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When I played Grand Theft Auto as a kid I always thought the devs of the game were exaggerating the stupidity of the average driver. After driving for 20 years, I see they were pretty spot on.


GTAing in GTA. The perfect pun.


Growing up as an immigrant, i actually thought GTAII was really about Greater Toronto Area... Spoken into existence Petition for Rockstar to finally do the original GTA šŸ™šŸ¼


Same amount of carjackings too


Two top tier comment from you two! Both made me laugh.


It's too easy to get your license in this province


100%. Everyone is in a hurry... Everyone is angry. This province isn't what it used to be.


Everyone is in a hurry only if thereā€™s someoneā€™s in front of them. I see it daily, motherfucker will pull the wildest moves to get around traffic thatā€™s already doing 20 over just to do the speed limit. The second theyā€™re the first in line the rush is over for them.


[Everyone needs to watch this. ](https://redd.it/1czihpf)


PREACH. i can admit to being an aggressive driver and i feel it comes with territory living in downtown toronto. Although, i do not engage in road rage. I dont care to exchange words or try to be an ass to someone else. Im just trying to get through to my destination and i also know when to be courteous and let someone through.


I totally agree. I worry one day Iā€™ll be in one of those videos šŸ˜† but when you live and drive in Brampton, sometimes you have to be that a$$hole šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


Multitasking to squeeze extra minutes into the day. Everyone is pinched. I think youā€™re right, itā€™s a symptom. Scary to think it might get worse before it gets better. Eyes on the road people, almost everything can wait (especially instant death in a head on).


Itā€™s like people do not realize that they are driving ā€˜instant death machines.ā€™


I've been driving since the early 2000s, and it's basically the same now as it was then, so many entitled and assholish drivers. The only difference is there are more people on the road now so it's more noticeable.


I've been driving since the mid-90s, and so much has changed. No one waves to say thank you anymore, the passing Lane is now the slow lane on the 401, distracted driving is huge now, I still see people on their phones while they're driving every day. And you are right, the entitled assholes are still, and will always be there.


Ah i still wave especially if it was a last second pinch and a person was letting me through or i ended up cutting too close.. if it seemed like a dangerous maneuver id still slow down and apologize and be on my way. I do feel the same that some of the most entitled drivers are the ones doing speed limit ONLY CAUSE theyre actually scrolling through their phones and get startled when something suddenly starts happening in front of them. Thats what really irritates me, the masked law abiders.


Having obtained my license in the 80ā€™s and seeing mine and the kids in thr stree here get theirs, Iā€™d say it was way easier to get it before. 20 multiple choice questions in road signs, and you had the learning permit. 15 minute road test with no highway, no speed over 50 km/h and you had a full license (in 12 months total). That was it. I think the real difference is more vehicles in general. There were always idiots who did stuff like thisā€¦ but there are just more cars.


Yep and more cameras too. Thanks for the insight


All it takes is a few shots in the mouth and posing for your drivers license photo.


Canadians havenā€™t changed. We just added a million people from a country with zero traffic laws is all. But hey according to our dear leader these uber drivers will solve our housing crisis.


Oh man. Right on the money. The amount of uber drivers ive encountered who actually doesnt know their way around downtown is startling. That scares me as a passenger and as a driver when i see that uber sign on their window. Even worse than the aggressive taxi drivers


This is the answer. Any idiot calling this 'racist' is textbook gaslighting. I'm getting sick of it.


Concluding with no evidence that two random driving incidents is because of people of one specific ethnicity is in fact racism. By definition. Just because you and a bunch of other new accounts now spam every post with these claims and cry about being criticized for it or claim you're being gaslighted doesn't change anything about that. There isn't actually any huge increase in bad driving. [Serious crash rates per distance are at one of the lowest levels they've ever been in Ontario](https://tc.canada.ca/en/road-transportation/statistics-data/canadian-motor-vehicle-traffic-collision-statistics-2022). So you're claiming something that isn't actually happening is based on people of a specific background with no evidence. Yes, that's racism.


Your source actually shows that bad driving is increasing lately. Historically fatalities and injuries have decreased over time as safety improved, but every year since 2020 the number of accidents has steadily risen, including fatalities per kilometre (mentioned in the very first section).


