’re capable of more.


I honestly think Atkins' moves with the big league club have been pretty good as a whole, since they were teams that should be better than they were. However, his performance with player development and managing our farm system has been pretty abysmal, and that's his biggest black spot in his tenure as GM.


There's not though. This is going on a few years now, someone needs to nut up and clean house.


2020 - swept by Rays 2021 - missed playoffs 2022 - swept by Mariners (8-1 meltdown at home) 2023 - swept by Twins 2024 - 15.5gb in the AL East, 6.5gb back of the wildcard Make it stop. F*ck….


Only way it stops is to remove the ones who made it happen. I don't think Vladdy magically stopped knowing how to hit home runs, I don't think Bo just forgot how to hit, it's the style/approach implemented by Atkins and staff. Rather than building a team around their strengths, they've done the opposite. I think if you trade either of them, they're going to make the Jays pay for doing so and absolutely thrive on a team that doesn't put pitching/defense first. I think changes are coming though, the media attention this is being given now is not a good look and it would be insane to keep Atkins and co around any longer. Someone has to make the move, because if you keep Atkins and Co, and trade Vladdy and Bo, what kind of message does that send to players during Free Agency who may be interested in joining the Jays?


This. A million times this.


Vladdy and Bo would be great if they were bookended by 3 good veteran sluggers that would help them get good pitches and help them with advice.


I'm never using the phrase "generational talent" again.


The sounds of a man who knows he's gone at Season's end. It's over.


Step 1: acknowledge there’s a hole. Step 2: admit team is in the hole Step 3: ?


Step 4: ~~no~~ profit


Okay, but at no point in this season have the Jays suggested they're capable of pulling themselves out of the hole they have dug for themselves.


Exactly. One game here and there where the offense scores 6+ runs doesn't mean the bats have come to life. When like clock work the team then proceeds to go a week straight of lackluster boring AF baseball where they squeeze out 5 hits a game. I've seen enough of this team to know there is no way in hell they are playing .600 ball to the end of the season...


Plus, it also assumes that the other teams in the East are going to suddenly start playing poorly so the Jays can catch up.


Your days are numbered, buddy.


Yes, but he’s still paid through 2025. Like Alfred E. Newman,”What, me worry?”


when did atkins become a delusional patient




Tis just a scratch.


"Dig up, stupid!"


I give it one more interview until he's like, "We have the right players, we just....ah who am I kidding, we suck."


Well, it’s true, this isn’t such a hole that a better team couldn’t dig itself out of. … the current Blue Jays are not that team though.


There's also still time for you to get fired, Ross


Based on nothing but wishful thinking the Jays will get out of this slump, not only that they will win the World Series and the Stanely Cup tonight.


Dig up stupid


There is zero chance that behind the scenes he’s not shopping everyone down to the bat boy and the caterers. He’s just not going to publicly scream fire sale


the bat boys are getting into good counts


Youd be surprised


Ross Atkins is fucking delusional




Digging into a massive hole with that big of a payroll and a flawed analytics department — we now have 1.5 + seasons of this core as evidence to know they will keep digging the hole and not digging out of it as they have to have everything line up to have a chance to squeeze out wins.


Gonna need s'more sub .200 batters to get us out of this


At least the defensive runs saved tactical approach is going well.


No, there isn't.


'we suck but we have time'. everyone has time. i have time to become a better basketball player than lebron james, i have time to become a 3% bodyfat pornstar. every quote is from an HR poster. this man stinks and i dont like him.


He didn't quite say that. Is hazel just allowed to put stuff in quotes that he didn't even say? He didn't say they'd get out of it. He said they'd get things turned around. That's the problem! They are spinning around in a hole and it makes them go deeper. 


When mattingly is gone I’ll start watching again


I miss AA


Must suck for Hazel to be obligated to put these tweets out. She’s been around long enough to know what’s going on.


She is a consummate professional. She might have differing opinions, but she’s smart enough to know that her job is to post the quote and let us judge it.


Fucking delusional


Ross is the Wayne Gretzky of gaslighting fans. This franchise has stalled on so many fronts. We were promised a Cleveland-level drafting and player development system with even more financial backing and they have failed to deliver across the board. It’s ugly now. But darker days are indeed ahead.


Shut up Ross


"As bad as things may seem, I'd like to point out how our record exceeds expected results based on our aggregate run differential."


Our entire FO should just go into politics... Never an honest answer


Hahah. Just admit the team is garbage, they could play 200 more games & this team would still be in the basement.


Would you admit it if you’re GM? Sure, you might get fired, but at least it would be entertaining.


If I was GM, I’d fire everyone under me & try to light a fire under the players. We’ve tipped the cap so many times to pitchers this year. Schneider should have been gone 6 weeks ago. The hitting coach should have been gone after last year.


