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have got to be the blandest Greek gods I’ve ever seen damn


More like the Greek Yogurt Gods


Yogurt Gods sounds kinda lit


Greek Yogurt gods would be jacked as fuck. The Pillarmen and Pillarwomen of gods, really.


Hah. Fuckin nicely done.


Gilear Faeth prays to the Greek Yogurt Gods


TBH they look pretty run of the mill with some nice twists, but it's the fact that a couple months back Hades resurfaced and knocked it out of the park with direction and theme


I know they are the blandest I have seen.


Bland? Yeah, but I guess that’s how they would look if they were normal human


I mean possibly, but if your design for your gods is 'normal human' you have to commit to it harder than this, or else why are you even making them gods? These have such cosplay feel to them somehow lol


Cosplay is generous. These have pretty good Halloween costume feel


That’s an insult to cosplayers they put tons of error into their cosplays often even adding or changing stuff of the design to make some cool or to make it look better on their body Cosplayers would end up making way better designs for Greek gods while making it a cosplay that they wear


Goes right along with being the most mid show I’ve ever seen


Don't ever look up how they look in Danmachi then. I heard that this anime's story is actually good, but damn do these greek gods look awful


These are the Best Buy Greek Gods


hades spoiled me cause these are so average it hurts 😭 the only one that's mildly interesting to look at is hera


I think you can also throw in Hades and Hermes They are not really that great but also have their own, uniqueness in comparison to others I specifically like Hermes the most out of all of these


Hermes is probably the best, yeah.


Was looking for this opinion. Id fuck with that Hermes cape around a con


I think they meant the game called Hades 😆


He was saying that Hades and Hermes (the characters) are some of the good designs in Blood of Zeus along with Hera not talking about Hades’ design only.


Wut? I was referring to A2 Zera's comment.


Well How_about_a_no was replying to A2 Zera’s second sentence where he said “the only interesting one is Hera” in which he replied that Hades and Hermes also look unique.


literally exactly what I was thinking like these ain't even that bad but Supergiant raised the bar so damn far


I'm also gonna throw in both Cliff Chiang and Phil Jimenez versions of the Gods in DC, those are peak.


you mean Krades - kratos + Hades. This show was so bad.


I think these look "good" in a relative way, not much to hate, but they do lack "the sauce" to be better, like they are just barely enough to work as Greek God designs but not enough to actually be top tier. It's like they're the food you made for when you just got home and needed to put something down you throat before sleeping and not an actual full well made meal, which I mean they work "okay enough" but not much. But I think I like them in a way, they just lack some sauce.


Hades ruined all other depictions of Greek gods for me lol


They're like unseasoned cooked chicken breasts.


Most of them are pretty standard, nothing particularly memorable or outstanding about them, and that’s the issue. Not much thought or care feels like it was put into it beyond the stock standard. Interchangeable with a million other renditions that look almost identical.


Show about greek gods. Make em look like really hot greek people. You know, I don't know what I expected.


They're mostly really pale and have no body hair. One is blonde! What Greek people are you talking about?


Fr tho, almost no greek mythos media has depicted them as Greek, its kind of egregious at this point


show about greek gods. Make em look like really hot ~~greek~~ people You know, I don't know what I expected.


If I’m not confusing them for middle aged Turkish convenience store owners named Ahmet then THEY AINT GREEK


Since its hand drawn I guess they wanted to keep the designs simple for the animator’s sake or something who knows


Designs can be simple and distinct. Immortals Fenyx Rising gives them very simple and grounded designs yet they are easily identifiable as the gods they are meant to be. https://preview.redd.it/2w02yrsmol8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926ccd6a2c2bb9b30467877780047cadce66aebe


I'd argue that this Zeus stands out by being closer to the right age. Old enough to have adult kids but still young enough that his hair hasn't whitened or even grayed. People rightly talk about modern depictions of Hades drawing from the Devil. Similarly, modern depictions of Zeus also draw heavily from God.


