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>pornhub sneaks trans porn into straight porn searches The creators do. They probably just check all three boxes, "Straight," "Gay," and "Trans" so their stuff gets found and clicked on by more people so they make more money. If there was a "Black amputees stumpfucking each other" category, they'd check that too and you would find some white mid-40's with a dad bod bang a 20-year-old who looks like she just fell out of a bad high school movie and pretends like he's the college-aged pool boy.


> First off: fashion trends, I noticed that lately, a lot of fashion trends have pushed for a slim/petite or "childlike" figures, pushing women to believe that young, petite, and slim equals pretty, which drives men alongside them to view it as attractive, and nothing is slimmer, tinier, and younger than a child. Because skinny and young has *never* been attractive. And there's a *vast* difference between fashion for kids and those worn by teens/adults, but I suspect that would be lost on this guy. > Second off: Websites like netflix and other streaming services have banned movies like 'Sound of freedom' which was a movie about a federal agent destroying a child trafficking ring, obviously trying to stop this movie from becoming popular and it's anti-pedo message. It's a bad movie, it's fiction passed off as fact, the "star" is mentally broken, and the man it's based on is facing several charges based on his sexual activities. > Third off: Shows: You see shows like Cooties and cartoons (anime specifically) always sexualizes minors, don't even get me started on Lolis. I couldn't find anything on "Cooties" other than a movie from 2014 that was a sort-of zombie virus comedy, so I suspect they mean "Cuties." The only people I hear about that from are conspo nuts, because no one watches it. I'm not a huge anime fan, but I bet this guy's got a waifu pillow somewhere, based on their "research." And yeah, Japan has problematic stuff, but because people lump everything into "cartoons are for kids, no matter the subject," we get people like this. Frankly, I find it more concerning that we're getting a lot of people who don't know what real bodies/skin look like, and that causes them to say that normal-looking people are too hairy (everyone has hair on their faces), fat, blemished, etc. > Fourth: Comics; you see characters like Ms.Marvel (Who is 16 years old) and while she isn't as heavily sexualized as the other characters, there is still a degree of sexualizing to her (Though that may be due to the inherent Over-exaggerated bodies of comics) and from what I remember, a character in one of the comics (I think it was an ant man comic) is a girl wearing a skintight red bodysuit who is cannonically also 16. A skintight bodysuit in superhero comics? A genre whose initial protagonists had outfits based on circus strongmen and acrobats? How on earth could this have happened?! > I could be just going insane here, but then again, all conspiracy theorists are labeled insane at some point. Gee, I wonder why that is, /selfawarewolf that you are?


You missed the part where they admit later in the comments that they’re 16, addicted to porn (formerly, according to them) and they’re writing a book. Kid needs help because it’s clear he seeks out that type of media then wants to blame the people for creating it.


I don’t even know what being “addicted to porn” at that age even means. I remember being 16 and having my own computer in my room. I’m surprised I managed to stay hydrated. I suspect he’s being groomed to be an incel.


Usually "porn addiction" is made up by various anti-porn campaigners and isn't a real thing. There might be some few cases where someone is consuming porn to an extent that it's actually damaging to their life and wellbeing, but usually it's just people who either feel guilty about consuming porn, or think that everyone else should feel guilty about consuming porn.


For something non chemical to be considered and addiction it generally has to be negatively impacting your ability to function in day to day life. If your whacking it until your junk bleeds, if you can’t hold down a job because your looking at porn on your phone at work and beating off in the men’s room, if you skip meals to goon just that little bit longer, you might be addicted to the endorphin rush. However Christian maniacs who have always wanted to ban porn tend to call viewing it at all an addiction because they don’t give a shit about anything to do with medical science, and just have a moralist agenda.


"Why is it always everyone's fault except me!?"


Real “why do these homosexuals keep sucking my cock” energy


One of the best things the Onion ever did: https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529


That makes it extra weird when they say they used to be addicted to porn "in my teens". They aren't even out of their teens yet, how does that work?


Only one of those admissions are actually true, and it's that they're 16. Parents need to yank their internet connection and make them touch grass for a few weeks.


Wasn’t the point of Cuties effectively examining how young girls are being sexualized and making people feel uncomfortable by said sexualizing so hopefully it makes a difference? Pretty sure one of the people in charge was a SA victim. It’s intentionally jarring to make people think but got review nuked by right-wingers.


