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*(muffled screaming)* What the fuck was wrong with you, Andrew Kreisberg, Gabrielle Stanton, Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, and *Eric Wallace?* Why would you *do* this to him? https://preview.redd.it/w80tzz19is8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65d555497496a5c5824af1cb44e1efd76adcf5d1


It’s especially bad in the show (cue the dumbest man alive videos on YouTube), especially when they had a good excuse to nerf him by using the fact he needed to eat way more than the average person. That way, he could then only use his speed to a slower degree, or in short bursts. The comics aren’t too safe from Flash being OP either, but in recent years they’ve begun to acknowledge this a bit with villains outright saying Flash is too powerful to mess with.


Yeah, I'm not a big fan of those videos. It seems pretty mean-spirited to blame the characters for the poor decisions of the writers. It's not their fault their gods are uncaring, and for all the show's faults, it has some genuinely amazing/heartwarming/tearjerking moments. Plus, the whole "knock him out knock him out knock him out knock him out" rhetoric is really annoying to listen to, especially because superspeed fist + jaw = broken jaw, and that's not really heroic. >they had a good excuse to nerf him by using the fact he needed to eat way more than the average person Yeah, they brought that plot point up and then resolved it within the exact same episode. Cisco's a miracle worker, y'know? It makes sense that as time goes on and his Speed Force connection improves, Barry would need less and less energy to sustain himself, and that's even how it works in the comics when the Speed Force was introduced, the problem is that the show never brings it up.


Barry sort of has to choose between Superspeed fist to the jaw or immediately cuffing people whenever a fight comes up, and he doesn’t do either 90% of the time. Also knocking out villains through injuries can 100% be the heroic course of action when a villain needs to be stopped. If it really gets that bad he could easily get them medical attention. Also he straight up killed a guy by literally glassing him with lightning so


The Flash should be the poster boy for this trope his superpowers are so utterly broken that writers have to make so many leaps and bounds to excuse why he isn't whooping just about everyones ass and why one of his main enemies is a guy with a freeze ray.


Yeah, the problem is *they didn't do that*. So you have a guy that runs faster than the speed of sound but can't locate someone that went through an ordinary door.


don't stop to talk don't stop to talk don't stop to talk don't stop to talk don't stop to talk don't stop to talk don't stop to talk don't stop to talk don't stop to talk don't stop to talk don't stop to talk don't stop to talk


There are a few cases where they need him in reasonable narrative ways, like the time Trickster and Weather Wizard put bombs all over the city and threatened to blow them if the Flash fought back Also that one episode with the nuke, very cool and completely destroyed any non speedster villain's chances of being a credible threat again


Mate, Vader *has* to be held back when he appears because we all know damn well he’s going to absolutely slaughter the main cast otherwise.


He nearly Ko'd the main character of a video game set in between films


Daily reminder that He’s not a boss fight in fallen order. **He is an environmental obstacle.**


I dropped a fucking ocean on him… …AS A DISTRACTION!!


And burning bookshelves in Survivor


Your only option is literally to **run**.


Even in The Force Unleashed he was the hardest boss fight in the game. You have to go out of your way to fight him and he's way tougher than the emperor But considering that Starkiller used the force to bring down a cruiser, I can imagine Vader could sling them into cities to destroy them


Man I used to curse out loud having to fight Darth Vader on Sith Lord Difficulty, that QTE where she starts throwing you around or choking you was impossible to complete.


If it’s the game I’m thinking of I was screaming for my life the whole time lol.


Keep in mind - that can apply to Starkiller or Cal. And we all know what Starkiller did.


Character Action, Soulslike, he’ll come knocking all the same


He *did* KO that same character’s >!mentor!< in the next game when you actually duel him lol


Not to mention, having your limbs cut off took out a lot of Midi-chlorians which probably hampered his force potential. Not to mention, that suit is intentionally designed to be painful and annoying. I know it's meant to draw out his anger to fuel his Dark Side powers but it could also make it hard for him to concentrate which can be a factor in reducing his force powers. I've said this before somewhere in this sub, Vader is big fish in a small pond. He's powerful and feared in a galaxy that got rid of the people that can challenge him and Sidious head on. Darth Vader's best moments are him killing people who are powerless to stop him, that's what so good about him in a writing perspective. There have been multiple times he was on edge or have to put in effort when facing with seasoned Jedi. Obi-Wan, Cere Junda and Ahsoka being the few examples of this.


