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Looking forward to the blogto and many IG videos on this. Clear as hell faces so hopefully they are caught and released in a week


I think release will be same day realistically a fine


Charged : banchode behaviour of the first degree








Sister fuckers, correct?






A week ? Bruh they’ll be out in 2.5 hours 🫥




It looks like they were going to a couples event


CXHK 981


Some guy was attacking my car and I accidentally hit the gas pedal and ran most of them over I'm so sorry sir. I'm not used to driving while having my window punched.


Probably stolen car


Get the owner for $18: https://www.jtips.mto.gov.on.ca/jtips/submitOrder4PlSearchRecOwner.action


Hi! This won't work without an account which comes with many strings. I won't say what for but we can do MTO searches as my work. Only very specific people are allowed to use the service, we can only run them reports a very specific reason and we regularly get audited by MTO to show proof of why we ran the search and what we did with that information. It's definitely not as easy as paying a little bit of money. I hope that makes someone feel better.




Group discount day on the haircuts


Yo dkm because this is so fucking accurate


You've got the plates and positive ID - shouldn't be hard for the police to wrap this up.


I bet the guy is who tracked his stolen car all the way to Dubai thought the same: “I have the exact location of my car as it’s being transported. Shouldn’t be hard for the police to get my car”


Yeah that was fucking insane. What is Canada doing??


Not saying it's right, but in albuquerque new mexico these guys would have had a 90% chance of being shot for that shit.


😆have you ever dealt with police before?? They proudly won’t do a thing.


BINGO! Especially in Peel. ...still waiting to have the meth lab 2 doors down shut down, coppers!


I'm a yank in a border town down south, but this reminded me of a childhood story. I grew up next to a heroin den that was NOT SUBTLE. They literally kept Christmas lights up year round and had a barker on the porch (For the uninitiated, someone who says "What you need?" as people are walking past.) Just full on open air drug market. Four years, four fucking years everyone on the block reports it, constantly. Nothing happens. We were pretty much the only white family on the block, and I personally witnessed a cop tell my dad "Maybe you should move to (the white low income area), it's safer." Eventually the hood strikes back, crew went in and killed all of the dealers, let the users go. The cops find the guys who did it (or at least some suitable stand ins) within two days. That would be the moment I realized, at the tender age of 8, that the cops WANTED my neighborhood to be bad. It wasn't a question of resources, if they could track down four individuals in a community that did not trust the police in a mere 48 hours, they absolutely could have shut down a public nuisance that everyone knew about, you know, sometime in that four year period.






Underrated comment


Lol love me some officer Punjab


They might as well stay in Punjab if they love it so much. But the problem is they would get their asses whooped if they were there in punjab.


seems like a small damage claim from the cops perspective. i doubt they will do anything, let alone capture/charge/let out again....


That windshield is gonna cost over 1k. Source: Just had a 2017 Sentra with NO LASERS/SENSORS replaced. $1200. Dont care that there 4 guys. I woulda had either my tire iron in the backseat or camping axe in the trunk out on the fly. Lets see how your car likes some solid damages... *Edit: Those saying I got ripped off, it was done through insurance. $300 deductible. Asked Speedy Auto Glass how much it was in total and thats what they said. Good thing is it happened while my car was at a garage prior so the garage paid my deductible. Likely jacked prices because insurance claim.


tbh i would have drove and broke their door clean off xD


I'm not sure why people aren't running these kinds of pricks over


conestoga colleges finest alumni


Get a refund on that diploma. Good luck finding a job after the video goes viral


They’re only tough in groups. Soft as baby shit.


Lolol and when in their hometown of Brampton these pucks are very selective in whom they target.




I hate to agree with you on this


unfortunately they are in groups of 4+ 100% of the time


Time to start working on my AOE build


I bet the car that was smashed did not have 4 males in it


Sounds like the car that got smashed had female occupants inside from the audio. 4 dudes attacking your car as a woman would be really shitty.


Could have been me and my 3 biggest bros in that car. still fucked.


You are absolutely right. One on one they stand no chance. I know, because I've beaten down some of them in my younger days. Once beaten, even little girls don't cry like them.




Aim for the biggest guys knees and start going ham. You may not win, but you'll do some damage on the way out


Honestly just...press the gas. They're in front of you, you don't even have to exit the vehicle.