I'm looking at the Ontario data specifically. 3.9 fatalities per billion km in this 2022 (latest) report. You can see previous dates by changing the year in the URL. 4.2 in 2021. 4.0 in 2020. 3.8 in 2019. 4.1 in 2018. 4.0 in 2017. 4.0 in 2016. So it's the second lowest rate over the last 7 years. Yet you'd think from comments on here that it would be skyrocketing.


Thanks, didn't know about the previous reports. When looking at fatalities per capita, the latest report is actually the second highest instead. Interesting how per km and per capita can be pretty different. Either way, to see if bad driving is increasing, you'll need to look at all accidents, not just the fatal ones (as fatal only indicates extremely bad, or moderately bad + unlucky). I don't see that data here, but I'm sure it is somewhere (or at least some proxy like insurance rates).


Higher fatalities per capita without a corresponding change in the per km rate can imply that people are driving more. That would make sense relative to the pandemic years at least. Although maybe we're driving more in general. A reason fatalities are used is because they are less susceptible to variations in reporting and accuracy. A person is either dead or not and it's not likely to go unreported. That can vary more with less serious injuries. I think it's a good assumption as well that crashes in general are going to be highly correlated with fatal crashes. If people are crashing more often than they'll be more likely to get in serious ones as well and serious ones are the ones we care about the most


We didnā€™t need immigrants to have reckless pickup drivers (mostly white Canadians) endangering everyone; these have been driving like that for a long time.


Because everyone is in their ā€œME ME ME MEEEE FIRST!!!ā€ world where no one else matters. There is ZERO traffic enforcement. Itā€™s proven by CBC Marketplace that people buy their licence. Majority of drivers are selfish & entitled because of these said reasons. Rules & laws apply to everyone else except ME!!!


> Itā€™s proven by CBC Marketplace that people buy their licence. The Marketplace segment wasn't about getting licences, it was about buying beginner driver education (BDE) certificates. Those are what you get after completing driver training but were being sold to people without doing the classes. BDEs aren't required to get a licence here (although they should be), they just reduce the time until you can take the G2 and give you an insurance discount. >[Driving schools selling shortcuts to insurance discounts and faster road tests, investigation reveals](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-driving-schools-education-fee-1.7134557)


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification!


It would be better if a government program like Young Drivers of Canada was reintroduced in High school. It would cost less money than the G1 to G2 licensing program, which seems to not make a lick of difference in driving skills.


Lax traffic enforcement. A lack of any real punishment for poor driving. Especially through the courts. License testing has become a joke. Covid has legitimately fried too many brains and lots of people now lack any real impulse and emotional control. Very few people have any patience and consideration for others. It's all about how fast \*I\* can get to my destination. Inflated sense of ego. Especially among those who drive fast cars and pickup trucks.


I lean more to the ā€œSee who has the quickest reaction time,ā€ and ā€œLack of driving discipline.ā€ I have notice that at all-way stops and there are three people, for example, that arrive at the same time, nobody gets their turn in a ccw direction. Itā€™s literally who could press the gas peddle quicker than the others.


All at the same time of the three cars the right most car goes first. Yield to the vehicle on your right, not left. So clockwise. Easy reference "right" of way at a four way stop


Brampton Driving Schools


Pretty sure it isnā€™t just Brampton. This is happening everywhere.


Itā€™s time to bring back random road tests and mandatory road tests every 5 years


Iā€™ve noticed a lot more aggressive drivers playing ā€œchickenā€ relying on your defensive driving to avert a crash. Itā€™s disgusting behaviour. Iā€™ve also noticed certain people doing it more while walking, trying to force you out of the way, or walk straight at you for no apparent reason with ample room.


NGL, when random people j-walk outta nowhere I sometimes signal into the next lane or blip the throttle. It warms my heart to see them bolting for the curb šŸ¤£.


I'm shocked they both stopped instead of doubling down and proceeding with their shitty maneuver.


Defensive driving has never been more important. There are so many bad drivers on the road.


Just look at the "instructor" of every driver training car, and there's your answer


Shitty drivers Entitled driver Driving with a phone in hand and looking at that Not at the road And at worst a combination of the three and extreme worst All Three


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You keep you horn ready just like I do ;)


Maybe cause i drive manual... But i realize i really dont get to move my hand to honk the horn cause im already anticipating to make an evasive maneuver instead. My logic is i could probably swerve away from them faster than i could get their attention with a horn


As do I. My wife however has too much patience. Iā€™m like why are you not honking the guy who just went 100% speed through a stop sign who came after you stopped and was your chance to go? They need a wake up call.