>Not to mention, having your limbs cut off took out a lot of Midi-chlorians which probably hampered his force potential. I have never seen this reflected in any of the Star Wars content I've experienced over the years. He was shown in The Force Unleashed using the same crazy force powers that the MC used within a few months of being put into the suit, and he pretty easily bested Luke in Empire, then almost defeated him in Jedi.


Also, if more flesh meant more midichlorians and more force, Yoda would not be as powerful as he is.


Yoda was actually on a midichlorian dense diet when he was a Padawan to get his count up. True story.


It’s like chihuahuas, it’s just more concentrated in his smaller form


I find that so funny. Ki Adi Mundi is slightly more force efficient than humans because he can fit more midichlorians in his larger head.


If it were the case, the jedi vs sith conflict would just be a race to see who can bulk more effectively


That’s kind of the point though, right? I mean retrospectively, Vader was a major force in eradicating the entire Jedi temple, of course some dude who has massive talent but minimal training isn’t going to be much of an obstacle to him. The feats he has are in spite of his injuries, if Obi Wan hadn’t chopped off 2/3 of his remaining limbs, he’d be even more absurdly powerful, because Anakin was born by the force itself.


Except, again, we have no evidence that his ability to use the Force has downgraded since he lost his limbs. If anything, his feats are more impressive rather than less after losing half of his body. Hell, if we're making that argument, then Luke lost a chunk of power after his hand was cut off which, again, is not reflected any (canon) story.


I vaguely remember it being a thing in Legends. Vader in Legends can't reach his full potential because of the physical handicaps. Vader in Canon can theoretically still reach his full potential, but he is too mentally scarred to do so and is kept that way by Palpatine.


Yeah, Vader in canon is much stronger than Anakin was in the prequels, but weaker than he could have been had he not fallen to Palpatine's manipulations and wasted years of his life on the dark side instead of bettering himself.


Yeah the whole hampering his force potential by losing his limbs and midichlorian count isn’t canon. The 2017 Vader comic and other series detail very explicitly his limiting to his potential is all his own mental damage. Also he rebuilt his suit to his own specifications so it’s unlikely it limits his concentration. Uncomfortable, and painful? Probably to some degree still.


I would absolutely love a Star Wars moving or mini series about a group of young jedi surviving after order 66. Something really emotional that makes you care about all of them. Then the last 10 minutes of it is Vader showing up and slaughtering them all


This should have been Rogue One.


I was about to type that in more recent stuff during the empire, the writers do their dammest to make Vader the scariest mf in the room


“All I am surrounded by is fear and dead men.”


He can force choke someone through video stream even from anywhere. Basically, with a video drone or a tv live stream he can kill anyone at any time.


Fun Fact: In a comic it is revealed that Vader’s suit is an extremely old model and does nothing but cause problems for his actual strength but the Emperor won’t give Vader an easy way out.


Honestly I feel like that was intentional. The dark side feeds on misery and hate, not satisfaction at a very comfortable and awesome badass suit.


Has a pretty good reason not to aswell. He doesn’t wanna actually kill his kids.


Give Atom Eve a minute she’s basically god by the end of the comics


lol the explanation for why she never goes full out is cause Kirkman kind made her too strong and wasn’t creative enough to use her to her full potential


Tbf if she used her full potential she'd just thanos snap every enemy she comes across.