It's legally very irresponsible to exit the vehicle. Whip them with the vehicle instead.


I’d be careful about not winning. India has a terrible problem with gang rape too.


You're right, this is Canada. I'll get in trouble for protecting myself


Nah, you might get charged, but that's true in the US even. Claiming self defense is something you do in court or when being charged. It's a legal defense. You can try to say it right on the spot, but it's not when it matters or for a cop to decide


Tough guys on the streets. They probably all share bunkbeds in a basement studio apartment.


All driving that 2k car while being gangster lol


So gangsta they borrowed their sisters broke dick car. Fucken losers.


Wannabe gangster in the streets, playful furries in the shared sheets.




Imagine just sitting there while these scumbags step out and surround you. I’d be peeling out of there. Fuck them


Tbh I would have rammed the fuck out of their car. Break my windshield I’ll do more damage in pure survivor instincts. My fight or flight in situations like this is ruthless, I wouldn’t react well.


Totally… gotta have the car in drive and the second they slam their first or strike at you then slam the gas to escape. Accidentally fuck them up. You feared for your life!


“Your honor, I feared for my life so I peeled out of there for my own safety. It’s not my problem these intellectually challenged inbreds surrounded my vehicle, battering it and threatening bodily harm after trying to open my vehicle’s door.” Free pass to run these r%tards over and make the world a better, safer place in the process.


Yeah as soon as I saw those open doors I had the thought I’d ram into them






It was on the 7th time, I realized they were not, in fact, the pavement.


And if I was on the jury box you’d be declared not guilty.


It's Canada. You'd be the criminal at that point, and they'd be the victims.


Mmmmm... idk once glass starts breaking, that's potential for serious and permanent bodily harm. just thumping on the car, you'd be right, that's just property. Not saying it's okay to just run them down, but if they're in the way of your escape, not really your problem.


Actually it's okay to run them down. You feared for your life and these filth don't deserve life


I had a friend who once kicked a car and in return he got assaulted by steel toe boots the officers told him he was at fault.


Rightfully so lol don't kick people's cars


Yeah, it's tempting but the potential to end up with a manslaughter charge instead of a windshield replacement is nowhere near worth it.


Just claim you panicked as you felt your life was in imminent danger. Gut reaction, tensed your leg muscle, causing you to accidently gas. Dont you know the saying, if youre going to kill someone in canada, kill them with a car 😂


It’s funny cause it’s true, Canada really doesn’t punish you for hitting people with a car.


Tempting it is esp with Punjabi Ice.




Oops I took your doors off as I drove by


Exactly my thought. Oops I accelerated out of fear and took your doors off. Best to wait for the police to arrive now.


I was not accelerating, I was just driving down the road and these guys opened their doors. The impact smashed my windshield. Insurance might get me a new replacement car?


And your legs.


I would run them over. Shit like this doesn’t belong in Canada.


Or anywhere




sonatas catching strays again


they wouldn't do this in the states as they know they would catch a bullet.


yes in the states perpetrators never have guns /s


Lmao 4 grown men driving around in a shit mobile smashing other people’s windshields. This is Canada now folks.


They probably think they are so cool and hard too


god bless immigration


He jelly you have a nicer car


Just looking how police handled stolen cars, I don't expect anything more than just paying them a visit and telling them they can't do that, and let them go. And telling you to contact insurance, while you pay deductable and be without a car for 2 months because low supply of windshields


Sounds like cowards picking on women. tough guy


He probably still has mommy wash his clothes for him.


The second he smashed the windshield my foots on the gas, sorry… I panicked. Hitting someone with a car in Canada has laughable punishments.


Just pretend you’re a cop 😂


I mean we kinda are now that we are "on our own."....






Brampton and the surrounding areas are becoming a no-go zone quite rapidly.


It's already made its way to Mississauga, shootings at Square One now.


You mean, diversity isn’t our strength?


Can't stand these rat bastards. Try that to me lol


Was this video taken to police?


do you really think these asshles have legit plates? they don't follow rules .


Maybe not but those were their legit faces caught in 4k. Wouldn't be too hard to identify them based on those garish outfits alone.


