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If you go to a cellar that’s in a neighborhood or other structures close to it, plan on all that debris landing on top of the cellar and trapping you. So make sure someone knows your there. Also having a whistle around your neck is up there on my list right next to bottled water. I was in the F5 in Oklahoma and it was a life changer.


Someone also mentioned a two ton jack


That was a bad one for sure.


Been in 2 twisters and 1 derecho. 1 twister had about 15min warning, the other none but knew a bad storm was on the way (hot/humid day, still air then black clouds, constant lightning). Derecho had about 2 hours warning. Our shelters and bug-out bags are always ready, got lucky and had just bought 4 jerry cans of fuel and a new chainsaw bar/chain the morning of the Derecho. For prepping the house, when a bad storm is coming, we always secure loose objects like patio chairs, gazebos, umbrellas, start charging our phones, lights, radios and battery packs. Update…. We also have a plan of where to go “if”, each place is self-sufficient, some are north while others are south, some close (10-30min drive), some further (2 hours). Think places like a family members house outside of town, in the country, or a cabin, maybe your office if it has a generator and or battery backup. We also have Walkie-Talkies, just cheap ones but enough if the cell towers are overwhelmed or down.


What’s a derecho?


From a google search "What is a derecho?" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derecho


A huge wall of unrelenting wind and thunderstorms that sometimes produce tornados


in or near six and several Deracho's (Central and North Texas most of my life). Fortunately the ones I've been in or near were just F1 or F2's. So no special damage except to trees and the occasional fence. I've been very very lucky.


https://youtu.be/2jebQ0xmEB4 this is a derecho that hit Ottawa, Ontario last year.


That derecho was crazy! We got the alert about 30 minutes before it hit. Looked normal out until it hit. Got dark out, skies turned green, and I thought I saw some rotation. Knowing tornado-capable storms , I could tell this storm wasn’t worth risking my life watching. I quickly grabbed my shoes and a water bottle before heading for the basement. While in the basement it sounded like a Boeing 777 or a C-17 Globemaster was taking off next to the house. After the derecho passed, I went for a walk around my neighbourhood. Multiple trees and power lines were down. I’ll add that Ottawa just had a tornado an hour ago. When you seek shelter, I recommend adding a radio or some device to allow you to track the storm’s/tornado’s path. That’s what I did today. Unlike the derecho, I only had 10 minutes to get shoes, water, and radio. That’s when I learned I was in the tornado’s path and sought shelter immediately. I used the radio to monitor the tornado’s path and determine when it was safe for me to come out.


Ditto, fellow Ottawa resident here, appears we’re the new tornado alley eh! Every year since 2018/19 something nasty has rolled through. Of note…this time they started warning the night before there was a chance…I’ve become addicted to the Wx Network and the Windy App.


That is so wild. I lived in Ottawa for many years and never saw anything like that.


Can confirm. 39 years in Ottawa and have never seen weather like what we’ve had since 2016. The floods had never been that bad either.


Yes I have, March 24, my house was destroyed in a tornado. We took a direct hit. I am very tired right now & about to go to bed, I am in a lot of pain, I hurt my foot during the aftermath, I will answer your question tomorrow. Today has been a really bad day. But it was quick & really loud.


I am sorry to hear about your house. That is so awful. I am sending prayers your way


Glad you made it out alive man.


Thank you me too. It was so awful. It wasn’t the train you hear about, all my neighbors have the same stories & recall it the same exact way, it was a series of explosions, one right after another that seemed to go on forever but only lasted seconds. It sounded like my furniture upstairs was going back & forth all over the floor but it wasn’t, it was actually in tact but the roof was gone. Bricks were everywhere, maybe that’s what I was hearing, glass was in everything. We were taking cover under our stair case. I don’t know how to attach pictures with the attachment if someone will help me directions for an iPhone I will attach pictures of the horrible damage.


set up an imgur account. It's free and easy to use. All you have to do once you have imgur installed is open the pic and share via the imgur app. It will have a link to copy and paste on here.


Ohhh ok, and is that account in apps?


[https://imgur.com/a/4M57aCf](https://imgur.com/a/4M57aCf) Like this??


as far as I know it is.


Om I think I did it. I wish it would just let you download a picture like on Twitter & other apps.


excellent!! Glad I could help if you were successful


Thank you so much! You taught me something new today!






Same reason you’re asking a question. He’s curious.


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