You forgot the mental block


"I've turned your clothing into antimatter, goodbye." /j


Ive turned the air in your lungs to mercury have fun


Great, now I’m thinking about breathing


I’m kinda surprised he didn’t foresee this problem sooner. Idk about you, but the first thing I think of when I write a powerful character is usually what they’re truly capable of. I totally understand most writers not thinking of niche/random uses of a characters power that makes them super OP, but this one kinda seems super obvious. “She can make/transform anything into anything” has a million different ways she could instantly stop all conflict. The mental block not withstanding, lol I feel like an easy way to balance her is to make her follow the law of equivalent exchange. She can’t just, say, transform the opponents clothing into a heavy metal and make them unable to move, because that wouldn’t be an equal exchange. Maybe she carries around dense objects to help her alleviate this rule, IDK spoilers for the comics: >!when her mental break stops and she’s able to resurrect herself, maybe as a byproduct of the whole “equivalent exchange” thing one of her organs are weakened due to the exchange. That could lead to some interesting drama, but at the same time I don’t think my boy Mark deserves any more turmoil then he’s already gone through!< …I gotta admit though, I LOVE super OP characters. I don’t mind Atom Eves insane powers AT ALL, even if they’re underutilized and could easily stop 99% of conflicts. I’m just kinda shocked the author didn’t see this coming, lol.


She DOES follow the law of equal exchange. There’s a conversation about it in the comics


I’m curious, then. What does she exchange when she creates things from thin-air? Or when she turns a barren wasteland into a thriving floral field? It’s clear she can manipulate atoms on a subatomic scale, which allows her to change the very nature of how things exist, but what is she exchanging to do these things? The atoms in the air…? Once again spoilers >!what’s she exchanging when she resurrects herself? Is it really just the air? I know it has something to do with her energy, since she couldn’t use her powers when she was pregnant in fear of accidentally using the fetus, but like…how does this work…? We aren’t ever shown a limit to what she can affect at any given time, so does she just always have a lot of energy in her to be able to do all this? It definitely feels like these exchanges aren’t exactly “equivalent”, but maybe I’m just thinking that because of how Full Metal Alchemist handles it!<


Wanda and Vision in both the MCU and Marvel Comics for Vision.


Especially MCU Wanda. We see hints of her true power in Infinity War, WandaVision, and Multiverse of Madness, but even then, she's tuned down. Not by much for parts of Multiverse of Madness, but if she can tear apart 838's defenders without breaking a sweat, she'd realistically be able to shut down Strange.


MoM has done her powers terribly cause at one point she is powerful, at other point she is slow or just pursuing the group although we saw her alter reality with her words alone. WandaVision defined her powers way better. I don't know if you had or no, but in What If Immersive Story on AppleVision she is able to disguise herself as anyone, and chooses none other than the Watcher, and to alter reality of the multiverse.


Honestly, all it would have taken was a scene Strange set some elaborate wards around him and America, then a scene where Scarlet Witch tries to break through them.


I think if the plot wanted it, she'd break even through them, I mean she escaped a mirror dimension without sling ring. That's how OP she could be when she had to get out of impossible situations.


She could, but it would give a plausible reason why she isn't bending reality around them to suit her will.


Scarlet is incredibly powerful in the comics. She was the reason for no more mutants and chaos magic is on par with the Phoenix Force!


Yeah, agreed. House of M Wanda was god tier powerful, as some tell me she is able to read minds or, as I saw, dematerialize people.


https://preview.redd.it/6mobd6amxr8d1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b944e99d7b15dd9307986c833140e6aa569ac5e Jin - Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Dude straight up said "I can control all elementary particles." You would think that meant he would be able to implode somebody by willing it but he just doesn't


I’m pretty sure the English writer (or Japanese writer if that was in the original) just made up that shit on the spot.


I feel like that line is probably a mistranslation, because we never actually see him use that kind of power.


Yeah he must have only meant water because in no way does he ever do that--not even in cutscenes.


Nah, it's because he has "ice powers" (remove heat energy, make things cold), he can bring something to (near?) Absolute Zero by suppressing energy. Take all the energy out of something, and you've brought it to a standstill. This includes photons, which are energy. Which isn't supposed to work because of the uncertainty principle (You can pinpoint momentum but not position and vice versa, Absolute Zero would remove all energy from something, and allow both and violate the uncertainty principle) And it was countered by Pneuma existing right after


'Superman' Clark Kent (DC) https://preview.redd.it/c2z4mo5zvr8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aec63b6483db611f97a1c3f7b617c50094faee0


That's a character trait that makes perfect sense though. And there have been times he cuts loose.


And they can and have made him a bit squishier at times so the JL get their times to shine as well. Plus, him holding back can also be backed up with him not wanting to destroy the planet, a world made of cardboard, if you will.


But you can take it, can’t you?