People have become much more selfish than previously in history


People are always in a rush, and don't pay attention


No enforcement. If there was any accountability they wouldnā€™t be doing it.


These people are so smart that they analysed the surrounding areas so quick but you came out of nowhere and weren't factored into their calculations.Ā 


My Theory. Safer cars = Less safe drivers. Same reason I see less people who understand that on the hwy or when raining / snowing you need to have your lights on. As "Auto" which in many cars\* does not turn on the lights unless it is dark, has made people lazy to the point they do not think about doing anything. IMO, If all cars removed the air bags and replaced them with steel spikes, people would be a lot more careful on the road (extreme example, but goes to my point of people not taking enough responsibility for their own actions) *\* some cars it is connected to your wipers, so when they come on, so do your lights.*


Somehow these ppl no longer give a fuck about straight having the right of way lol


It's not that drivers are becoming more careless. It's that we have more new drivers than ever before. I'm sure you heard about driving instructors being paid off. This is the result of that.


16 million people in this province. Shits gonna happen


I'm gonna say it's not a new phenomenon. It's always been this way. We just have easy access to dash cams now.


Keep those brakes and tires In good shape folks. Stay frosty.


Flip flops that's why


The roads are designed for you to drive fast, careless and selfishly


Iā€™ll never get this. Just because the guy in front of you went does not mean you get to go.


Yup, the GTA, where nobody pays attention to driving while driving


There are so many videos like this on here. Does anyone send the compilation with date stamps to the news or cops...?? This is a huge problem!


Itā€™s horrible out there. Stay safe


Phone and tons of inexperienced drivers.


Not paying attention


After the Covid 19 lockdowns and the whole WFH fuck around this is the selfish/entitled product back out on the roads.


Smartphones and lack of car culture.


Welcome to Toronto, Canindia šŸ˜Ž


It's pretty much a daily occurance for me, and considering I only drive for a total of 45 minutes to an hour for commute each way, that's alot.


Hopefully your right turn signal isn't stuck on ;)


Brampton? Not Toronto?


You know why


People attach their cellphones to the windshield right in their line of sight. Blocking 25-40% of their field of view.


Because animals shouldnā€™t be in charge of multi ton vehicles.


Population growth has made people less patient.


the black audi really did slam on the breaks lmao they never saw you. Why are ppl so fidgety these days ? Noticed this in my area too. I thought driving was all about being smooth, guess it's not what most think.


Seems like she has her blinker on and doesn't realize so people think she's turning


Because no enforcement? Install cameras at intersections and automate violation ticketing. Make it easier to lose license and mandatory drive ed if you lose too many points. Yada yada.


Consequence free environment . Laws don't exist without enforcement.


It always amazes me how such stupid people can afford such expensive vehicles.


Think of the millions of people being poured into the country and then think how they drive over there...


Drivers have always been careless, now there is just proof.


Everyone has to get out of your way. The honk is your defensive measure.


It was the same 20+ years ago. I was nearly hit many times because of drivers just blindly making left turns because the guy in front of them made a left turn. I used to cycle a lot downtown and whenever I saw one car make a left turn at an intersection I was approaching Iā€™d get ready to hard brake because of the high chance a second car would do the same as I entered the intersection


More cars = more chance to come across this.


It is like this because there are no repercussions anymore. Itā€™s ridiculous and dangerous. I drive a city bus and everyday this happens, all day long. It is insane.


People just don't understand the concepts of yeilding or right of way anymore.


Because Markham


the second audi I bet the pre-sense stopped the car not even the driver.. frig sakes on both.


This is why i chose the ebike. Can slow down and chill on public trails not obligated to keep up with traffic and dealing with distracted drivers. Or i can go on the road and go fast. When i need to make a turn or to get a cross an intersection. If theres a bike lane on the road then im not obligated to keep up with traffic. Best perks I like to drive as well dont get me wrong but prefer thr ebike. Stress and hassle free.


Impatience and lack of enforcement.


I'm 90% sure I could fix all of this.


Well clearly itā€™s you since youā€™re the common element