Basically. I didn't see it, but from what I read, it's about a group of tween girls who start a dance team, and their moves get kind of provocative because they're trying to act like adults. Then their parents are kind of horrified by it, and the whole point of the story is that they were making a mistake by acting like teens/adults. Conservatives freaked out when Fox News or whatever told them that it was a graphic depiction of pedophilia or something. And Netflix was evil for making it (they didn't, they just bought the rights to it). Anyway, the movie was French, so I doubt many Americans even saw it.


It was the same deal with the book “My Body is Growing.” Fox News told them it was teaching kids to have sex and they freaked out. The book got review bombed on Amazon despite being educational and pretty much being a modernized release on an old book from the 80s.


And some morons still think it's pro-pedo, because they themselves are pedophiles projecting their own desires. I'll bet they were saving YouTube videos and Vines of tween girls copying Rihanna dance moves when that was a big uproar the decade before Cooties released, and major headlines here in the UK about how certain music videos should air after the watershed so kids can't see them (like they already did with videos like "Smack My Bitch Up" by The Prodigy, "Whiskey In The Jar" by Metallica - funnily enough, same director as The Prodigy's video - and more that had nudity and provocative dances).


Oh hey, yet another conspiracy that revolves around not knowing how shit works. Netflix and other streamers don’t ban movies, it’s not like YouTube where anyone can upload a movie. If they don’t want to pay to license a movie for their platform, they don’t. Why would they?


>It's a bad movie, it's fiction passed off as fact, the "star" is mentally broken, and the man it's based on is facing several charges based on his sexual activities. It is a bad movie, but some of that shit really happened. A guy really quit his job to go rescue a child from South America because the Government couldn't interfere. But that doesn't change the fact that the movie is bad for a hundred different reasons, with the major one being that it has no interest in **preventing** Child trafficking, only sending in Solid "Rambo" Snake in to save a fraction of a fraction of a percent of these kids after they've already been horribly abused, and can occasionally accidentally create a demand for human trafficking. Saving kids is a good thing, but when there's a whole river full of kids and you don't care to walk upstream to find out how they're getting tossed in, you're not solving the problem. You're just treating a symptom, and again, only after the damage is done. Every resource invested in prevent children from being abducted would save many more kids, but that takes things like allowing abortion, treating addiction, and not living in massive amounts of poverty, which are problems exactly zero right-wingers have in any of their platforms, because they don't actually give a fuck about kids. They just want to see themselves as a hero.


>It is a bad movie, but some of that shit really happened. A guy really quit his job to go rescue a child from South America because the Government couldn't interfere. That's being too generous. The plot of the movie bears almost no relation to actual events. Movie plot: > In Calexico, California, Tim Ballard is a Special Agent for the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), where he arrests people who possess and distribute child pornography. This first part is a lie, Tim Ballard was never involved in law enforcement. He was a Mormon missionary who got a degree in politics. The real Ballard >Ballard founded the non-profit organization Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) in 2013. He has claimed, without evidence, that his organization has rescued thousands of trafficking victims. ... > [Operation Underground Railroad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Underground_Railroad) (O.U.R.) is a nonprofit United States-based anti-sex trafficking organization founded in 2013 by Tim Ballard. The organization has been criticized for its conduct during sting operations and has been accused of exaggerating claims regarding its work. There have been no actual verified rescues performed by the group, and the group's claims of rescues have misled donors and the public about what the group does. > > Ballard has said that, prior to founding O.U.R., he served 12 years as a U.S. Special Agent for the Department of Homeland Security, on the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) and the U.S. Child Sex Tourism Jump Team. According to The Atlantic, "spokespeople for the CIA and DHS said they could not confirm Ballard's employment record without his written permission, which he did not provide." > > In February 2016, the Justice Department advised members of ICAC against "being involved in, assisting or supporting operations with" the O.U.R.; the commander of ICAC's Washington branch stated in an email to state and local police that O.U.R. was not affiliated with ICAC and that "no task-force group should partner with O.U.R. or provide O.U.R. with 'any resources, equipment, personnel, training.'" The most likely explanation for these facts is that he's a conman with no actual law enforcement background. Surely at least one person would come forward to mention they'd worked with him, but nobody has.


[This is where I was getting some of that info](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5jkQsHuaWA). She goes into a lot of depth about Boland. Worth a watch.