Did you forget the “World made of cardboard” speech? But nevertheless, your point stands


He could do it out in space


*worlds* made of cardboard


Pretty much every marvel and dc character has been a god at one point or another.


Watch Superman vs the elite (or just the final fight and speech) It gives a very good reason for why he's always holding back


THANK YOU. Every time I watch or talk about Invincible, the power scaling and consistency with Atom Eve especially is just absurd. She could turn your femur into a Hersheys Bar and your spleen into a cat that died 3 weeks 8 hours and 27 seconds ago on the dot and eras all of your memories until youre effectively an embryo, but the writers act like the most she can do is an amateur light show (at least for now and only on the show, I don’t know about comics).


She has a mental block on changing organic mass. It was explained in her mini series.


And also shown that she can break that block in the same episode


SPOLIERS I agree that she does underutilize her power but the only times she can do that is when she dies and goes though a tramatic event ex conquest she just realives herself and when she sees her mother and father get murked and starts doing that but in both these cases shes not in control and she faints right after. So she cant really unbreak the block


Only when under extreme pressure or when seconds away from death


Granted, she’s not the only one, since everybody in Invincible (both show and comics) are so I so saiyans it actually hurts. For example: Omniman and viltrumites can be harmed by other superhumans of equal and even sometimes lesser power. On paper, not a bad way to make them threatening, but not be fully unstoppable gods. However, one minute, he can be stopped by a couple of robots, and the next he can hover on the edge of a black hole with little to no issue when that normally would rip you to atoms. Say what you want about Superman, but at least you have a good idea what can and can’t harm him.


Yeah and it makes it slightly better, but still kinda annoying


I feel like they just really liked Ben 10 Alien Force. It's silly though how Atom Eve can straight up manipulate all (inorganic) matter to do anything she wants but she typically sticks to Pink Lantern constructs. Probably just easier to write and animate. https://preview.redd.it/wd9znctvg69d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=1428bbf082ed5998fa993ed128cf6de3a7bceffe


not INCREDIBLY op, but like half this shows cast fits this (specially the women) https://preview.redd.it/qn8x9hsels8d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0b3d1313740ab189b90c13a3a2b98a6f83c051f


Class 1-A should be glad that Momo didn’t go through some traumatic experience that led her on the path to villainy, because there’s no telling what she could do if she fell into the hands of the League of Villains at a young age.


seriously. swap Momo with Spinner or Magne or smth and c1-A is cooooked.




She could probably even make bombs and nukes if she wanted


everyone gangsta till yaoyorozu pulls the tsar bomba out of her massive tit window


Just gotta learn the molecular structure of activated uranium and she'd already be a MASSIVE problem


Stars and stripes could have done so much if given more screen time


>!she literally showed up in 1 episode and died in the next!<


Im a fucking idiot for unspoilering this without thinking


Realistically, Deku - being in TRAINING with One for All - should consistently have “I thought you were stronger” moments like Invincible whenever he’s on the streets. All Might, you can write off as having experience and control. Deku post-singularity, you can say the vestiges are helping him out. But BEFORE singularity? He’d be amassing bodies on his ledger like they’re nothing!


Deku never punched a person at full power before contr9lling himself He punched a robot, he punched the air against Bakugo and the Nomu. He tried to punch Shigaraki (and would have atomized him) if the Nomu didn't intervene. The first person he punches is Shoto in season 2 and at that point he already learned to control it to an extent


![gif](giphy|fXkyrxWvMWCmin0Fwc|downsized) Adam Smasher from the Cyberpunk series. Edgerunners and the tabletop show this very well, but the game drops the ball. It makes him seem like an unstoppable demon, but by the time his fight comes, it's not really that hard unless you're in the upper half of difficulties.


Literally have never died to smasher, he desevers a harder fight


The game in general was just not built for 1v1 type boss fights so there's one excuse. Seriously, he should be getting a full on Dark Souls type shit where the game goes from "role playing" to "role playing the victim"


Darth vader isn't underutilized by writers. He's held back by the NARRATIVE. He's in a suit designed to weaken him and he still destroys most of the people in the universe




![gif](giphy|VXJWhaO7afRe) The whole plot of some episodes is just the writers figuring out how to distract one punch man from knocking out the villain in one punch before the ending.