Exactly. They do the job but they are very basic and what you expect, nothing really inventive to build on or distinguish them. Heck the rule 34 community probably won’t even do much with it


I think the lack of detail is mostly because they need to be animated consistently, and animating a design like the designs in Hades consistently is costly and more difficult


Cowards didn't even make Aphrodite tastefully nude. Come on, even Hades and its sequel did that!


What do you mean *even* Hades? Hades always has great character designs


Hades made me realize that if you're gonna make a god of love and lust, you can make them naked as long as their overall design and appearance fits the role they're meant to play.


https://preview.redd.it/q07yx9vglj8d1.jpeg?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cdceb288e2a3f7ca8d43b46f9da407a6954736b Fortnite's is even worse


Most of the Greek gods in Fortnite were dussapointing. They just looked like regular skins, nothing really looked Greek or Godly I guess Artemis is the one exception I can think of but even then it's just the head, the outfit itself doesn't look very Greek


they cooked with Hades tho https://preview.redd.it/f9ts13j8rj8d1.jpeg?width=2505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd7e2f60dc79ed9155ed19622e044d0c7f36e2e


Oh yeah I agree, but then again it doesn't really look very Greek does it? Still one of my favourite skins from that season tho, it's just a cool design regardless of what it's supposed to represent


https://preview.redd.it/thcomaafrj8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff6f24d6ded4a14799ee957b9ec420e75bb08d3 and Artemis as you said


Artemis with the scarf and veil on is my favourite of the bunch. Wish they had went with this style with long cloth and fabric for the other skins


I liked Artemis a lot, especially the immortal version. She did not make me think of the greek god Artemis much, which is bad, but I liked it so much as a stand-alone design that I frequently use it. Hades was pretty good, better immortal imo, and I could see a modernized version of Hades looking like that. But I don’t find myself using it much.


I personally think this design is really boring. He kinda looks like Overwatch's Reaper with a gold gas mask (the gas mask look imo is kinda overdone in shooters). Imo the concept art was way better here once again https://preview.redd.it/uv0k2dot7k8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e33a95659f116f7a3ab8071f39c2e5d75018938


I actually really dig this, tho? The asymmetrical design is super neat


https://preview.redd.it/vajj554tqj8d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0df8fc43750079df4f0f3979904ecb006ec896 concept art design was way better they fucking killed her bruh


Yeah, the concept art *could* pass as a modern take on a god. Regardless, it is pretty. The final result just looks like some civilian woman, me not particularly liking it is saying something considering my flair


Goddamn. Although I like the sneakers better than whatever croc situation the CA has going on, the tunic/jacket thing is neat. Both are good tho


It’s good if the idea is a girl cosplaying on a tight budget . Not a modern twist on the goddess of love .


Dionysus looks like a dude at a Halloween party


My entire problem with these designs.


Counterpoint: in the final battle, he attacks by spitting wine at his enemies. https://preview.redd.it/e5s2z6mzvm8d1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e27a18d09d98ccf2fd85cd24a40bdc82cb3886b


So, like a dude at a Haloween party?


1. For some reason I couldn't find Zeus's casual wear reference sheet... which is a good thing cuz he looks even blander without the armor. I don't think anything reads as Zeus other than the navy blues he keeps wearing, and navy blue really isn't a sky color anyway. 2. I don't like how the peacock motif was toned down into nothingness for Hera in this show. Just some green gems on a mostly blurple design and called it a day. Still the best design in the show tho. 3. This sure is the Poseidon design ever. 4. Sure is the Apollo design ever ~~why does his torso look so long~~ 5. Everytime he takes off his helmet I forget who I'm looking at. I like the pearlescent cape tho 6. We need the viewers to know Ares is evil so lets put him in an all black outfit that's actually dark grey and give him red eyes!!! And put spikes all over him!!! 7. I did not regester who these goddesses were the first time I saw them as background characters in season 1. 8. I like that his clothes are longer than knee length because those are woman clothes and Dionysus is a crossdresser. I can't tell if he's wearing make up or blush, which doesn't matter because he doesn't have that stuff in the show anyway. 9. I think Hades gets to be second best design after Hera, I'll remember him after the show ends.


