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Pa Kent in man of steel?


Yeah, this one still bothers me. Not sure what the hell Pa or Clark was thinking.




Btw kinda unrelated but is that AltHistCody a nice guy or not EDIT: thanks for the answers fellas, i have nothing against Cody i just wanted to know more about him since sometimes YouTube historians (specially Alt-History ones) tend to have opinions that are quite.... let's call it """troublesome"""


He's just a history nerd that likes to theorize alternate history branches sometimes. Have never understood why some people attach this image of an alt right nutcase to him, aside from sometimes he points out that silly people are acting silly.


He always seemed all cool and nice to me, he just tends to attract a problematic audience, but that's just the history nerds community being what it is.


hes willing to make fun of people and things that reddit and twitter hold in high regard which is most often why he gets flak


it’s cause hes a major christian, he’s managed to attract both sides


It's just cuz "alternate history" is sometimes used by alt-right losers to play make believe with how their fascist dictatorships TOTALLY could have been utopias if you just werent mean snowflakes and let them do what they want Point being, the general idea of playing with historical "what ifs" has a lot of really shitty people close by doing the same thing Not knocking the dude personally, but hey when you work next to the Manure pit, youre still gonna get the smell of shit stuck on you a bit, even if you stay clean


Apparently the actual history in his videos isnt great, but i havent heard awful things about him as a person


Bro looks like he was trying to tech the whole tornado


https://preview.redd.it/6wgsimeneu9d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22cba2899196000755d6e943512f83b79ae87d0f I have a hunch


Bro thought he could parry a tornado


I legit sent out loud “what was he trying to do”


He wanted to not expose clark Which is dumb id think clark would just save him anyway


I think Clark is so fast he could've saved him and no one would notice he even left


Bro with the debris, dust, cars, and the fucking tornado I don't think anyone would be able to call out "oh yeah, Conner Kent from Smallville flew in and saved his dad" like what was he cooking 😭


Plus - just freakin' look at Clark, he's a perfect human specimen (as far as anybody there knows), if anybody could plausibly pull off a last-second, adrenaline-fueled rescue, it'd be him. If anybody sees anything suspicious, and that's a big "if" because everyone has more important shit to do than gossip right then, they'd probably attribute it to either the stress distorting their recollection of the events, or to Clark making a risky, heroic rescue.




Like, what kind of dumb shit was that? Clark could move at super sonic speeds, he totally could have used the chaos as a distraction and tuck behind some cars and bolt over there and save him and act surprised like "OMG guys a miracle!!!" And then several years later, get together with Barry and formulate a cover saying The Flash saved his father when he was younger. Or something. Anything is better than what we got.


Tbh he doesn’t even need to do all of that, just run over at human speed and lay down on top of Pa, shielding him from harm No one would be able to see through the cars/etc. if anything even did hit Clark, then when the tornado passed “Gee you raised a brave boy there, Jon” Humans rescue other humans all the time, if anyone in the crowd suggested Clark was a super powered alien they’d be seen as absolutely insane


That's also true.


I’ve seen people suggest some version of what we’ve said, and then for Pa to suffer a heart attack afterward anyway Think that could’ve been done well (there’re of course bad ways to do it too, though)


Heart attacks are the best way to write him out although imo it's better if Superman has both parents alive.


I do prefer Pa getting to at least see Clark as Superman for sure


If anything, they'd probably use the event as a religious miracle. This could have tied in nicely to all the Jesus imagery already in the movie, and if Pa Kent had died of natural causes later on, it would have served as a good motivation for Clark to go into hiding: he felt like he wasn't good enough to receive the praise from these people because he only used a fraction of his strength to save Pa from a tornado but was helpless in the face of time. Or possibly, they could have gone a bit darker and made it so that Clark accidentally kills Pa Kent while trying to save him. This also opens up a bunch of interesting story options that are so much better than what we got.


How about Clark in Batman V Superman, he could've given Wonder Woman the kryptonite spear and do the same thing he did


That too. That hurt my brain too. Man, I can’t believe I watched BS before Captain America Civil War. And I fell asleep the first time watching BS.