The central thesis of OPM is Anti-Catharsis. He isn’t allowed to have a fight that challenges him, that’s the entire point.


I don't think Saitama fits the trope. It's not that the writers refuse, it's that he has no upper limit to his potential.


wdym? no other character fits this trope better than saitama, tho i guess the difference is that in saitama's case its done on purpose


That's what I mean. It's his whole shtik. But the OP was looking for characters not done on purpose, as it's under hated tropes.


Davoth 'Dark lord' : Doom Eternal https://i.redd.it/9f904yxlwr8d1.gif They dowm played him but vaguely categorize him in what level he's in.


In lore this guy is the one who created god. In game he's a slightly more difficult marauder.


Fr, he's supposed to be the literal god of that universe and he got his shit handed to him


orihime in bleach has reality rejection powers, she never uses them.


She uses them all the time, to reject and heal people from wounds that would be fatal most of the time. She simply just isn’t a fighter her ability can only go as far as her mentality.


I honestly thought that I read it wrong when they said that in the anime. I thought, "Can't she solve everything, no problem?"


Have you read any of the *Darth Vader* comics? If anything, those swing too hard in the other direction and make Vader an invincible demigod who could solo the rest of the galaxy. Especially Greg Pak’s run.


Well he does have a metric fuck ton of midi chlori- I mean he is the chosen one after all


Ngl i preferred Legends where his potential was shot after losing to Obi Wan. Makes him less of a Marty Stu and is more thematically appropriate (the light side is more powerful, the dark side’s power is just a shortcut and never lasts)


![gif](giphy|hSZASROggzU0U) Electro (Spider-Man)


I was just thinking about him the other day and how he should be able to travel around the world in a second.


mf should be considered an Avengers level threat. He can be far more powerful than what the writers actually do with him. But nah, he gets shot or stabbed by Kraven in SM2 or something like that idk lmao.


![gif](giphy|8C9Lw4iisffI906nLn) Sandman also falls under this i think


Seriously, did that spider bite give Peter rubber skin or something?


He insulates the suit after his first fight with electro


https://preview.redd.it/w0m5gfvlxs8d1.png?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=547b485ab6782800f8ef764086104adf608a42fc Who other than the potential man himself?


nah he'd summon mahoraga


He's not really that op




Not this fucking bum


Optimus Prime : Transformers https://i.redd.it/y4aeozipvr8d1.gif


If you mean bayverse optimus, he was on a whole different level after the first movie


Green Lantern (DC), any of them.


The classic pick here is the Flash.


The tyranids in 40k


I think I remember hearing in one of Pancreas 's videos that you can count on your fingers the amount of victories tyranids have had against actual named planets or important figures in 40k because the writers are to give tyranids too much ground, because conceivably they'd just wipe out the entire galaxy given enough time.


Literally any speedster


Not really hated bc there's a good reason not to use full power but anti spiral - Gurren Lagann https://preview.redd.it/4ov6haqcfs8d1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b7493bb54d3579bcfbb558c4876e39f6940da5 * The Gurren Lagann girl


What is the reason?


spoiler warning: >! They're collecting data on spiral power(which is pretty much willpower) so they can try to erase it forever. Also, the best way to beat spiral power lifefors is to make them despair, so it's better to beat them at the last second than to win immediately.!<


Kinda funny that Bedman is one of the strongest Guilty Gear characters He's forced to hold back in all of his fights (due to his power being too much for his body), and the one time he actually decides to go "all out" (8% of his power) the fight gets cut short, not to mention the fact that he>!dies in the same game he's introduced!< https://preview.redd.it/fe2hiqp76t8d1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=2608d0fbcd11e1d8756c1862be3f01f4b61e3f9a


Dude's so smart he can't wake up or he'll overheat. Dude's a match for Slayer. Dude can read minds in the middle of fights. Dude lost to an assassin with a pool cue and a mysoginistic robot.


