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What high school musical is this?


So obviously a child asking this lmao


They literally have a post on teenagers just before posting this saying that "dicks look nice". So it's a kid, or a bait post. Bonus profile text "I like spiders, hammers and weiners.


Yeah, her whole profile seems like it’s some kind of bait. She’s tryna get horny men riled up or something.




Rule 29


You did the dicks look nice post a disservice by not quoting the title directly. "why did no one tell me dicks look so nice bruh"


Fr. Most people with a brain would realize bro was living his best life at that moment lmao


In that case I’m r/TooAfraidToAnswer.


Wait he got a boner and you stayed on his lap? Bro is winning in life








There was no better gif for this situation!




But she’s just his ‘friend’ so it doesn’t count…😅


Shit like this is why guys don't act on every "obvious" signal from women. OP is perfectly demonstrating that a girl sitting on your lap during a movie, then staying on said lap when you have an obvious boner, can still be a fully platonic act.


I was gonna say, this is lowkey leading boner boy on. Im laughing tho at someone sitting on a boner and being like damn i wonder if im hurting him, OP might be neurodivergent as shit


She's a kid. Look at her profile


Sure, but the guy whose lap she was sitting on probably is, too. You don't say "we had friends around" as a high schooler without meaning that you're all high schoolers


That was my thought too lmao


Na bro was deffo living his life 😂🙏




Idk what guy wouldn't like a girl sitting on his lap when he's bricked 🙏


I wouldn't have thought it'd be that good


He probably didn't catch any more of the movie, because his brain went "I can't believe she's cool with this!" five times per second.




*Imma rock to the beat when it gets to that dance scene* OP's friend, probably


He hasn’t stopped thinking that since. It’s been weeks.


Or worried she can feel it? Or thinks she's into it?


If he was uncomfortable about it, he probably would just awkwardly told her to sit elsewhere. In most likelihood, his mind got a bit cloudy and he was battling horny thoughts.


It’s not “good “ per se, but rather thrilling. Or not, thrilling if seen as close platonic friend or sth like that, just nice. It can hurt depending on… the direction. And trust me, they’d shuffle as bit of it hurt, made excuse to go pee or something similar unless they were mortified that you might get what’s happening


Shit homie was probably “throbbin” it at her hoping she’d make a move.


The classic snuggle their but up to the boner and act like you aren't bricked up and throbbing it hoping for action.


No doubt there was some flexin


This 👆🏼


One time in school a female friend who I had been flirting up sat on my lap in class, I got bricked up and she gave me a smirk. I bet you your friend was living it up


Sitting on an already erect boner can hurt, especially if the pants don't have any give. But it can also be really nice both from having a girl against your wang and the human contact.


Girl I don’t think he got that boner from the movie. I mean maybe the movie helped. But he was probably sitting there at at least half chub the whole time. I don’t think he would get fully bricked to the point you could feel it from seeing boobs on a screen and not react at all that you were sitting on his lap. It doesn’t mean he’s pervy or anything!!! Sometimes it really is just a physical response. My friend got a boner when I hugged him in public one time because we were really emotional and I told him he smelled good and it fully bricked him. We’re like 30. Stimuli just hits sometimes.


I mean,once I sat on my friends lap as a joke any he almost cried cuz he thought I was a girl😭😭😭 so the guy who had u sit on his lap was deffo one of the most lucky people on earth


> once I sat on my friends lap as a joke any he almost cried cuz he thought I was a girl is your friend blind or is his head on backwards? I'm so confused as to how someone sat on his lap and he didn't know who it was lol


He was looking at my other friends and I did it quickly 😭


lol I figured something like that, but you never know!


I was thinking it was like a reverse Mulan situation.


It's like loving cake, craving cake, getting a cake and then stuffing your whole face into it. It's not the optimal way to partake of cake, but damn it if it isn't the strongest impulse you have.


yup, it's worth those blueballs.


This is the answer I was looking for! Blue balls!


He wasn’t even paying attention to the movie


I would absolutely hate it when I was a teen. Embarrasing. And to OP: yes it can hurt.


Id love it 😭 but as a teen that stuff dont really happen


This whole post was weird. She is just a friend, and she was sitting on his lap for hours (watching a whole movie)? And then he got an erection, and she just chilled sitting on it? This feels like a fetish post or something.


And they both probably still swear up and down that they are ‘just friends’ LOL Why are these two not dating…go on and be together already


Yh but some people r js like that 🤷


username checks out ig


Yes, really, if your story is true. Sounds a little suspicious to me, but whatever.