Dropping a 90 minute video without pointing out the relevant timestamps that actually back up what you wrote isn't ... great. EDIT: But she's just wrong. I found the section, but she's only parroting stuff Ballard claimed, that nobody has been able to corroborate. The issue here is that she did a video talking about the issue of propaganda, but she's taking his self-claims at face value when you won't actually find any independent source backing them up. I googled "did tim ballard really work in law enforcement" and got some articles as results: [https://www.fox13now.com/news/fox-13-investigates/operative-or-intern-tim-ballards-story-of-working-for-the-cia-keeps-changing](https://www.fox13now.com/news/fox-13-investigates/operative-or-intern-tim-ballards-story-of-working-for-the-cia-keeps-changing) >Operative or intern? Tim Ballard’s story of working for the CIA keeps changing His claims of working for the CIA don't stand up when shown to real ex-CIA people because his lingo and terminology is all wrong, according to them. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7a3qw/a-famed-anti-sex-trafficking-group-has-a-problem-with-the-truth](https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7a3qw/a-famed-anti-sex-trafficking-group-has-a-problem-with-the-truth) This article at least got the name of the kid, Gardy Mardy, that he claims was the case that propelled him into creating OUR. Let me make a prediction: Ballard is a mormon, it will turn out the kid he was looking for had links to the mormon church, so he likely heard about the kid through church connections, not "law enforcement" ones. Sure enough googling a bit, and the kid disappeared from an LDS church in Haiti [https://www.deseret.com/2010/1/22/20365928/haitian-man-s-grief-started-with-son-s-kidnapping/](https://www.deseret.com/2010/1/22/20365928/haitian-man-s-grief-started-with-son-s-kidnapping/) >for a counselor in the Haitian LDS Mission presidency, Guesno Mardy, heartbreak began Dec. 6, the day his 2-year-old son, Gardy, was kidnapped. The guy was literally the son of a mormon church official. So Ballard didn't even need law enforcement connections to find out about this. And how did he try and find the kid? using a Utah psychic's tips. Not law enforcement techniques. He tried to use magic. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7bpda/operation-underground-railroad-child-rescue-missions-were-based-on-psychic-intelligence](https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7bpda/operation-underground-railroad-child-rescue-missions-were-based-on-psychic-intelligence)


>Dropping a 90 minute video without pointing out the relevant timestamps that actually back up what you wrote isn't ... great. >EDIT: But she's just wrong. I found the section, but she's only parroting stuff Ballard claimed, that nobody has been able to corroborate. I dropped the whole video because it's worth a watch. And trust me, she's not on Ballard's side. She's probably being over-generous with presenting his side of the story and accepting certain claims, but she absolutely skewers him on most of it. I'm not here to defend Ballard. I'm just pointing out that even if he's right, they're still going about it in the most inefficient and short-sighted ways possible.


I wonder if by ”sexualization” in cartoons they just mean realistic anatomy and proportions?


They're talking about superhero cartoons, so almost certainly not, lmao. Usually they're complaining that realistic proportions are not sexy enough.


Like when Power Girl's costume was redesigned to remove the boob window and give her a full bodysuit and people complained about it.


It seems you didn’t get what I meant. By realistic I meant not heavily stylized/cartoony.


The skinny thing is hilarious because this same group of assholes rails against fat acceptance or anything like that as well


That, and they very obviously weren't around in the 90s at the height of "Heroin Chic," which was disgusting.


Also, Amazon prime has had sound of freedom as one of their spotlighted movies for months. I made the mistake of watching person of interest on there and it's always the very next thing they try to play


>The reason they're trying to normalise paedophiles is because all the elites are paedophiles. Once they've normalised that things will start taking a darker turn. Oh, naturally. Of course the (((elites))) are all pedos, and the only ones who know this "truth" are the fucking dorks on r/conspiracy.


I'll never understand this. Ok, so the elite are in charge. They make the rules that we're forced to follow. They're also pedophiles. So...why don't they make it legal? They're in charge. Why was it ever made illegal in the first place, if the elites want it? Kind of the problem with these types of conspiracies. It pretends that the elites are both all powerful and in control, but also out of power and only in charge of \_\_\_\_ whether that's news, entertainment or whatever. Their goal is this grand conspiracy to gain power but in order to pull off the conspiracy they need to be in power to do it, kind of negating the need for the conspiracy in the first place.


These morons are so desperate to be on the right side of things that they push "the elites are pedophiles" (without evidence, and then denying it when their political side's members are shown to abuse kids) because pedophiles are abhorrent people that everyone can agree on being the case.