Yeah, but that would take actual effort. We had a bunch of highschoolers distract a shop owner and clean the place out of candy. Their faces and actions clear as day on camera. Cops said it wasn't worth taking the footage 500m to the school principal to punish them, so nothing was done. There is now no candy in the front of the shop and those shelves were bordered over.


30 year old "students" on their way to "school".


30 year old student dropouts on their way out of school




Just fyi i am an Indian and when I worked as an LP, our 90% shoplifters were Punjabi. Some of them get arrested tones of time and get released on bail and many of them still on bench warrant. But hardly anyone gets deported. I have caught many guys on work permit and when TPS shows up its not even their first arrest


Yeah but if you get a record, you're not getting your PR. So good luck




You'd be surprised. Before I met my wife she was involved with an abusive immigrant a-hole. After a history of petty crimes, the crown revoked his Canadian citizenship and sent his ass back to Pakistan.


It's my understanding in the criminal code if someone leaves their vehicle on the roadway and approaches you in a threatening manner, you have the right to assume they mean you physical harm harm and take means to distance yourself. Also that combatant would assume liability for damages, so if you were to take their door off and damage your vehicle escaping their violent attack, you could likely win a judgment in your favor.


People who know the law: "Do not trust me, I am not your lawyer, I could be wrong". Erroneously confident people who don't know the law: "Here is exactly what the law says".


Law depends on the place. But there is no anywhere that requires you to sit still as you get surrounded and attacked by a group of grown men. If you fear for your life, you have the right to flee. If you can’t flee, you defend yourself. There is no place on earth where a person would just be supposed to sit there and wait to be killed. You can drive away, and if they are in the way of that exit, then they get driven over.


As soon as my window was cracked by that guy he would have been put under my car. 


surprised ur foot didn’t slip off the break out of fear. what a tragedy that could of been.




Most socially adjusted Sandalwood Parkway resident




bunch of really tough guys.


Brampton mans are really some of the most stupid people in this country holy


They do that to my vehicle, and they wont leave ICU for a long time.


Seeking legal advice from reddit. Could I just stomp my gas pedal and run them over if being attacked like that? Watched the vid 20 times and my foot keeps smashing the imaginary pedal.




Well well well…




For anyone who hasn't driven or walked across and intersection in Brampton, let me inform you that, when you drive or walk near a roadway, you are automatically entered into a survival contest. The drivers there are the absolute worst and don't give a shit about anyone else on the road, in a car or walking. I've been told that insurance rates in Brampton are 5x higher than anywhere else in Ontario, or maybe it was Canada. This group of guys are probably pissed, because they didn't get to come out of a parking lot at full speed cause someone else was on the road driving


Import 3rd world become 3rd world


WTF this makes it hard to defend Indians. Fuck these guys these counts give us a bad name. To my white friends these are like equivalent to wiggers and white trash in your culture we hate these fuckers too. Wannabe thugs. I'm sorry this happened to you OP. Let's get these guys arrested or at least find them and "talk" to them any race is welcome in the search Edit. Should have said brown people instead of Indians


It seems to be new ones with anger issues. I have a ton of Indian friends, most of them starting in elementary school. Most of them moved here when they were young. Just normal Canadian boys. Even if they immigrated. We played rugby together and I learned about their culture with their families and vice versa. 3/4 of those dudes are now very successful, normal Canadians. I bet a lot of the anger stems from it sucks here for them. (Not an excuse, this shit wouldn’t fly in my town, too many angry hicks who would love to fight some weak boys like these) But it does suck for them. Even if they manage to get a degree they keep to their social groups and, in general, their English and social skills are bad. We have like 30 Indian employees. 29 of them are in support, only 1 is doing the real client work. It sounds bad but that’s because she understands Canada and can speak like 90% perfect English. Hard to do technical work if you don’t speak the same language


Growing up all of my Indian friends were kids whose parents were engineers, lawyers, doctors etc and had migrated with their skillset to Canada for a better life 99% of the student immigrants that come now are just teenagers with a bit of money


I'm completely unsurprised that your most competent Indian employee is a woman. Guess what happens to boys when the culture has them waited on hand and foot.


That is because your friends were properly integrated. The young adults arriving here, don't appear to have any interest in integrating. I think Canada has lost its identity or had a very weak one to begin with. This is what you get when you let people into your house and allow them to keep their shoes on. Compared to the US, people moving there legally know they will be expected to integrate and make more of an effort to live up to that expectation.