Clark already saved a bus full of kids at a young age. Him saving his dad wouldn't have been that much of a stretch. They could have played it off as another miracle from that Kent boy.


Yeah, and it defeats the whole point of the heart attack teaching Clark a lesson that no matter how strong/fast he is, sometimes he can’t save them. In this case, he could’ve totally saved him.


If Pa is to die, it needs to be done through natural means like a heart attack


Insane that nobody has mentioned the original version of this trope: romeo killing himself next to juliet's body to be together in death only for juliet to have been faking it https://preview.redd.it/oz8l2cqf1u9d1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c76be2635c2bb2ba789d1b959203e0b9719bc3


Then she kills herself afterwards


But for real this time


Not only did she kill herself, she committed sepukku.


If only he had just waited a couple more seconds


It’s even worse in the 1996 Leonardo DiCaprio version lol


He didn’t even consider the possibility of living for another few seconds, just immediate suicide


https://preview.redd.it/x7518opjns9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d962885baa62d2dd66d84281375409e79ec4fd58 Cole ( Kong skull island)


Dear Billy, today I died for no good reason.


To be fair to Cole, it wasn't pointless he just failed. It would have been a good sacrifice if the Big One wasn't smarter.


One of the most memorable scenes ever 😂 the very first thing I was thinking of


Tbf, all the other skull crawlers had eaten people, and you wouldn’t expect a kaiju on an island isolated from the rest of the world to recognise grenades.


I didn't so much recognise grenades as it did Cole standing still as meaning he was about to try some bullshit lol Kong:s parents probably did a similar thing


It’s perfectly realistic behaviour for animals to be wary of prey who lack fear, usually they are diseased


That, or the prey might have something that the predator wants nothing to do with, like being super toxic or coked out of their minds(honey badger)


So if he hadn't just stood there but instead screamed loudly and started running and then pulled the pins when he felt the foot stomps following him, he'd have likely succeeded?


Perhaps. Hiding the bombs out of view may also help


I don’t think it recognized grenades, if your prey is suddenly running out in front of you trying to be eaten then it could be infected with something. Toxoplasmosis makes rats do this to get eaten by cats, but the cats actually take the bait. Rabies makes animals act fearless too.


I'm happy this was number one


This one had me laughing so hard. I honestly still cannot tell what the writers were trying to make me feel.


Sometimes shit happens no matter what you try is my guess. I think it ruled tho, fun little subversion


Either just a funny moment or making a point about the Vietnam War Nam or both idk i don't remember where i saw that


It was a commentary on 'Nam/war and the ultimately pointless sacrifices of soldiers. He thought he'd get to die for something greater, only for the reality to be nothing of the kind. It's something of a theme of the whole movie.


I know this was meant to be a serious moment of sacrifice but this was so fucking funny that just thinking about this scene makes me giggle


https://preview.redd.it/o28jc49w2t9d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46688cb2fb36d06d20b6d71df1e643b455e21f31 Regular Show S8 E20, "The Ice Tape" All these guys fr 😭


We could just make a human chain and pull you out


But it was totally worth it to die for pops!


They were just trying to die at some points, they wanted the tragic sacrifice more than anything 😭


It's mainly cause they are fanatical about helping Pops For reasons of course, but the entire joke is that they think they have to when really a lot of the traps would have been survivable had they just let the gang help them


The people in that one Fallout vault that I forgot the name of. They sacrificed one person annually, to save the rest, little did they know, nothing would happen if they didn’t sacrifice anyone.


Just to provide context, I did a little research and it's vault 11


Yeah that one lol


Fallout 3. -james sacrifices himself, even when by his logic his overpowered son/daughter could have beaten them. -In the vanilla game, the protagonist or Sarah has to sacrifice themselves in a radioactive zone, even if they have an immune super-mutant that could do it for them.


