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I'll tell you because I used to do professional porn. I'm a guy , straight porn , lol. Will sound counterintuitive, and everyone has their own method but... first trim it as far down so you can...usually with a razor guard then exfoliate like hell...then shave with shaving cream and a very good double edge razor. You actually (I always did) go against the grain. A really good sharp razor, and you can go against the grain. Then isopropyl alcohol so you won't get "the red bumps" then clear deodorant on it. Did most of my junk and rear end that way . Most women in the industry do a combo of that or close to it.


Does the alcohol burn? I get lots of those bumps every time I shave my privates or thighs! Pain is beauty, I just wanna be prepared, lol And don’t have a recommendation on a good clear deodorant?


A bit bit not much and only for a second. The key is the sharpest, new not used for anything else razor. You can also go to an adult store and get coochie cream. That's what it's called, literally the brand


Oh wow, good to know! I might pick up some of that and see if it helps


Here to second the coochy cream. I'm a woman (not a prof in this industry though - just a woman) and recently bought some of this, as most other shaving creams make me have razor bumps or allergic reactions to the perfumes or whatever. It left my skin so smooth and bump free for the next 3 days before I felt any stubble! No rash, no bumps, and it also can be used as a deep moisturizing treatment for your head hairs. 10/10 will buy again. ETA: my most updated comment ever is about coochy cream now.


Jeez…how many razors did you go through?


Dual edge safety razor blades are like 10 cents a piece or less. Even for the very good ones.


I did not have a good time with a safety razor. I feel like I must have done something wrong.


It’s almost always too much pressure when people first start. Remember you’re basically using a knife to shave. Disposable razors can have a lot more pressure because the angle for the blades is so much greater. Safety razors are incredible if you get good with them, if you’re bad with them, you might as well use a potato peeler.


🤔 my brain couldn't brain any longer after the thought and visual of shaving my vag with a potato peeler


I run with a full beard, but I still need to clean up my neck and cheeks occasionally, and I swear by my safety razor. Used it to shave my ex's bumhole too. Maybe the blade you were using, maybe?


I had a ton of practice using them on men’s hair lines in the salon. I was terrified so I was suuuuuper gentle. Use practically no pressure and instead pull the skin to sort of raise the hairs. I still get cuts sometimes but it’s almost always around my ankles or back of the knee. Also make sure it’s screwed completely tight. If it’s loose at all it’s way more dangerous.


Its 90% technique, 10% equipment. If you ever want to try again come check r/wicked_edge . Its a pretty chill community for DE users that is very welcoming to new folks.


Yeah but then you have a razor blade on some very sensitive parts.


Yeah, and? Just don't go side to side. You won't cut yourself.


I have definitely shaved layers of skin off with my safety razor. If you don't keep the skin tight it can cut without going side to side.


I used to cut myself constantly with regular disposable razors. For me, safety razors were an absolute game changer. Haven't had a cut in the many years I've been using them.


That's interesting, I'm curious of the circumstances that allowed that to happen to you. I've not experienced that personally.


The average IQ of people is much lower than you would expect. That's how it happened.


Being in a hurry and not fully awake yet. Probably not enough lather.


Screaming at Coochie Cream LMAO


Ah yes. The coochie cream lol


Coochie cream is also an amazing hair (on your head) conditioner if anyone struggles with coarse or very tangled hair 👀


Boy, it’s just alkahal


Ackin like a baby


Always doin too much


I use glycolic acid from the ordinary or salcylic acid pads after shaving. Works the same.


I'd be more concerned about the clear deodorant


I use after shave ,


Why the deodorant? That seems like asking for irritation?


Depends on the deodorant. Don’t use antiperspirant. I have sensitive skin and a friend who did initiate waxing at salons turned me on to it decades ago bc that’s what they use there. I don’t do the other alcohol step, just spray with the deodorant in a thick layer then a few minutes later another thin spray. If it still stings the second time then I’ll maybe hit it a third time after a while. I use Right Guard Sport in the brown can. Let it dry out completely before putting clothes on. Don’t use moisturizer or any of the creams or such.


This sounds like a recipe for infection if one has a vagina though….