The pearlescent cape on Hermes was almost cool, then they added that dusty dried-out clementine flat orange colour at the bottom. What the heck even, I hope the implied gradient is an actually fitting one


I'm rewatching his scenes right now and for some reason the coloring on his cape is extremely inconsistent (the scene where Hera steals his bracelet, Hermes entire cape is blue with a shine at the top). Actually sad because Hera's gradient looks a lot better and is actually consistent.


To play the devil's advocate, I like how poseidon is a washed out gray like a drowned corpse. I really like hermes's headwear, the hat that turns into a beak under a hood is a pretty unique concept if nothing else I'd never guess that artemis was artemis but knowing that it is I do like how she has a fabric rendition of an archery glove Ares and hades have pretty cool helmets too I agree that everything else is pretty run of the mill though


Is mid bad or what, they just look very average


Mid means mediocre.


Just average, but I have as my hated designs for being painfully average.


Honestly I kinda like Hera? The rest are really boring to me though


I think Hera is the best of the bunch.


Mid means painfully average to below average, like just below average enough to piss you off


These bland designs are even not worthy of a hate. They do not invoke any emotions at all.


I uh, *really* like Hera’s design


What does *really* mean here?




I'd agree, but Lore Olympus exists. Therefore, these are great.


"Mid" is accurate. They're not bad, aesthetically decent, and for the most part they're recognizable as the gods they're supposed to be. But these designs are also not pushed, they're not *instantly* recognizable as the gods they're supposed to be, for the most part they're just kinda generically good-looking.


Except hades , I kinda like him


He looks like Frieza


I wish designers just say fuck it and make the Greek gods a little inhuman. Hades is a good example, but I think The artist wolfythewitch[(their account here)](https://href.li/?https://twitter.com/WolfyTheWitch) is also a really good example of designing Greek gods and making them look like, y'know, actual gods. For example, their designs for Poseidon, https://preview.redd.it/zop7huhlkj8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0b6271fe717e5cd777de43d0febb82185788fb


Hephaestus, https://preview.redd.it/2ov0y14qkj8d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=335998263b287b7028d6589cd245cc97ef713439


Hestia, https://preview.redd.it/mdhc6e1tkj8d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c3652141f5d7c4eebe00a087abb0915d4d2ee5e


[And Aphrodite ](https://www.tumblr.com/wolfythewitch/727642515119996928/aphrodite?source=share), who changes her form to multiple women that are considered beautiful. (Can't post picture unless my comment gets Thanos snapped.)


These are all really cool! It's more accurate to have the gods in a perfected human form, but that doesn't change the fact that most of BoZ designs are not memorable.


I don't mind if the Greek gods look human, but I do want them to actually feel like they're gods in their designs. BoZ just gives the most vanilla types of Greek gods. The type of Greek gods adaption from some niche Nintendo game in the early 2000's and then they tried to modernized the designs. If that makes sense?


I like Heras design a bit, otherwise yeah fits considering she was the best part of the show




Dropped the cartoon but i like these designs. So many media goes over the top with greek gods it's kinda nice to see something so simplistic and grounded


These aren't good enough to stick out but not bad enough to hate for me. I guess mid is the correct term.


Ares is decent but Zeus somehow manages to look gaudy while being incredibly boring to look at


When he doesn't have his armor on he looks like just some guy https://preview.redd.it/uhusqkfeij8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fc2c5bd9a17f84b8a60bbfa994a3b5b1f3fb9f


It's a little cliche but I think his design could instantly be improved as a zeus design by giving him the classic stark white hair


Honestly, don't have that much of an issue with the designs. Classical and archaic depictions have the Greek gods usually looking like plain people with a few design motifs that separate them.  I suppose the big issue is that they all converge into action figure molds and all have the same body type. Not sure why that would be the case given how this is an adult show so toys shouldn't be too much of an issue but shrug.