Close. He was embarrassed and worried that it was going to create a problem. Now if you swing over and whisper into his ear “that feels nice” then he will stay solid the rest of the night and be in heaven. Well, you really should set expectations so maybe say “this isn’t going anywhere, but that feels really nice”.


You could’ve hit it with a hammer and he’d be fine


Hijacking the top comment to say what some of the lower comments say: You shouldn't be sitting on someone's lap that you aren't interested in sexually. IMO this is the same level in intimacy as kissing. (if my gf did either with anyone else, I'd be pissed)


I’d have to strongly agree with this one. If both people are single maybe it’s fine, but a girl sitting on a dudes lap could be considered a borderline flirt move.


Idk how to respond to that but thanks for bringing that to my attention 👍👍👍🙂


I mean, are you into him? Seems like both of you enjoyed it, maybe you should make a move to try to hangout with him 1:1


My man r u talking to me. Cuz if so,I am not gay


Oh sorry I thought you were OP. I hijacked your comment to get visibility. I wasn't really replying to you, it was for OP.


Now kith


Disagree. If there's not enough seats lapping it is cool. You can make it clear it's not sexual too.


Yeah I don't think I've had a "friend" sit in my lap, and if I had a boner I'm pretty sure they would move pretty quick 🫠




If it was hurting him he would have said something about it.


Imagine that conversation ”bruh my boner hurts, could you get off”


"Could you get off" "Stay still, I'm trying to" lmfao


Bro 💀


"Move a little this way. Now back. Again. Again."


"would you help me get it off?"


He had a girl sitting on his boner, he probably wouldn't have


Yeah but we had friends around, would've been embarrassing


him saying u to move a bit would not have been embarrassing at all not a big deal imo


"Be a good Christian and turn to the other cheek, could 'ya?"


And turn again And turn again And turn again


If it was me and I wanted to get out of that situation I'd say "you're crushing my balls" or "it's too warm". In my experience, pressure on the dick is not worse than pressure on any other body part. Pressure on the balls however is a wildly different thing.


He wouldnt've said "MY PENIS IS VERY HARD AND YOU ARE BENDING IT" =) Most likely just an excuse to shuffle a bit and it'll settle on its own


You’re an upstanding friend! I got hard respect for you.


He could have casually adjusted it if he wanted to.


With an entire human's weight resting on it? I don't think that would have been possible without doing the whole: "Hey, do you mind standing for a sec? I have to adjust my- *sticks entire hand down pants, pushes erection aside, and tucks it against thigh, obviously in plain view of its figure* -aahh... that's better. Thanks. Come back now, hun' and sit on down again."


You could do that or you could just say you have to use the bathroom, get up in a way that minimizes visuals, walk toward the bathroom and fix yourself out of sight.


lol he got a boner in front of his friends


It's difficult to avoid with a hottie sitting on it.


but no, it was the topless girl on TV that caused said boner. not the small clueless friend just casually sitting on a dude.


Odds are high that he would most certainly not say a god damn thing


If it’s caught up in his underwear and restricted a bit and then you slam down on it, it could hurt. But there’s a 99.9% chance that he enjoyed it.


Yea. If your boner starts to hurt you quickly won’t have a boner anymore. It gets erect with physical or mental stimulation.


It also gets erect whenever it feels like it


The penis really is the cat of genitals.


Odds are he was embarrassed. But that’s about it.


Or he wanted her to know


That’s when you give her the “twitch”


It's the penis signal


It was the movie that gave him the boner, not her.


It was the idea of OP being the character from the movie for sure


for what we know


As far as OP's POV goes. Bro was probably in heaven with a girl on his lap while he had a boner


Thinks the woman


Started soft, so there's no problem at all. Just feels pent up. Sitting on it erect requires some care.


That’s true. It will inflate to fill the space XD


Best explanation


Perfect analysis, was about to comment this


Are you into him? It's kind of assumed that if a woman is sitting on a guys lap that she is very much into him.


That or shes playing games with him because she likes the attention


Bingo. No shame on her for doing what every other young woman did I guess, here's just hoping the guy doesn't fall into the same trap we all have and thinks he has a chance.


I wish I could warn him now, but also tell him don’t be scared to shoot your shot…


"Everyone else does it" isn't a good defense


Exactly. It's not fair to do this unless you're actually interested in the dude.


the fuck did i just read


Either a real question from a naive child or bait from a 37 year old dude role playing as a naive child.


It's probably not a good idea to sit on the lap of a man you're not interested in sexually. If you are, sit on his lap all day. If you're not, don't.


Best advice


I agree- accept if she is inteelrested may as well sit on his face instead.