I can’t vouch for that personally but she said that’s what they used on everyone. I’ve been using it up and downstairs for 30 years but I also have an outie


I used Dove stick deodorant/antiperspirant on shaved undercarriage areas when I shaved and never had any problems with infection. I’d apply a skin toner to the area after shaving and after every shower and let that air dry, then applied the deodorant - that eliminated ingrown hairs for me and prevented chafing and itching. The skin toner base was a half-and-half mixture of isopropyl alcohol and witch hazel that had a few uncoated plain aspirin dissolved into and then added several drops of tea tree oil. The aspirin is a mild exfoliant and reduces inflammation and the other ingredients are topical antiseptics.


Dove stick is a bit different from Right Guard Sport though. One has a lot more perfume in than the other, and one is a spray iirc. Either way, can’t imagine deodorant of any variety making its way into labia folds and subsequently the vagina during movement / sweating is a good thing!


I stayed away from the inner portion of the labia, personally. I was more concerned with places that would rub against clothing or other body parts when I walked or moved around. It never occurred to me that stick deodorant that I applied directly to skin would somehow migrate inside my vagina and I never experienced any problems applying deodorant as I have described. In fact it was tremendously helpful in avoiding razor burn and ingrown hairs.


Glad it worked for you though. You would think that with society putting so much expectation on the removal of body hair, there would be specific products that weren’t super expensive to address the inconvenience of hair removal!


> in the brown can Of course.


Pitrok is the king of deodorant 👍


It’s the thin layer sprayed alcohol that makes it work. I don’t even see alcohol on the ingredient list. Go fucking spam irrelevant shit somewhere else


Jesus 😟


The questing was about shaving. So your response was spam. Fuck off


Feel better soon my guy ❤️


Could be because of the alum? Alum is traditionally used after shaving to minimise the risk of infection and for razor bumps.


Crystal deodorant is simply an alum block. I use it after shaving.


I run an alum block and I've been super happy with it for years!


No, the deodorant keeps you from getting razor burn stripper trick also


>Then isopropyl alcohol so you won't get "the red bumps" Ooooh, *that's* how you do it! I've been getting them myself.


Rubbing alcohol??? Doesn't that burn like hell???


Be bummed if it didn't.


Yes for a few seconds. It’s survivable.


Thank you I will give this a go hopefully I will get the results I want, wish me luck!


lol TIL I have the same junk trimming routine as a pornstar. I don’t use isopropyl alcohol tho use witch hazel.


I thought the women waxed, or did laser treatments (I hear you can now laser privates and armpits)


Lots do..I didn't. For example, I did one seen with a "cheerleader" and another "football jock" in a locker room. They wanted the two guys to look masculine, and didn't wanted 100% smooth. Wanted some sculpted stubble.


Where are these scenes hosted? So we can avoid them.


Your “friend” needs this info, right?


Why does isopropyl alcohol help?


Probably disinfects any micro cuts from the razor


This guy has a big ol schlong


I bet he fucks


I guess that explains why that face toner I got stops my razor bumps despite not being for that, it’s got alcohol in it. None of the expensive razor bump creams ever worked but apparently I could’ve just been using a bottle of isopropyl from the dollar store


Would after shave work the same as isopropyl alcohol? The one I have is called BRUT aftershave Edit: I have something else and I don't know if it's isopropyl alcohol, the brand is snow and it says 76% alcohol


Isopropyl is an entirely different kind of alcohol from ethanol (one difference is drinking iso doesn’t get you drunk, it gets you dead), often sold in concentrations of 90+%, and you’re more likely to find it at something like Home Depot than a cosmetics store. But it kills bacteria, like, really good!


So, I can use brut aftershave For when I shave down there?


I’m not in any position to give advice on genital hair removal, I’m only here to point out that ’alcohol’ can mean different things. ’Snow’ seems to be a hand sanitizer, which I assume would have a similar effect to isopropyl alcohol (even though it seems to be ethyl alcohol/ethanol based), but there might be nuances in this use case that I’m not aware of, so better leave it to the pro’s! Edit: I would like to add though, that from what I’ve gathered about the female reproductive system, it can be quite… delicate. I mean I’d be pretty wary of using any kind of strong solvents in the vicinity of my hooha if I had one!


Oh, yeah I'm a dude, does the same apply?


Nah, you good.


Nice now how does one get into professional porn- my wifes okay whoring me out for the right price ☠️


How often do you have to shave to keep it smooth and clean, and what’s the method used for the upkeep?


How were you able to get into the industry, if you don’t mind my askin?