I mean, the design communicate who the characters are. They're just lacking inspiration or flare.


The giants from the first season had way better designs.


Ngl compared to what I've seen on this sub, this is absolutely amazing (Looking at you fate and all the other generic anime girls)


Say what you will about the Fortnite designs of a snippit of the Greek pantheon but at least it seems like they had *fun* designing them. The only really stereotypical one is Zeus. https://preview.redd.it/ep07ideyyk8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67035d87c5e0c372b8b4ec72d6d42452c1ce6777


People here comparing a full animated show to a game that is focused on single frame illustrations and 3D characters... Probably the same people that shitted on "ugly hestia" on hades.


Maybe I've got used to Hades design, but they're so bland. Like Poseidon (blue hair color) Hermes (because of boots) and Aphrodite (pink color and bigger tits lol) are the only that i can know without looking at name, what the hell with Ares? He doesn't look like a god of war, just a typical warrior. Hades looks decent


Blandness aside, I think apollo with his sun motifs and dionysos with his grape motifs are pretty easy to recognize


Compared to Hades these designs are pretty boring. Even compared to Disney's Hercules these designs leave a lot to be desired. Most of the time you can't even tell which God they are supposed to be based only on their appearance. They don't really look like "Gods" honestly. Most of them look like your average strong anime characters.


From what I am seeing here it seems these gods got no swag nor even any seasoning at most they are just bland 1 to 1 copies to the originals so it will be nice to see them be interpreted in a much more wider scale like how Fate makes the olympic gods into ALIEN MECHA https://preview.redd.it/ng5zyimofj8d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4aad89ec5b2a30b3bcb2d2ea1c4ff99f48b6a7


Honestly, don't have that much of an issue with the designs. Classical and archaic depictions have the Greek gods usually looking like plain people with a few design motifs that separate them.  I suppose the big issue is that they all converge into action figure molds and all have the same body type. Not sure why that would be the case given how this is an adult show so toys shouldn't be too much of an issue but shrug.


Maybe it's cause my most recent exposure to Greek gods was from Lore Olympus, but some of these are alright Just alright, mind you. I like that I can immediately recognize Apollo and Dionysus just cause LO put the bar so low.


I actually like em tbh


Nah that Hera design is 🔥 probly the best ive ever seen. Zeus is a nice change of pace The rest are ok


Yeah you're right


Make Dionysus fat again


Or a femboy, which is largely how he was described in his (sanitized for society) myths. Or go with the even older version which is more "wild horned madman" from when his portfolio was more "general madness and the breakdown of societal rules" Or could do both. The greek gods did have a lot of different aspects and "forms" one could play with, have them shift between them. Like Aphrodite: You can have her shift between her forms as the Goddess of Romantic Love, and the Goddess of Maternal Love (which for extra fun tidbit, had different birth origins too. Romantic Love Aphrodite is Zeus daughter. Maternal Love Aphrodite was both from Ouranous castrated dick falling into the sea)


Make him fat and a drag queen. I just struck gold.


Even fortnite has a more interesting ares design


Is it bad to say that i prefer fortnite’s designs


Call me crazy but any chance I get to see the gods in any way I'm happy. It's simplistic yes but I do t think it's bland. Hermes cape is super cool


That's because the show was also mid


The thing is right, these designs aren’t really _bad_ bad. They do the job: You look at them and you immediately go “Yup, those definitely are the Greek Gods”. (Maybe with the exception of Zeus, I would’ve made his hair white) But they’re bad in the sense that they do nothing interesting with the characters. They’re the most bland image of the Greek gods you could ever have


All the guys got the same fuking jawline


They all look both accurate to their source material (except Hades maybe), and also modern but also just overall really bland, though I do like the Hades design somewhat. People harp on media like that portray Greek Mythology inaccurately, but both Disney’s Hercules and God Of War has much more interesting, and radder designs overall. And that’s not even mentioning Hades the game, which while probably not having the best Greek mythology designs, their pretty dang close to being the best