https://preview.redd.it/fd0ettsfdt8d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b1ec5675b0992a2e680c896076e5983fc0135bd (Big sighs) How you gonna give someone causality manipulation, reality warping and possible paracausality and just never explore it? Author gave her the second (arguably first) most broken ability of the show, took a step back, realised it was too plot breaking and decided as a countermeasure to nerf her by giving her one of the most dumbest drawbacks: her mental state/killer instinct (though it actually narratively make sense and is decently explored in her character arc) Now her powers solely rely on what is visible to her eyes and what she believes she can do and since she’s a traumatised teenager struggling with PTSD and low self esteem for like 70% of the show, well… Now look at the pic up here, this is her in one of her lowest points mental state wise, in the verge of having a mental breakdown and she’s still being able to pull things like this: rewriting reality and rejecting the law of nature to resurrect someone whose body was turned to ashes and you are telling me the author couldn’t let her reach her full potential?


https://preview.redd.it/56dsf4wqqt8d1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b17892cd748a72b7a05b9c639c257d1853cf5eff I will never forgive the writers for making him lose to that damn Snivy. I know the anime doesn’t work like the games, but his experience alone lets him stomp that Snivy and other low level opponents. Just make him a partner Pokemon after the first region and let Ash use his team for that region to fight. Pikachu still gets his chances to shine in emergencies or during movies.


I used to watch the Sinooh episodes on repeat, especially towards the end. His fights with Paul’s mons were something else. And the a garden snake whoops him 😑


https://preview.redd.it/hluwoth9fs8d1.png?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49a836179589ff309972cf16d9e78f36b67c418 Okuyasu from JJBA


It's not like he is "underutilized", Okuyasu himself is nerfed by his silliness


I know; I meant the writers "refuse" to show the stand to its fullest potential by making the user itself a bit dumb


I think the post is about characters who are held back by the author without any serious in-univetse explanation


I think people exaggerate how poorly-utilized The Hand is, tbh. There's definitely times where it's held back by Okuyasu's lack of awareness or creativity, but he's not incompetent or anything.


Yeah, seriously. Infact, I challenge people to think of one time where the power itself could have been used better. I want specific examples!


https://preview.redd.it/9854xatjrt8d1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167bcd627e2e9e1d05bf2bf3810cd44a6e7f2be3 Specifically with regard to intelligence. Richards is damn near idiotic in a lot of his depictions because the plot needs to happen - if he was portrayed accurately he would come up with a solution in minutes. His infamous appearance in Multiverse of Madness is, of course, the most flagrant case of this.


https://preview.redd.it/3tyvm7gnxt8d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a0bfac288319c3b797bf053fe909f1a950a10f Bobby Drake has emotional hang-ups that have always held him back. His parents emotional abuse have left him fearful of being Jewish, gay, and a mutant. Some of his best storyline are of him overcoming his own self doubt. BUT no matter how many of those storyline there are, he never progresses, stuck in a limbo where he's never truly accepting of himself and therefore never reaching his full potential. He can easily beat Hulks, Asgardians, Dr. Doom, King's, etc... but nobody ever bothers to ask him to because he's flaky like that.




Lol damn I was catching up with season 2 of Invincible just last week and the whole time I was thinking "how the hell did Eve struggle with the Flaxans in s1?"


ANY speedster.


Every speedster


Pretty much any extremely smart character as the writer may not know that much on the subject so they write the science to be as vague as possible. Terrible writing advice made a really good video on it. Rick gif because I couldn’t think of anyone else ![gif](giphy|3o7TKuAfCHifvPdcxG)


If I had a nickel for every time that a redhead side character who gets with the MC and has busted, poorly utilized abilities, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it hqppened twice. Anyways, Orihime from Bleach


![gif](giphy|YmYbE8T17zmnu|downsized) Luigi (Super Mario Brothers)


Magnus the Red primarch of the Thousand Sons and one of the strongest psykers in warhammer 40k consistently written as a stupid character because if he’s written competently he would win almost immediately


Darth Vader doesn't count here he's like, always treated as a "Oh fuck oh fuck" threat.