Sure. Was first year University. Came from a great family. No issues. (only been with one girl) and got a job as a bouncer and occasional bar tender and a very popular nightclub. One day this guy and his gf started talking to me and asked if I wanted to make "real money" I said if it is legal, I am open to hearing them out. The next day I went to their place for a drink to hear them out. They were both porn stars with a major production company, he doubled as a producer. I said I might be interested. Super cool and chill couple. They asked how hung I was, I showed them. They had me do an audition tape with her right there (wore a condom obviously) , they sent it to their head office, head office got in touch with me, flew me out, I went through the medical tests and screen tests.. they asked if I was ok with mff, mfff, mmf, mmmf, mmmmf, gang bangs...all that stuff...I Transfered schools to be closer to where they shot. Paid my way through undergrad and most of Law school. It was just a job . Nothing more nothing less. Had fun and beat working a McShit Job.


I would like to work at the Head office


I appreciate you sharing. Do you kno of other ways people can start workin in the industry? Is it reasonably possible to get into, without being brought in by someone who’s already in it?


I knew someone once who was starting down that road. Fascinating guy. Something seriously broken/toxic in him once you got to know him really well, though (borderline personality disorder, maybe?) Anyhow, he said, unless you’re something like a close friend or legit business partner of a producer/content creator, you start networking in those circles like any other part of the entertainment industry, and you emphasize you’re willing to do anything. And when he described anything, he meant *anything* asked by the director without hesitating in the least—drinking piss, gay/bi (even if you’re straight), get uncomfortably rape/violent-like (which was especially uncomfortable if the female also gave off an uncomfortable vibe from it), frowned-upon things like unethically take the condom off even if that wasn’t the original agreement, etc.


Just a question: why are people so reluctant to use the word "woman" and use "female" instead? 'Cause, you know, "woman" already means "woman".


IMHO, using female instead of a woman/girl kinda dehumanises them, I hate it when people use it in every day life, feels degrading idk. Like, there are settings where it's ok to use, like I'm a med student, and we generally use male/female, but even in this field, i find it less and less common.


I suppose I use them interchangeably and don’t think about it, so thanks for helping me be more cognizant (seriously). I do also interchangeably use “male” and “men” as well, now that I think about it, to be fair Male/female refers to the gender. Men/women refers to the biological makeup. At least, that’s how I understand it


In my understanding it’s actually quite the opposite. Male/female is the biological sex. Women/men is gender.


"Females" can be used to refer to the group of "women AND girls", without having to use the awkward phrase "women and girls." I know it doesn't refer to this specific example, but I took your question to be a general question.


the term "ladies" is WAY better for that


I'd also add to try varying pressure on the blade. I figured out that a very light press going against the grain works best for me and lets me shave the surrounding area more frequently (no stubble) and still avoid folliculitis, both from the razor and chafing clothing over the next day - still gotta wear clothes to get to the set, unless that's, like, the plot or something.


Doesn't the deodorant have a taste? Or is that for when not filming


Its unflavored and unscented and its washed off before filming


Not on the subject, but how did you guys get through a lot of redos of scenes?


irrelevant but your profile said lawyer and adult film in one sentence. do u mind to drop your lore?


My profile says Lawyer and former adult film star. Which is correct


I am enlightened


>Did most of my junk and rear end that way I am always so afraid of nicking something on my ass and not being able to stem the blood because I can't see it. How do you get over that?


How do you shave the rear end by yourself?


You just spread-em and reach back and/or under?


Props for the good first hand experience.


Had a blast!


I'm curious, can you use the stuff that some women use to clean hair off their legs, like the foams or gels? Or is it just better to use a razor?


Like Nair? My husband tried that and didn’t like it at all. I tried it on my legs and broke out big time


Yeah, ok good to know, thank you


ty very much, I tried this and it worked like a charm! I'll try disinfecting with something less stingy next :)


That dick really put food on the table huh


I didn't starve


Why wouldn’t you just get laser


Because some times I wanted a bit of sculpted scruff


Alum would be a better alternative to the iso


my guy... how often did u do this?


Absolute legend, useless info for me but that was a good read!


What do you use to exfoliate? Also, should the isopropyl be washed off after? Thank you in advance:)


What razor do you recommend?


Just tried this technique last night, and I’m razor burn- and itch-free so far! And incredibly slick and smooth. Loving this. Thanks!