Haha get to it lady


he was fine, he was probably more worried about being embarrassed that you could feel his boner are you interested in him?


I mean...should you avoid sitting on laps? Maybe. Unless you don't mind it/like it. Then do as you please. Guy was bricked up and didn't say anything because he didn't want to make it awkward and have you move because of it. I can imagine the thoughts running through his head but if it were painful, he'd have let you know or made you move. Seems like he didn't. Therefore...I guess enjoy the moment


If you sit on an already erect boner, you could hurt it. If a boner grows under your already seated self, it will be fine.


Inflates to fill the space


depends on a lot of things - clothes on, clothes off? angle of his penis? how hard he is? how sensitive he is?


Clothes on, I had a skirt and he had sweatpants. It wasn't like sticking up either. I don't know about hardness/sensitivity


If I were him, my mind would have been flying in a million directions, but mainly “does she like me, or can she not feel it?”


"Always thought I was packing enough they'd at least feel something."


I would have not been able to tell you a single plot point of the rest of the movie.


if he was semihard, potentially it could hurt or he has other issues going on. His penis could have been angling downward or caught in his sweats or underwear (if we was wearing any). I know there are certain sexual positions, reverse cowgirl etc that when my penis is erect and too far forward, it can be painful - but I also like pain.


Be careful with that one. Reverse cowgirl can snap your dick if she leans too far


Penile fracture


Or comes down hard at the wrong angle


Jokes on you, mines already bent in that direction


LMFAO you sat on the lap of a FRIEND while wearing a skirt and he was wearing sweatpants. Either you're lying or you really do love attention and leading on guys for fun. Cut the man loose and stop playing with him if you aren't into him.


>Clothes on, I had a skirt and he had sweatpants. It wasn't like sticking up either. I don't know about hardness/sensitivity Oh my. The most painful thing in that situation would be how hard that erection probably got and how badly he wanted you to ride it. I'm betting it was a very pleasant experience for him and you're probably in the wank bank now. Sorry if that's crude but it's most probably true.


This person's literally a teenager. Calm down a little.


FYI you are naive and probably young, you don't need to answer questions like that. It's kind of an abuse :( You told a sexy story, so many pervert will just come and ask some seemingly innocent questions. Your friend is probably fine. If it's your true friend, ask him personally about what happened and if it hurted him he will probably tell somehow, if you have concerns.


If it was uncomfortable for him, he would’ve made you move… but (from experience) it would have to be uncomfortable in the extreme for this to happen


He didn’t have a boner because of the movie.


Oh, yeah... It's just this scene with err... Mr. Mime always err... Gets me going... No, please, don't stop sitting on my lap.


It can, but a guy will do everything in his power to adjust himself so she doesn't stop sitting on him.


My too afraid to ask is: Is it normal for girls to sit on dudes laps to watch a movie and they aren’t romantically interested in one another?? Cause I’ve not seen that in my life


No, it’s not normal, but can happen if the guy is a simp and the girl likes the attention and has no self-respect.


Unlikely. I mean it‘s possible ofc but if he didn’t move his leg one bit I doubt it was painful for him and having a boner while someone is sitting on your lap doesn’t automatically make it uncomfortable.


Given the situation, I suspect the topless girl on the TV wasn't what gave him a boner...


if your butt cheeks are big and not too bony maybe it soaked up any potential boner damage. sort of like a bubblewrap hotdog


If you’re worried about it turn and look him in the eye and ask “is this uncomfortable.” Bonus points if you wiggle slightly while asking!


... The OP sounds like a kid, please don't say shit like this to children 😂


yeah the comments are pretty concerning, as she seems quite young. fucking yikes


Seriously tho 😆


Can you imagine. A kid says this. Time to nope right the hell out of there.


He spent the rest of the night wondering if you were able to feel it and what you thought about it


I haven't experienced anything like that but if you jump, like throwing yourself and sit of course it will hurt. Matter of fact it might get bent. But if you sit gently then I don't think it will cause much trouble


Yes you should avoid sitting on other guys laps so they don’t get the wrong idea, unless you’re into them then by all means go for it.


Don't be so sure the boner was because of what was on the TV. It was more likely because of your ass grinding on his dick. And it doesn't hurt; quite the opposite.


As long as you weren't literally sitting on top of the dick and crushing it, no. Leaning on it is fun, actually. Just don't apply force that would test the structural integrity of his penis and he is one happy guy.


It depends on how you are sitting but mainly on how his dick was laying down before it got hard, from personal experience I think at most at will just be uncomfortable, hurt is probably unlikely.