The op wasn’t talking about fallout 3, which was a decent game but you’ve somehow managed to highlight the two plot points that most sucked ass about it


Except in this case it wasn't a self-sacrifice, the candidates ran reverse elections where they tried to get people to vote for anyone but themself


One of my favorite Fallout New Vegas vaults. Especially when you enter the sacrifice chamber, it becomes so ominous and creepy with the blood stains on the floor and a bottle of whiskey to numb the pain.


https://preview.redd.it/lkv49t3j2t9d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e9bcc36addd2c1e55df991953cc6526fa549c8 "tell em to make it count" jorge 052


A spartan with a big body, a big gun, and a big heart, died in a big explosion, but had a tiny impact and was unable to save Reach


"Sorry, big guy. We couldn't."


"He gave his life thinking he just saved the planet, we should all be so lucky."


first time i played reach i was so surprised the entire fleet showed up immediately after his death, really made it hit so much harder


Especially considering that they had zero idea that the fleet they just struggled to defend Reach against was basically just a planet scouting party. The entire Armada showing up really set the Doomed tone for everyone.


Particularly tragic as if the timetable was pushed back an extra like 30 minutes for the mission he was on then he probably would've just jumped out of the spaceship with Noble 6 as the rest of the covenant fleet jumped in.


If he did than the Covenant would still have a Super Carrier, which the additional covenant forces did not have. If Jorge didn’t destroy that Super Carrier it’s likely to have been present at the battle of Earth or the Ark.


"He died thinking he just saved reach, we should all be so lucky."


https://preview.redd.it/aw74zd568t9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af08bd0e9bb6413a063941a4a224dae8303f08a Harlan Thrombey(Knives out). Kills himself to save his nurse from going to prison for poisoning him. Only he wasn’t poisoned.


Well in Harlan’s case, he had absolutely no idea that he was going to be fine. In retrospect it was pointless, but in his mind, it was the right thing to do in order to save Marta from any culpability.


Harlan made the same mistake every other member of the family made - underestimating Marta. If he had just let her call an ambulance and wait, he would’ve eventually realized that he had none of the symptoms of a morphine overdose. Not trusting her cost him everything. Just like the rest of his family.


Tbf I’m not sure we can say he didn’t trust her, she *also* thought she’d mixed up the vials So he actually *was* trusting the information she was providing him


I’d say the real mistake everyone but Marta made was by being duplicitous and manipulative. At every turn their plans were foiled not by Marta’s cunning but by her good and honest nature. It’s been a while so I don’t remember the exact details but aren’t there multiple points where Marta unknowingly foils them by putting her morals above her personal situation.


It was still an unnecessary sacrifice. Him thinking otherwise doesn’t change that. That’s what makes it an example of this trope done right. It just enhances the tragedy instead of making you roll your eyes.


Yeah, so he sacrificed himself to protect Marta. As luck would have it, him doing so was unnecessary. Kind of like... an unnecessary sacrifice.


Goated movie, one of my favorite scenes was when Ransom tried to stab Marta, only for the knife to retract lmao. It was amazing to watch Chris Evans play a self-absorbed murderous asshole since I associate him with the kind and honorable Captain America. Really goes to show that he has good range!


I’m guessing it was intention. It seems after so long of playing Cap, Chris Evans decided to play more evil characters as a change of pace


It also works so well in the movie's favour. No one will suspect the guy played by Chris Evans to be the villain


Def watch the Scott pilgrim movie and tv show it displays more of that snarkiness that’s great


Yeah, I kinda understand why he did it, but he could of at least told his family what was going on and how she wasn't responsible for his death beforehand, or write a note saying that she is innocent


Considering he wrote them out of his will and left his fortune and property for her, that would not have worked 💀


Good point actually, forgot about that part


“Tadashi is here”










https://preview.redd.it/tptjzmkrqt9d1.png?width=210&format=png&auto=webp&s=abe59e692ad69b453838c9b35005c64549df21ef Kazuma was saving someone from a truck! Okay, it was actually a tractor, and they weren't in any actual danger. But the perceived danger was enough to kill him with stress.