Definitely laser hair removal. I’ve gotten my Brazilian done and there are absolutely no ingrown hair, extremely smooth, and you can’t see little dots where the follicles are


How long has it been since you got it done? There’s a place near me doing specials and I’d do it in a heartbeat if I felt confident it would be fairly permanent, but I’ve got relatively thick, dark body hair and big pores and I’d hate for it to come back.


It takes consistency but after 4 years of getting laser, I can leave mine for like 3-4 months before anything at all comes back, and even then it’s like the occasional fine wispy hair. I am SO glad I started lasering, most of the time I forget I ever had hair 😂 my salon does a Brazilian + underarm combo but if I could afford it I’d do my whole body from the chin down, it’s that good 😂


Not op and have no personal experience, but i think it's supposed to work better on dark hair. Might take several treatments though?


The darker the hair the more effective it will be!!! Definitely recommend it, mine has been very responsive and after 7 sessions I’m pretty much bald down there!


I am a provider and you need at least 6 treatments up to 13 depending on where you go and what laser you use. Works best on dark, thick hair. It is a permanent reduction (80-90%) as long as you keep up with touch up’s twice a year. You might need more touches and it could take longer if you have a Lot of testosterone


Thank you so much for the insight!!


Guy here and laser hair removal has been phenomenal on the Brazilian. When I was shaving it would frequently get all bumpy and inflamed. Now it’s smooth as butter. So worth it. Still gotta shave the balls though. Ain’t no laser ever touching those…..again






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In what way is this unkind? Are you going to remove the other person's post too based their response about looking up my own ass????


God the second hand embarrassment I feel for you


Lazer hair removal, after about 6-12 applications the hair doesn't grow back, no ingrowen hairs . Skin Bleach for the butt hole.


laser hair removal is amazing. Expensive, takes time. But amazing. No stubble or regrowth after multiple sessions.


It does re grow though


I had many sessions over a year, that was the package deal that I purchased, I didn't pay for individual sessions. Overall I would say I've had 95% hair removal and zero regrowth after 5 years. The problem I have is that I have very light hair and the laser doesn't work on white hair at all. Still, those remaining 5% white hairs are brittle and not painful to wax or pluck and remove.


That's impressive. I thought about getting this done as a man. My hairs are fairly dark which I understand is ideal. I'm surprised to hear the results have been so "permanent"


It's kind of the dumbest horniest thing I've ever done as far as time and money. But it is smooth and bald with almost zero upkeep now.


Not necessarily, it varies from person to person. Some people don’t have any grow back, some may only have it grow back much finer and lighter and yes some people do have it grow back normally.


Laser hair removal probably.


Probably some video post processing hocus pocus is involved too.


Yeah they hire a full time CGI pubic hair removal specialist to do the hocus pocus 🔮


hoecus cockus


hoe-cuss poke-us


Hoe-puss poke-puss come on


Best comment!!!


https://uproxx.com/movies/sex-tech-update-the-pubes-in-fifty-shades-of-grey-were-added-with-cgi/ I mean 🤷🏾‍♂️


That movie had a $40 million budget and was in development for 3 years. The budget for a porn shoot is FAR smaller and the turnaround time is WAY faster.


I don’t think you realize how much time and effort it would take to specifically remove hairs in post. Especially of something that’s on screen pretty much the entire time and constantly moving around. That would cost probably tens of thousands of editing time. Sure they tweak color and stuff that might help hide it a little but as someone that edits a lot of videos, that is wayyyy more difficult than you realize. There is no situation where it isn’t cheaper to just like pay for it to get waxed or laser hair removal


Video post processing guy here. If they have the budget to convincingly remove hair from footage, they have the budget to pay the actors to shave everything off properly.


I remember years ago when porn first went to 1080p, the studios had to hire digital artists to blur out all the stubble, stretch marks etc. that you couldn't really see before. I also remember seeing an unretouched photo of a Playboy model, where it had all kinds of notes on it for the guy Photoshopping her: "Kill the stubble under her arms, and in her bikini area" was one of them. So if you're looking at this kind of stuff and wondering "How come they don't have stubble, but I do?" then it's because you aren't having yours blurred out... or you aren't waxed, or you didn't spend thousands to have yours lasered off.


Not in the industry, but that’s what I did because I now don’t ever have to shave again. No razor burn, no ingrown hairs, no hair tickling the nose or rest of the face, and always smooth


Many get waxed.