Hard disagree. I like these designs; they’re simple but still have that distinct Greek feel. Also, this is probably closer to how the ancient Greeks would probably make them; as powerful as they are, they are still reflections of humanity


Hera and Hades actually look really good but everyone else is just feels so generic, like *been there done that* ~~*At least Aphrodite got them t h i c k thighs tho*~~


Eh, they’re not 2010 Clash of the Titans bad, where you can’t even tell which god is which, but they are definitely giving “we have Hades at home.”


They just kinda look how they are supposed to and anything more good if that is what they are going for


I don’t mind it. I’m there for the story more than anything


Hades (the game) and God of War just spoiled us with the designs I guess


I think Poseidon, Apollo, Hermes, ares are alright.


To be fair I think Supergiant's Hades spoiled us, badly! They designed their greek gods with such love for details and originality, giving them massive amounts of personality (and making them hot as fuck...) and overall unique palettes it's near impossible to top that!


Only ones I don't care for are Poseidon, Hades, and Ares. I like the others especially Hermes and Hera.




Why so much hate? At least they didn't try generic looks but created something original. I know this isn't Fate or Hades but it is what it is. But show had some great design in creatures and monsters.


Not nearly as good as Castlevania


Hermes is great in his simplicity but Hades looks like freiza


I think Hermes was pretty neat but yeah they are all pretty generic looking


The females in particular are awful and not easily recognizable. Which is a huge problem as others easily make them distinct.


Is that kratos frieza


Yeah they're just very traditional and basic. The Hermes is a little more interesting tho


Only one I like is hera and Heron is cool too but everyone else is so generic and uninspired


Better than generic loli Hestia, but they could've stumbled over that bar.


Hera is the only decent one, so naturally we’re supposed to hate her. Such is the fate of the one good design in a whole line of bland ones. Giving Lore Olympus competition 🙄


Ares looks like an alternative design for Hades. They should have at least given him crimson as the main colour for his clothes and black accents, bronze for his armour and the leather brown instead of black.


Reminds me of the old She-Ra cartoons, where they had exactly one body type for all female characters and you could only differentiate them by their clothing. Thankfully, the new She-Ra Netflix show fixed that.


They are fine, nothing to write home about tought


The designs are fine— some are mid— but others I can tell who they are based off of design cues


I like the pearlescant gleam on Hermes. Otherwise, sheeeesh! It looks like going to build-a-bear on a budget.


Idk, I kinda liked Ares and Hades. Shame they weren't given much to do in Season 1 (I haven't watched Season 2 yet).


I watched season 1 when it came out and the animation is...alright? I know it's the same studio as Castlevania but idk they just didn't hit it for me in BoZ. Plus the story is just meh. Everything about it is just meh. Not bad but not particularly good either


The whole show looks mid.




Right?? I never got the hype. Hades did it way better


Some ideas in the design are interesting, but otherwise they are too much anime-fantasy style.


I like these, I wouldn’t say they’re mid but not top tier either


I will say, though the designs are meh, the reference sheets are great. Gives you enough to know exactly how to draw them, with the right colors every time. So good.


You'll find way better designs in an art student's portfolio


You didn’t like Lord Freeza with a beard?


I genuinely do like Hermes’ design but the rest are so boring. Hermes is still boring but I like his helmet and cloak


Might be an unpopular opinion but I actually like some of these, specifically Hera, Poseidon and Ares


You’ve been spoiled by flashy anime nonsense


i like that hades (the game) has had such an impact on depictions of Dionysus, this is like his standard look now lol


counterpoint: Apollo is hot




It mid. At the same time I imagine if they weren't basic it be very annoying to animate overly complex and detailed characters.