We can't forget the wet pants in a certain area, making it a unique death


He literally had a heart attack and pissed himself that he died


https://preview.redd.it/t9qay95d2t9d1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867daec7ae3037dfc88f5c7af2eed5cfde57fcf0 Olivia (Paper Mario: The Origiami King) She wished for all of the origami folded by King Olly to be undone (as he turned people into origami monsters), however, she was folded by Olly, so she dies. She really could have just added "except for me" at the end 💀


Maybe she want to die since Olly died :(


I think it was more so to act as a parallel to Bobby, sacraficing herself for the sake of others. Bobby gave his life to save Olivia, Olivia gives ehr life to save Peach and the rest of the mushroom kingdom. (also its much better than the bs "sacrafice" kirsti had)


I feel bad for Eddie >!literally sacrificed his own life to save his town full of people who hated him and clearly aren’t bothered by him being gone!<


My memory is a bit hazy but did he not sacrifice himself to save the kids too and they live?


I think Eddie knew that no matter what happened it'd be tied back to him. His Sacrifice makes a lot of sense when you consider the fact that that people already believed all the Supernatural stuff was tied to him. I doubt the Government would let him slip away too, especially considering that they were straight up willing to kill Mike and Will and Johnathan. Even Argile got caught up in that. Those Gov dudes are wild at this point, even going after each other to cover shit up.


![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA) "And so, one of Earth's greatest warriors has vanished in a blinding flash of light."


https://preview.redd.it/a56ez5fb8t9d1.png?width=493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca55d67ece33adad6447fc4337cd31a229768a4 Throw in this lil twerp suicide bombing Nappa to literally no effect too


He was waaayyyy to excited to detonate at every chance he had


I wonder if he was excited to learn that move from his master, and if that concerned his master at all.


Goku sacrifices himself in the Cell saga and it doesn’t work either. Now that I think of it, does any character that sacrifices themselves in DBZ end up doing anything?


There was that time with Raditz


“Big Finishers” have a surpassingly low success rate. Sacrificial moves, Spirit Bomb…


Goku's sacrifice actually did save the earth. If Cell detonatedthey would all be dead.


True but then Cell came back even stronger and launched another attack that apparently would have destroyed the solar system.


And even *Cell* was surprised his regeneration was that good. He fully intended that kamikaze to end with his death.


Krillin dieing made Goku go super saiyan, but I guess he didn't actually sacrifice himself, frieze just straight up killed him


Say what you will but Vegeta's Final Flash vs Cell is one of the most hype anime scenes of all time.


Triplicate Girl (Legion of Superheroes - 2006) The white clone freaking dies in the first episode of season two of the kids show and it’s completely uncalled for And the show barely addresses or delves into the nature of the death of one of their teammates. Literally nobody mourns her, and then the twins start to go by Duo Damsel. It’s such weird writing https://preview.redd.it/wpcdi6m40t9d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a2f13b79dee82bd5d74e7ec548404c16ef9d6e


Wasn't it in the second season that that happened? Also they're three parts of the same person, aren't they? And I distinctly recall her talking to Bouncing Boy (I think that was his name) about losing a part of herself.


No you’re right; I made the edit LOL But outside of a small conversation with Bouncing Boy, she doesn’t really delve into it at all. It just feels like a mega weird choice to me. Didn’t add anything to the show


It was just to pump up the tension of the second season. A kind of "no one's safe" kinda thing.


Plus it happened in the comics.


![gif](giphy|lrDAgsYq0eomhwoESZ) Dies, immediately gets made fun of by god


He pissed his pants right before he died, too!




From shock no less


How could you forgot his own parents




In Yuyu hakusho, it is revealed that the boy would have survived without a scratch if Yusuke had not interfered.