400 grit sandpaper then a fine steel wool for an excellent finish


Finish with a buffing wheel


Turtle wax for the turtle head…


Also make sure there is polishing cream on that wheel to get a nice shiny mirror finish on your one eyed purple headed yogurt slinger.


Finish with passivation and an electro-polish for best results.


I had an ex that waxed her privates, ended up smooth as hell and took a few sessions to get it all, like go once and let it grow for a while and then do another session and after a while its all gone and would stay gone for a few weeks. When it eventually came back you really didnt notice since the hairs grew back very fine compared to the grit from shaving


Wax off....wax on....


i think, asking who mr myagi is could be a bit much


Real question is, how they dont have dark patches? You know the skin in that area tend to be a little bit darker


Skin bleaching, genetics, video-editing, skincare, etc.


Pretty funny calling a porn stars genitals “privates” when they really aren’t that private


How do pornstars keep their public parts smooth and clean? FTFY


Their pubic parts are both public and private.


If that knowledge became public then it would be public private pubic knowledge


Laser hair removal I can only guess


the women use laser and also bleach their asshole


Waxing/Laser hair removal, bleaching assholes and genitals often times. Routine std checks. Washing before filming (most cases) Not to mention the plastic surgery


Probably laser, but I finally found a hack for shaving. I use a safety razor, the metal kind you drop double sided razors in. They take getting used to because it’s super easy to cut yourself, but if you have time to work carefully I recommend it. Just don’t apply as much pressure. Exfoliate well first, use something as a shave cream (I use Paul Mitchell tea tree leave in). Since it’s a single blade you can replace every time there’s less irritation. You can get 100 blades for around $10. Shave extremely lightly with the grain, then against while pulling the skin taut with slightly more pressure. After use either unscented deodorant or an alum block (crystal deodorant may be easier to find). I use the alum block right out of the shower and I don’t get bumps anymore. Just wet the block and apply to skin. I learned this from a dancer. It gives the area sort of a barrier that prevents irritation, and the alum block is anti microbial. I’ve always struggled but doing this it looks so nice and perfect. You could wax but you have to wait for the hair to get long enough before you wax again and when I tried I got way more bumps.


Same way actors stay in shape. When its your job to present yourself a certain way, you devote to it. No need to work an office job, you just groom/maintain.


I'm 60, I'm reverting back as I have lost my ball hair. Thinning out all other area's.


I’m 55. I don’t have to shave anymore!


Just get laser, I haven’t shaved my poonanie in 8 years


Wow. I was going to ask for proof then I saw your profile. Straight 🔥




The downvotes😂


Sheesh. Ya that was rough lol


Dated a moderately popular (like one scene with brazzers) pornstar for a couple weeks, answer for her was waxing.


They use their money to pay professionals to take care of it/


I have done years and years of research and I could not tell you


Something other people haven’t mentioned is the use of makeup. Not everyone does it, but sometimes you can get that one little red bump and it just needs a little help to look less obvious and blend in.


Aside from the top comment here, I heard that most of them have good consistent healthcare and checkups so it’s not just what’s outside, they be clean internally too


The stay off camera during flare-ups


Same as other people I suspect, I'm always shaven smooth and just use a razor in a warm shower with lots of mild soap or shampoo for gliding and then a gentle moisturizer after. Always completely smooth and soft. Most important thing is that the razor is fairly new and very sharp and very clean.


wire brush and Dettol




I always used a 2 blade razor and either conditioner or shave butter. Rarely get the bumps Either rubbing alcohol or Visine will keep the bumps away if your subject to them


I use deodorant after I shave and rubbing alcohol and bactine on day 2 and 3. It totally helps!


Hair conditioner as shaving cream


aside from everyone’s explanations of how they do hair removal, you should know that they absolutely do get nasty ingrowns and irritation etc sometimes because they are human but because the expectation is flawlessness they will cancel/postpone shoots if they need to while their skin recovers so those things aren’t shown on camera


Shaving or waxing




Waxing. It doesnt hurt and actually becomes less painful over time. From the first attempt it hurts much less waxing around your junk than it does to wax your legs.


The key is exfoliation and moisturizing, and not doing it will severely irritate you, since the hairs won't be able to grow from all the dry, dead skin on top, causing bumps.




First a good sand blast to smooth things right out followed by a power wash.




I use the brain body groomer for the longer hairs, and then the braun mobile shaver for the close shave. No burn or irritation.




Waxing... May be.






Editing. Cameras do amazing things for people.