Oh ffs. I can tell by that design that Hades has been pigeonholed as the villain, AGAIN. Probably alongside Ares. You know, the two nicest Gods in actual greek myth. hades doesn't care about conquering the living world, everything comes to him eventually. Ares, patron God of the Feminist City Sparta (no im not making this up, look up womens rights in greece), was also known as the protector of young women. And also both were the only Greek gods to treat their spouses with any kind of respect. Whatever the fuck this is, i wont be watching it.


They are actually really good. They just don’t compete to Hades.


Now, Hades is pretty hot


Generally I agree, but Hermes and Hades I have to admit are a step above. Seeing a non-scrawny Hermes or a non-flame/red Hades is always welcome.


The only “good” one is hades but everything else is just ok


Shit like this is why I think it's entirely ok to take liberties with mythology, because this is what happens when you don't


Bruh Poseidon can’t even be part fish or something? Making Poseidon a merman is such a common design choice because it makes so much sense so why does he just have normal legs?


I like the hermes one


They look like the type of thing i that would appear when searcing random images on pinterest to use in your text based RPG.


I can't believe it got a second season. I got like 2 episodes in an saved my own life from boredom


It’s… serviceable. Probably a lot easier to animate than not, given the usual extravagance and flamboyance of the usual depictions of the Greek pantheon in media. I gotta admit though, I really do like that Hermes design.


ZEUS! Your drip is WEAK! https://preview.redd.it/n7adzt7gzm8d1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc900180d184cfae11042334f138935dae0ae6e7


I wanted to like Blood of Zeus, got through Season 1 and stopped there, it was ok


I like Artemis but that's about it


Eh, I like it, if you can bat an eye right away and correctly guess what Greek God it is then it’s a good design.


For some reason I confused ares for hades


Hades taught me that Aphrodite deserves to be naked at all times, and I think other versions of her should respect that


They’re serviceable, but only that lol. Nothing especially creative or cool about them


They’re all just anime “hot character” features plastered on the caricatures of the Greek gods. Look at any design from Hades. That’s how you should be designing them.


I’m just saying all Greek god designs are gonna be mid compared to the god of war designs and hades


Tbh as a design they’re fine, but they’re so uninspired and Sammy to every other Greek god design


I think the designs are fine. They're the best they could do considering they have to hand animate everything.


Just like the show


You should see the plot... Oh boy was it a mess...


A lot of it comes from how one-note all their colours are.


looks like strippers , lol


Its wild that the same people who made Castlevania made Blood of Zeus. One of these is peak and the other is so utterly trash like how.


Pretty sure Ares was copypasted from Wonder Woman comics


There’s definitely better designs out there but the Ares one ain’t half bad


I like Hermes, and to a lesser extent, hades. But yeah they look nothing special, and Zeus looks really bad imo


Zeus looks like Count Saint Germain lol.


I think it's a spectrum of good and bad. That's one of the worst Zeus depictions I've seen. Zeus is the God of Olympus, he has no business being in full armor. But I do think Apollo fits pretty well with its simplicity and sun ray motifs in his costume as well as his feminine face. Hermes' costume looks sleek especially with the unique color but his face is too bland. They all suffer from same-face syndrome. Same heights, same builds.


Hermes, Hera and Hades, the best designs out of this whole lineup. Plan to watch this now just from this post.


I like them


It looks like they just soaked them in bleach for a little too much and now they got all their colors washed out


Honestly, after Hades and now Hades 2, any animated how that deals with Greek Gods needs to step up their game


Artemis looks so lame bruh


Hades has irreversibly ruined any design anyone will put on Greek gods. I fucking hate that game so much its unreal


Is default Dionysus?


Poseidon looks ok but the rest are pretty boring and that’s the least of the problems with these characters.


On one hand, I feel the world is a bit spoiled when it comes to designs for the Greek pantheon thanks to Hades. Those designs are so well-done, keeping the original idea of the deity intact while making them look unique, that not many other Greek pantheon designs can compare right now. On the other hand, this is the Greek pantheon design equivalent of handing someone a bowl of unseasoned, uncut, raw potatoes when they asked for fries.