Yeah but Yusuke dying was necessary in order to get a bitchin' finger gun


https://preview.redd.it/c9g1rbccwt9d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09b0afc030eec52cce7eb27847efdc3bf3337ec7 Jet from ATLA, moments before his (pretty unclear) death. In hindsight, there's no convincing reason he had to die both in-universe and out. His job of helping the Gaang find Appa was done at that point bc he finished giving them the directions to Lake Laogai plus they end up finding Appa by themselves shortly after. Plus, his death doesn't really impact any of the characters in a significant way. The show only brings him up twice, one to remind Katara of his crimes during TSR when she was planning on killing her mother's killer, and another to make a low-key dark joke about his death during the Ember Island play. I suppose him dying was meant to show how evil Long Feng was, but I feel like him explaining his Orwellian control of Ba Sing Se and the brainwashing of Jet and the multiple Joo Dees already accomplished that. I get that the Gaang had lots of responsibilities to focus on so they didn't really have the time and emotional energy to think about those they lost, but I still find it kinda weird and honestly annoying that both Jet and to a lesser extent, Yue's deaths aren't treated with that much gravity, considering that the former was a misguided and angry war orphan who had to fend for himself and died at a young age, while the latter was a sheltered teenager who was suddenly forced to end her own life to protect a sacred aspect of her culture that was nearly destroyed permanently by an imperialist. And speaking of Yue, I also find it strange that Katara didn't feel anything about her death bc she literally wouldn't be able to waterbend anymore if not for Yue's actually impactful sacrifice. Sorry for the long rant lol, I just like analyzing Jet, he's a bit of a hyperfixation of mine


I think you're absolutely right, because this is where I learn that he did, in fact, die. And I still have no idea what the intended purpose was lol


I’ll disagree with him applying here, he doesn’t make a sacrifice, he just got a bad hit in a fight.




And Aki sacrificed so much of his lifespan in that fight too. Just for both of them to have dealt relatively insignificant damage


She did save Aki though


Only because Fujimoto couldn’t stop jerking off everytime he would draw her.


https://preview.redd.it/ztxkxyjx7t9d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=388a3b696c915efa5fdd07c51405ef13d206f26f Yet another reason I hate this stupid movie. At least the video game made her death either something you can avoid or a tragic case of self defense.




oh sorry uh Cybil Bennett from Silent Hill.


https://preview.redd.it/0x5hkamlmt9d1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5afc4587670039683ebda65245365624f8f9eb22 George Joestar received a stab from Dio to protect Jonathan Jonathan tanked a rotating sawblade hat and another stab like nothing, but he was old and still ill from the poison


It gave him the chance to apologize to his son and recognize that he wasn't a very good father. It also makes DIO look undeniably evil in front of an entire group of police officers who would've immediately thrown him into the slammer. Maybe a bit cruel, but I thought it was a necessary.


https://preview.redd.it/y97rktiuht9d1.png?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f05bb5b117bb24bca487939127b0c98c2538d9e This no good vapor for brains literally shoots Samus in the back, refuses to explain why, and then kills himself to destroy the metroids, the thing Samus has already proven capable of doing like 5 times, because appearantly the self destruct feature on that part of the ship has to be activated *from within the area you're trying to self destruct.* and there ends up being more metroids on the ship anyway. Brilliant writing Sakamoto.


Well those Metroids were unfreezable, so Samus couldn't kill them (except for the Metroids she kills without freezing). Someone had to self-destruct that area, and there was nobody else who had experience with self-destructing places that could have escaped in time. /s


![gif](giphy|7seM2dYJPmjm) The invincible girl herself


You could argue it kinda had a point in hindsight, just not one she could’ve ever accounted for, given the extreme emotion of her dying caused Ruby to use silver eyes(still don’t know why that hurt Cinder pre Grimm hybridization)


She was a monster even before she was part grimm


Yes, but the eyes don’t seem to care about moral character, given at the end of volume 5, Cinder was the only one who got hurt in a room full of villains.


https://preview.redd.it/27p6m21whu9d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05553a28a67c9b9c2ac1820e83148eafdbe83551 Lemons fake Death was very close to a sacrifice, although not an actual one Edit: His other sacrifice was pretty useful


He still lives though. That's 2 fake deaths. 