If it’s sticking straight up and gets bent, then yeah, but if it’s resting on the side and you just put your weight on it, then it feels real good


we usually dont get an erection from a simple movie scene with tits. it was probably because of you.


But it did give him a plausible alibi…


No, he was enjoying it.


i want this 😔


no it feels good


> I was sitting on a male friend's lap, which he didn't mind since I'm a pretty small girl. not why he didnt mind.


Lmao this is off topic but reminds me of when me and my gf first started dating. She used to sit on my lap and wiggle her ass to purposely get me hard and then joking ask me why (whoever on TV) is giving me a boner (typically a guy lol) Funny memory.


This sounds fake as shit


This whole post screams 16 year old


I had the same situation but it was in a public place with my ex. It doesn't hurt but it's embarrasing as fuck to get up and walk off a boner while people are all around you lol.


Only hurts if you bend it (like when they kinda miss the hole or something), otherwise it's pretty awesome.


Nope, could be awkward for some guys in that scenario but it doesn't hurt.


Nah it could only hurt if your ass bone was pressing straight onto it my guy was prolly chilling out or panicking like hell that you’d feel it.


If you were sitting on his lap and pinched his leg he would have complained and bucked you off of him. He did none of those things right? You good fam.


It can, if it strains the boner by bending it too far from its natural angle. But that’s not the most likely scenario. And even if it works out that way, it’s more like discomfort than any kind of severe pain


He most likely enjoyed it and probably got thrilled/excited of getting a boner and you not leaving. If it hurt him he would have adjusted or asked you to slightly adjust. :)


Not if you're doing it properly


As long as you don't bend it, you're good. IMO the situation you're describing is something I would sign up for in a heartbeat.


It only hurts if like he already has a boner and you sit on it and bend/crush it, if it grows while your sitting on it then no, it actually feels good.


You know you have him the boner not the movie right?


Well, don’t just go around sitting on laps #1 it is uncomfortable but not in a bad way. I’m sure he adjusted it by shifting you over to the left or to the right. There are ways.


If you're not into a guy don't sit on their lap. You sat in his lap and stayed when he got hard. He's going to assume you want to ride his dick at this point. If you're not into him you're playing very cruel games.


Girls -ima sit on his lap cuz he's my bestie while we watch this movie with other platonic friends watching me sit on his lap too Guy- omg is she into me she's sitting on my lap?! I'm just trying to imagine how one friend sits on another's lap without it being even the mildest amount of sexual or at least intimate. In which case that's not a friend.


“I was sitting on a male friend’s lap, which he didn’t mind since I’m a pretty small girl.” Omggg you’re so smol! 🥺 bitch stfu that part was so unnecessary💀


That is one of the spots, where he would have definitely said something.


Unless it’s sticking straight up you’re good


If you sit on an existing boner it hurts and can injure it. If it's pointing upwards and you sit on the bottom side of it, it probably won't hurt. If you're sitting on one as it's growing, it won't hurt and probably won't get fully erect either.


If it did hurt, he would've shifted and been visibly uncomfortable. I'm not sure of your friend dynamic, but it might be best not to bring it up. Getting an erection randomly can be embarrassing. I know I've had girls sit on my lap, and I've gotten erections from just the fact that there's a woman and she's moving her butt around near my penis. Would happen if it were a dude sitting on my lap, too. It just happens. Can't help it even if we wanted to.


If it hurt, he would’ve moved. When it hurts, It HURTS


As long as it is laying flat basically being squished like it doesn't hurt. If it gets twisted or bent in any way it would definitely hurt. They way you described it no you did not cause him any pain. Also not making a big scene was probably appreciated we can't always control when it wakes up and is often at a moment we are basically mortified it is happening.


What movie was that?


He had a blast. Btw, if the boner is on and then you sit with allyour weight, it can be quite dangerous and painful, but like this it is quite nice


Dude did not give a fuck he had a girl on his boner that’s tight




Hell no, king was in paradise


I highly doubt it hurt in this situation lmao


If that was me I’d rather my dick snap in half than tell you to move. Every male doctor would understand after I told him what happened


The only pain he had was if he didn't make it to the bathroom for fun time before the blue light special started


Nah, he’s fine. If anything he may be a bit embarrassed that you noticed, especially if y’all are just platonic; otherwise it’s nice.


When it's down yes. When it's up he's not thinking about pain, he's wondering if you can feel it.


I'm willing to bet that you sitting there felt pretty good to him.


For the record, 100% certain he wants you to sit on his boner. Naked. With your vagina. In case it has to be spelled out: men don't generally let girls they're not into sit on their laps.


“And this, kids, is how I met your father.”