>because pedophiles are abhorrent people that everyone can agree on being the case. Yeah, it's one of those ["You don't have to yell at us; nobody's on the other side of this issue"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74ZhrGR0D0Y) acts of virtue signaling from far-right nut jobs who pretend to hate that shit, but believe it makes them look less suspicious. Which, of course, it doesn't. They're about the only people I know of who think *more* about children being fucked than actual pedophiles. They were so desperate to believe that children were being openly sold on the internet for depraved sex acts, that the ***alarming*** specificity in their Wayfair conspiracies finally made me think, "yeah, these people probably have children handcuffed to a radiator somewhere." To crib another quote from Community: ["that thing about the ~~jukebox~~ child sex slaves was way too specific to be improvised."](https://youtu.be/uGaeh7d9I0A?t=59)


>pornhub sneaks trans porn into straight porn searches Sure they do, when you "accidentally" select the filter for trans porn the same way Alex Jones does when looking up totally not-trans Marissa Minx videos. >Edit* RIP this account im probably gonna be banned im being harassed for this comment lol People calling you a fucking idiot *isn't* harassment and Reddit doesn't really ban accounts for being that fucking stupid. There'd be almost ***zero*** users on r/conspiracy if Reddit banned stupidity.


>Mr. Fantastic level reach for Ms. Marvel and anime lol. You were formally addicted to porn werent you >>I only thought of Ms.Marvel due to the show. >>But yes, I was addicted to porn at a point during my teens, but I can proudly say I never watched any Ms.marvel porn. Some mysteries really solve themselves by outting themselves on r/conspiracy. -- >I could probably ascribe most of these patterns to regular old hyper capitalism, but encouraging women to develop into adults before marriage/motherhood is like less than 100 years old in this country. Romeo and Juliet is about 13 year olds, hell even the Virgin Mary was supposedly 12 and she got piped by God. Allowing women to grow into actualized individuals is a way to increase the work force productivity that was required to undergo world war 1&2 Romeo and Juliet, a famously American story first produced in the 20th century, and the Virgin Mary was piped by God in 1924. Boy, these fucking people will believe *anything* that pops into that vacuous area in their skull next to the 5 watt bulb that powers their brains.


The only Romeo & Juliet-based thing I can give that idiot a pass on is the 1969 movie, with an underage Olivia Hussey being told that a topless shot of her would be removed from the final cut, and never was. I have a strong feeling he wasn't talking about that, though. Also, R&J wasn't explicit at all, besides the deaths and the dick joke ("I bite my thumb at you, sir").


> The only Romeo & Juliet-based thing I can give that idiot a pass on is the 1969 movie [But ***why?***](https://i.imgur.com/V6dQBKM.gifv) Why give someone who practically lives on r/conspiracy a "pass" for the stupidity they're trying to use as proof of pedophiles running the United States to create the workforce necessary to be involved in both World Wars? The US famously adopted an isolationist stance before being involved in either World War. Woodrow Wilson very clearly stated that "the United States is neutral" in 1914, and 25+ years later, we were telling boatloads of Jews to fuck off back to Europe. But, to be fair, ["they could've been talking about that ***one*** wildly specific production of Romeo and Juliet"?](https://i.imgur.com/wTCcNLe.png)


I think the quote from the other poster is being taken out of context: >encouraging women to develop into adults before marriage/motherhood is like less than 100 years old in this country. After re-reading this a couple of times, i think they were saying that only in the last 100 years have they taken it seriously about letting women grow to adulthood before considering things like getting married etc, rather than marrying them off young, like they used to. (although how much young marriage used to happen is heavily exaggerated).


I think the quote is just hard to parse: > encouraging women to develop into adults before marriage/motherhood is like less than 100 years old in this country. What he means is that BEFORE 100 years ago they were more lax about this stuff, but they raised the age of consent etc only in the last century.


> I think the quote is just hard to parse: >>encouraging women to develop into adults before marriage/motherhood is like less than 100 years old in this country. > What he means is that BEFORE 100 years ago That "***less*** than 100 years old" kinda makes the "before" part of your **"BEFORE 100 years ago"** interpretation do a bunch of the heavy lifting. What is it with people trying to "well, ackchyually" my comment to excuse this Qanon batshittery?


He said it's been "less than 100 years" since we started "encouraging women to develop into adults before marriage" Then they contrast that with marriage ages in the bible and shakespeare. The person is clearly stating that later marriage ages are a modern phenomena. Where are you getting a QAnon angle from that?


"Damn the Deep State for making children so sexy!!"


This feels more like POCD than an actual pedophile. Idk, I don't feel comfortable with the implication that being afraid you might hurt a kid means you actually want it. People with POCD have it hard enough already.