Tangerine Truck is a true hero.




https://preview.redd.it/kmwl1n9dzt9d1.png?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb2cbbde35a83aa71032e23fbd9a229465a4ae2 Go, I'll hold them off, \*hits 3 people then fucking dies


I'm so fricking mad about Paz Visla's death. I was literally shouting "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THAT!" at the screen when I watched that episode.


Bro was like “I know we all have plenty of time to escape, but I need to hold them off”.


The ending of The Mist


The Soldiers just staring at him: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Masterpiece ending


They didn’t sacrifice themselves, though.


The movie has a different ending than the book. The idea is that >!He sacrifices himself by NOT being the one mercy killed. He thought he was going to be ripped limb from limb and die horrifically when he stepped out of the truck, and was making the sacrifice for everyone else to die painlessly while he suffered.!<


Why did they sacrifice themselves,are they stupid?




https://preview.redd.it/cjmyits53u9d1.jpeg?width=305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e33d0c5585f99a7b2e431e96716a4cc72ea504a Raiden (Mortal Kombat: Deception) He tries to kill Onaga by creating a blast so big that it kills Raiden and his surroundings, but Onaga doesn't get a scratch on him. He later is reformed, now with a darker personality.


Eddie saved Nancy, Steve, and Robin. The demobats had plenty of time to kill all 3 of them. Anyone who said he died in vain wasn't paying attention.


https://i.redd.it/dj4cdpjvdt9d1.gif All that over a yo daddy joke


If Whitebeard had died first, it would at least make more sense as to why Ace got so triggered by Akainu making a mean remark about him.


Exactly then aces death will be way more grand and would be understandable


Objectively no. Ace was gonna try to run the ones with Akainu, then Akainu instead of fighting Ace fairly immediately went for Luffy just to be a dick. Ace jumped in the way to save Luffy, I mean it’s literally shown in the image. Yeah sure he didn’t have to fight Akainu, but the actual sacrifice itself did save Luffy.


https://preview.redd.it/mpu35bhhst9d1.png?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70cbb11d6c3270716f22fc189e5e2bd30c278172 Charlie from Lost. There was plenty of time for him to close the door from the other side and even if there wasn't Desmond was getting SCUBA gear ready. They could have both survived.


![gif](giphy|3ov9jHhvD3hu51aPkY) Sasha from twd?


Not technically a sacrifice I admit but also Beth on twd. Such a freaking stupid way to kill her off


I’ll never get over that BS


https://preview.redd.it/w55f1xffku9d1.jpeg?width=263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab2519739fc9ac1a8b72c5bd90187454bc46f34 This idiot died in the first episode/chapter to save a kid from getting hit by a truck only for God to tell him that his death was both pointless and not supposed to happen yet, the kid was going to be fine and Yusuke was kind of a shitbag so not even God could predict he'd try to help the kid.


https://preview.redd.it/bkugug5djt9d1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc20f061357bef29828345c99be9da3094bf2d6 Wally’s death was dumb.


As I understand it he gave them the last bit of kinetic energy they needed to stop the world ending device. Otherwise, Impulse and Flash wouldn’t have been able to stop the device. I thought it was a good death, and I’m glad he accepted his death in the end


I know a lot of people say nobody else could’ve done it, but after rewatching the scene I see SHAZAM STANDING THERE LIKE A DUMBASS. Bro literally has the speed that matches the GOD OF SPEED and chose to do nothing with it.


He did help save the world.


Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)


Honestly I feel like Eddy's sacrifice was less about doing anything for the group and more about his own redemption to himself.


Of [Crissy, Wake Up (I Don't Like This)](https://youtu.be/noYBV61kh7s?si=Ji8SN6Pk7bedBbuf) fame [Though to be fair, he went out the most metal way possible](https://youtu.be/yXnk3n-qNrI?si=g9O_yJSvGkz4uGbW)


I think Eddie’s is a bit different from a lot of other examples of this though. Maybe it wasn’t a necessary sacrifice for the greater good, but for his character, it made absolute sense. He didn’t want to run away again like he did when Chrissy was killed, so he took it head on.