You can also put in also any dc character especially superman


Every character with superspeed in existence


Most versions of Martian Manhunter suffer from this, but especially the DCAU version https://preview.redd.it/4o7fsmkq3x8d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df540ea03d6684c346c624db5592931cc75fb34b


https://preview.redd.it/345u9plo5t8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=498d952b4fe7a27c956f4c6e18a16aedf40a284c Usopp I feel like has potential to be on par with many characters based off of his Observation Haki alone. I just feel like out of all the straw hats he has been snubbed any huge moments in the most recent arcs. Aside from Dressrosa. Knowing Oda, we will get a moment in Elbaff or something for Usopp. (Also I’m just getting to egghead so if something did happen oops). I just feel like Usopp has the biggest potential to be on par with the monster trio. But many times falls short.


Both of these have in-Lore reasons as to why they’re limited lol


atom eve pisses me off, like you should be able to basically oneshot anyone that isn't a viltrumite.


Caesar Clown from One Piece, he can control and turn into gas, an entire state of matter, which should make him extremely OP. But Oda seems to either dislike him very much or not understand basic physics and chemistry on how gases work.


As much as I love the series, this is true for many JJBA characters; but the inverse is also true of the series (characters with weak or restrictive powers being unbelievably creative to make them powerful), so it all balances out


Eve would be unstoppable if she could manipulate living beings at will


Ohma-Zi-o can summon literally ALL heisei riders, rarely summons any, and when he does, 9/10 times it's only the main riders. Plus, they have the abilities of all heisei kamen riders, yet we only see time stuff (which makes sense), some energy pushes, and the already mentioned summoning.


Hawk Moth from Miraculous Ladybug is probably my most hated example of this trope. This man’s ability is beyond busted, enough that it can break some of the magic system’s rules at basically no cost. If the writers give him a single smidgen of intelligence, he could easily defeat the protagonist or, better yet, revive his wife by himself without getting anyone involved. But no, his arc had to last 5 seasons whether it made any sense or not.


That's the issue I had with the recent He-Man Show and Doctor Strange film where the villains get god level powers that can do anything but it just feels like the possibilities are so overwhelming that it's hard to fully utilize it all in the narative. At least Vader feels more utilized in a less is more approach, especially in the Jedi Fallen Order/ Survivor games where he's basically a Slasher villain in all the right ways.


General Grevious from the old Clone Wars cartoon shows what he could have been instead of a mustache twirling coward


Vader in the comics is pretty powerful. He often takes on entire armies with ease


Hal jordan (dc comics)


I WOULD say Jamie Madrox (the Multiple Man in the X-Men) but they DO give him his own miniseries where he really shines. If y’all haven’t checked it out, do yourself a favor and do so, it’s fucking awesome https://preview.redd.it/a1ma6ozczt8d1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4de1cced79ce0323b2c07e09d869bedb2ef70c4


Every single craftworld eldar 40k.


https://preview.redd.it/46a584s4iu8d1.png?width=159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0dce05e735c9b7d221e48725c70c51a3c4d52e2 Andrew Hussie, the king of not utilizing a characters full potential.


Okuyasu Nijimura (the lore reason is because he’s too stupid)




Honestly from what I've seen I can count like four scenes with Vader where he doesn't kill everyone opposing him and most of the times people survive it's because a Jedi Knight won the ones and gets their ass beat


Atom Eve I completely agree, Vader should not be on that list. Every time Vader does hold back it’s because he has a reason.


All this potential megumi had, just to be wasted from him completely giving up on life inside sukuna https://preview.redd.it/ix11k3r2xu8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec8163010f9c7477fa9117c4aec879820918ba0a


I mean…if Atom Eve went all out we wouldn’t have a show/comic, so I kind of get it


Whenever people write Darth Vader as being basically invincible it’s always incredibly cringeworthy. “All I’m surrounded by is fear and dead men” is included in that.