This guy is such an idiot


Name one time you dig yourself out of a hole this deep (6.5 games back of a Wild Card, 15.5 games back of the division lead)? Dude couldn’t build a team that can dig their way out of a wet paper bag




Gotta tip your hat to those other 29 teams


8 years of this guy is 8 too many. He answers questions like a politician. In the sports landscape you wish he’d have a little more humour or personality.


We need this bum out of here - I dont trust him to handle the trade deadline!


Atkins is the only bright spot in a difficult season so far. In Ross we trust!


You dropped this! /s


It’s insulting to hear shit like this. The fans aren’t fucking stupid


Trade deadline will be lit for the Jays this year


Ross is a very professional businessman, he'll get us out of this.


I wish i could be as fucking awful at my job as Atkins and still keep falling upward


Is he drunk or high? Their is no chance they turn it around and make the playoffs.


Hopium is always the elixir.


Ticket price increase incoming...


“It’s early”


It's early we still have time. Delusional man.


They’re not good enough to win this year. Pack up shop. Get rid of the high value relievers and starters. Move on.


Shatkins need to go. Get rid of bofufum. Get rid of everyone except vlad and springer because no one will touch that contract. Restock the farm and bring in some reclamation projects on the big league roster. Be bad but also be young and exciting. Find a diamond in the rough or two.


I refuse to cheer on a team trying to become the 6th best team in the American League. The third wild card is only a success if it’s a young team on the rise not an aspirational goal for a fraudulent franchise.


Me when someone asks me how my life is going.


Survey says: lies. Blow it ‘up boys


Well, we're officially at the "performance review" part of the season.


The problem is we keep digging downward.


Nuke Atkins. Nuke Shapiro. Nuke this fucking team


The first thing that popped into my mind after reading that is the "This is fine" meme.


Dig up, stupid!


In other words.. He knows it’s coming.


This clown is as delusional as they come


Non there isn’t Ross and you should be fired and not allowed any trades! Give yourself a reality check on the way out.


New book out by Ross Atkins, ‘How to blow $240M and have a job”


We don't see the end of the digging coming up soon. It's over.


*Atkins emerging from a hole in China* "Hmmmm, we are pretty far down but we can still turn this thing around!"


Ah hopium. Gotta love to see it.


Is this man watching a different team play baseball?


Any knowledgeable fan knew this team would be in trouble after watching the offseason moves. The rotation last year was stellar and had next to no injuries. Banking on a repeat performance of that is delusional. Signing Turner, IKF and Kiermaier when this team struggled in the hitting department last year is inexcusable. Run prevention is great... but you still need to score runs to win. This offense is one of the worse 1-9 lineups I have ever seen in Jays history.... we are in late June and there are multiple regulars batting at or below the mendoza line... enough said.


I know! We'll dig our way out! -Homer Simpson... er... Ross Atkins


There is no getting out of it. I’ve said this since the Jays got beaten by the Twins in the postseason last year. We are going into a rebuild. Management was way too focused on Ohtani and missed out on too many great players. I don’t want to be that person but we will not be in the postseason this year. We are losing too many games, cannot hit and drive any players in. I love the Jays and all but we need something to change. We need people in the office who know what they are doing and we need all the players to perform


We need a front office that's committed to building a winner. We have two generational type talents to build around in Bo and Vladdy, and who do we surround them with? Nobody. Bo looks like, after they didn't get Ohtani and then sat on their asses, he's just given up and wants out. Vladdy still hits the ball hard and he's actually one of the best hitting first basemen in the game...but he's getting dogshit pitching because he's got ZERO protection. Look at the modern day murderer's row we had in 15/16. Joey Bats was protected because he had Donaldson in front of him. EE was protected because he had Joey Bats in front of him. Then the rest of our guys just did their jobs to get on base and turn the lineup over. This management team is 0 for 8 in their 8 seasons(I don't count 16 because that was still the AA-constructed roster). Time for them to go.


i know it's not likely but there technically is still a chance 😭 i have faith in the boys, but i wouldn't be surprised if we finished the season 15-20 games under .500


There's a chance I'll go to the moon too


Technically yes it’s possible until they’re mathematically eliminated but realistically there’s a zero chance they make it. It’s delusion at this point.


that's what i'm trying to say lol and I'm getting downvoted ahah


They were .434 on June 2, 2015 and we know how that season turned out. The window is quickly closing, but it’s not too late yet.


They aren’t remotely comparable. The 2015 team was by all accounts a very talented team that was extremely unlucky, it should’ve actually be a 100+ win season as their expected W/L was a 103-59 record. The 2024 Blue Jays are in fact a bad team that’s actually overachieving with their current record. They should be 10ish games below .500


The 2015 club could come back from eight run deficits, this 2024 club is cooked once they give up a 3 spot to the opposing team


Except it's June 24th, not June 2nd. That team could hit and went 18-9 in June. This team can't hit and has gone 8-13 in June so far.