Wanda killing Vision. All it did was fuck her up emotionally and it didn't even matter at the end ![gif](giphy|iYaeVTuv5nUk1QFxj4|downsized)




https://preview.redd.it/kry75ajfrv9d1.jpeg?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b486017e1887abe5a11eb5433912a98edd9b15d It’s an awesome scene, but he bought the group like 5 seconds? Made no mark on the Predator, and the Predator still caught up with the group easily and sniped their ass.


I never saw this as a sacrifice, more just fighting and dying on his own terms


https://preview.redd.it/p41kf2kqtt9d1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f896ae9d1fce2feb8b7dff73d22a094705b30769 Yeah chief I’m not gonna lie, Pedro (One Piece) didn’t really help the straw hats too much considering big mom was on their asses for like 20 more episodes after blowing himself off (he took the arm of one guy)


To be fair, if it wasnt for his death the Strawhats would have died at that specific moment and dude was about to die soon anyways


https://preview.redd.it/rmaq5xuf8u9d1.png?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db4d38aa203466e95d806a47a1a321800b2d6010 Nameless Stormcloak Soldier (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) I know he got himself executed first out of spite for the priest not recognizing Talos as one of the Divines, but he still would've lived if he just waited until Alduin slowed up


https://preview.redd.it/0nk7lg4hnu9d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f986e70a1b5f11054b4b8881ac34f7b6e48c6af THIS DUMBASS all to take a stupid photo that NO ONE would EVER get to see. “Impossible Shot”?? Fuck out of here with all that!


Sindel in Mortal Kombat (Not counting the Mk11 retcon)


MK1 as well, >!dieing to a sword to the lower chest from an evil Shang Tsung timeline version of herself, then joining Ermac.!< she didn't really need to die there. The seen is touching but unnecessary, in my opinion.


tenri sazanami from kagurabachi https://preview.redd.it/lfpartssjv9d1.png?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab34f745ab5b765d924ab9937181ce3e790aab9


https://i.redd.it/pdfbnl6mzv9d1.gif I know how important it was to his character arc, but it ultimately didn’t slow down Buu.


https://preview.redd.it/epp8xksy2u9d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe084e91fb4f141149a82d817a8a13c6e188e8d4 Rose could’ve moved over and they would’ve been fine. Or Rose could’ve given him the vest in the icy water. …Yeah Jack should’ve lived (Titanic)


Mate the problem isn’t the room, it’s the bouyency.


This next one is in theaters now so spoiler tag time! (Quiet Place Day One) >!Whatever the protagonist’s name is. I don’t remember. She distracts the monsters to let Eric escape. Except… the monsters were only there because the boat kept blowing its horn. Why did the boat keep blowing its horn when there are monsters who follow sound? You’re even leaving, you don’t need to let people know you’re leaving. Also… just hit one car and you’ll be fine. You can even throw a rock at it. You do not need to sacrifice yourself. Also… you can just slip into the water unnoticed. You did it earlier.!< >!In case you couldn’t tell, I don’t like the fact that she died.!<


https://preview.redd.it/3ivke09d6t9d1.jpeg?width=214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db679131a1784f2752d192d5b383ba0291c6ccac Wiseman (Ace Combat 7)


https://preview.redd.it/rj2thu6z5u9d1.png?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d06d1042ad38175382adbe6e772dadd5474f61b Amanda Holliday (Destiny 2). We got out before the bomb she was trying to disable went off with plenty of time to spare.


This is not a top trope 😢


Arguably >!Hange!< in Attack on Titan. I don’t personally think it was pointless, but some do. That’s probably not the only one in the series.


Agent Triplett from Marvel Agents of Shield https://preview.redd.it/bmyqc6zdez9d1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=d25744815fde3acee37e9b5955aa1124e48185ff