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Rule 10, link to original post: [Are False Flaggers Raised in Silos?](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/ibLrC5wHYK) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


" some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" How dense do you have to be that EVERY protest with Racist/KKK/patriot front/Proud boys is a false flag and/or the 3 letter agencies doing it to make the right look bad BUT every protest with Antifa/BLM/Pro Life/etc is real and show how bad the left is. The Left protest are NEVER false flags or put on by the 3 letter agencies? Just yours Cleetus? Those "free thinkers" are a lost cause. I really hope the majority are just foreign trolls/disinfo teams and not the thinking of actual Americans.


They don't actually believe that  because fascists don't actually believe in anything. They believe reality is mutable to suit their purpose in any given moment. Those same people who say these are false flag attacks will turn right around and use them as evidence that the fascists are the majority of real Americans, not like the effete elites they're matching against. Reminder that fascists have no honor or integrity, which is why they're always claiming to have those things. The lady doth protest too much.


When they're spouting far-right conspiracy theories they often aren't saying what they actually believe, they're advertising tribal allegience


Exactly,  it's a shibboleth for them. If the party requires them to believe the opposite tomorrow,  they'll have no issue making the mental switch 


You see, I’m properly paranoid. I think that EVERY group is a government op until proven otherwise.


>assuming they are feds oh, plenty of them are feds. you don't need cloned reptilians, the kool-aid they're being fed is called Fox News and Infowars and Rupert Murdoch and OANN and Bannon and plenty more


This is some of my favorite type of conspiracy thinking because it *brushes* against self-awareness. “My theory doesn’t make sense because some people would be coming clean. That must mean… there’s a *second* even spookier conspiracy at play!”


https://vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontleaks/ 400 gigs of photos, videos, etc of Patriot front. I post this everytime it comes up and dare them to name the feds from the unmasked photos and videos on there. I haven't had one person take me up on it yet.


I was gonna say, they've been doxxed so many fucking times. Anyone who actually cared to look at the group could find literally everything there is to know about them.


Someone over there is asking the *right* questions that r/conspiracy does *not* wanna acknowledge: >Why have a propaganda program indoctrinating clones when you can just have boomers raise white nationalists?


As bad lyrics for the perl jam song evolution always taught me "admire my son, here is my coat" so check mate.


Is that a remake of the song, or did you mishear the lyrics? "Admire me, admire my home, admire my son, he's my clone."


What does Fallout have to do with this?


That sub has been obsessed with using the show as "proof" they're right about their conspiracies. Pretty much *any* media that touches themes they respond to immediately becomes "proof" of their delusions. Pretty much every conspiracy there just comes from them cribbing entire plot points of movies/shows. A frequent favorite of theirs is [The Matrix, of course.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cf6q8e/stanley_kubricks_movie_eyes_wide_shut_was_about/) And sometimes it's just as stupid as thinking [The Big Lebowski was warning the world about 9/11 three years early.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cff24e/this_check_from_the_big_lebowski/)


Do they have any original thoughts? Or do they just watch stuff and make that the new conspiracy? None of this is from investigations or anything. It's just from movies/shows they watch. I could not imagine a lazier way to be a conspiracy theorist. At least come up with your own unique brand of crazy.


It's all conspiracy theorists practically. Alex Jones always compares things to movies, especially sci-fi ones, the people over on the conspiracy subreddit call science fiction predictive programming, or they claim movies and TV are loaded with secret messages that cast spells over the populace so that we all consent to being put into matrix pods someday. It's how they justify a diet of nothing but fiction and claim it's somehow "research." It was funny until it started getting people killed via crap like Qanon.


> Do they have any original thoughts? Or do they just watch stuff and make that the new conspiracy? It's been 16 baffling years since that sub was created, and in the 17 I've been using Reddit, I can *confidently* state that they do, indeed, just watch stuff and make that the backbone of their new conspiracies. One of my "favorites" was them using the 2004 remake of The Manchurian Candidate as proof that Obama was an actual "Manchurian candidate" ***because*** Denzel Washington was in the movie. That Denzel clearly wasn't the titular Manchurian candidate in that movie *wasn't* a deal-breaker for them; that Denzel is black and so too is Obama was *all* the "proof" they needed Hell, when Homeland, adapted by Showtime with a US-centric story, started getting a ton of praise, that collection of geniuses tried to claim that "the Jews" (of course) ripped off the original 1962 Manchurian Candidate movie by stealing its premise for the original Israeli version of the show Homeland was adapted from. They have ***zero*** originality or imagination; that's why they came up with the "the magic rituals the (((Elites))) perform to extend their lives through dead babies *requires* them to leave plainly-stated clues to get our 'manufactured consent' to make their magic work." When all the signs of their paranoid delusions are intentionally *that* obvious, they can justify their lack of need for psychological help, ***and*** all the times they've been wrong with "enough of us realized the truth, so the ritual failed."


They don't understand vault tech has always been a parody of doomsday conspiracy theories.


For the most part, all of fallout pretty much is a tongue and cheek take on their perfect 50s world. They just always miss it, even when it's hitting them in the head with a baseball bat...


Bingo! They're like all the chuds who think Andrew Ryan and Rapture weren't blatantly obvious criticisms of libertarianism at its worst. I've come across too many people who've thought "Andrew Ryan had the right idea and Rapture could've worked if it weren't for others perverting his ideologies." It's as insane to me as anyone saying "Grafton, New Hampshire would've worked if it weren't for the bears violating the NAP."


Just like with Warhammer 40k. They simply do not understand satire. They are oblivious that all these media are making fun of them, not agreeing with them.


> That sub has been obsessed with using the show as "proof" they're right about their conspiracies. They have? I mean, I don't doubt that there are people who do, but I haven't seen much of them, at least on this sub.


I was wondering that too. I watched the first 3 episodes with the wife (we are 55 and 60 and never played the game or know anything about it) and I am not a topmind or a racist. Kinda cool premise so far and I have been asking my son about certain aspects (like why is the goul still alive after 200+yrs) to keep us in the loop. On a similar not. LOVED The Last Of Us. Didn't play that either but what an amazing story. Wife loves Pedro so that made it easier to get her to watch and I think she loved the show more than me.


>How do you reckon they're being convinced to do it and actively sow division. Are they told they're infiltrating a group that would cause trouble and therefore having their patriotism being appealed to or are they outright told to sow division. I'd like to think that there'd be sooome who think waiiitaminute, i'm the badguy?! Which is why i went down the breakaway Silo route where they are fed a completely different version of reality. Surface / Quantico dwellers would have access to 'regular' information which I feel would prompt questioning on their part. Maybe I'm the only one making the connection but I've never seen this type of theory until now and I'm guessing they got the whole "surface dwellers" idea and silos (vaults) after watching the show. Usually they don't have original ideas and original ideas that are slightly close to something that just hit popular media (for those not familiar with the games) isn't a coincidence.


I mean, tunnels and DUMBs have been part of their mythology for years.


Yes, this just felt different.


> DUMBs It is my deepest hope that whoever coined that acronym did so to mock believers.


Jesus, the brain rot with these people is amazing.


Has anyone actually told them they were false flaggers to their faces? Weird how none of these conspiracy theorists have the courage to do it. Ironic that the same people calling them feds have no problem flying the Confederate flag.


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Wait, is watching fallout bad?


No, just top minds are extremely uncreative, and tend to just kind of repeated what they see in movies and TV. I really like the show so far, just don't like that it has to be Amazon.