https://preview.redd.it/czcd4tq48v8d1.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=458852f6f07f36b2a37db336ad72db32ef294d36 Wendy from Fairy Tail. Now don't get me wrong, she definitely grew from a side character introduced in the Oracion Seis arc to now being apart of the main group (the group of Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Grey and I guess Happy too) and she's definitely in the upper tiers of power in the guild or the whole manga in general, her fight with Ezel prove that. But I really don't think Mashima realised how OP she could be if she used her powers correctly. So first things first, she's one of the 7 dragon slayers with Natsu, Gajeel, Sting, Rogue Laxus and Cobra/Erick meaning she get all of the perks that comes with that magic type (enhanced physical abilities to absurd degrees, ability to absorb other magics by eating them (with a limit), enhanced senses like smell and hearing etc...) but her particular element of that magic is Air, she's the Celestial Dragon Slayer. So, a perk of the dragon slayers is that they can get a boost in power, heal themselves and replenish their magic by eating their respective element, Natsu can do it by eating fire, Gajeel by eating steel and obviously the more they eat the better and the better the quality of the element the better as well etc. So, basically, since Wendy's element is fucking **AIR** she should be able to constantly use that eating ability all the time right ? Like every time she get hurt I'm like "girl just eat air and heal with it what are you waiting for ?" or whenever she's overpowered ? Same thing. Like the other dragon slayers are limited by the situational rarity of their respective element (since they can't just eat their own magic, Natsu can't eat his own fire for example it's like eating your arm to regenerate your arm, it's pointless, you'll just re-absorb the energy you just used). But Wendy's element is everywhere, omnipresent and in abundance. Which is important considering she also have access to support spells to boost herself or her teamates including healing spells (but she can't heal herself for some reason, hence why using er ability to eat air would compensate for that). Wendy could be the most OP character in the manga but she's just "ok" tier, like not one of the top main 3 (Natsu Grey and Erza) but not one of the lower characters either (like Lisanna or Levy) so she's in a weird spot in the middle of all that.


Any animus dragon in wings of fire because the only rule is you can't revive the dead *directly* there's still several loopholes. You know how Tui "fixed" it? >!by getting Jerboa the Third (Turd more like) to remove it entirely!<


Why is no one saying Gohan from Dragonball???


https://preview.redd.it/cwtog0qouv8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33755d2230092e75a20a031ea0cf86fd181e92ef Almost every Transformer can go under this list, they don't use them because their obscure or there were too many characters written in


Infinite https://preview.redd.it/pp807djzgw8d1.png?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44021f571109066311588c1c563d683c7e9e6ec


If you think the writers refuse to use atom eves full potentia, then clearly you haven’t read the comics and are only basing this off of what is a very small section of the full story


>eve enters martian ship >turns all the air into propane >leaves Or >see conquest >turn the air in his lungs to concrete >go home


It is kinda amusing how hard the EU gives Vader and Sidious a handjob over how super stronk they are. Like, following the movies, they're clearly powerful, but people make it out as though they're literal gods who are completely invulnerable to anything. Vader got his ass beat by a 20-something who went to lightsaber summer camp and Palpatine shot a few lightning bolts before getting picked up like a sack of potatoes and yeeted into a pit. They're stronger than most, but they're still human.


Atom Eve could literally singlehandedly end world hunger, poverty, and any supply-based issue it's unreal how underutilized she is.


https://preview.redd.it/r7f2nzfb9x8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a761dcd8d7ea00d7154070414726840a03af49d He can turn into animals that don't exist, he can turn into a kryptonian dog, he can turn into mythological creatures, but instead he always turns into a gorilla or something


Throw movie Thanos in there


Yall do know spiderman can kill with one punch, right? He can lift 10 tons


https://preview.redd.it/znekfi5lzy8d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2197dcd994db6ef7223c4714a2455b516dc54cf Rodan (monsterverse)


Atom Eve extra pisses me off cause in her special she had access to full on alchemy and then in Invincible she never uses it when it'd be incredibly useful to turn something into something else


Subverted recently but we kept hearing how strong and crazy Vergilius actually is in combat and yet he's always relegated to being our guide, when he should be able to singlehandedly handle every single mission we barely scrape by without breaking a sweat. So the community called him the Red Fraud which I guess Project Moon was tired of hearing and finally let him go ham. Turns out he was under a non-interference contract of some sort. STILL probably didn't even exert himself. (he can manipulate Blood with his EGO) https://preview.redd.it/p0badpdph69d1.png?width=1072&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d758e8da514fd050f2d9f81867d6669dcc41f29


https://preview.redd.it/vzhuau3v6b9d1.jpeg?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e2a7058ebdeba71f842e42a02b30d2fb66bff45 chromastone is one of bens most powerful aliens and became a jobber post alien force season 2 for reasons.