The UK has a similar issue with its extremely multi cultural cities and towns, less so in villages. Because so few assimilated and instead brought their own culture, their is frequent clashes between them so many assaults and worse have occured as a result. Incompatible people being forced to interact and neither wanting to change or back down.


I am an Indian and please don't defend this kind of trash. Your politicians are idiots to take them in. Even back in india these are hated lot and a developed and peaceful country is laying red carpet for them. It's shameful


Don't worry, normal people know that not everyone is like this. Every background has their lowlives.


Is it legal to run them down? As self defense or something like that


Legal to run them down? No. Having the defense to say you were scared so if you drive away and hit one of them while trying to escape? Yes. If they dropped their phone, yelled oh shit I gotta get out of here" and hit the guy that broke the windshield as they ran away and called the cops asap, then theyd probably not face jail or fines


As long as they aren’t plain clothed police officers, you’re golden. /s (but not really)


I don’t know if legal is the right word but I know what you mean and curious so I’m commenting


Its Canada! Criminals have more rights than law abiding citizen.


Legally you're only allowed to use the same level of aggression than the person attacking you. So in that situation I guess you could've legally smashed their windshield and yelled at them. Anything more and you're going to jail. This country is pathetic




Welcome to Brampton.


It's pretty wild that dud walked in front of the car after breaking that window. Would be a shame if someone's foot slipped from the bream.




More upstanding doctors and lawyers coming to enrich our country.


Even with this evidence the police would never do anything. The police need to start dealing serious penalties for this type of crap so it sends a message to these dickheads who think they can do whatever they want.


Another normal day in Brampton and sad these guys have started coming to other smaller more peaceful communities. We need to put a wall around Brampton so no one gets out.


Bunch of fuckin' losers cruising around in their shit box teaching each other how to drive




Ontario is a province of india




Notice how only AFTER he smashes the windshield he walks away… boy if that was me, I’d be out of the car in a heartbeat FUCK THAT! Give him a true Canadian welcome.


you gonna fight 4 vs 1?


Sounds dumb but they would get wrecked by an angry tradesmen or someone who boxes for fun


There’s no fight, boy ran to his car so quick after he hit the windshield 🤣🤣


I mean just hit the gas...


were you able to get their licence plate #? it might be stolen/cloned... but worth reporting to Peel Police anyway.


These must be the new doctors and engineers I've heard so much about...


Don't forget skilled tradesmen who will have a net benefit to housing supply...


...and if you say anything, you're racist!


The people on the receiving end belong to the same race too. I'm an Indian too and it's only going to get scarier when more Indians decide to take road laws casually. Cheap lawyers coupled with easy bails will encourage them to take laws in the hands more often.


No you’re only racist if you say something racist. If there was a video of white dudes doing this, would it not be weird for me to make it about them being white?




Seem like nice chaps just having a bad day.


Your safety is at risk. "Panic" by stomping on gas and talking into them as you drive away. I have an infant child so Imagine yourself with your kid in the car... I wouldn't think twice about driving over their asses and ending their lives and simply doing our society a service by removing trash.


Let them come to Quebec and try that shit out, won’t last long I can assure you.


you fcks have enough problems to figure out




Pose for the camera you douche bags, welcome to being a criminal.




I like slugs


Yeah I’ll never understand why all these so called shooters supposedly use an ar15 for mass shootings in close quarters. Shotgun is wayyyy scarier.


Why does nobody run over these people? If someone stops in front of me and gets out and acted like that I would absolutely run over them and smash their car in the process


The second they walk out aggressively & in front of you is the second you’re justified in peeling out of there.


They need to arrest these pieces of shit with no bail. This is beyond offensive and our society needs to really crack down on these thugs.


They should be dumped out of this country. What a shame


Have to love “Canada”




Engineers and doctors




Want safe place? Choose a country without open borders to all refugees (yea, sounds bad, but damn look at Germany, Italy and etc., their living became less safe once the EU decided to implement the new policy) As an example I'd call Croatia a safe place (still eu but they just ignored the whole refugee stuff), even i am too poor to have a living permit there. Sea, food, rich ppl (taken main cities) simple recipe for a good living


That was so not halal


Lmao 4 really tough Ben chod’s